FOR LADIES The JULIET. A felt type with for trimming; a leather ote a&d a imaM heel CooJrs wine and brown FOR MEN The ROMEO. A most popular style, in brown kid with the elastic ride and leather sole and heeL Come in and See Our Selection THE DAILY NEWS. UtSCE. RUPERT - BK1T18H COLUMBIA D. PH0NE-M7 -aa 1) THIRD AVENUE Published Zitvj Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally Ke-sa. Limited, Third Avenue If. F FULLEH Managlnj-Editor SUnSCRIPTlON KATES CKy dttoitry, by carrier, yearly period, paid In ad ranee $5i Per leaser periods, paid In adtance, per week . .it By maB to all part of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid In adrtnde 3f By mall to all other countries, per year iff) Aatertlsinr and CirrnUtisn Telephone 3s News Department Telephone .' . i Member of Audit Bureau at tirtuUtloia DAILY EDITION Saturday, Dec. 12, 193 Becoming w a Stalemate on the Spanish front, feels that , this war .. may be the first l i!i...i fii.. .' in which pouiicai uieais instead 01 national aims are the dominant influence. His idea of it is similar to that of Walter Lppmann, who the other day called it "a spectacular dress rehearsal for the universal class war which lunatics talk about so plihlv " Of this war, the eighth he has covered, Von Wiegand says: "For sheer savairerv and cnifltv it hnj nn mmnnri. son in the last hundred yearsexcept in Spain itself. The massacre of the Armenians by the Turks pales into insignificance beside this Stnifrfrlf nf ovirm nniinn In tirViinVi OO V.1.V1IIIIIIUUUM ill VIII.I1 the horrible deeds committed by both sides go almost beyond description. "The Ethiopian savages in Abyssinia, whom I watched for several months, were noblemen and knights of chivalry in comparison with some of the Reds as well as White in Spain. All the inhuman ferocity of Pizarro in . I eru, the fiendish cruelty of Cortez in Mexico and the tortures of the Inquisition under Torquemada come to the surface again." The cost to Spain of the first two months of civil war he estimates in the current CnsmnnnHtan m n cm Tin n no exceeding the four hundred millirm flnU Jof 01 We Buy RAW FURS And Pay the Best Prices G0LDBL00M The Old Reliable Ai.'i n t pmSactieci of piiier gold; donas the past season sg fflimir& At Uto&Q. eotapami Trtta 2MOS Hi 1333, ieeortiiEj to H. F. Gluee :okl rcmrstatacoer. who nt a re cent visitor to Prince Ratrt ieifct mQes from the tovn of At-i ha. Boulder Creek Boulder Creek, fourteen mrtes from Atiin Consolidated MJntar lt Smelting Company was engaged in a successful hydrauhekinz op eration. The dam was tainnrrtd and greater stuxem is expected to be met during the 1537 season The plant has been moved to the upper reaches of the creek. MacLeod White is In charze of the work. McKee Creek, ten mile This ground Is owned by Vancouver In terest but during the past two .eeavxu has been operated by I George Adams. It is a hydraulic operation working Into the main channel that was encountered and lost below. This work is expected to result in production next &ea non. Wibon Creek, twenty miles Six men daring the season were pros-PUng . . IK---"" at Tariottt wa places piaces atotw along The civil war in Spain Heerns like becoming a stalemate lwi Cr and reiru indicxte il should tilwiuM be ...v, , .1 I... ,L . . l. Ll ; . n IZCOd scod TWtAihllttLoa possibilities. It It I. is ai.i and (stopped by the neighboring countries.. We refuge to allow a cock fight or a . prize . fight with bare f.. -.1-1- a tl t k kiiuckics yet we anow inus war to drag on needlessly, causing intense suffering and hardship to women and children, destruction of property and 'general horror and brutality. As long as it is allowed to continue there is danger of the trouble spreading and causing a general European conflict At the present rate the war might drag on for years. The European powers, if they act as a unit, can have everything settled by Christmas, It would be a ceaponable gesture for Christian nations who are about to celebrate the birth of the Prince of Peace. All Gone Crazy The Spanish people seem to be all gone crazy with hate and blood lust. Karl H. VOn Wietranrl. wnr rnrrAcnnnrlonf proposition. Prtncroal orw-mLr,ri on the creek are C. N'ord. Albert Genn and Mrs. Jennie Bender. The -alter is 70 years of aze and ha. alaeer mined on Wilson for thj past quarter century. OTJonnei Hirer, thirtv-otv trom Atlln Twenty operators and! prospectors were employed In this area aortng the season. The lirg-est operation was br Nafhan fc,r. phy. who was drifting on the high rim. Good values cam (mm the work and the duiriM Kr.w. high promise for next season. saie Creek, tributnn; r,t n Donnell J. 'Smith, an aM.ti.r and his partner, Husselbee, were' prmpecung this ground and alluding. They took twehre from a small ditch and expect bet ter returns rmm iam.. iu xitll UKU next season. Otter Creek Otter Creek. fourtn Atlln Here a . French company has bfren operating but during the past two seasons uvexpment has been under agreement with Walter Sweet, Neil Ffctbes and partners. Ruby Creek, twemv-t The district's gold production was tacrraied by the work of Peter Malson and nartner hydraulicklng. Birch Creek Twelve mu men made good wages throughout wic a.-n ny ground sluicing and drifting. Pine Creek, sir where the fjrst gold in AUln district was discovered, Mu:h wcrk has been done and the possibilities uesOTDea as still wonderful Ths Guggenheim inteist. years ago worked the ATM hlil immL-lii: in in the Rank of Snain. and the WiW nliim; or,',i ,u'mUt are are encouragii tncoura.vnv struction in the churches, monaster;, rmwonia Q,i ; ir.: e drock 13 hty to ... ' .w.,.w.ivfcj Mm fu i - "nujf ".veven iwl nHin Generally sncaklnc v. n vwitl goW commissioner holds out high nopes for upper Spruce Creek where John Noland U sinking a hait. The ground below him runs five to eight ouncn nf w Set. (A act Is 4x10x6 feet). There values hew than on ower Spruce and the operation Is Jess costly, as the distance to bed-tock is comparatively shallow. The Noland operation adjoins the Col-r. the latter having recently acquired the holding, of Morris, Mc-Kechnle and Bratt 1 Try a Dally News classified ad. THE. HAGUE, HaBanrf, Dee. 12: tCPt R&yal wedding easts auy drot ta-a new low ibes Pitecsl " ' Jeliaiia marries to January bwt al ready HoHand '". Is getting ready for It u.linawtf ato that dfeei: tog Xros tfce Ja ones dcmi te rf'e Z JJ JZ, Ttat tafTiest operate to U-- - - hP and t , - . tits oriD uior, vno oas spent thirty -tint- yean u the north ttoe post three ymn as fold eara-ratelsRer. -UE-nctrizea ifce tea.- rAi' work a& foOows: Sfirace CretHc -Cotemteia XreJ opciet Limitd baefee4 by Kaof- f&an Rubber intereate of Kttehen- fer. Ont i ooerated -sith clsi . . time suty-eini men eoodocted a drift- Iprtnee in opeon. Soraee Creek 1st QVea Wffiietanhia. the bride"! Comort Hotels In The Hague were booked to capacity early in Korember and reserTatlom already were being made fen Am sterdam, Rotterdam. Detft and." Leyden all miles away. Qaeen WDheimina dislikes show and pageantry and has decreed! that the wedding be stripped of pomp. Like the humblest of her mother's subjects who wish a religious ceremony, the heiress to throne of the .Netherlands will be married twice in the same day-first by the state and then by the church. The religious part will be performed in the Kth century Gothic court church, the "Oroote Kerfc" great church), otherwise known as St. Jacob's, which, with its 1,600 seats, is the largest in The Hague. The court pastor. Dr. H. T. Obblnk j will officiate during the Dutch Re-I formed Church ceremony. The "Oroote Kerk" Is In thr centre of The Hague, a quarter o. a mile from the royal palace. Be side it is the town hall where the a drifting. Ptlr-ceW and Prince must make stop before going to the church across the narrow street. Here the civil ceremony . will be performed ty the mayor, S. J. R. de Monchy. In the first class wedding chamber. There are two such rooms, used according to the amount of monev paid. Details Or Wfddint ' Many dta!H of the weddinir the Oueen Intends to let the peonl' find aut for themselves. "The only way you will find out about the Princess trousseau," he secretary said, "is to go to the wedding and see for youmlf." Prince Eernhard Is exuected to wear the uniform of the Blue Hus- t irs, the first of four cavalry regi ments the officers of which are all blue bloods. It is assumed he wiL be named an officer en the day o.' nis wedding so he ean wear thf uniform. As for wedding gifts, 100,000 women In Rotterdam are makine four stitches each In a caroeL the citv of Tire HaguD Is glrlng a golden goose feather, school children in F. lefland are giving pennlcr for a writing desk set. another town Is giving an oil Dalntlntr. Indian housewives are sending sllverwork D3wi, and the ?lft of th taf i J to be a yacht. DON'T BE LATE Order Your Xmas SUIT or COAT today from House of Stone or House of Hobberlln clothes Large selection, fit guaranteed. LING - The Tailor s!7 Second Ave. Phone CIS TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EUSOtf ALBERTA COAL "VH.IKY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY PHONE: 58 and 538 notice 3 " POt TWO THE DAILY ., - , W - Sotatffr ' r r VRRtFTI MARRIED ACCUSED ACnJSFD MAN 5IAV I tnnvr- innn GLASSEY JULIANA'S lArmy Officer PARIS. Dec It: CP-Sto B2AXIORD. c .f2 THE IDEAL ' m 11 r t jCnorriri. witn tarn .poaeeea;CP Boy 6ccu REVIEWS lCllS 01 11 CCU " DeK aien" UKW uaae pted the . WEDDING Jeanne MJeaaut atamr a one-noer or Ifce lactar. r-Mnit fpim Stents Prtflnn tw K HMlflrv ft-n ' r' O1-" waiu trial on a charge of kfflto tie hrSr.-t - zZv Wnat could more appreciated than a pair of SLIPPERS? AtUa CU Cm MiniBf .Irtintjr ia UitDlnci.i i tSitt Thrifty Qseen WsUbes .7 r , Expend - - . J . WHITE FOR SAFETY MKXS TRICK rvn Often there are mjara as w nnw-r - r tfe Salvation AiiT irtW' rV--r-jr. "XDOOn : ;. utiBwi hi sire saieiy on uiefinntn k fends are osed. , The local , senior qf- , mhif. . tf .. sod-t "c 11 " '"' "K3on -A-vth sh onroaeh of wtoter' pubh ates e-ffdeaee that soccess does not always simile on enterprise Innsients, some vttti a stiff up-' er lip con tin oe hopeful in pur4t f employinent when ' a bed and :al If prorfeled. Seme, -1th cour-vf? gene, hope deferred or spirits' 'sashed, are truly none the less ratefsl for the meal tlckrt the thisfWe, artist's paisc brwh and Ktf worn jhoe and dothln? from we royai noweMMd aeconu dooi i ok renei ronm as uwy ajuasij is petatmall-r SBperrtang all details eanthnte thetr srajr in pursuit of and there are few sifas at the Mnptojrnfnt, tvo-storey aiiite and yeOov royal Tbe resident who has again, or that th hMrm Ia the 'for the first tirr.f met with adrer- Aorel and tos managed by Janvei , throne is soon to be married ; sity, makes appUcatian not so much Eastman. Scaty men were employ-1 Bt a mBHon sobject ane-, for Joed as luel and clothing, ed. Also on Bpruee Creek the OBtpej eighth vt Hafiand's population -Through response to the Christ-Maun-; Co. of San Prandsoo, on-fare expected to the capital eKy on mas appeal deserting cases are able der . direction ... of C H. Coipe, - ' ttt! I January 7 to see JolJana take a t enjoy tte few extras" during the fMtive season. Throughout the winter months new clothing for the IT! -clad child can be purchased, fuel placed where the need is greatest od meal tickets prorided to the indent. "Since Norember 8, ISM, 62 ar ticles of clothing, one bed and bree mattresses haTe been distributed. Eighteen meal tickets and ntne beds hate been giren to single uen in addition to groceries sent c families." Later the major will tell of some it the special cases coming to her Ridicule Curbs Factory Worker 3runks Get Their Pay at Separate Wicket In Sweden EDMONTON. Dec. 12: CPi Public ridicule Is used to discipline factory workers, one method being to force workers guUty of drunken-ncss to get 'their pay at a separate socket Ucketted "for drunkards," Rabbi J. J. EUen of Edmonton said in an address here. Tire rabbi, who told of observations during a tour of Europe, mentioned Swedish co-operative socle-ties had reached a high stage of effecUveness. AlVISTON, Ont, Dec 11: CPi John Talt, 86-year old survivor if tb fimous Custer massacre in Minnesota CO years ago, died here recently. Talt was In the Sixth United Spates Infantry when Chief S 'tlng BaU and his warriors cime upon them and killed 277 troopers white so tha: mirofL-ts fookS see liTT snotyjn i plain!. Cii ot nht ""TofTird De fer ptatosne of the ri V. I "Demers" Get Full Value For Your Money HIGH CLASS MERCHANDISE AT L0VET PRICES Dresses - Hats - UJouses - Lineeht Gloves - Hosiery - Handkerchiefs - shoes Knitted Suits Hathrobes - - Skirts - Slippen Wool Underwear - Novelties COATS At Bargain Prices RAINCOATS From $2.95 ; Spend S5.00 or more and receive a GIFT of one of our lovely Dolls or Animals. See our window. 4 OurcoA w toAXe you very v; . .n you free a compete Home Pcrzo.-' Wave Machine for 3 months. Aii j.a . -send $3 DO to cover the cost zt stup.: for C complete PermanenU. W.. r . m the finest hair Any cne ran giurar s perfect wave with this machine Nt. . . or experience needed. .'.Let. you hare used these supplies more a can be obtained from us at fifty cents a Marvel Wave Factory 11 S3 Jji,t iUU Ac Vanrouvrr. B.C. out w'itotf Vault like IMF WAV ThtY Treat Jumbo Size Streamline Gladstone Treat YourseK to a Merry Christmas by having' your Coal bin full of the best'eoal in town. Have the'Coal to Suit Your Requirements 1 PHILPOTT-EVITT & Co. Ltd. 651 PHONE 652 A Practical Christmas By Giving McBRINE BAGGAGE Tourist Wardrobe Trunk 17.50 Hard fibre covering with heavy steel binding, leather swing handle, side lock, two hoop br. --and dowels, paper lining, full length removable tray with partiUon. Wardrobe Gladstone $18.00 Pup Walrus grain buffed cowhide, polished hardware, post handle, Irish linen lining, military pockets and shirt fold. Buffed grain cowhide; ttutt walrus embossed, linen lining, two long military pockets, pockets, hardware. Ladies' Standard Aeronack Shark grain fabrlkold, round edges, rayon moire lining, centre bar. hanger. Ladies' Standard Aeropack two 18.00 pour-! $10.50 $18.00 Embossed split cowhide, rotmd edges, rayon moire lining, dress curtain and centre bar har wun tnree seiectoroas. COAL I Lato' Trvel Twin Set, OSSSc'' $12.50 Kounq eages, rotweed,poverlng, post handle, 'two locks, harmonizing linings in Bramble patterns,' rUihirr'ea pdtkets and retaining bands. Aeropack has two-selectorod side bar hanger Vanity case has full size lid mirror, two botUe and a Jar. Suitcases $2.00or $3.50 BRYANT COMPANY LTD.