PAGE TWO Best Wheat in World The Peace River; people still continue to raise the .best, wheat in the world. The Trelle farm is Just like the farms of the neighbors only the owner takes trie time to select his samples and properly stage'hls exhibits. , When the Prince Rupert deier gates to the Canadian Chamber of Commerce toured lhe Peace a few years ago they "drove through Wembley and passed between wheat fields just as they had been doing hour after hour lrf the course of their visit. The driver of the car remarked: 'This Is the Trelle farm on the left, it' seems, to "be fust about th same as; the other farms of this district, no better, no worse, This wheat on the left Is supposed to be the best wheat, in the "world but it is Just the same wheat that In ordinary wars the' Peace River wheat is the best in the; frequently j caused by excess uria world and It grows in such quan- acid: accumulating in the body, titles that the farmers there are ;Kruschen' contains, two ingredients able to make a living In spite of .which are 'notable for their work the difficulties of transportation.' V1 dissolving uric acid, deposit. But they are becoming Impatient. other ingredient In Kruschen as-What they want Is a western rail the Internal organs to expel outlet so that they may get a more this dissolved acid from the sys-reasonable price, ior their, prodlict. tem- ' They were promised" this years ago ' and they are still hanging oh hop-J Basketball Standings tag that the government of Canada Sen,01. L nrill Wiiioom trio" nrrttMieo '' i - Of course there have been' good reasons for the delay. The depres- sion caused hundreds of schemes w oc m aiuc aoa.prom.ies ma In good faith In the. days of pros- pcxity cuoiu iiui ,ne carneo. out. Now the change 'for the better has come but there are yet a good1 many thousands,, of' men put of work. If the railway were 'built westward from the Peace -the em- ployment problem In the -west would be solved and the farmers of the Peace would find a better martet for their -wheat. VANCOUVER, Dec. V. CP1 Wheat was quoted -at'$ ion the Vancouver market yesterday. Give Rheumatism in Feet Relieved . Here is a story of a young man who, had almost givjetiup .hope of taking , part lnartly& sports wih hU fellows agam. He tell . now ne tried one remedy after another and how finajly a former sufferer puthlm on the way to recovery:- 'Two years 'ago t started with pains in the feet which gradually got worse. I tried 'everything under ine sun' dui 10 no eiieci, wnusi, waiting for treatment one' evening, another, patient advised me to try Kruschen Salts. That was twelve months ago: the relief was not sudden, but the pain and swelling gradually left my, feet, and in six months I amazed, my friends by taking long walks into the country. This year I Have, splayed -a good de1 tennis, a thing which I had beguato think' I should never do again.-J-CW; Rheumatic pain and. swelling is L. P. ' ' '"' '4 2 8 j. 3 3 -fi .rwe.'& e'tZZi 4 4 'intermediate League Scythians ' 5 0 10 Moose ' , 3 6 Ben's ZIZZ"'"':lZi ' ,2 Regiment . Z 0 0 Ladies' ' Leagne 'High 'School .1.15 Anpette's '......::...; 13 Grottettes .......1 . JuniorUague Boy Scouts ..rv.;?.l.:..!:..4 .'Hlfh School ...:i'..V.,.i3 Junior lloose .-...2 Seal Cove " ... .... .0 Try a Dally-7ewa ciiMtsUled Ad.. ers This Year 1908) THIRD AVENUE The Ideal Christinas Gift For Mother, t)ad and the Family Slipp ii We . have -a big selection jo choose from and in very, 'pleasing styles ; and -patterhs - '-? '' - ' i , ;-' ' Get your's early while We still have, a complete stock Mosi eoie Trade FHltert. AMILY SHOE STORE LTU. PHONE 357 (Estab. i THE DAILY NEWS . Tuesday, December 1, 1936 Former Cripple 1RACE IS Now Plays Tennisj TIGHTER i I. Ii : : II 1 For Yoiir j Christmas Wj We have many useful and practical items. that will make your Christmas baking a pleasure Cake Tins, Mixing Bowls, Pudding fiowls. Cookie Formers, Cookie Presses, Cookie Cutters, Cookie Tins, Icing Sets. .V ' ' GORDON'S HARDMRE'rfe Lambie and Stone Win Close Senior League Hoop Game Ladies' League Improving An unproved Lambie -and Gtone squad last night tightened up the race for the first half Senior League hoop laurels when they ked out a 43-42 overtime victory over the These teams fought basket for basket the whole game and put up a smart exhibition of floor work and passing. Full time found the- Clothiers and the Antlered herd neck and neck at 38-38 but it remained for the Lambie and Stone crew to come from behind in the overtime session and snatch the win through a :ong shot by Santew;i with only seconds to go. Lambie and Stone Caldsioni 10, Arney 4, Santerbane 13, Johnson 5, Lindsay 6, Dominato 5; total, 43. Moose Mitchell C, Armstrong 13, Morrison 2, Wlngham 6, Stiles 15; total, 42. Ladies' League The Ladies League Is Improving with every game and last night's tussle between the High! School and Annette's proved no exception. The Students had a slight margin in .the run. of play and In the dying moments of the game their forwards went to town to stave off a determined rally by Annette's and emerge victorious 13 to 9. High School Blaine 4, MacLeod 4, Ellison, Davis 1, Llewellyn 4, Robertson, Arney; total, 13. Annette's P. Diikens, Brentzen, Morris 2, Wilson, Ratchford 5, E. Dickens 2; total, 9. Intermediate League The Intermediate Moose enjoyed a definitely "on" night when they turned back Ben's Newsies for a ,ntone-slded 29 to 17 win The TindrpJwest West H7 filmen played a Drettv combinntlnn i game and their forward line elkk- led to perfection. The Newske ! seemed lost and could not pierce j me Moose defence. Husoy andl Cromp snared 26 points between them while the "George" front line of Brown, Blake and Vitreik was checked to a standstill. Ben's Brown 5. .Vlereck 2, Blake MCMeeKin, Pahner 6, Suehiro 2, uryant 2; total, . 17. Moose Cromp 14, Hasoy 12, Bby ii, Greer 2, Hale, Erickson; total, I - Junior League . In the Junior League fixture the Scouts continued their way to the ico-ucisuip oi uiis section by vir- tue ora 29 to 17 victory over the I High School. The first stanza of this .game was fast and even. Following the breather, the Scouts nut on t.hp c mm ovir) j iiT c," " . " amuems i-o. t;asunan Ear- nered 13 tallies for the winners while Hlrano for the High School collected 9. Boy Scouts Eastman 13, Monte-iano 4, Llndseth 3, Storrie. O'Neill 3, Grlmble, Lundqulst 6, Chris-; tian; total, 29. High School Hlrano 9, Fitch, O. Nedll 6,, Yamanaka 2, Bolton, Wlk-dal, Knutson; total, 17. Referees Palmer, Johnson, Mc-Meekin, Comadlna. Scorer J. Antonelll, Hyde Transfer Quick Delivery COAL WOOD Chairs & Tables For Rent PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue TIED IN BOWLING Butchers and McMeekin's in Deadlock For Leadership of Commercial League Prince Rupert Butchers ana mc- Meekln's are now tied for first place In the standing of the Com - merclal Bowling League in the first block of the season with tx - teen wins and eight losses each.;Wete united In marriage by Rev. G. The remaining game in this block ooodread. Ihe bride was dressed will be played Thursday night be- tween Gyro Club and Balllngers. Balllngers, now having fourteen wins and seven losses, will have to win all three games to finish ahead of McMeekin's and Prince Rupert Butchers but, by winning two, could tie. In last night's scheduled play Biological Station beat Gyro Club two games to one and Ballineer's won over Prince Rupert Butchers by a similar margin. High average scorer of the evening was Johnny " Comadlna with 160. Individual scoring, was as follows: Bio. Station 1st 2nd 3rd Freeman '.. 143 14G 172 Pugstoy ..-..J 94 1G2 ' 84 RlddeU 143 150 1G8 Stamford 145 119 166 Sunderland 167 100 76 I Handicap ..j 69 69 69 Totals . 761 746 735 ' Gyro Club- 1st 2nd 3rd Balagno 129 158 151 Bulger 136 163 163 Large 162 134 164 j Morris ...J.:. : 122 129 138 Roaf 155 141 116 Handicap -! 8 8 8 Totals .... 712 733 740 1st 2nd 3rd Smith .... 94 166 127 mJu 118 143 129 jomaaina - 194 147 140 Taylor 156 122 148 Dlckens ' 159 108 (Handicap 22 8 8 Totals L. ..731 745 660 P. R. Butchets 1st 2nd 3rd Ross .150 143 157 J. Jack 134 177 160 McLean HI 118 103 (L. Astoria 141 140 126 'A. Astoria . lib 123 170 . :,, "1 Handicap .. 24 24 24 TotaIs m 725 740 The league standing: W. I MMppHn 1. 8 P. r. Butchers 16 8 Balllngers 14 7 "" " :" ! n- w 13 " Biological - d Station uianuii 5 o 19 Ranee & Hardy 1 5 HOCKEY SCORES Pacific Coast League Portland 3, Vancouver 2. m n ' KITKATLA MARRIAGE Mrs. Tlora Jackson and Mathew Hill are United at Pretty Ceremony KITKATLA, Devc. 1: A pretty welding- took place in the new St :Pcter - s church at KltkaUa last wee5c wj1n Mrs. Flora Jackson and 1 M,athew Hill, both of Kitkatla, ;n pink and carried a beautiful bouquet of flowers. She was given In marriage by her father, Henry Watt, and was attended by Mrs. George Mason as matron of honor.) Joitph Innes was groomsman. After the ceremony a reception! was he!d in the village hall, the entire population of the village1 being in attendance. A delicious suppsr was served and the five- tler wedding cake was cut in due course by the bride. Later danc ing was enjoyed with music by Chester Nelson's Orchestra. i One of the special features of i the evening's proceedings was the; fSSi.f STL'S? lying that he had become a member of the eagle tribe. Another special voyage Is to be made to Alaska by the steamer Princess Louise. The vessel leaves Vancouver Friday night and is due here Sunday momlng enroute to Skagway. Southbound she will call here Thursday afternoon of next week. "(lOVKKNMKNT 1.IO.IOK AT" I Votlce of Application for IWr Licence! NOTICE Is hereby given that on far Fifteenth day of December next, tlie undersigned Intends to Apply to the Liquor Control Board for a licence tn renpeot of the premises, being part of' the, building cnarn as Karlseourt Hotel, situate on Colllson Avenue. New Massett. B. C. Upon the lands descrltxtit as Lots No. 1. 2. and 3. in Block 5. 1 Map 940. Massett Towralte. In tl.' Prince Rupert Land Reglsrtatlon DU-. tiiot In the province of British Colum-. ' bla, for the sale of beer by the glasi or the bottle for consumption on the TOtita or elsewhere. Dited this 5th day of November, A.D. 1036. CARL KIRM18 Applicant. IX Tlin MTKEMR rOVKT OK niUTISII (Ol.l'MltlV IN IMtOUATK fo the MJtirr of the AilmliiMrailon A,;t". r in the M,tt or Ete of wnua.n (inriimi Aii.irewK, Demised, imitate take notice that toy crter of tit Honor, w. E. Fisher, the 2Cth day of November. A. D. 1936. i was appointed MmlTitstrator cf the estat of vnutira 0:rdou Andrews, dooecod end all parties having claims against the said ortaAe are hreOy riulid U Xurnlsli tame. . froperly rtll:d, to me on or 1036. a.Txi all an p r irtles imes lncUbtd inaDwti to to tho tno entate are reoulred to cav the amount of their liKlrl. iKlc'j.ednem to mc forthwith. WOUMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator, Prince itupert, B. C. P.ited r.he 20th day of November, A, D. 1S. Rex Bowling flub Exchange Block Sixth St. and Third Ave. Phone 658 wsMfiasMi DON'T BE LATE Order Your Xmas SUIT or COAT today from House of Stone or House of Hobberlin clothes Large selection, fit guaranteed. LING - The Tailor 817 Second Ave. Phone 649 HOTEL NEW ROYAL J. Zarelli PTopritor "A IIOJIE AWAY I KOM HOME" Kates 51.00 up 60 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Kupert. B.C Phone 281 P.O. Box 19C I BUY YOUR XMAS GIFTS AT Dry Goods & Novelty Shop Children's Coats and Dresses Hose, Cloves, Scarves Novelty Evening Bags Novelty Jewellery Pick out your Christmas Gifts and we will lay them aside for you. This Year Give Him . . . Something to Wear No matter how many Shirts, Ties, Sox and Other Furnishings he may have, he always appreciates something new in style and color. BRYANT COMPANY LIMITED carries a stock of Clothes and Furnishings comparable in size, quality and price to many metropolitan stores. Do your Christmas shopping for men and boys in the store of BRYANT COMPANY LIMITED "The Store With the Christmas Spirit" T? TT 1 J? U T- IT Q 1 13 rri TRAPPERS and DKMpi.c Port Essington, Port Sim Jhern .Mtak'B once ior immediate dl tverv 5 we are prepared to ruv IL a"d very top market Driceji Af- ttle Marten rJnd WeacK T?? other furs at fnlt w.- rU 'W markpt our SK, nnrW V"w,de COUnc-joii, en Zzl.. P.ay yu Tile hlhot ior an your fur- a i, T shipment will convinc? nowl now! A A nouaro square Haoi deal ' V T it 1 . ...A ai or or nn n0 1 ivAl I hltb I' UKS I Tl Buyer, Exporters and Riw"W r Marketing Aecntj PRINCE GEORGE bc FOR FRESH MILK Phone Red 608 Produced from our own cows dally You can whip our cream bat you can't beat our mli!c. Dominion Dairy COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EUSON ALBF.KIA COAL BTJLKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PKlNCfl RUPERT FEED COMPANY PUONE: 58 and 558 PERFECTION IN CANNED SALMON GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only Salmon canning Company witn an au the vear round Davroll In p l..M ACT Notice f Inlrntlnn to Apply t I" 5JI In the Prince Rupert lind IV wiUJ JJ OWrtet of Riie 4, Coast La: .. DUt'..3. la and situate approximately 03 mile U 2 a Southerly direction alon i tw line of Princess Royal Island frs-u Fern Point, aold Red Fern Pc'.n MJJ approximately lour milts In a WestrtJ dlrrotlon from Barnard Owe Take Notice that Haru Hi -sen Prince Rupert, B.C.. oc uj 1 F"1 Patker Intends to apply tnt a laae the following described it. to C4" menclng at a post planted af HIS' water mark on the thore-IIne In middle of a bay brtn apiTC-imaWr one mile South of Red nn va thence three ciialin North-E. f fltleen chains East the .ice ?e South. theDCe flfteeji tta:-s Xlienoe Northerly to the nearer pcia. a,t low water, thence tolU- ' water to a point opposite 'tnltw post and containing five acres, care of lest. IIAN8 HANSEN Dated ISth day of October 183(1 TOYS Gift Suggestions at KAIEN HARDWARE