OF OUR Friday and Saturday are the Last Two Days The Knox Hotel For special rates on room and board to permanent guests It. UKASELL . N. M. BRASELL Just Arrived- Christ mas Crackers in the latest designs Priced from ifarf Jr Per box Leave your order now. Wc will hold any article till Christmas Ormes Ltd. 7hi Pioneer Drviqtjists The Itexall Store Phones: 81 & 82 Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m.. 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. We loan you free a complete Home Permanent Wave Machine for 3 months. All you need do s send $3.00 to cover the cost of shipping and the oil for 6 complete Permanent. Will not larm the finest hair. Any one can guarantee a perfect wave with this machine. No electricity or experience heeded. When you have used these supplies more oil can obtained from us at fifty cents a permanent. ji,ata Marvel Wave Factory -r m 1183 Fast 41st. Ave. -i44 Vancouver, B.C. Winter is again with us and as usual wc are at your service to assist you solve your fuel problems. We have coals for all stoves, heaters and furnaces. Phone us for prices. Winter 9 zvnayoiw needs refilling PHILPOTT- EVin & Co. Ltd. 651 PHONE 652 HOLIDAY LOCAL NEWS Basketball tonight, Moose Hall. Moose Gingham Novelty Dance. Friday, Adm. 35c. (289) Dainty boxed pantle sets just larrived at the Dollar Store. tf. 1 Dr. J. H. Carson is at present on a business trip to Stewart and An-yox. He is due home tonight on the Prince Rupert; Mrs. Neal Carter and son. Bruce. and Mrs. R. G, Large are sailing tonight on .the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver. H. F. Wearmouth Is makine a satisfactory recovery at the Prince Rupert General Hospital where he underwent an operation for appendicitis at the first of the week. Canadian Legion, B.E.S.L., mem; bers of the Lealon and tho wo men's Auxiliary"' ple'aW, turn in names oi cniioren eligible' for Christmas Tree at once. ' (289,291, 293:. William Doodson of Smithers. who has been on a business triD to Vancouver, arrived in t.hp ritv frnm BAR IsiLVER DOWN' NEW YORK, Dec. 10r (CP) Tnp price cf silver dropped to 45c per fine ounce on the New York metal market yesterday.. Announcements .Gingham Dance, Moose Hall? i Cambral Christmas Spinsters' Spree. December 11. Recreation dance, Oddfellows Hall, December 18. "V Canadian Legion Christmas Tree December 19. "; , Orange Hogmany Dance, December 31. Elks' New Year Dance, Boston Hall, December 31. Announcing: 5 laxi (Itoss Mazzei) DAY and NIGHT SERVICE Stand opposite Royal Hotel .Third Avenue READYING FOR XMAS Was Principal Business At Can-v . adian Legion Meeting Last " Night With President W. M, Brown In the chair, the Prince Rupert branch of the Canadian Legion of the British Empire Service League held Its regular monthly meeting last evening In th clubrooms. Arrangements for the usual Christmas celebrations were completed. The Christmas Tree will bi held on Saturday afternoon, December 18. for children of members of the Legion and of the Women's Auxiliary. For needy families hampers will be sent out. The annual Christmas dinner for unemployed ex-service men will be arranged by a committee of W. M Brown, W. J. Ranee, H. A. Breen and J Preeoe. The usual Christmas Eve and New Year's eve features will be repeated. mu- New members of, .the branch include Victor Benetton.f.M, j.,Keays, Frank Guest, John S. West, James Sharman and J. Prince. The installation of a central heating plant has been completed and is proving an entire success. tne south on the Prince RuDert women's Auxiliary was given by yesterday morning and proceeded to the Interior by'the' .evenlne train. The 'Prince RuDert Ro'tArv 'Pin. held its regular monthly business iunuieon xooay wnen various matters affecting the interests nnrt activities of the club were dealt with. President C. V. .Evlitt was In the chair and there was a trrwH attendance of members.. Jack Preece and their splendid as sistance on many occasions has been a strong factor in the success 'of the branch. The report was received with enthusiasm. A Christmas Biliiard tournament will get under way this coming week and an interesting series of games Ls assured, Timely Recipe, BRAISED CALF'S LIVER Wipe liver and skewe into shane ' if necessary. Draw small lardoons j that is, strips of fat pork or bacpn i , through the liver fn parallel i rows, leaving each lardoon exten- i ,ded a half Inch above the surface.'! Place liver In a casserole or Dutch oven, surround with remnants of j lardoons, Sprinkle with salt and pepper and dredge with flour. Surround with one-third cup each of carrots,, onions and celery cut in ismall cubes. Add one-half tea-spoonful pepper-corns, six cloves, one spray parsley, a bit of bay leaf, and two cups of hotbrown stock or water. Cover closeiy and cook two hours In a slow oven. Remove cover I the last half hour of cooking, so; that liver may brown richly, Re-; 1 move ' liver to serving platter and, 1 set aside in a warm place. Strain',.-liquor In casserole and use for , making a brown sauce. Pour sauce , around liver and serve. Braised ilver may be served' cold, thinly ' sliced. CAR RUNS WILD SYLVAN LAKE. Alta., 'Dec. 10: (CPJ When Sylvan Martin cranked his automobile he turned more than the motor over. The car backed up with a roar, mounted three steps, crashed through the door of a departmental store, hurdled silent salesmen and came to rest atop the dry goods counter. CASH COMES SLOWLY Cash donations to the Sal- yatlon Army fund are coming in slowly but, doubtless, as the time draws nearer, Uiase who have not !yet found time to ' write their checks will do so or will leave their donations with Salvation Army officers or at the Daily News. Receipts so far Include; ! M. S ...$ 2.00 Previously acknowledged 15.00 & Mrs. Arnold 5.00 Total 42200 Weather Forecast (Furnished thrown the oourtesy ot "..e Dominion MHeorologlcal Bureau it Victoria awl Prince Rupert. This tjre-oast Ls compiled from observations taken at 5 a.m. today and covers th 3Q hour period encUng S p.m. tomorrow). Pressure is falling on the northern coat and it is becoming milder in British Columbia. Prtn:e Rupert district South to southwest gales, mild with rain Queen Charlotte Islands Strong southwest to south gales, mild with showers. West Coast Vanminw Telanrt' rev:ew 01 activities of the South to southwest winds, Lncrcas- ing mild with . a few scattered showers. BIRDS NESTING CALOARY, Dec. 10: (CP) Birds at Calgary Zoo are being fooled by the prolonged mild weather they are nesting again. Pigeons and South African doves have nested and eggs have been found In the nests. Marmots and bears are taking no chances and have been hibernating for some time. on .. ..L You still have time to save on your Christmas needs. We carry a.full line of wearing apparel for men, women and children. Christmas presents that are useful. A small deposit will hold any article until wanted. RUPER STOR T PEOPLE'S E LTD. SEE CUT RATE SHOE STORE Your Friends CUT RATE STORE WILL MAKE LONG TRIP Local Doctor and Son to Travql Around World, Leaving Here Christmas Week Dr. W. T. Kergln of this city and his son and daughter-in-law, Dr. and Mrs. W. S. Kergln, will be leaving Prince Rupert aboard the steamer Cabala. Christmas week for a six months' trip around the ( 'world. They will travel to Europe via the Orient ana Suez Canal, sailing from Vancouver December 26 aboard the Japanese liner Hel-an Maru. While Dr. Kergln's trip is primarily for rest and change, he shall visit hospitals in Vienna and England while away. Dr. V. S. Korgin of Premier had decided to go to Vienna and England for post-graduate work and, therefore, Is making the , trip with his father. I Mrs. W T. Kergln will leave a little toter to visit friends In the East and wlU cross irom Mont-! real or New York, meeting Dr. ! Kergln in London. They will .then spend a month or so Iri England and on the continent returning to i Prince Rupert some time the latter part of June. ' Dr. and Mrs. W. S. Kergln will return to Premier later. Tonight's train, due from the east at 10:20, was reported this morning to be on time. est Colds . . . Yield quicker to the Poultice -Vapor action of VSCKS VapoRub MEN'S SILVER FOX HUNT AIRDRIE, Alta., Dec 10: (CD-Silver foxes are again being hunted in Alberta foothills, a windstorm blew down the pens at the VW Bar Ranch near here and ten foxes were released. Victor Watson, owner, recaptured four and the others are being sought. I. MEALS OFTEN FAIL TO GIVE NEEDED INTERNAL EXERCISE All-Bran Relieves Common Constipation , r-l iL-i t mi it. I ineais mai are low in duik are a common failing of the average American diet. Frequently, these meals result in irregular habits. Constipation due to insufficient "bulk" is often a consequence. This condition causes discomfort, and may lead to headaches and loss of appetite. Even serious disease may develop. Banish the danger of a diet low in "bulk" by eating Kcllogn's All-Dran regularly. This delicious cereal is an abundant source of gentle "bulk." Within the body, it absorbs moisture and forms a soft mass, which exercises and strengthens intestinal muscles, and cleanses the system. All-Bran, also furnishes vitamin B and contains iron. Two tablespoonfuls daily, with milk or cream, are usually sufficient. If not relieved this way, consult your doctor. How mu,ch pleasanter to enjoy this natural food in place of pills and drugs. Serve All-Bran either as a cereal, or cooked into muffins, breads, etc Eat it regularly for regular habits. All-Bran Is sold by all grocers. Made by Kellogg in London, Ont. 'Con tit pat u dui to tn$uffltirnt "bulk Shop at Kaien Hardware for AMAZING CHRISTMAS G VALUES 2 Outstanding Bargains Seven-Piece Water Set Special $1.00 Good Looking Pottery Table Lamps vmy-a iew cfl aq at His Gift for today and tomorrow! A Packard Electric No soap-No brush, just plug into Q-f fn any light docket FT It's a Merry Christmas for the lucky woman who gets this Hoover Cleaner and attach- Kft mcnts, only cjlHIJ'.tfV A thrilling surprise! Give her Stainless Steel Cooking 9K Utensils, from Christinas Thrill For the Whole Family - Play Monopoly. Three to eight can play and what fun you C A will have, complete . . . VVttfV BRING THE CHILDREN TO TOYlAND AT Kaien Hardware '-.. I K It V 8 ft 9 I V I tf f