* 2 ae wie THE DAILY NEWS REPORTER RUNS BSS Was Challenged to Personal j Combat by an Alderman ie | | FREE — the City Hall Last Night. He| Had Suggested the Alderman Should Boil His Head. — Reckiess risks are often taken by reporters in the pursuit of their | seg¢ enim arduous calling, but the happy-go- i Pe lucky fraternity of the fourth |— ROUND estate seem ever ready to beard Phone 150 the lion in his den or the alderman in his hall, regafdless of personal | The Insurance People peril. Last night, however, a| Fi reporter at the City Hall took | Life quite a desperate chance, and took | Marine it with a smile. | Accident Plate Glass Employer's Liability Contractors’ and Personal Bonds Policies Prepared While You Wait. Mack Realty & Insurance COMPANY. P.S.—Houses and Rentals. He was challenged by a fierce | untamed alderman, challenged to | come right out of the warm City Hail to do battle with fists to a| finish on the cold snow outside. We have just arranged with one| To his credit be it said that only of our clients to place forty-two|the demands of duty prevented One Cent A Word For Ea —THEY WILL REPAY A CAREFUL TT “The News” Classified Ads. For Rent eos. | | Aare eermarmmseess seer! Nice Furnished Rooms, Mrs. Greenwood, Alder Block; Third Ave. 178-tf | For Rent—Furnished rooms, Hot and cold water } with bath. Digby Rooms. 6th Ave. and Fulton | Street. ef | For Rent—Sons of England Hall, 819 2nd"Ave., for | Dances, Fraternal Societies, Socials, ete. Apply Frank A Ellis, Box 869 or phone 68 186-tf \ Pataca cana aemmertesemeermeermes Insurance | | | Silico rrit | |} OUR G are noted for prompt and just lots on the market under exceptional | his instant acceptance of the al- advantages to the purchasers. The dermanic challenge. © lots are some of the best in Sections It all sprang from a jocular sug- 7 and 8 The prices are as low|Sestion that the said alderman, as any on the market, and the| Who figured prominently in the = “" terms so easy—monthly—that any- | ©°@! dispute, should go and boil alc aletaned war cs at ier oe one can buy. Along with this his head. The suggestion scribbled | 1911, for the following eave Ronee exceptional offer, each lot admits the purchaser to a drawing for a ; . FREE TRIP ROUND THE! Who most wickedly addressed it WORLD. If you hold the lucky |t© the alderman in question, and ticket the trip is yours; or you handed it to the City Clerk. Then | and Down Pipes. ean surrender it for a cash con- the fat was in the fire. Plans and specifications at the office sideration. Tae chances are good—| No sooner had the coal dispute of Messrs. dt oY oh ea one in forty-two, Come in and|Come to an end than the alderman City Clerk. investigate. left the board, came round to the press table, and with the dire threat that he would smash the Tenders Wanted across the table to another reporter|tering and_ Brickwork, Doors and Frames. Window Frames and Sash, all trim, Base and Stairs, all Galvaniz- ed Iron Roofing, Flashings, Gutters NOTICE reporter into small pieces demanded if he had written that “letter’’ to| The Canadian Bank of Commerce are open to | hi The . lied thz receive offers for the purchase of the building im. he reporter replied that | now occupied as the City Hall. In the event of . . +e te - » . z > an offer being accepted the purchaser must bin . e e the note was a persor al matter himself to remove the building on receipt of 80 § between himself and his colleague | day’s notice from the G.T.P. Railway «Co, | The who had so culpably mishandled | Bighest oF any offer will not necessarily 6 a it 255-256 AND COMPANY But the bellicose aldeman, tak- ing off his glasses, and clenching —— his little fists, would not be balked Obstruction Near New Theatre /of his prey by such a diversion Complained of by M. K.|of the casus belli. ‘‘Come outside | Bella Coola Land District District of Coast Range Rogers. right now, and be _ pulverised,’’ | he remarked, or words to that M. K. Rogers made application |effect. The council was discussing | ,ConDRE fe, RMLA Ne", thence sors to the council lasy night for some | another matter, the reporter was | 40 chains, thence west 80 chains more or less to faithfully noting proceedings “Af. east boundary of cannery lease, thence following LAND LEASE NOTICE SECOND AVENUE SIDEWALK Take notice that H. M. Cliff of Dundalk, Ire- land, occupation gentleman, intends to apply for permission to lease the following described lands: : : . | the said east boundary south 40 chains more or should be made available along|ter adjournment,” he hissed eyeing | j™ ee as dudes mete or Uk gust al Second Avenue on the city side the alderman dec flantly. | containing 820 acres, more or between Fifth and Sixth streets.|moment the two glared at each | Dated August 31, 1911. H. M. CLIFF He had made efforts to get some|Other with real wrath in their | Pub. Sept. 30. sort of convenience laid there} Cys. Then the aldermanic fists by the Westholme Lumber Com-|unclenched, and he returned to pany whose work on the new |his place at the board. The combat} theatre is the cause of the sidewalks |is still to come. Marquis being: torn up. This sidewalk was Queensberry rules, date and place laid at the expense of Mr. Rogers|to be arranged. and other property owners there. “This Westholme Company seems to think it owns the town,” said City Solicitor Peters. ‘They must be brought to time. Refer the matter to me and I'll see to it.” This was done on the motion of Alderman Douglas, seconded by] yorthern B. C. Coal Alderman Newton. ge soretwrers arrangement by which a sidewalk For a | commencement; Bella Coola Land District—District of Coast Range 3 land, occupation gentleman, intends to apply of for permission to lease the’ following described nds: Commencing at a post planted at the N. E corner of Lot 88, thence north 20 chains, thence west 40 chains, thence south 20 chains more or ° | : r i i hs ; | east 40 chains more or less to point of commence Warm gloves and mitts —Wal-| ment; containing 80 cares, more or less. lace’ {| Dated August 31, 1911. H. M. CLIFF ace Ss Ul | Pub. Sept. 30. William MeNair, Agent Buy COAL STOCK Bella Coola Land District— District of Coast Rang ee Take notice that H. M. Cliff of Dundalk, Ire land, occupation gentleman, intends to apply | lands: | Commencing at a post planted at the N. W. opportunity for big fortunes | corner of Lot No. 4, thence north 40 chains, thence SMALL HALIB ATCHE | teers Soe : UT CATCHES issue at extremely low figures). | meneement; containing 80 acres, more or (ess ¥ y, ‘ ant ‘,]. | Dated August 28, L , a Co , Seattle Fishers are Explaining That | eer Northern Anthracite Col-| pup"sept 30. ries, Ltd., at our office—dollar shares, | Their Grounds are Fished Out | : ; ‘| | 15. each, 5c. cash. | Belia Coola Land District—District of Coast Range | 3 | te | § H. F. McRAE & CO. | Take notice that H. M. Cliff of Dundalk, Ire- Second Avenue n§8 | land, ovcupation gentleman, intends to apply os. Demon to lease the folluwing described ands: Commencing at a post planted at the N. W corner of Lot 252, thence south 40 chains more or less to northern boundary of lease No. 1 applied | for ny H. M. Cliff, thence following said boundary William McNair, Agent Seattle, Nov. 6.—The fishing vessel | phone 205 Commonwealth with only a fair catch of | fish from the Alaska banks reports the failing of the fishing banks about Hecate Straits. Up to last year in spite of frequent spells of rough weather which kept the fishing vessels from the Sound and B. C. ports, out many days over their usual time, good catches of |@rriving by the halibut and cod were common. this morning. This year, however, the fish seem - were a ee } to be scarce, or else they have deserted the old banks and as a resuit both the| up to November 25th, 1911, by | ee at a post planted at the S. E American vessels and the New England Ladies’ Suits—advance samples tailor made blue serges, sarin lined—less | than Vancouver prices.— Wallace's. Seat 30 dhsian te paint of comemenenments 60n- | taining 80 acres, more or less. | Dated August 28, 1911. Mrs. Holtby was a_passerger | Pub. Sept. 30. Prince Rupert H. William MeNair, Agent | or less to northern boundary of Lease Fishing Company’s fleet of Vancouver, | Prince Rupert General Hospital applied for by H. M. Cliff, thence east, 20 chains | i ; pete re : i i 40 chains, are practicafly depending on the banks | Association from women wish-~ {hence west 20 chairs’ to point of commencement; containing 80 acres, more or less. | Dated August 28, 1911. H. M. Pub. Sept. 30. off Southeastern Alaska for thir fish|ing to take a full course of supply. training in nursing. 12t | = 7..4 5 = 4 MEMORANDUM OPEN EVENINGS U oe vr — ee We Loaned We Loaned Money at Per Cent. to Build This House Per Cent. to Build This House Let us loan you the money to buy or build a house or pay off a mortgage. CANADIAN HOME INVESTMENT CO. McIntyre Block, Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, Head Office: Pacific Building, Vancouver, B. C, William McNair, Agent | | ‘Take notice that H. M. Cliff of Dundalk, Ire- | less to shore line, thence following the shore line | Immense interest is being taken in| for permission to lease the following described | 8 4 : east 40 chains, thence south 40 chains more or | | awaits those who buy stock now (first | less to shore line, thence following shore line | westerly 40 chains more or less to point of com- | Pt | east 20 chains, thence north 40 chains, thence | M. CLIFF | Bella Coola Land District—District of Coast Range 3 Take no‘ice that H. M. Cliff of Dundalk, Ire- _ ‘ i s jland, occupation gentleman, intends to apply Applications will be received |for permission to lease the following described | the Board of Directors of the | corner of Lot 251, thence south 40 ening mente | 0 e o. Insurance. The Mack Realty and Insurance Co. eer Wanted srs | settlements. We write every known class of —— Wanted at once, a first-class seamstress. Mrs, Demers. 255-tf on a scrap of paper was chucked | tion with the new City Fire Hall. Plas-| wanted book-keepor to devote odd moments to | posting small set of books. P.O. Box 9%. Wanted—Good general servant. Best wages to capable person. Mrs.C. V. Bennet. 250-256 Wanted—General servant girl; other maid kept. Apply Mrs. L. W. Patmore. 251-tf Wanted. — Dressmaking, cleaning and press- ing, repairing for men and women Mrs Charles Percher, 820 Third Ave. Phone2% Red. tf | | For Rent—Two roomed cabin, close to McBride, | freshly papered and clean, only $10 per month. H F. McRae & Co. t-f | Wanted hotel mending and sewing, also household | washing and ironing. 261 Third Avenue, near | News office. Lost and Found at fp sree er erase rere | FOUND—2 Small Keys. Inquire at News Office. 225-tf Speer mrmermermere . Real Estate f Speer sere ermers mer merns Will buy lots in Prince Rupert at bargain prices for cash. Apply P.O. Box 860 stating location, price, etc. 231-1f ] Stenographer ot eee eer eee Eastern stenographer of wide experience wants h * €62 Cor- position. Address “‘Stenographer. dova St., Vancouver, B.C. t-f a tied painted eR i eas Ree, emer tera SST PEPER EEEEEEEE CE EEE EEE, ch Insertion== LOOKING OVER— t BEAUTIFUL; FURNITURE a es es EO SE EE Te rT does not mean high priced furniture. carries many designs in low priced really beautiful and make a room just a as the expensive grades. We carry much of the high priced goods. py+ 3, medium-priced, fine looking, beautifully fy ings, we are able to please the most exacting Class Store A first SEEEEEEELEE SEE EEEEESESEEEE | Be afi ae a> ae aie aie ale of fe afer ofr af af aie oof -F.W. HART 2nd Ave. and 6th St. Lots 12 and 13, Block 29, Section 1, Phone 62 | Park Avenue. Price $5000, one-fourth ae oe | cash, balance 6-12-18 months, EEELEEELESE PSE ee ees |}Lot 7, Block 28, Section 5, Summit | Avenue. Price $525. $225 cash, : : ——— balance $50 every three months. Lots 5 and 6, Block 22, Section 7, Sixth | Avenue. Price $600 each, one-hall lg cash, balance easy. Lot 3, Block 24, Section 7, Sixth Avenue. Price $600, one-half cash, balance} monthly. |Lots 19 and 20, Block 4, Sect’on 8, | orner Ninth and Donald. Price $800, one-fourth cash, balance 6-12-18 months. We have clients for property on Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Aves., close in. Submit your listings wat ELS HOUSES FOR SALE Four room house, Ambrose Aveaue, plastered and painted, best harbor view in city. Price $1837. $000) cash, balance $30 per month. LAND FOR SALE | ten acres, garden trucking | Price $65 per acre. | Five and Kitsumkalum. Terms. Continental Trust Co, LIMITE FOR RENT Stores on Second Avenue. FOR LEASE | Three lots close in on Third Avenue, | j Second Avenue Prince Rupert level. Good lease. | ——— | ae, OPROPEe PERO PE, iB ora, PRO MEA PROPEL 4 PEG PR + PRO PRO RRG FU | : _Sedorenseaegaegaeaeenaeaegaeeneenien: SESS ES ESE ‘Jeremiah H. Kugler, Ltd. a e . ’ ~! PREKERREP PEP PePR Pr RRRR REY Pe rrr r eer ar en NOTICE Offers will be received by the undersigned up to noon of Friday, 10th day of November, 1911, for the purchase of the Exchange Grill as a going | concern. An inventory of assets will be furnish- ed on application. D. G. STEWART, Stewart & Mobley, L. C. MACKEN, 250-255 P. R. Hardware & Supply Co. FEED STORE We carry everything in the feed line, also gar- den seeds at the lowest market prices, at Collart's | olg Feed Store, Market Place PONY EXPRESS Phones 41 or 30) Prompt Delivery | SMITH & MALLETT | THIRD AVE. || Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting and Sheet Metal Work Office: Sid Ave Phone 174 6 Workshop: 2nd Ave. bet. 7th and &th Sts PHONE 301 P.O. BOX 804 PONY EXPRESS SYSTEMATIC MERCHANTS DELIVERY SERVICE The Graham Island Oil Fields, Limited CAPITAL STOCK $1,000,000 Baggage, Storage and Forwarding Agents. For r . Kigs or Motor Car day or night We are offering for sale a very limite amount of shares of stock at 25c per par value $1.00. These shares are g quickly and will soon be off the market THE MACK REALTY & INSURANCE COMPAN! 0946446464444 6466 Si ssssceennenitil Seventh Ave. and Fulton Phone 301 HOWE & McNULTY GENERAL HARDWARE Stoves and Ship Ranges Chandlery Phone 364 Shoes. .!" IN BRITISH COLUMBIA ee OUR MAIL ORDER SYSTEM sess E3035 33: .\o, °, PRINCE RUPERT | extends its benefits to all parts of the province CARTAGE and | BESNER {& BESNER, Proprietors New Knox Hotel is runon the European | The ° CLIFF | pian. First-cl: ice. All the Latest Mod William MeNair, Agent | f; eee eae DS be UP Improvements. tet BEDS Sic UP | FIRST AVENUE, PRINCE RUPERT | Eyestrain? The use of suitable glasses save the eyes from strain and all the evils which follow. Profit by the experience of others. The bene- fits of properly fitted glasses are testified to by the thousands who nse them. Our Mr. Stevens will examine your eyes free of charge and guarantee satisfaction. eeeese R. W. Cameron & Co. G.T.P. Official Watch Inspector. | Cor. 6th St. and Second Avenue. } PHONE 82 OCOKKXHKAKKAKAKKAKRXAKKKARAIS O | Flat in Rend Block, corner Sixth Avenue | and Fulton Street. | Also stores in same block. Two cottages correr Second Avenue and | Ninth Street, FOR SALE | Lots in all parts of the city. FIRE INSURANCE We represent some of the largest Com- panies doing businegs in the City. C. D. RAND Second Ave. Phone 112 | | | LINDSAY'S “storace G. T. P. Transfer Agents Orders promptly filled. Prices reasonable. OFFICE~—H. B. Rochester, Centre St. at all outlying and distant points to pur: hase stock of Diamonds, Jewellery, Silverware, Cut Goods, Art Goods and Notions, as conveniently stood before our counters and conducted their | ally in our big Vancouver store. Our new catalos ed about the first week in November in order t plenty of time to order their Christmas goods befor the holiday season begins. Make sure you get tt is one of the finest yet issued by the House of Birks advertising for special and interesting lines . Hein; Birks G& Sons, Lid Phone 64. @-+—-¢—-#-#-9 — © -@ #-#-#-@| | FRED. STORK } | ~General Hardware i TORO ROIREREIEENERS . t : 7 : : ae ‘Ceekunee 4 Jewellers and Silversmiths Valves & Pipes Oxford Stoves * | ; re ee EI { . ; : | HASTINGS & GRANVILLE STS. VAN' ‘a Graniteware Tinware +) + SEDSDEEDEEDSERED NED ESET EE { SECOND - AVENUE + o-¢-+-¢-@—¢-¢-#-+-#@¢+* are “FROM HOME TO HOME | HOTEL ELYSIUM | Sid. Sykes, Manager The Finest, Newest and Most Up-to-date Hot Excellent Cafe. Moderate Pr : : C. 1142 Pender Street West . - Vancouver B | Phone 8500. | Do away with this, laundry. Patronize a white | Pioneer Laundry. Phone 118 T What, you havea! Parr | heard the Victrola! hy all means: NOTICE Come in and hear } The greatest musical world has ever know! Come and hear it today: istrument the We, the undersigned, state that any slanderous statements made by us as jto the character of Mrs. Eric Rosang | are absolutely without foundation, and Gift were made in the heat of a quarrel | | between ourselves, and we believe Mrs. | Makes an Excellent Xmas Rosang to be a respectable moral | bd woman. | Dated at Prince Rupert, this 1st day | of November, 1911. ANDREAS LARSEN nd H. OLSEN |