i7 pecember 10, 1936 p India w Bes Bowling;, ! ,eague Schedule nber 9- -Annette's vs.- Qfotti ark P1"S3 vs. ume uiras, Hs Canadian Na-: S VS. fV""""1 ' SRecreatfon Association vs. cuts. ! nber id- Annette's vs. Spark! oodadi vs. Knockouts, Ran-' C.N.RA,, Grotto vs. Blue KCKEY SCORES jc'fic Coast I-eague HACK r 1 vr qourtnena Lild pick his own khed surely sau 'KITE an 1 STILLED, BLENDED AND BOTTLED IN SCOTLAND 53.25 -dv ;piflnt i" not p"b- d 01 displayed by the Ll- ! Cm1'-' ' Porrrf nr by the fmment of Bluish Columbia. ritis.tTeam Wins Ridinggrdphies ,t; The British army riding team, w h mounts that were selected and trained in less than six v.tcIc, bi-f.re beta, shipped overseas, have been cleaning up the indoor rldini awards in Eastern Canada and United States horse sho ;. s. They starred at the Royal Winter Fair. Toronto, against Canadian, Chilean and Irish riders, and added the French saddle aces to their opposition in New York. Top ridei ol the team is Lieut. J. A. Talbot Ppnscnby, shown here with Magulre, one of his mounts, aid one of the huge silver cups' they captured as a patnersllip. SPORT CHAT Edmonton Grads, renowned wo men's basketball team, held a party I in Edmonton recently to celebrate 'thr.ir 2lst birthdav. Daid tribute to I their, genial coach,. J.-Percy Page, 'and looked back oh a record of 431 I Uiumphs in 15 games played.' Past, I present and future members of the 'perennial champions gathered ; about a big birthday cake studded 1 with 21 cnndles. Other Grads in a distant parts sent 'and fans fiom North 'American felicitations. messages . aiivrrn.t r,M nnhiuthGd at displayed by the Liquor Cnn.r nvV.?.irnM.Pnt Ol Brltll COIUIUnik. Duitiu uy u; i ....... of .; congratulation, and sport official? all parts of tne continent sent Probably no othc,r athletic organization in the world can boast such a record. The Grads have held He provincial championship every year since the team's ' inception, IJoijlIL np 99 except 11)21 ; the Canadian crown every year from 1922 to lp35 .j(they did no, try for the' title this year) and the international title since The happy , reunion: centerea upon J. Percy Page, the school teacher who came to Edmonton from Hamilton, Ont., In 1915, when he organized the team which he ha guidgd , ever. .since, His organl: ation is made up of. the. Grads, on team; Gradettes, now. a senior ranization; the Comets, .an in-ermcdiate outfit; and the Imps, he "babies." . -.. 1 As veterans retire Coach Page takes from the "Gradettes' as manj flayers as arc 'needed to fill the gaps. Three of last yaar's Grads ive decided to quit the .game. IsttV Ross and Winnie Gallen have esn picked from Gradettes to take their places. Another player .vill be chosen shortly. Coach Page u-es an unique system of promoting olayers to the Grads. When re-rults are needed, Page, Coach Ar nold Henderson of Gradettes and members of, the Grads select by jallot members of the junior team which they , think should step up r US6 Grad line-up. ' -.galr.st a.boyslcanfj lhiyGra'd,s,of coday scared - i basket puf. pi a otal of 92s enanoei We hive "no .voiries." From W. H. Hardwicke, Vancouver, president of the Cana-iinn Rasketball Association, came 1 cold . engraved medal for Mr PAGE FIVE THE DAILY NEWSi ews of the Sport Worl RECREAiTION ,-Fiye Taxi EDUCMONi ' Winsin-Bowling xc A l uuicu root lhw6" ..- lieves Movement Will . ,Spread.. VAN9pUVER,4-Dec. 10; (OP) Rttreali&aY celtes' ihrWaout Canada similar to those in British Columbia's government department of Physical Educational'.Recreatton are envisioned by Ian Elsenhardt, provincial director, ' Meetlne In Toronto a few weeks ago with the. Youth .Committee of the National Employment Associa tion, Mr. Elsenhardt explained the British Columbia plan to Chairman Alan Chambers, Victoria; Andre Mori jp UtiVMbhtrealj? -Joseph- Mc-Culleey,' Newmarket 'Ont!," and' W C. Nlckerson, Halifax. The committee submitted its findings to. tfe National Employment poniml4sldh which will, it Is expected", 'make-a recommendation to the federal government. , :; I' i 4, In British Columbia the' recrea tion department has planned "this season for 35 centres with a membership goal of lOlOOO. 'Enrojme'rit In 1935-36 reached 4,535 with a total person-attendance of 54,298. Instructors cannot be trained fast nough. Mr. Elsenhardt says, many men working In mines and forests are employed only seasonally and need physical training to malntair their health and physique during idle periods. Physical training would also aid those who had been cured- of tuberculosis to rebuild themselves physically. The recreation, department war Organized in this province In the depression year of 1932, wlthiiB staff of flye which has now grown to 50, . ) I have no misgivings regarding schools. he feam that will be representing the 'Grdds next spring'" Coach Page ,0M at the nartv. "In practice Nineteen Centre Free gymnasium classes were .onducted in; 19 centres In the-flrst season, .the typical program Include 'ng iSwedish; gymnastics, tumbling, vaulting, tap-dancing fand 'grcun Tames. Special events In boxing md massed displays were ' held and Vy the end of March 1935, nearly 1,000 had enrolled. The department established 'fve new centres in the second winter ind added to the program weight-lifting, boxing, flying rings and horizontal bar features for men folk and modern dancing for women. The second summer season pro vided outdoor classes In tennis, ticket, archery, swimming and life avlng In 18. centres In Vancouver -nd Victoria; next,' four leader's -ourses in those cities; .then a yeek's display of the various cen tres activities In Vancouver's Stanley Park; and, finally, a series nt demonstration tours of Van .ouver- Island, the lower- Fraser ''alley and' .suburban districts and 1 waitea Jairo "who has done more for bas- Max Aemtfen's team went back 'vptball in Canada than any other nto 'the lead in the challenge .nan." Coach E. P. Fenton, 01 ues vlolnes, Iowa,; wno nas seen many if his great teams humbled by the Orads, sent a trophy to Mr. Page, "hum he described as "the most ;nnrtsmanlike coach I have ever ' '' met." v. '.. .i . ! Tli ! I'UMWTTIYT 1 rm7ni 1 1 nnVERNMENT SUf tsiviaiwii DicirrrrrM-aTTriN bond uNP.waa5MawwnM nmB.M,...,!. 'TT" TbTthTnmior Control Board or by the Govern- Tnls dum " y . advertisement is not published or ment of British Columbia. Asemissens Team Is In Lead Aain Only One More Session Remains To be Played in CliallenKe Bowling Series Vwl!nr .sirlM 1n.s.t. nltrht bv win nlng over ' Jimmy Cltcone's quln-ette 2092 to 2386 plnrs. Aseimls-en' team, now has a lead of 264 ours with only three games still t.T be played., These ttiree games will be,, played next Sunday. High av erage scorer last' night was Scoop Bury of Asemlsseh's team wltK.213 Individual scores: ASEMISSEN"S 1st 2nd 3rc' Gunderson 169 170 13 Bury ':. .214 221' 20! Moran - - .191 210 15' Comadlna 193 159 17! Asemlssen 188, 154 Total1 CICCONE'S Smith .! Ooverdale Mcintosh ::.... French ...... Shrlaber J:.. rfy-:;c?55,4 1st 2nd 172 147 165 -156 144 105 .,171 144 145 104 Night SiXiFive 1 Taxi -1 'defeated Over- three games' to nil 'on ruesday niiiikin the CltyTen Plr. fowling L&tgbe.'' 'mgh ' average corer was -Bill Schrelber of Six Tive Taxi with 138. Next bowling, play win be io light in -the Commercial League .s follows: Biological Station vs JaUinger's; McMeekin's vs. Prince 2upert Batchers. 817 -756 .. 793 1 The City League standing for the second block of the season is now is follows: Moose a - .3 0 Grotto .2 lower Corporation :f..:::2 rrrjour Savage 1.. ' Printers .,:r. verwaltea '9 'v-';' 3. 1 1 2 .2 6 II HOOP PLAY SCHEDULE . December 10 Moose vs. Lanibie & Stone, High School vs. Annettes, Scythians vs. Regiment, High School vs. Seal Cove. T 3lBaslictl)airStapdinKs aenioi eniot League i-eaguc , l j Moose .4 3 Grotto ; : .....4 4 Lambie ft Storje ...;s..3 4 Intermcatate Lcajuc Scythians . :5 1 Moose 4 2 Ben's , 2 . 4 Regiment ..0 4 Ladies' League High School :.....:..:..6 1 Annette's 3 4 3 qrbttettes; ..fc Junior League Boy Scouts I...... .........5 : "1 1 High School ......3 2 Junior Moose :..3 3 6 Seal Cove 0 5 Featuring Today 5B LAM 8, 8 6 ! 10 8 4 0 12 6i 41 j 10 6. 6 . t 9 0 A Great Book "How to Become a Hockey Star" by T. P. "Tommy" Gorman, manager and coach of the Montreal "Maroons", nrnfmplv lllim. 1 tratfcd and .containing many valuable tips-on bow to play the game, also AUTOGRAPHED PICTURES ! -GREAT PLAYERS '(mounted for framing) Cmup Montrnil "Jlaroona'' Group "La Canadioiu" or inditiAual pictures bfi Baldy Northrott Paul Haynra IMve Irottier Run blinro Ert Itobiruwa Ous Marker Tlowia Morenl Johnny .Gaznon iWpf.CupuT; Marty Harry Ptt Kelly . DtVa Km v Poy.AVort.ra ' "An" bailey Art lnieur Prank Pnur.her' Afrtv Itnrlra GtorgoMantbV Alei Levinsky Your choice of the above For a label from a tin of "C1U)VN BRAND" or "MLY WHITE" Corn Syrup. Write on the back your name and address plainly and the words "octcy Book"-or the name of the picture you want (one book or picture for each label). Mall the label to the address below. EDWARD5BURQ CORN SYRUP THE FAMOUS ENERGY FOOD A product of Tlie CANADA STARCH COMPANY Limited P.O. Bo 388, MONTREAL MS " m ''EmwsF' v Js! mm h) . Win the enthusiastic thanks of every man on your $j list. Your gift won't be packed away and forgot-: $j ten if you choose him a shirt styled by K :' "ARROW" J ("No one ever regretted buying quality") We now-have our complete range of shirts on display. Price up from $1.25 Again we suggest a visit to our store will convince you that we have a selection of shirts in a -great variety of colors and fabrk3 to please'anyiman. i We have many other Christmas Gift Suggestions. Watch This Space! -tVi J.. ! BSE & STONE r 1 "Clothes of Distinction" . 1 .ni i : (5. - IN 'HI 1 .J- n