rAUa FUUH 26. LOCAL NEWS NOTES night at clubrooms at 8. Announcements Eagles' Picnic, Grassy Bay, July Presbyterian Bazaar, November Anglican Sale November 26. JONES I lb. Bacon If 1 IVIUlIiVtL Market IYIHhPI Rump Roast of Beef ?iperit L4.:.,VT...x Sirloin Tip of Beef-i-' per lb Pot Roast of Beef per lb T-Bone Steak per lb , SPRING LAMB Shoulders of Lamb per lb. Loin of Lamb per lb.' Gtew Lamb . 2 lbs Leg of Veal per lb.,.... Shoulder of Veal-i. per lb Veal Chops H lbs. Boneless Stew Beef 3 lbs. 18c 10c 20c 15c 25c 25c 15c 10c 35c .25c NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zirelll, Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM Kate fi.00 ay tO Koonu Hot it Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box IBS Joe Jackson, well known mining! mines, sailed on the Catala last passenger aboard the Princess, evening for a trip to Stewart on official duties. Miss Rosemary WInslow arrived in the city on the Catala last night from Vancouver to pay a visit here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. WInslow. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Thurber and daughter arrived in the city on the Catala last evening from Vancouver to take up residence here for the summer. Mrs. May Williams was here over Alice this morning returning north after a trip to Seattle, R. Gordon of the teaching staff of King Edward High School sailed this afternoon on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver to spend the summer vacation in the south. Mrs. William Keith arrived in the tfity on the Princess Alice this morning. Mrs. Keith, who has been residing in Belfast, Ireland, for several years, is here to visit with old friends. the week-end with the Ketchikan ... baseball party, visiting while in . ?' Arth"r ,T' m McCormack a ad ng medical man of LvU!e, the city with her parents, Mr. and , Mrs. Walter Thompson. Kentucky, was among passengers aboard the Princess Alice today thugh to make the round Miss E. A. Mercer, principal of f?nBf trlp to Skagway" Booth Memorial School, and Miss May Hartin sailed Saturday evening on the. Prince George for Mlss Irene Harris was a passen-Vlctorla to spend the summer er aboard the Catala last night vacation in the south. .goinS through to Mill Bay to, j spend the summer with her father, Rev. C. D. Clarke, pastor of ,Georee Harris, who is manager of First United Church, returned to the caery there, the city on the Prince Robert this morning after a trip to Vancouver Mrs. McKenzie of Coqualeetza to attend another .session of the Institute, Indian residential school board of conciliation between the Jn the Fraser Valley, was here Canadian National Steamships and aboard the Catala last evening pursers and stewards. going through to the Naas River I with a party of twenty-five native Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McDougall children going north to spend the will sail Saturday evening of this summer at their homes. week on the Prince Rupert for a' two week t' vacation trip to Van-1 D- s- Sharpstone, manager of couver, Everett and Seattle. At the Clearwater-Taku mining prop-Seattle Mr. McDougall plans on rtv' an M". Sharpstone, who taking in the forthcoming Babe have been " a trip to Vancouver. Risko-Freddie Steele middleweight , were here aboard the Princess championship boxing bout. r L. Alice this morning on their way back to Tulsequah. Dr. Ernest C. Dixon, a leadin; physician and surgeon of Son Francisco, and Mrs. Dixon, were among passengers aboard the Princess Alice this morning going north to make the round trip to Alaska. Mrs. W. E. Walker and family were passengers aboard the Catala last evening going through 'from Vancouver to Arrandale to take up residence for the summer with Mr. Walker who is manager of the cannery there. Fred Schultz, suffering from a fractured leg as a result of an r ! accident at the Surf Inlet mine.. rZMTIllV was brouS' to the city on the WiilllJ catala last evening from, Butedale PHONE 957 PUONE-951 16 fnter the Pr,nce RuPert Gen" jeral Hospital. He was taken from rpi p . the boat to the hospital in the Ihree Days bpecialjambulance Boneless Corn Beef-per lb Round Steak 2 lbs j a I Dr. Roscoe W. Graham, promin-J-UC ent Toronto surgeon and friend of oe 1 Dr. W. T. Kergin of this city, duCj Passed through this morning Prime Rib Roll, 4 lbs. & C1 iia'Z'T.:,?' ?.? j accompanied by his wife and 15C daughter. Dr. Graham has been attending the recent convention of the Canadian Medical. Association hi Vancouver ana ' viCTOnai,'-:is'V Dr. Theodore Leggett, prominent . All - i ( uuawa pnysician ana surgeon. and members of his family were here aboard the Princess Alice this morning going north for the round trip to Skagway after attending the recent annual convention of the Canadian Medical Association in Vancouver and Miss Jessie Moffat sailed afternoon on the Princess j Louise for Vancouver where her marriage to Alfred Johnson of Summerland will take place on Monday at the home of Mrs. Charles Porter, formerly Miss Mar garet Magulre of this city Miss Moffat has been a member of the Prince Rupert school teaching staffs for some years. Ven. Archdeacon H. A. Colllson and Miss A, M. Colllson, brother ana sister of Indian Agent W. E, Colllson of this city, were passen gers aboard the Catala last night bound from "Vancouver to Kin? eolith where she will spend the summer visiting with their brother-in-law and sister, Dr. and Mrs. D. J. Macdonald. Accompany Ing them was Miss Jean Macdonald, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Macdonald, who has been attending high school In Vancouver, j;l;Capt. L. Shephard of the fll? 'pries patrol service sailed Saturday evening on the Prince George for a trip to Vancouver. Senior Football tonight, 6:45. 1 On Dominion Day, July 1, the! M. P. McCaffery and daughter, 'post Office wickets will be closed ' Miss Nora McCaffery, sailed Sal- Rupert General she is a patient. Hospital where Sam Jurmain of the C.N.R. general office here sailed Saturday evening on the Prince George for a vacation trip to Vancouver. James Stott, who is in the federal civil service at Dawson, was a passenger aboard the Prince Rupert today bound for a trip to Vancouver. . George Schwamm, well known Alaska airplane pilot, was a passenger aboard the Prince Rupert today going through on a trip to Seattle. couver to spend the summer vaca tion. Miss Ruth Ball, who has been visiting in the city, sailed by tha Prince George Saturday evening, for Vancouver enroute back to her" home in Edmonton. : Miss Kate McKay of the Staff of Borden Strppt. Rphnol Mrs. A, E, Parlow and daughter,- Miss Betty Parlow, sailed Saturday evening on the Prince George for a trip to Vancouver and elsewhere in the south. Miss Edna Vickers of the staff nf H-rrlri Rtroaf Cnhruil saSatg u J iub Leake is in the service of the Canadian National Railways. Sigmund Elnstoss, who is inter:-: ested In the co-operative; market-, ing of salmon In this district, ar rived in the city from, ''Seattle; -on the Princess Alice this hiornlnsi being here on business. T. Zorot ovlch came north with him. children were passengers aboard the Princess Alice this morning returning to their home at Tele-' graph Creek after spending the past seven months in Vancouver. Mrs. James is the wife of a Gov-: ernment Telegraphs operator at; Telegraph Creek. "Hulld B.C. Payrolls" The Same Treatment As Fresh Cream H Vat tali! The company thanks Mrs. J. H. M for pointing - out that she. treats evaporated milk exactly like fresh cream during the hot summer months, once the can is opened. Mrs. M. says she did not realize that Pacific actually Is fresh raljk with water taken out, until a neighbor spoke of it when she saw her neglect an opened can, Pacific Milk IRRADIATED OF COURSE Mlss"'M. Dimock of thp ,'local teaching staff sailed, Saturday-eve ning on the Prince George for Vancouver to spend the summer vacation, Mrsi Kathleen. M. Cowaret, whoso Canadian Legion Football Club. 1 all day. The public lobby will bjjurday evening on the Prince husband is postmaster at Fort Sel- Special meeting of all players to-iOpen from fi a.m. to 6 p.m. (George for Vancouver. Yukon, Territory, was a pai I senger aboard the Prince Rupert Mrs. Julian Peterson is reported today going thrpugh on a trip to Charles Graham, Inspector of man of the Cassiar district, was a to be doing well at the Prince Vancouver. City Commissioner W. .1, Alder sailed Saturday night 'on the Prince George for Vancouver and Victoria on city business. He expects to be back on Friday of next week. Andrew Watson, assistant manager of the Swift-Canadian Co. at Vancouver, who has been on a trip Into the Yukon on company business, was a passenger aboard the Prince Rupert today returning south. Miss Betty Thorne, who has been attending school in Vancouver, was a passenger aboard, the Catala last evening going through Miss Irene Mitchell is reported Ito Kincollth to sDhrf .tH -summer to be progressing favorably at the ' vacation with her parent. Rev.v Prince Rupert General - Hosplta where she underwent an operation at the end of the week. Miss Marjorie Shlel was a pas-i senger leaving on the Prince George Saturday evening for Van and Mrs. Oliver Thorne. Miss E. P, .'Grassle'-of the teach? ing staff of Booth Memorial School, sailed Saturday evening "on the Prince George for Vancouver enroute to her home at Duncan; Vancouver Island, for the summer vacation. ' ' sailed Saturday evening on thi Port slmPSon. Prince George for Vancouver. She may later visit in Regiria, Miss S. A. Mills, principal of Borden Street School, sailed .Sat-lrday night on the Prince George for Vlctprla to spend the summer, vacation. Mrs. E. Lincoln of Port Simpson was a passenger aboard the Prince George Saturday evening, leaving for Vancouver enroute to Winnipeg for a visit. She was accompanied by her sister, Miss N. Lincoln, who has been visiting at Dance Party For Miss Mary Orme Who is Leaving A young people's party was given Friday nlght! in the Oddfellows' Hall as a farewell to Miss Mary Orme who Is leaving the city soon to reside with, her parents in Victoria. Arrangements were hi the hands of a committee consisting Helen Valentine Mrs. Alex Mitchell jas chaperpne and in general charge. Music was provided by Balagno's orchestra. About sixty-four' were present.,. The event proved iery enjoyable. Refreshments were seryed it midnight and dancing continued until 1:30. Reach the mpst people In. city , m FOR SALE FQRSAL&-34-foot troller? BQx.115, BASSINETTE and ' English pfrh, $20. Phone Red ,164'. Jtf$4) BUSINESS Property;dn ThlrdMy-enue for sale at snap.- Cottage on lot pays the taxes;- Is. Jn part of town where property ls ad- vanclng in price. Value will; easily double as soon as, -.pulp mill or big federal building commences. , Phone Blue 272 for price and terms: U FOR SALE Two full fonts of lino type mats, 9-polnt, light arid bold, one font very little used. Half a font new 14-polnt bold Cheltenham mats,, straight and italics; box of sorts, about 50 lbs.; full size linotype magazine, very )lttle used. Might make trade tor font of, 6-polnt mats in good. condition or good saw. Daily, News, Prince Rupert. B.C. (tf ) GENTLEMEN Persorial drug sun dries. Highest Orade Latest, Delivered, 15 for $1. (plain wrapper). Pacific Supply 751 Oranvllle, Vancouver, LOST LOST Small black silk purse containing post office key and money. Return to Dally News. Reward. (152) ' M 4 -"-- June 29. is-,. PLAYGROUND ACTIVITIES fragrant for Season Announcea following Arrival in City or David UeU, Supervisor The tentative program df play ground activities in Prince Rupert for the summer season has been announced following the arrival In the city last evening on the Catala of David Bell of Vancouver who rjas been appointed sup- Joint arrangement between the Prince Rupert Gyro Club and tha Department of Recreational and Physical Education. The program is as follows: July 2 to 11 Registration and "getting acquanted." July 13 to 18 Elementary play ground activities including group games, relays, contests etc. July 20 to 25 Sand box com petitions, track and field meets. July 27 to August 1 Efficiency tests, hiking and Softball August 3 to ft Preparations for swimming meet and stunt night. August 10 to 15 Parents night on various playgrounds, community night programs. August 17 to 22 .Tiny tots' field days. August 24 to 29 Closing programs: presentation of awards, field day and demonstrations, grand closing day, probably Wed nesday at Saturday. Displays of all playground activities tumb ling, acrobatics, pyramids, community singing stunts. Registration will take place at all grounds Thursday afternoon. I.AXI) ACT Notice nf Intention to apply to l.nikf Land In Prince Rupert Ind Recording District of Range S, Coast, and ettuate In Hudson Bay Pass midway between Baron .and Dundas Islands, being one-halt mile south of the movt northerly of the Nares Islands. Take notice that Robert Irvine, of Prince Rupert, occupation Shell dealer' intends to apply for a lease or the following described foreshore lands: Commencing at a poet planted on a rock one-bait mile south of the most northerly of the Narea Islands, thence west 15 chains; thence south IS chains thence east IS chains;- thence north IS chains to point of commencement and containing 23.5 acres, more or leas. KOHF.KT fil.EN IKV1NR Dated May 20th. 1936. LAND ACT Notlef of Intention to appply to l.ense u w,clLean Thelrrirbavies Bettv Wood Jinrt Prince George for Vancouver axil. and T, , , 1 i with iL in-Prince Rupert Land Recording dis- Vlctorla to spend the summer vacation. Miss Mary Easthope of the teaching staff of Booth Memorial School sailed Saturday afternoon on the Princess Louise for Vancouver to spend the summer vacation in the south; Mr. and Mrs. Verne Leake, after having resided in Prince Rupert for a time, left recently fo; McBride to resume residence. Mr, trlot of Range 5, Coast, and situate frcrvtlng on the north shore of the moat southerly of the Nares Islands, Take notice that Robert Irvine of Prince Rupert, occupation Shell dealer Intends to apply for a lease of the following described foreshore lands: , Commencing at a post planted on a rack .200 feet north of the north shore at the most southerly of the Nares Islands thence west IS chains: thence south IS chains thence east 15 chotne: thence north 15 chains to point cf commencement and, containing 23.5 aire,- more or less. and, district with an advertisement ; Dated May 20th. 1038 in ine uany News. TIIR HI IMtKMK cni'ltr Ol' lilCITISIl l'l)l.vnnl.l IN ritOIIATE In the Mattrr of tlit "Admlnlftratlon Art" and n ihf Mailer of tlif ICMatr of Urn KltrrMn, IfTHiril. TAKE NOTICE that by order ot His Honor. W; E. PHher the 5th day. ot June, A D. 1938, I ma appointed Ad mlnUtrator ot the estate ot Ben Blyer-flon, deceased, and all parties having claims against ine sam estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly termed to- me on or before the 7tM day of July, AD. 1936, and all partle Indebted to the estate are required .to NORMAN A. WATT, Official AdmlnUtr&tor, Prince Rupert B. C Dated the Mh day of June A.D. 163fl l,AM ACT Notice ot Intention to apply to I.rate una In Prince Rupert Land Record Irg Dlstrlot of Queen Charlotte Islands, and situate on Cumahewa Inlet frontlns on Unsurveyed Orown Land which; Is situated imroadlately South of Lot 4S. Queen Charlotte Islands District. Take notice that the Allison' liOugUig Company Limited of Vancouyer B.C. Intends to Apply lor a lee of the fol lowing described Foreshore Lands:- Commencing at a pout planted at the 8. W. Corner of Lot 45, Q. c. I. thence 20 chains due South; thence 60 chain due East thence due North to Shoreline; thence West along shoreline to point ot commencement and containing 30 acres, more or less. AMBROSE P. ALLISON, Pres. Allison Logging Co., Ltd Datei April 31, 1936 LAND ACT Notice ot Intention to apply to Pur. ciiane i-anci In Prince Rupert Land Recording District ot. Queen Charlotte Islands and situate' on the North shore of Cumshewa Inlet Immediately South of Lot 45, Q. O. I. Take notice that the Allison Logglni Company Limited of Vancouver, B. C : intends to apply for permission to pur. chase the following dencrlbed lands!- Commencing at a post planted at tht 8. W. corner of Lot 45, Q. C. I, thence 60 chains Eart along South boundary Ot Lot 45; thence due South to shore. 11m;. tbeooe Wat along shoreline to point oi commencement and contain ing u acres more or lew. AMBROSE P. ALLISON. Pres. Allison Logging Co. Ltd Dated AprU 31, 1936. Lady Betty Special Lady Betty Wash Cloth Lady Betty Powder Puff Sterling Tooth Brush Cuticura Soap Guest Size Ipana Tooth Paste Small Swan Down Face Powder Small Special, all six items for Our Window Display Starts Our Variety Increasing UT 50c Squibb Tooth Paste Special Three 25-cent Tubes Squibb Tooth Paste 50c The Latest in Bath Soaps Rexall Superfatted Finest Quality Hard English Bath Soap 9ft P uVV, per cake Ormes Ltd. Pioneer Druq&iats a,t KexaU fttm r bones: II ti 82 Open Dally From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m., 7 p m. till 9 p.m. MacKENZIE'S FURNITURE HAVE YOUR WINDOW SHADES RENEWED Bring your own roller. Oil finished cloth, 'shadow proof, Rood quality only; 37 Inches wide; green only . Aflp per yard MUV Third Avenue Trlnce Rupert Phone 75 Our Prices Decreasing To Suit the Buyer So Don't Forget to Ixok At the Display At D. ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE We Buy Household Furniture Etc. PHONE GREEN 421 It's interesting to know when reading the Daily News that the people of the whole district are doing the same.