tussntB Nolle. FOR SALE as a going concern. (tf ) Cleaner, almost new, ?io. rnont 272. U CHRISTMAS Present that will please, a uunsen un uurner. Phone Black 461 or Qreen 106. (tf t FEW DAYS Furniture Far tory Samples must be cleared o4 sensational bargain prices. 10 piece Chesterfield groups $62. 50; 3 -piece Langham Chester llekt--$94.50; 10-piece Bcdroorr Suite. hlgh-rade Eastern hard trood construction, Burl front $115.50; Genuine Walnut cedi chests $14.50. Order today. Tafr iyih WK.ftri H' rmm nflnnfii house '5th Ave. East. App! Washington Block. (200) WANTED work at Stewart. $10 per month. Apply Box 7, Dally News. (290) PERSONAL highest grade 15 for $1. Pacific Supply, 751 Granville, Vancouver MEN Get vigor ,at once. New Os trex Tonic Tablets' contain raw oyster lnvlgorators and .othei stfmulants. One dose pep's up cf gans, glands If not dellghteu aker refunds few cents paid -all or write, Ormes Limited. 11 FURS TRAPPERS and DEALERS fort Esslngton, Port Simpson and awuiern uoast miuk wanvea a once for Immediate delivery, and " ire prepared to pay you me Hr top market prices. Also your IfartAn r. .-. A XTnr. rnlr All V other furs at full market value. Our world-wide connections en able us to pay you the highest prices for all your furs. A trial sMpment will convince you. Do It now! A square deal or no deal I TRAPPERS' FURS LTD. Buyers, Exporters and Raw Fur Marketing Agents PRINCE GEORGE. B.C. LANII ACT of Intention to Aunly to l-eaw Land IQ th Prlnna TJurwirt tAnrt RfCOrdtnA DlWct of Rang 4, Coat Land DUtrlc' W4 situate afjproxUiMltcly one mile It 1 Boutherly direction along tue ccatl of Prlnorea Eoyal Island from m Point, aaVd Red Pern Tolnt beliij 'Pproxlm&teiy four mile In Westerly ctlon from Barnard Oove. Tke Nottoe Uvat Hans llanaen ol ice Rupert, D.C, occupation Flit wlw Intend, to apply for a leiuse ol following described lands. Com-ttmclng at a poet planted at rip ter mark on the snore-line In the Btddie of a bay being approximately mile South of lwd Fern Point ence three chains North-Eaat; thence ijn ohalng Eat thence five chatiu "Wh. thence flftewi chains Weal, tlence Northerly to U10 nearest point low water, thpne followllW iw to a point opposite the Initial pt and containing fire acres, more or - . HANS HANSEN Wmh jV of October. 10S8 Delicious, Fresh COTTAGE CHEESE VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 HOTEL NEW ROYAL J. Zarelll, Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up 5 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. .Phone 281 p.o. Box 196 celved 16,028 votes at the civic elec- ' lls tlon. Aid. L. D. McDonald was se-l D03 amphibian plane and has not been Retail prices carTent here are as cond with 12,043 votes; Charle? E. Delicious, 3f Jb3. .r.. Thompson third with 18S3 votes,'' D0K :----r--'-l---..---.:-and Ex-Mayor Louis D. Tavlor last rru't with 3993. L-mons, doz. .40 .suggested latlons to Aid. Miller and gave as-Bananas' lb 12V4' turance that he would do every- Cranberries, lb 27 h no nnlhli Irr.m (hp nnttlrln tn rrau, illlJUU, UUZ -JU- promote the interests of the city. araPes- Trov, lb. Bight members of the council ircia"m:,u,ir" UUi- were elected at large Instead of twelve In wards' as in the past. Those elected; aldermen were J. W. Cornett, Aid. H. D. Wilson, Fred Crone, John Bennett (these for two years), Aid. T. It. Kirk, R. P. PetMplece, Andrew Anderson and Alfred Hurry (these for one year). advantage of this splendid op Apiece, Anderson ihd Hurry portunlty to 6ave. Julius Short-Mall Order House, 801 Bekhv Building, Vancouver. FOR RENT were candidates of the Co-.opera tlve Commonwealth Federation which failed In Its bid for control of the council although early re turns fom the'east end were heavily In its favor This was overcome by fhe west end. Miss A. B. Jamleson, Thomas Brooks, Frank E. Buck (C. C. F.), R. N. Needlands and W. N. Wallace (C. C. F.). were elected to the school board. 10 lire rarjis uoara u. w.j Thompson, Edgar u. Baynes, Alexander Macdonhld and Ronald Macaulay (C. C. F.) were elected. A money bylaw to provide for further airport develojiment was approved s PILOT GLASS IS MISSING AGAIN Not Reported Since Tuesday When He Left Juneau For Westward ANCHORAGE, Alaska, Dec. 10: Pilot Don Glass, Alaskan commercial flier, Is missing again. He left Juneau at 10 o'clock Tuesday morn ing with his twin,-motored Sikorsky Pomegranates, , each ijutler Fancy, cartoned,, lb No. 2 Creamery, lb ... No. 1 Creamery, lb ..... Pure, lb. ........:... Vt'geial)i!i B.C. Potatoes; 8 lbs Sweet Potatoes, 3 lb? ... B. C. Cnldns, lb Garlic, imported, per !b. .Cauliflower, B.C., 20c to .... Parsley, bunch B.C. Carrots, 8 lbs , . Beets, bunch Yellow Turnips, 8 lbs .25 B. C. Hothouse Tontatoes No. 1 lb : .15 basket 70 B. C. Lettuce Green Peppers, lb - !Red Peppers, lb Cucumbers, outdoor, each Pumpkins, lb. . Hubbard Squash, 'b Green Cabbage, lb. .... Brussells Sprouts, Cal., 15c, 2 lb Vegetable Marrow, lb Spinach, lb, .... . Feed Hay, Bulkley Valley Timothy . 100 lbs ., I WheatBulkley yalle uran - Middlings I Shorts :.:.:'...?. '.'.'. '. 1 Oats i Fine Oat Chops Barley - Laying Masti Oyster Shell repoited since. He was destined for Roasting Chicken, lb 32 Cordova or Anchorage. His air en-(nam) picnic, first grade, lb 20 glneer, Gordon McKenzie, and four nacon. side, sliced, best grade .. .45 passengers accompanied him. Bad weather yesterday heightened fears for the safety of the plane and party. The distance from Juneau to Cordova Is approximately 300 miles. inp WHIIT news. Pork, shoulder, lb 18 Pork, loin, lb 25 Pork, leg, lb 25 Pork, dry salt, lb 25 Veal, loin, lb. .". 22, Veal, shoulder, lb. 12c to Beef, pot roast. lh 12'sC to nnnf ' K M 1 1 1U Oa fn "TILLIE THE TOILER" T1LL1E!JI ' MACOOOSAUU, AKEN'J TDU,' PU ATffAU CAW HELP t)V ! TulMWe VE'S' VJOMOEK.FU1 1 TELA- HIM He caw csraovAi Utfi ON A T SEEMS UE MAGIC COME Ia .... , .. Hcm. inc. wmwra vuinb . Hrmey .15 .15 .lft .18 .30 Fiour, 46'3 No. 1 hard wheat .. 2.20 ! Mixed nuts, lb. 20 Second Patent -. i. 2.10 Instry Flour, 10 lbs 55 j Not Walnuts, .broken shelled 35 iv al nuts, fIic lied halves, lb. 43 Almonds, Cal., shelled, lb 65 Dried fruits White Blga, lb ... .12 alack Cooking Figs, lb "j, i Dates, oulli, lb., 8c to .r ,J Smyrna Natural Figs, lb .in " 'Lemon and Orange Peel 27 Art VJblWt pecx f .w- , ""i Prunes, 30-40, lb, .15; I .07 .25 .07 10 1.45 2.75 2.40 2.95 2.60 2.65 2.75 2.55 3.00 1.45 Prunes, 40-50, 2 lbs .25 Prunes, 60-70, lb. C9 Raisins, Australian seedless, lb. .14 1 Ralslnt. Cal. seedless lb ..... .lb Cluster Raisins, pkg. 25 Peaches, peeled, 15c, to sugar. White, 100'lbs. Yellow, 100 lbs 5.30 1 Cheec Ontario "solids, new, lb. Edam, lb. Ontario, mature, lb., Stilton, lb. .... Turkey, No. 1, lb .' .35 noreonzola. lb. IFowl, No. 1, lb 23 i Currants, lb. Aprleots, lb. Apples, dried .,.... ..He. rn- to .25 .n .20 5.80 .25 .50 .35 .3S. Roquefort, lb 90 60 Steamship Sailings For Vancouver-Tuesday Catala 1:30 p.m. Thurs. ss. Pr, Rupert 10:30 p.m. Friday ss. P. Adelaide....l0 p.m. SS. Catdena .. . 10:30 p.m. Dec. 3 ss, Prin. Norah 5:30 pm. Dec. 17-ss. Prln. Norah 5:30 p.m. From Vancouver Sunday ss. Catala . - 4 p.m Wed. ss. Pr. Rupert 10 a.m. VJHV. MAC D1DWT RECOQMI-Z.E VDU IN TVWT BEARD DON T l!c7 EXPUMM J3JST SO 1D -SHAVE "THOSE UlHlSKECS OFT ViHlLE A LOOKi OP MAIK -SPECIALIST IM THB 'PHOMEBOCK1 V -T Laree American corporations are; Js planning to extend thedr businesses p me inp. iie is wonaeruig wno iviu loiiow tne mvesimsni 01 capi- .85 racket. .10 that he might fall "Spanish Prisoner" Yo' Lacib shoulder, lb t9. f ,1- 45 uxmo, 10 jj Lfttnb Chops, lb, 25c to .20 ,251 .30 Halibut, fresh; 15 '34. i.;.l,r,i I,,,..,,. tK IK,. .,,) (! .31 '33 .18 .25! .25 .06 .3!j .25. .00 j .25 .04. Jalmon, red springs fresh, lb. White, 2 lbs, ...I,... ' Honey. -Extracted Honey, per Jar 22c to .2G .25 .30 tal here." Experience in the' Argtmtlrfe and 'hi Canada has shown population' 1 acccmpa-nles Investment bf capital, 4.4.4 !)-. lecired, FMl EYES THAT MEET THE SUN You fishermen, you hunterj, yori outdoor men should fiivt your' t-yes the btnefit of every care and every protection. Many a -'good vacation has been impaired because of headaches directly due to improper eye-care. Have your eyes examined now and regularly. Hyd A Hair Raising Hope ' mi vii t I rrr tAiP 1 P e Transfer Quick Delivery C(ML WOOD Chairs & Tables For Rent PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue "VOU AO IN THEI'PHOMS: OQS kjkiV4PM sch i -EEC Mrt MnPS SE'S ME: - IKiTEEESTS ME. DOCTOSviCWtO U r. .';' fgfjfe-til-' . ,(iUy Drcember 10, 1933 THE DAILY NEWS PAGE SEVEN gHOOTS GOLDEN' EAGLE BOWNESS, Alta., Dec. 10: (CP-eoldcn eae measuring seven e( from wing tip to wing Up and elghing eight -and a nan pounds a3 shot down near here by Leon-district farmer; i MILLER IS !ThiHftrlrpk-:UlI-BLB : M k V AD ' V lvlC&l lido t JIOFFEREOF FOKTtNEJ IS Chosen to Succeed MeGccr In Vancouver Voting ; Yesterday Results of Alilermanic Contest VANC6UVEHf. Dec. 10- Alrt George C. Miller, manufacturers' follows: Eggs v. B.C. Fresh Extras. Orade A Large, cartoned, doz . fLcca, new laid, doz ug.ni, anu memDer oi ine city Mciiivosn ueas, duik. mncy council for eight yean, was yester-' 4 lbs iiiuvut Ul VulICUUVLT. ww. , ,., for the coming two years He re-'Mcintosh Reds, wrapped fancy" NOT GOING: TO MEXICO D. Zarcjll of this city Is. in receipt of a ''Spanish Prisoner" letter from Mexico in which .47 1 he is Invited to the southern 55 republic to put oip sufficient it n -i 1 Isss U.a.lapitai f In Australia : 'M '5. Large American uorpwramms ujy v tend Businesses 'Down Under SYDNEY, N. S. W., Dec. 10; (CP 1 BUY YOUR pAS &FTS AT Dry Goods fJovelty Shop Children's Coats and presses 1 money to raise an embargo on Austalla whsTe they will fem tf MPWW; . I suitcases said to contain $185,- loy Au$ttanan labor and use if Novelty Evening liagS' 0CO In banknotesThe writer of a,,,,. m,tPTiiU. Premlr Stev- i xr.i.. Tni... ' .25 i not do the business himself. , Snon after thp rpsnH. nf th CTanees, dos. 25. 28. 32. 38,, and 47c. for the mayoralty poll became known, Ald.;JaP Oranges, box McDonald tendered hto concratu- i Orapef ruit, Cal., each 6c to 25 i ,2.25 the letter Is, as usual, sup- ,... n. W(1W Sfnlth Wales said to an ij. j i. i. ).. x. I '. ' pusrti io uc m unu uai- Tia,iidress here. s . . . hi.: r. 7;nero 13 a ucauiui.r liwicmnn tor.ft Thr- nniJ nnp-thtrrt of the invrSi inl ttb J!5 $185,003 far offered. Mr. ZareM , ,v ntttiiM cinltal from other ? . 2.65 f does not contemplate making countries," he said, population Novelty Jewellery Pick out yoiir Chilitmas tVlIt and we will la? Wm -asM fii; you. UNEQUALLED VALUES IN I CHRISTMAS CARDS V R This year ihe fetore has excelled all previous, efforts $ in musterln-an itliiiosfc Bevilderihg variety. Every : iype- 01 '.appropriate,, aiTistic ana :yeautuuny,.iue-signed. cards that '.hutriaii inqenUity could' cfeate-.ia sp'resd out -before ymtj ..our selection being extremely varied and ufiiisual. Why not come in, before the rush when you can choose carefully, and find exactly the right cafds.tb express your own sentiments. They are plainly priced arid conveniently arranged. Box No, Beautiful .cbldred folders and envel-; opes: Friendly whtU menu' 75c 16 eatds. ..r...H. TO MAKE AN APPOlMTMErJT; row. rr-. HACD0U6AU- rAy PlANCfe'-s-TMAN you, ooc?pg tOJ- sb. fei gvlt QMEfc: The Bald Fact - Box N'o. '4 Here is Valuel Boxif 21 Xmas Folders, netr iy put. , v $1.25 up . Box No. i Qne Dozeni AH lolJp.rs, eaUv,d?corated: 35c wi'hvcjo ies .' Box No. 3 Larue delightful Xmas Folders, Ever J card, different, 10 card3 Kqse. Cowan & Latta 75c Box No. 5 Box Of '21 Gay and Colorful Cards- and $1.00 Folderi, frietdl., 'tf Otiniepts '- T SPECIAL 10 .''cljrds' and 'Envelopes v ISP " - pkt. .i..a...'....' u Cellophane Wrap, - Gift Wrapping Papcritinscf ,an4 Cellophane RibVpns, Tats, Seals, Enclosure Cards , Make ybu parcels; say, J;Merry Ch'Unas" to the. last detail ' . Brighten thepi' up with. Festive .Wrapping!; . ' -V t There' Is also orX display a splendid array of ' ARTISTIC Gin CALENDARS,: Come- In find look .thenl oyer-there?s no obligation to; purchase. BESNJEB BLOCK,.,TliiBD STREET ENTRANCE 3 TcriMr"'L.n' HEV5Sc2l ;".! rVf PUVN-nWQ A BBQ-A -SM HOPE 1 J T-eX W&n&lU& Y5L 1 s rose qosh in a. lvsit r Va&v r?y yjiiBA frwm-o, sqim x. i( FHW MiMUTES ri6MTMS s'KKfM WBs I AT HOr.. . fem 1 - t - i ' ' .... . ... , , . , I ; T ) "f.' " "T - r - -IT - i