Today's Weather (8 AM.) 0 prince Rupert Cloudy,, southerly wind; barometer, a She PROVlN iv Tomorrow's Tides High 6:46 a.m. 17.0 ft. 20:05 p.m. 17.6 ft. Low 0:44 a.m. 8.6 ft. 13:11 pjn. 5.7 ft. temperature, 45; sea smooth. NOItTIIERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER XXV., No. 113. Vol. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, MAY 13, 1936 PRICE: 5 CENTS F0 UR Flames Borne by Dancer Set 'Frisco Two Men and Two Women Lose Lives and Nine Are Injured as Patrons Stampede For Single Exit After Place Becomes Seething Inferno. SAN FRANCISCO, May 13: (CP) Two men and 1 Ml 1 1 two women were Kineu cany today when flames carried I by a torch (lancer ignited!,. flimsy drapes in a night dub. Nine persons were injured. Those killed were crushed when the patrons amneded for a single exit. he resort soon became an two nferno of flames. CRIMINAL CASE IS ON 1VI1.C 1 IIIIIL WIftTII Ill'lC 1UIITH Interior Trial is Being j Heard in Camera I The spring session oi the Su- irpmn (.ntivf AvstoPtt niv,?tien tnlS iinorniiiK wmi Mr. Justice u. a., r - v wiV Oiii&iG l til 111 till VII uv it'll is ri ! itli ri iiru n i t 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 v i involving young girls at I flooH in V. -.. . An,, ia4 litt Con i ttembpr After a jury consisting of W. R. jMive. loreman, bamuei Massey, : mmm a. Anaerson, oamuei Painter. James Morgan, Thomas Hatton, Milton Allison, Dougal faik, M. J. Keays and G. A. Kel-"i py had been formed, the public ".but not the press was excluded Puduc morals and the trial Is now proceeding in camera. L W Patmore Is acting as crown nrnsppiitnr uilth P. I. Malt- (land K.C. of Vancouver and H. H. defence. The trial Is cxnected to lake the nart. nf t.wrv riavs. One woman Mrs Anna Mon- teith. Vlrl Voi. nollo tnr thf uau lldlllC LU1ICU .Ul V..V lury in this case but she was stood aside as were John McLeod. John A. Rhlncbarirpr. .1 TV Rnldruk. Wll- "am Bowdcrlnc and John Booth Defence counsel challenged P. H Lnzey j. a, Johns and Joseph Naylor TRIALS ARE N0WENDED HUeou.jcar old Youth is Given Suspended Sentence At Ucglna Yesterday REQINA, May 13: (CP) Last llrals In Court of King's Bench he In connection with the relief camp strikers 'riots here last 'Dominion Day concluded yesterday Wnen a flfteen.vear old Juvenile given suspended sentence by r Justice Macdonald sitting as a '"vnie court Judge on charges of "0ng and assault to which the Pleaded guilty. ARE Torch Curtains In Resort on Fire Theft of Halibut Gear is Charged Cyril Bagshaw is Coming: up This Afternoon Youth of Juvenile Age Pleads Guilty Cyril Bagshaw, charged with the theft of halibut gear from boats at Seal Cove, pleaded not guilty In .. nnl Ihi. -t ,1 I I 1 Mm!nir ... hpfnrp ..,,,.. McClymont this afternoon. Staff Sergeant O. H. Greenwood Is pro secuting with Milton Gonzales defending. ( j I In the same connection a boy of luvnlle age has pleaded guilty on counts and has been remanded for sentence. TODAY'S STOCKS Courtesy E D. Johnston Uu.i t Vancouver B. C. Nickel, .32. Big Missouri, .60. Bralorne, 1.30. "'."! 1 B. It. Cons.. .05. B. R. X., .15. Cariboo Quartz, 1.38. Dentonla, .19. Dunwell, .04 '2. Golconda, .12. Mlnto, .74. .; Meridian, .09. Morning Star, .02W National Silver, .03. Noble Five, .02;. Porter Idaho, .04 Vi. Premier, 2.36. Reeves McDonald, .05. j Reno, 1.21. Relief Arlington, .32. Salmon Gold, .0914." Taylor "Bridge. .10 '2. Wayside. .14V2. j Toronto I Beattle, 1.38. Central Patricia, 3.35. Chlbougamau, 1.30. God's Lake, .93. l Inter. Nickel, 45.75. l Lake Marcn, .06 '2. Lee Gold, .042. Little Long Lac, 7.00. Macassa, 3.85. McKenzie Red Lake, 1.53. Noranda, 53.00. Perron, 1.56. Pickle Crow, 5.00, Red Lake Gold Shore, 1.16. San Antonio, 2'26. Sherrltt Gordon, 1.12. Slscoe, 3.27. Smelter Gold, .092. Stadacona, .36. Sturgeon River, .50. Sudbury Basin, 3.65. Teck Hughes, 4.65. .Ventures,' 1.80. Granada, .20. McLeod Cockshutt, 4.20. Vancouver Wheat VANCOUVER, May 13: (CP) Wheat was quoted at 7638c on the Vancouver exchange today. PRICE OF GOLD NEW YORK. May 13: (CP)-Bar silver was unchanged at 443c per York metal market ounce on the New today. BIRTH There was born May 9 In St. Paul's Hospital, Vancouver a son to Mr. and Mrs. David Geddes (Nec Marguerite Fossum). KILLED IN NIGHT PROHIBITION LIQUOR IS NEW BILL IN FORCE Health Insurance Legislation To Become Operative in Province This Month VICTORIA, May 13: (CP) The Health Insurance Act, passed at the last session of the Legislature, will be brought into effect on May 18, it was announced yesterday by Premier T. D. Pat-tullo. Hon. G. M. Weir, provincial secretary and sponsor of the bill, said it would take from four to six months to set up machinrry of the scheme which meant that collection of levies and payment of benefits would not start until October or November. ROOSEVELT IS FAVORED Overwhelms Only Opposition For Democratic Nomination In Ohio State Primaries CLEVELAND, Ohio, May 13: President Franklin D. Roosevelt was given an overwhelming lead over Col. Henry Breckenridge of New York In the Democratic pre- sldentlal primaries for this state yesterday. "The vote was about aevcu vu one. In the Republican primary, Senator W. E. Borah of Idaho was giving the' native son, Robert H. iTaft, a close run. The Democratlcs heavily out- voted the Republicans. In the state of West Virginia prlmarles President Roosevelt was leading Senator W. E. Borah. I) REAM COMES TRUE ' WINCHESTER. England. (CP) 'Twenty-four hours after Mrs. San-I key of Alresford Road, near here, dreamed her six-year old daugh- ter, Grace, had been injured, the child was knocked down and killed by a motor car.. SHAFT-SINKING ItECOKI) JOHANNESBURG, (CP) The shaft of Vlakfonteln Gold Mine, iiiiiuciea ior me wnoie cusiance, was sunk 422 feet In March, break- lng the four-year old record of 420 feet set at the West Rand Consoll- dated Mine. ? TWO AND HALF BILLION RELIEF BILL IS PASSED i WASHINGTON, , D.C., May 13: The House of Represen- h tatives has passed the $2,- 364,000,000 work relief and deficiency bill and sent It on to the Senate. Payment of prevailing rates of wages on Public Works Administration projects Is provided for In the bill. WARNING OF MUSSOLINI Italy to Detach Herself From European Affairs Unless Ethiopian Affair Considered Closed Diplomats Worried II Duce May Establish Alliance With Germanv U'lnrary and - Austria ROME. Mav 13: Following with, 1 -. -- drawal of Baron AloLsl and the Ita. llan delegation from "Geneva yes- terday, Premier Benito Mussolini warned the League of Nations last night that the Italo-Ethloilart nf. fair must be considered closed with the annexation of Abyssinia by Italy If the further participation of iwiy m European anairs as rar as the League Is concerned Is desired. Baron Alolsl and his staff were speeding homewards to Rome from Geneva last night following their withdrawal, Selassie Feeling; Better JERUSALEM, May 13: Ovcr- joyed at the antl-Itallan stand which has been taken by the League of Nations, Emperor Halle Selassie, who has been 111 since he. arrived here a few days ago. was! able to leave his sick bed yester - day and took a motor trip. I Geneva Worried ' GENEVA. May 13 (Canadian! Press) Whether Premier Musso- Unl and Italy will resign from the i League of Nations and join forces j with Oermany worried diplomats! today. Well informed Italians said that possibly such a course should Jr taken into consideration. Hungarian spokesmen said It was anticipated mat, if Mussolini breaks with the League, he will seek to influence Austria and Hun- gary to do likewise, re-establish- lng the pre-war "Triple Alliance Important Trade Treaty Between France and U.S.; Important Items Affected WASHINGTON; D.C., May 13: An important trade treaty, under which the two nations accord each other lowest tariff rates on most important commodities of interchange, was concluded between United States and France last night, it was announced. It is the first commercial treaty between the two nations since 1878 and it will remain effective indefinitely. The French duty is reduced to a minimum on nineteen items imported from United States including automobiles. United States reduces the duties on such French products as lace, wines (including champagne) and perfumes. budget is APPROVED Conservatives Line Up With King Government Against C. C. F. And Social Credit OTTAWA, May 13: (CP) With the Conservatives jolnin? the administration, the King government last night beat back challenges from the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation and So-ial Creditors in the House of Commons and passed the first budget since the Liberals were swept Into power last October. A Social Credit sub-amendment was defeated 196 to 16 and a C. C. F. amendment was lost 210 to 8. The budget motion then passed without the formality of recorded vote. PANIC IN SHOW TENT CADISHEAD, Ens., -CP A packed circus tent was emptied In a few seconds uhpn ....... a nprfnrminr lioness walked from , her cage through an unlocked door. Daradi ofr . the mmtniiinn tv, onimi " .w.....w.v. v. .1- numiai nail nntoklv roti.moH tn thp M u attendants. i.nvnnvs cutnn ntuctm londom Mav iv rp. vrr ty first elm in tho inn.vpar histnr of the office, a naval man has been chosen Marshal of the City of London, one of whose duties Is to t'corit ,u. .( uj civic processions. He Is Lieutenant-Commander John Roberts Poland. , STRIKE IS i NOW ENDED ! iTo'tacco Workers in Salonika, Greece, Get Substantial ' Increase in Wages I j SALONICA, Greece, May 13 , With the granting of wage In - creases ranging from twenty ta thirty percent, the tobacco woik- ers strike, which had developaJ Into a general strike, was ended . through government Intervention At the end of the week during the, neigni oi siriKe aisoroers iwency.betn In a mental Institution. persons were killed and 250 were j wounded. I Yice-Presideilt Of Lay Association Dr. R, G. Large Elected to Office At Meeting: of United Church Presbytery in Vancouver VANCOUVER. May 13: (CP) Mrs. C. C. Reld of Prince George-Cariboo Presbytery and Dr. R. G, Large of Prince Rupert Presbytery were elected vice-presidents ot the .Lay Association of the United Church of Canada at the British Columbia Conference here last night. niSIIOP THURBER GRADUATES 1 J. Bishop Thurber, formerly of Prince Rupert, graduated from the University of- British Columbia thlr year, receiving the degree of Bachelor of Arts with honors. Durlnn his four years at University, Bishop has been prominent In athletic circles and this year held the post of captain of the senior soccer team. SAID DUTIABLE Agreement Reached To Make Booze Smuggled To States Pay Tariff Lawyer and Cafe Proprietor Have Been Committed VANCOUVER, May 13 . John Sutherland, Vancouver barrister, land Gus L. Thodos, cafe proprle-I lor, were committed for trial he.e in city police court by Magistrate H. S. Wood on charges of conspiracy In connection with the operation of a bunco game. W. J. Mur-dock, another lawyer, similarly charged, was remanded until May 10. NO DELAY 4 are not known but the on-I mrpx KlAI. ginal claim was for more ".than $100,000,000. . Quick Work Expected In Case Oi Thomas Robinson Admits Violence LOUISVILLE, Ky May 13:-Thomas H. Robinson Jr., who wa.- captured In Glendale, CaU on Mon-1 day by federal Department of Jus- iJCIU1'UI!. wa lul5- vilIe la$t night to face tr,al for tnel kidnapping with violence of Mrs. Alice Stoll. The trial Is to be start- j ea as soon as possiDie ana wm pos-, slbly get under way within a week. It Is announced by the authorities I Uhat the death sentence will be! 'sought under the Lindbergh anti- kidnapping law. It was stated by the police last' night that Robinson had confes- ised to beating Mrs. Stoll Into sub- 'mission with a lead pipe. He told officers of his movements during the past nineteen months since the kidnapping. He had made sev- eral trips between New York and 'California, a number by motor and one by specially chartered plane. Much of the time he had been dls gulsed as a woman. Recently, he threw off this disguise. It is exnerted Rohlnsnn will plead insanity. He had previously Halibut Arrivals Summary American 98,000 pounds, 6c and 3c to 7c and 5c. , Canadian 75,000 pounds, 6c and 5c to 6.5c and 5c. American Explorer, 28,000, 6c and 5c, Cold Storage. Atlas, 27,000, 6.4c and 5c, Booth, i Estep, 28.000, 6.9c and 5c, Cold Storage. i Tahoma, 15,000, 7c and 5c, Atlln. Canadian Oslo, 12,000, 6.6c and 5c, Cold Storage Kaien, 12,000, 6.5c .and 5c, Atlln. Relief, 14,500, 8.6c and 5c, Pacific. Dover B., 20,000, 6c and 5c, Cold Storage. Margallce, 6,500, 6.3c and 5c, Pacific. Kyrlelle, 10,000,- 6.4c and 5c, Booth. . Miss N. Q. Bird, who Is engaged In missionary work In this district, arrived In the city on the Prince Rupert this morning after a brief trip to Vancouver, ' CL UB Revenue Totalling; $100,000,-000 Declared to be Involved Under Important Decision Announced Today At Washington. WASHINGTON, D. C, May 13: (CP) Treasury officials said today that agreement had been reached with distillers of liquor on United States claims for ! tariff duties on liquor j smuggled into the United States during prohibition. (Details of the agreement . , Frices rHCeS 01 bf liquor stocks shot up sharply on the Montreal exchange on receipt of the news that a settlement had been reached. HINDENBURG GOING HOME Great German Airship Lakehursl, New Jersey, on Way Back To Frankfort LAKEHURST, New Jersey, May 13 The giant hew German dlrlgi- ble Hlndenburg left at 7:27 Monday evening on ner return irans-At-iantlc flight to her base at Frank-for-am-Maln, having on board forty seven passengers, 1700 lbs. of seven passengers, 1700 pounds of mall and 2000 pounds of freight The great airship had a favorable tall wind and passed over New York before heading out over the ocean. Last night she was well over 2000 miles and more than half way across- Coming over she made the flight In 61 hours, 50 minutes. It is thought she may make the return trip In less than fifty hours. The Hlndenburg Is scheduled to make twenty flights between Oermany and United States this sca- son IN PRISON FOR LIFE Associate of Karpus Confesses To Participating- In Bremer Kidnapping: ST. PAUL, Minn,, May 13: Harold G. Campbell, lame partner of Alvln Karpus, a "Public Enemy No. 1 " who was captured last week, yesterday pleaded guilty to participation In the kidnapping of Edward G. Bremer and was Immediately sentenced to life Imprisonment. The trial of Karpus will take place, next fall. Already a number of gangsters have been convicted and sentenced to long terms of Imprisonment for participation in the Bremer abduc tlon.