Today's Weather (8 A.M.) prince Rupert Overcast, calm; barometer, 30.18; temperature, 60; sea smooth. ol. XXV., No. 192. ft i i ii i EAT WAVE IN STATES Uperatures of Over 100 General Many Dead In Texas Ana Oklahoma CHICAGO, Aug. 14: The east south and the middle west corn Sd It are In the grip of another heat with temperature readings of tve cr one hundred above reported m many point. Twenty-nine aths are reported in Texas and In Oklahoma tempera-c readings of as high as 120 flahoma. ve are reported. iivguu iv nave Roughed up City Police Station John Paul Mathoson Is appear- in city police court this af- noon Delore Magistrate Mc- mont on a variety of charges luding drunkenness, assaulting xrtlce officer and wilful damage a result of an affair in the nrdroom at the local police tlon la evening. Allegedly ln- icated, Matheson was picked by Constable Stewart and, af-arrlvuig at the station, Is. said have started a rough liouse In of which he picked up ypewriter and hurled it at Iicer The typewriter was ex. Lively damaged, the ofticcr ha? I shoulder hunt and damage was fce to furniture. Matheson bied this morning to have re- nbered nothing about the in- Irnt, fospital Coal Bids Accepted wrt & McCaffery and Philpott. tvitt to Supply Fuel for Year hie hospital board last evening tied tenders for the year's sup- or coal to the hospital and ae- bids as follows: Piillpott-Evliit Co. Double- (en Nanalmo-Welllngton lumiv !k, $11.60 per ton? Nanatmo-Mngton washed pea. $8.50; Bul ly Valley slack, $6.75. Mbert & McCaffery Nanalmo- (llington double-screen lump, ped, $13.25. the tenders accepted were the lest in each case. There were W the two bidders. . p; Rishop Has rnvcu Here To m Over Work t Rev. John R, Coudert, who pes here from the Northwest rritorles as btshoD-coadlutor for Pthern British Cnlumhla and Ikon with right of succession to fop E. M, Bunoz. arrived In the on this morning's train to as- !e his ecclesiastical duties. He 1 conduct. inUmn Atminl I v ovrivillii fJUUblllHai at the Church of the Anniin. x i - - pon tomorrow . and in tit the uic eve a uriii m. tic-" l ti nf Canada was filed as were - ins uunsmoncrs i . . tr.i option In the church hall. tlkewlse severa report iron. A Funeral Notice N emergent meetlnir of TslmD- pn Lodge No. 58 a.p at. a m win m me Masonic Temple, p-c uupert, B.C.. on Sundav. Bust 16, 1936 at 3:30 p.m. for the ii'.c oi holding a Masonic fu t , f rvlce ior our late Brother fUerlck W. WOSe.h. All cnlm,rnlnT 111 m ummuj sniren are rpnnocri t W. D. VANCE, Secretary, . She MLE RtdELS ARE ADVANCING Tide of Battle In Spanish War With Fascists Badajoz Falls Drive on Madrid Release of Britons and Americans Demanded Non-Intervention Essential ELVAS, Spanish - Portuguese Frontier, Aug 15: (CP) Rebel farces late yesterday "broke their way into strategic Badajoz near the Portuguese frontier, putting the loyalist defenders to flight. Rebels Winning MADRID, AU3. 15: Yesterday marked the ending of the first month of the bloody civil war in Spain. With a crucial point in the conflict apparently Imminent within a few days, the rebels secin to be making definite progress ,in their drive from the south towards Madrid. The United States Embassy yesterday advised all Americans In Madrid to leave the country. The embassy itself was authorized by Washington to close If the peril of the situation In the Spanish capital made It appear advisable" to do so, Both Great Britain and the United States have made .-Nharp demands for the release of '.heir subjects employees of the thejRic.'.lnto Mining Co. who are bein? held as hostages by labor syn dieallsts supporting the govern ment. Maintaining Neutrality LONDON, Aug. 15: (CPJ-Main tenance of a strict. Impartial attitude of non-intervention is essen tlal if unhappy events in Spain, are to be prevented from having serious rerjercusslons elsewhere, it was stated in a communique Issued by the Foreign Office today. It added that the British government will take "every measure open to them to prevent the supply of civil air- crafts to belligerents on either side."' COUNCIL MEETING Trades and Labor Body In Session To Hold Celebration on Labor Day as Usual port. It had been for many years i a settled policy of all provincial The call to the fifty-second con- governments that, when logs vention of t"he Trades and Labor accumulated which had to be Congress of Canada to be held in taken out in the course of opera-Montreal was received at the regu- tions, logs they were bound to cut lar monthly meeting of the Prince in order to get the higher grade Rupert Trades and Labor Council on Thursday night but was filed owlne to the council not being In rwxcitlnn to send delegates. A communication irom ,nuu. vu.. B George Pearson, provincial minister cut a specified quantity of log-nf labor enclosing notification of for export.. His company was tun number of changes in the Mini- Pennttted to cut for export. a 1 "I wo-. Art. was received. Thei The ship to pick up these logs was clue at Triple Island tomor-mimsiei the port- minister also pointed, ou tt.ou v ,., row afternoon She would com'' tion of the aee. . m thi. closing of local stores, a ipnuthv communication from the Unity and Goodm Aocla .11,1 .iroro General Honrspy m h" land settlement scneme. President S. J, Hungerford of the Canadian NaUonal Railways ack nowledged the councils proicw, C- gardlng the rate oi wages para e-tra gang workers on railway repairs. An elaborate program is be- ing arrangea or u c u-4. The executive repuiw.-u while in the Pattullo Premier T. D. city and receiving a courteous and encouraging reception. attendance of There was a good, delegates at the meeting and Pre- is In the sident S. D. Macaonaiu V. chair. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, AUGUST 15, 1936 Tomorrow's Tides TRAIN CRASH IN QUEBEC Twenty-Two Men and Boys Are Killed as Fast Freight Hits Truck at Level Rail Crossing .'J ROOSEVELT PROMISES TO KEEP OUT OP WAIL 4 CHATAUQUA, N.Y., Aug. 15: (CP) "I know war and I hate war," declared President F. D. Roosevelt last night impress slvely In pledging himself to keep this nation out of war through foreign entangle ments. He said, however, that United States "can and will defend itself and our neigh- borhood." 4 BAR SILVER new york, icpj Bar silver i was unchanged at 44ic per ounce! on the New York metal market uaay. j FIRST SHIP FOR ORIENT Morgan Say' Peimit is For One Shipment of Logs Only And These are Already In Water I This morning J. R. Morgan, head of the logging firm of J. R Morgan tt Co. Lttd, operating or. the Queen Charlotte Islands, In-; tervlewed by the Dally News, said there was a great deal of mis-1 conception In regard to the pro-1 posed export of logs from the ! Queen Charlotte Islands. In ac cordance with the policies of all' governments; permission had been granted for one shipment of hemlock and low grade spruce for which there was now no adequate market In British Columbia. Thii Is a surplus of logs now on hand Mr, Morgan was emphatic ir. his statement that there had beer. no change in the policy of the government In regard to log ex- a special permit was granted tj enable these to be exported. This had nothing whatever to do wltn "ure teiu pemiw Biuju w here b dw e ivsU take on supplies and would then proceed to. the Islands to load. Mr , n unabe to get expert loaders here al' though he had applied for them. Mr. Morgan pointed out that this was the first ship coming here to load a full cargo for the Orient although there had. been talk of such business for the past 25 years, Todays Weather Terrace Clear, calm, 61. Alice Arm Clear, calm, 60. Stewart Clear, calm, 48. Hazelton Part cloudy, calm, 62. Smithers Part cloudy, calm, 52. Burns Lake Part cloudy, windy, 5l;' , SV , BODIES WERE STREWN OVER ACRES OF RIGHT-OF-WAY AFTER IMPACT UNFORTUNATE VICTIMS WERE ON WAY HOME FROM POLITICAL MEETING. LOUISVILLE, Que., Aug. 15: (CP) A death-fated train knifed through a truckload of humanity at a level crossing early today and killed twenty-two persons. Seventeen men and boys coming home from a political meeting died almost instantly, their bodies being strewn over acres of right-of-way as a Canadian Pacific train struck the truck. Five men died later at Three Rivers, twenty-five miles away, and here. Six more are in hospital with varying chances for living and six others are receiving treatment. The party in the truck was returning from St. Justin. Some of the forty in the truck leaped as the locomotive. drawing a Montreal-bound out of the night. Edmund Houle was the driver. TODAY'S STOCKS Courtey 8. D. JohiiMju Co.) Vancouver B. C. Nickel, .32. J ' Big Missouri, .50. nralorne. 7.50. B. R, Cons., .05 Vi Cariboo Quartz, 1.84. Dentonla, .16. Dunwell, .03. Golconda, .10. Mlnto, .41. Meridian. .08. Morning Star, .013,i. National Silver, .02 V2. Noble Five, .02 Vi. Pcnd Oreille, .82. Porter Idaho, .04. Premier, 3.05. Reeves McDonald .06. Reno. 1.21. Relief Arlington, .30. Salmon Gold, .09 Vi. Taylor Bridge, .09. Wayside, A0lA. United Empire; .03. Toronto ' Beattie, 1.43. Central Patricia, 4.00. Chibougamau, 1.65. God's Lake, 1.15. Inter. Nickel, 53.45. Lee Gold, .08. Little Long Lac, 6.00, McKenzie Red Lake, 1.96. Perron, 1.33. Pickle Crow, 6.95. Red Lake Gold Shore, 2.20. San Antonio, 2.00. Sherritt Gordon, L50. Slsco, 4.45. 1 Smelter Gold, .10. i Sturgeon River, .43. Ventures, 2.15, McLeod Cockshutt, 4.05. Hardrock, 2.91. Oklend, .36. Mosher. .58. BousiqiietV .122. ' Bidgood Kirkland, 1.63. Gllbec, .05.. "pt Jowsey, .15. Madsen Red Lake, 1.02. May Spiers, .47. Wendigo, .20. Winoga Patricia, .33. Sullivan, 1.72. Stadacona, .67. Green Stabelle, .64. CHANGE IN BREAD PRICE t , wni,i Kai- ,at its meeting last night Chrlss Mill Bakorv announced a' new sKilc of bread Drlces. The Drlcc of raisin bread is advanced from r.c tn Re npr loaf, thn ' nrir r? white bread being unchanged at 6c'per loaf. -.--,. freight of sixty cars, loomed EXPLAINS . TPHT 11 1 riTTV Jof NKW z. r rui AK X. I I A . Rev. Robert Connell Tells Further - About Tlans No Candidate . In Burrard VICTORIA, Aug:. 13: Amplifying- a Vancouver statement, Rer. Kooert Connell M.L.AM Leader of the Opposition in the Legislature, said here Friday, regarding the invitation to hear from those favoring a new organization, that this is not a proletarian or a class-struggle movement. It will have no connection with the C. C. F. whatever, either provincially or federally. It will remain true to basic principles laid down at the Regina convention and as further outlined by himself (Mr. Conncil) in the Legislature. "We have not yet decided on the name for the movement although the name 'Union for Democratic Control' has been suggested, said Mr. Connell. "We expect, to form a. party entirely distinct from the C. C. F. and one which we feel will have something to offer not just Iabor alone but all the people. Our next step is to prganize." Mr. Connell said there would be no candidate entered from the new party to contest the Burrard provincial by-election but time ..would be devoted to organization throughout the province instead. The basis of the new independent Socialist party would be reform within constitutional means. j FAILED IN HIS ESCAPE ! Man Who Knocked Office Voman uown ana ivan twin uw Tripped by Passerby . I VANCOUVER, Aug. 15: (CP)-A i man wno gave nis name 10 me po- lice as Hal Russell today knocked' down Florence E. Nichols, employee! of the Atlas Finance Co., on down- town uunsmuir ObtCb aim VWft, $200 from the office safe. He was! tripped up by a passerby as he at - teniDted to escape into tne lane and is being charged by the police I with robbery , with violence.,- High Low . GOVERNOR MINNESOTA ONCOASTj INFLAMES Lord Tweedsmuir and Party In j Only Immediate and Heavy Rains Vancouver and Proceed To will Save Forests in Northern Victoria I Portion of State VANCOUVER, Aug. 15: His Excellency, Lord Tweedsmuir, Governor General of Canada, and party are due In Vancouver by special cars at 6 o'clock this evening and will go direct to Victoria where n official visit will be paid to the Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia. The Governor General will pend ten days on the coast. The vice-regal party was to have irrlved here at 9 o'clock this morning but their train, the C. N. R. Continental Limited, was detained because of .ten mudslides on the ! Canadian National line between Lytton and Gosset brought about by 36 hours of continuous rain. At Jasper Park JASPER PARK LODGE, Aug. 15: Breaking his journey between Edmonton and Vancouver here vterduy afternoon, His Excel- 'ency Lord Tweedsmuir, Govemnr- General of Canada, and party went a delightful two hours en-route to the coast. During their nort s'ay in what was their first stop in the Canadian Rockies the vice regal party took advantage 01 the ne opportunity PPruinu'y to 10 take a u tour wur ;hrbu8h JaSpef Pfk y.9 also visited several points of ln - . I XI ! ..ti It.. lercav 111 ui uus: vitiiuuy. The Goyernor-General was met at the station by a tretnendotr? .rowd who gave the distinguished visitors a wholesome western ovation as .they stepped down from h'!r special cars. John B. Snape acting superintendent of Jasper National Park, welcomed the party on arrival, together with John O Brlen, manager of Jasper Paik Lodge, Magistrate A. B. Campbell, Rev. R. E. Bradohaw, lector of St. Mary's Church and "Ten Gallon Hat'f Tom McDonough known to all travellers, while Cn- iporal R E. Baynes had charge tt the detachment of Royal Cana dian Mounted Police. Their Excellencies get a tremendous thrill when they were driven ouj; past the lodge to see the boars milling around the "dump." The four footed natlvci seemed to sense something dlf-(Contlnu-d on Page Two) CROSS TO SIBERIA Russian .Fliers Now Back Over Familiar Ground Have Previously Flown From Nome NOME. Aug. 15: (CP) The Mos-! cow-bound monoplane of Sigis-mund Levanevsky and Victor Lev-chenko. having awaited a high tide yesterday on a sand bar near here where it ran aground the evening previous while attempting to take , .Gregory, Zinovleioncefrtgh in the rSoviet gcvetnjwehtils amonz theJarrestea - .t4 Coughlan is Not To Be Submerged ,WiIl Not Allow Social Justice Union To Affiliate With Other Organizations DETROIT, Aug. 15: Father Charles Coughlan, America's "radio priest," has refused to permit his Social Justice .Union to lose its Identity by affiliation with any other organization. He declared that it would not foster any poli tical party but that It Would sup port candidates who personally were in sympathy with its alms. Father Coughlan announced that he would be unable to accompany Dr. Francis Townsend, head of the Townsend Old Age Pension Plan, on a speaking tour. Younjr Men From China Visit Here Ti Chow, Jones Quom, John S Ling-and Lo Lung, young men from China, who are on a tour of the Pacific Coast, are visitors in the city. They arrived In the city on the Cardena this morning and, after a week's visit, will proceed to Alaska. Vancouver Wheat me Vancouver mancei yesieraay. being unchanged today. , ' BRACKEN AND SOCIAL CREDIT IN COALITION . . ,. . FLIN FLON, Aug. 15: (CP) - Credit and Liberal Progressive members giving Premier John Bracken a bare majority In the next Manitoba legislature was effected at a conference here j between the Premier and Dr. s. w. ox, new aociai ureaii t leader. ' off for Siberia, finally got In the VANCOUVER, Aug. 15: CP air late In the day for East Capewheat was quoted at $1.0114 on ...1 I. ttl , A- I T . l , . . . . 1 . (wnence it win piuteeu iu nuuii jCape. I From here the aviators were to I cross the desolate Bering Sea Intq the wilderness of Siberia. This country fa not slrange thm , ik... i ...i..i.. flown from Nome .to Moscow. It is not expected there will be! any ,,, regular reports Jrf pf . ,,,. them until ...lit: thv reaph Moscow : Halibut Arrivals American Frisco, 10,000, 9.5c and 7c, Pa6 - iflc. t, Canadian Vena Beatrice, 3,000, 9.2c and 6c. AUln. -.i.'T" 1 ' .. 0:25 a.m. 20.8 ft. 13:06 p.m. 19.8 ft. .. 6:58 ajn. 2.4 It. 19:14 5.6 ft. PRICE: 5 CENT3 ST. PAUL, Minn., Aug. 15: Only Immediate and h3avy rains will save the entire woods of Northern Minnesota from total destruction by enormous forest fires which-j have been raging for days. Twenty-five thousand men are already engaged in what seems a hopeless battle against the flames and the authorities say that at least, fifty thousand are needed. It is declared that some of the fires have been deliberately set bv men with the .object of getting employment in helping to fight them. - . Soviet Gov't Lays Plot At Trotsky's Door MOSCOW, Aug. 15: (CP) The Soviet government charge Leon Trotskyr with planning a terrorist campaign including attacks on Soviet leaders and assassination of Dictator 'Joseph Stallri. It Is said he sent five agents from abroad Wo Russia to help .carry out the Iii I r