ji : r'i : VICTOR' V Today's (S.A-M.) Weather iL' Tomorrow's Tides prince Rupert-rClear, light northerly High 1:40 a.m. 21.5 ft. vind; barometer, 30.02; 13:36 p.m. 24.0 It. temperature, 37; sea smooth. Low 7:35 a.m. 55 ft. 20:19 p.m. 0.4 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER vni XXV.. No. 2L j , . ONTARIO AIR BASE HARD HIT BY GALE ' ' ; TRTTNTON, Ont- Oct. 30: (CP) Two aircraftsmen es- t capea aeap by lncnes in a 1 seventv-raye sa!e 'hat swept . L 1 S 1 rl II.. a I a I EE.1 't, I day One .man was critically lrinnd and ,iv nth-, r sent to JWav mm.lw' P- 4 tlmated a. $25,000 was done. A telephone buldllng crashed throuah ab uiMlng where the men were peeking shelter. 1 4, & A -w..) -t.now? reinBtttmsinut; nortiiwara C0NNELL SPEAKER Offers His Group of Four at Nuc leus of Movement Toward A New Economic Order I VICTORIA, Oct. 30: (CP) Uev Robert Connell, M.LA. for Vic- 1A1 UJJJUOillU14 Ul iUUl lit bite British Columbia Legislature .as the nucleus of a group or party of men and women who would 'be united nitpH hv by a n rfofini definite nrin-ini., principle of f nntlnn HlrptoH tmyaH hft. n c . tablishmpnt nf a npw p-onnmir- order. I ! Speaking In the debate in reply to the Speech from the Throne, Mr. Connell urged that such a' volley of constructive co-opera- tlon, was required In this province. Nathan Amster New President Granby Company NEW YORK. Oct. 30: CP- Nathan L. Amster was elected Terrace at 2:30 Wednesday after-president of the Granby Conso'.l- noon on account of fog patches dated Mining, Smelting & Power 'while on a flight from Bablne to Co. on Thursday. Charles Booking was the former president. Certificate For Balanced Budget Summerside is One of Elghtc.i In Canada to do So SUMMERSIDE, P.E.I., Oct. 30: (CP) A certificate from the Canadian Chamber of Commerce hangs in tne Summerside civic building now, indicating that thti r ' ' riwuK: a uems GEiML MMM STRIKE IS NOW ON MURDER CONVICTIONS Canada Supreme Court Confirms Sentences Of Death on Four B.C. Men Richardson, Eneas and Alex George, Cantord Indians, And Charles Russell, Vancouver Bank Bandits, Lose in Fight For Life OTTAWA, Oct. 30: (CP) Appeals of four men convicted of murder in British Columbia courts were dismissed today by the Supreme Court of Canada. The men are Richardson, Eneas and Alex George, three Indian brothers convicted of murdering Dominion Constable F. H. Gisbourne at Canford Indian Reserve, and Charles Russell, convicted of the murder ofH William Hobbs. Vancouver bank teller The court did not pass Judgment cm Earl Dunbar, convicted with Russell, Halibut Arrivals American Yukon, 13,000. Cold Storage, 8.6c and 7.5c. Canadian Sea Maid, 24.000. Cold Storage, 7.7c and 6.5c. Oslo, 12,000, Atlln, 7.Gc and 6.5c. DOLLAR IN NEW YORK NEW YORK, Oct. 30: (CP) The Canadian dollar c!osed at a premium of l-16c on the New York foreign exchange market yesterday. Argentina Dumps Old Wheat; Mart Shows Reaction WINNIPEO, Oct. 30: (CP) Reports of Argentina putting large quantities of old crop on the market yesterday caused a marked decline In wheat prices both here and in rhinotrn winninpnr nrlcfis fell back from 2"c to 2V2c with band by poisoning was "supersti-Octobcr closing at $1.09',b. The tlous, Ignorant and driven to de-Chicago prices dropped Vic to spalr," the presiding Judge gave I'bc with December closing at 'sentence of 10 years with hard la-$1.1438. bor. AIRPLANES ONLY MODERN FEATURE OF SPAIN'S WAR Fighting Mostly Guerilla Pot Shooting With Weapons Of Old Vintage and Ancient Shells Falling as Duds FRANCO-SPANISH FRONTIER, Oct. ,30: (CP)-Guerilla warfare is the rule throughout the Spanish conflict and the battles are little different from those of a century ago. Anyone who tells you Spain is the proving .wound for the next "world war" simply hasn t seen a battle. Radio stations announce hundreds of thousands of mn locked In combat with thew. latest equipment-but 'thi radio stations are the only ones in Spun who think so. Many of the "modern arms" shlPPed into Spain from foreign countries are old, stocks, swept out of arsenal at bargain prices. Field Suns, constructed at the Spanish orks at Ovlcdo. date from 1905. onei!s are often more than ?0 years old and faU to. explode for that very teason. Only .the nl minima art nnnf nrtfi P"ots fall to make the most of "Jem, During the bombardments ' Irun, for example, more than Projectiles were dumped Into "c Hiaa. isna River or onto the a: i WARNING TO REDS Sir Samuel Hoare Urges Moscow Organizations Not To Meddle With Affairs of Britain LONDON, Oct. 30: (CP) Sir Samuel Hoare, First Lord of the Admiralty, today issued a warning to the Moscow Comintern (Communist international or-anization) not o interfere with the affairs of England, declaring: "It is almost always disas-strous to interfere in the affairs of other countries. I recommenu that observation to agents of the Comintern. They will find the more they interfere in domestic affairs of this country, the worse it will react against their activities."- Sir Samuel was addressing a west end meeting. Ten Years For Killing Husband PHILIPSTOWN, South Africa, Oct. 30: (CPlIIolding a woman rnnvicted of murdering her nus- jeach at Hendaye, France. The ppoQ-raohv of Spain, that feat of nature which stopped many a good general, including Napoleon. Twuinarte. simply doesn't lend It self to the use of modern method:. There are so many natural bav-riers that Invaders, to capture them, must use assault by the good old Infantry. Trenches were used for the first time at Irun, and were so badly dug by both that they proved unusable. Near the end of August, after six weeks of war, this correspond ent watched the insurgents attac!: government positions, at San Ita-(Contlnued on rage Four) PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1936 WEATHER WAS BAD But Mollison Hopped Off From Newfoundland Yesterday And Made It Smashed Record Iritish Aviator Accomplished Aim Of Making New Mark For Atlantic Crossing HARBOR GRACE, Nfld., Oct. 30: CP) The hop-off of Captain lames Mollison from here at 3:40 Sastern Standard Time yesterday ifternoon In continuation of his roJected speed flight across the Atlantic Ocean from New York to London was In spite of adverse weather reports but thirteen hours md thirteen minutes later he ar dved safely at Croydon, England,! after the 2100-mile hop. He landed I it Croydon at 9:53 a.m. Oreenwich Ume (1:53 a.m. Pacific Standard time). It was Molllson's fourth Atlantic crossing but the first time, that London, as the eastern goal, had !eenreaehed v without nforeed- landing enroute. Mollison left Harbor Grace so hurriedly at 3:40 yesterday afternoon that he neglected to clear the customs, thereby making him self liable to a fine. He had hoped to cover the distance In ten hours. His estranged wife, Amy John son, was not on hand to welcome him when he landed this time but (rom the country, where she is re- uperatlng from the effects of the recent plane trail-out crash, she xent a telegram of congratulations. Only a dozen spectators welcomed the near-exhausted filer ho shattered all records for At lantic crossings with 19 hours and 59 minutes from New York to Lon don. He plans only a few days rest before attempting to break the re- ord to South Africa. PECULIAR SITUATION Ontario Youth Admits Killing; Of Grandfather After Being Acquitted WALKERTON, Ont., Oct. 30: (CP) Earl Leffler, aged 19, who two years ago was acquitted on charge of murdering his 65-year old grandfather, Philip Stroh, has confessed that he accidentally killed his grandfather with an axe during a quarrel. He cannot be tried again for murder unless a crown appeal for a new trial were granted. The crown did not appeal his acquittal. Leffler Is being held In Bruce County Jail after pleading guilty to creating a public nuisance by ac cuslng, his grandmother of the slaying. The new charge carries a maximum possible sentence of life Imprisonment. Omental Plant? For Stanley Park VANCOUVER,. Qct. 30: (CP) Two hundred rare Oriental planti ARE Bishop Rix Expects to See Highway Completed Shortly From Vanderhoof Into Peace The highway from the Peace River has been located by surveyors to connect with the road now being constructed from Fort! St. James northward and, before very long, it seems as ii the Peace River country will be connected with the Canadian National Railway at Vanderhoof, according to Right Rev. G. A. Rix. Bishon of Caledonia, in an and shrubs, transported here for town was one or 18 balancing its the Chinese village, a feature of budget In 1934. Vancouver's Oolden Jubilee pro- The- municipal honor roll cer-gram, have been donated to Stan- tlficate was received at the las, ley Park for permanent planting, ' session of the Summerside Board The federal department of ag.l- of Trade. Tills town was listed culture granted permission for tha with towns of 500 to 1000 papula-transfer provided the rooti were tlons and was the only munlci-cleaned of their native soli and pallty in Prince Edward Island to properly fumigated. receive the award. UPHELD address to the Rotary piub at it weekly luncheon in the Commodore Cafe yesterday. The Bishop told of having spent a month In the Peace River district this yar and of ths huge crop3 harvested there averagine about 35 bushels to the acre and runnlnr ud to flftv bushels. Ho also pictured the situation with tne large trucks uv.ea with erain Marine Workers Called Off Jobs to Number Ofv Thirty-Seven Thousand Pacific Coast Shipping Crippled With 118 Ships Caught Between San Diego and Seattle Tie-up Is Spreading Quickly SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 30: (CP) A general maritime strike crippled United States Pacific Coast shipping today, quickly spread to other industries and brought repercussion in Atlantic and Gulf ports. Thirty-seven thousand dock Workers were ordered off their jobs at midnight when efforts to set up .new working agreements be- i Ktween ship owners and seven fe- U A TYUIM1 derated unions failed. From Seattle Wtl 1 vJCliPJlj 't0 San Dleg0 men began Plcketlns coming into the elevators-at baineciprocity and St. Lawrence Sea- n. Creek and bther polnU. mos ,JI " grading " No. l Garnet" The Prea between the price of wheat at Fort; William and at Diwson Creek? was 27 cents a bushel but the fnrmers could make I money at 50; i bushel, net. Tne great -cry in that country was for n fA V, W T. m. t V. . -4 4Lt. - tua vy tc uaui 4tiiu wii3 wfcia from Jort St. James "toward Fin- lay Forks part of the way and would, doubtier.s be continued very soon. Already 130 miles were either built or Contracts let for construe- tlon. Thjs roid would be vastly j .'mportant to the Canadian Na- tlonal Railways. , A Fine Vtoft The speaker then told of the Peace. They rere a o'urageou.-i and resourceful people, the sa'.t of the earth. The pioneers wer? spearhead of progress, the same sort of people they had in the Bulkley Valley. He gave a meaning. Among the' Incidents was that of the man who had lost four young daughters when his car backed off the ferry. Later (PnnHnnpH nn rtacro v HELD AT TERRACE ' Consolidated rianr. Enroute To Anyox, Delayed by Unfavorable Weather , TERRACE, Oct. 3Q; Ah airplane i of the Consolidated Mining and j Smelting Co., which made a forced) landing in the Skeena River near' Anyox, was still held here Thursday by continued bad weather. The plane came down in the river about a mile below the bridge after having circled around looking for a landing' pkee and was piloted into a safe bay by W. Robinson of Lakelse. Stock Markets Still Move Up ELECTION way Matters of Concern To Canada OTTAWA, Oct. 30; . (CP) Two matters of outstanding Interest to Canada are involved In the United States presidential election next Tuesday. One is that of the reel proclty trade treaty and the other the. St, ...Lawrence, .s.eawax, President Franklin D. Roosevelt, of course, favors continuation of the trade treaty tnd has stated that he would re've the St. Law- Jrence seaway project, Governor Alfred M. Landon has attacked the trade agreement with Canada. He considers Imports of Canadian cheese and cattle to the United States particularly harmful. The Republican candidate ha3 said that the St. Lawrence seaway is needed by United 3tatas but has not promised to revive it. Weather Forecast (Furnished through the courtesy of l!.e Dominion Meteorological Bureau at Victoria and Prince Rupert. This fore cast Is compiled from observations taken at 5 a.m. today and corers the 30 hour period ending 5 pjn, tomorrow). Pressure is rising off the coast and It Is becoming colder In Nor thern British Columbia. Prince Rupert and Queen Charlotte Islands Fresh shifting wind-; from west to northwest, part!;-cloudy and becoming colder. SPANISH GOVERNMENT ? IS CONTINUING GAIN OF LOST GROUND TODAY Socialists Advancing Along British Stand of TOREJON DE LA CALZADA. Soain. Oct. 30: (CP) Spanish Socialists sent columns of infantry supported by artillery, airplanes anu tanns as tney conunuen to press forward in an effort to drive the insurgents bank "at least to Toledo." Along all fronts the Socialists wore reported to be advancing today. . jEden declared that Great Britain NEW YORK, Oct. 30; (CP) .Intended to continue Its policy of Stock prices showed continued sub- strict neutrality in connection with stantlal gains on the New York, the Spanish civil war. He refused market yesterday as well as In Montreal and Toronto. BAK SILVER NEW YORK, fCPJBar silver was unchanged at 443ilc per ounce on the New York metal market today. , Britain To Be Neutral LONDON, Oct. 30: (CP)-Speak- ;lng in the House of Commons last night, Foreign Secretary Anthony the demand of Labor that aid be sent to the Madrid government. The Foreign Secretary defended Portugal's government against charges of violating the non-intervention agreement, declaring that the international committee had unanimously agreed that not a bers would be swelled by Incoming men aboard ships from the Orient and Alaska. One hundred and eighteen ships are caught along the coast In the strike. In New York a partial sit-down strike In sympathy with the Paci fic coast maritime unions was announced by Joseph Curarn, chair man of the Seamen's Defence Com mittee. From, the AUantlc Coast today came word that the maritime strike. ,thereVhkh1waslkexpected , lowSWa failed' to malerlall7e, by noon and leaders were undecided yet what action would be taken pending a meeting tonight. Already inquiries have been received at Prince Rupert as to the facilities to handle freight through this port in the event of traffic northward from Seattle to Alaska being tied up by the strike. One of Babies In Millar Race I Died Yesterday! TORONTO, Oct. 30: (CP); Blanche Timlin, six-month ihlld lh one of the Millar baby muathon competition, which Is aoout to close, died yesterday. Wrlle the parents are grlef-strlcktn, the death does not affect their chances to win the prize, the baby having been born alive. All Fronts Eden Reiterates Strict Neutrality single charge by Russia of such violation had been proven. France, he pointed out, was one of the na tlons absolving Portugal. Prime Minister W. L. Mackenzie King of Canada was among thos in the gallery while Captain Eden was speaking. i Rome Denies Charge ROME. Oct' 30: .(CP) The Italian government last nlghtyigor-ously denied a charge Uutv eight Italian warships were stai'.ding by ready to engage. In a blockade of i the Catalonlan coast of Spain.