hursday, March 5. 1036 is delicious Snapshot Albums Qne tablet equals one cako fresh yeast. Price, 100 tablets . . . . Rexall Health Soap An excellent Carbolic Soap for face or bath ; Price, 2 cakes for D. ELIO Attractive in appearance, moderate in price. Arrange your snapshots in a Kodak Snapshot 60c 10 $3.00 Puretest Brewers Yeast Tablets 60c 10c Parke-Davis Vanilla Extract Special The best we can buy 1 07.. 20c , 35c Z 07: Good baking demands the best Ormes Lid. Pioneer DrLtqg tats he Ifcxall Btor Phones: 81 & 82 Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m. 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. FURNITURE EXCHANGE NEW FLOOR COVERING Printed Linoleum, by square yard 80c linoleum Hugs, size (ixl), price $6.75 linoleum Rugs, size 71x9, price $8.50 Linoleum Hugs, size 9x9, price $10.50 ConKoleum Cold Seal Rugs, size 71x9, price .$6.75 ConKoleum Gold Seal Rugs, size 9x9, price . .$8.50 Condemn Cold Seal Rugs, size 9x12, price $10.50 Jaspc Linoleum Mats, size 18x36, price 85c Fcltol Mats, size 27x51, price 65c Hexoleum Mats, size 18x30, price -20c Cocotcx Door Mats, size 10x27, price $1.10 Cocotcjv Door Mats, size 18x30, price $1.35 USED FURNITURE Beds, Dressers, Dining Room Suites, Kitchen Tables and Chairs, Kitchen Ranges, Electric Washing Machines, Hand Power Washing Machines and Watqr Power Washing Machines, Singer Sewing Machines, Electric Radios, Battery Radios, Etc. Household Goods Bought Outright Phone: Green 421 GOOD PAINT LASTS LONGER When you use BAPCO.PVRE P A1NT ym can and Pcted be sure your home Is beautiful for a long time to come. SHINSifun roofs Is equally high grade . . . equally lasting. for sale by - - THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. f It's interesting to know when reading the Daily News 'at the people of tlfo o listHcraVfaoilthc'Bnmt;r Tonlght-"I Will! I Won't!" 2 hours of bright comedy, United Church at 8:15, Adults 50c. stud ents 25c. Dr. A. E. Perry, medical superintendent of the Port Simpson General Hospital, alter a brief visit to the city om business, left this morning by gasboat on his return to Port Simpson. At a meeting of the Moose Lodge last night Thomas Smith was appointed delegate of the lodge to the central committee of organizations which Is planning to stage a cam-1 palgn for the rehabilitation of the band. The meeting was presided over by John Morrison jr., vice-dictator, in the absence of the dictator, James Taylor, and there was a good attendance of members. Announcements "I will! I won't!" Comedy, United Church, March 5 and 6. Pioneer's banquet March 10, Oddfellows' Hall. Philharmonic Society concert Presbyterian Church, March 11 and 12, 8:15 p.m. Anglican March 12. Venezla March 17. tea, Mrs. N. Carter, "Yimmy Vohnson'a Yob," comedy drama, tuther keague. March 13 Oddfellows' Hall, supper, Catholic Hall, Anglican. Pageant. March 19. Eastern Star dance, March 20. Presbyterian Sunday School Con cert, March 27. Presbyterian Easter Sale, April 2 Orange Ladles' Spring Sale, Oddfellows' Hall, April 9. St. Andrew's sale, April 16. Cathedral Easter Catholic Spring Sale. April 23. MOOSE HALL KKNTAL KATKS Concerts $25.00 Dances 25.00 Public Meetings 15.00 A room suitable for smaller meetings Is now available on the ground floor, rental rate, $4.00 For engagements phone the Club Steward, 640 or Red 412. Hyde Transfer Goal Wood Cartage Storage PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue- DAILY NEWS - -- ll. JIJ ' -- I g . r . i nr AI NF.WS NOTES I ThI I w n You can rent a. car at Walker's as low as $1.50 a day, plus 7c a mile. Tonight's train, due from East at 10:20, was reported morning to be on time. the thU Basketball tonight, 7 p.m. New spring suits display at Demers. and coats on (55) Miss Beverley Jack will sail tonight by the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver. Game Warden Ed. Martin sailed yesterday afternoon on the Prince George for a trip to Stewart on official business. T. W. Hall, inspector of schools j sailed yesterday afternoon on the Prince George for a trip to Stewart on official duties. The "You and I Cafe," formerly Solem's Cafe, Waterfront, will open for business tomorrow (Friday) under new management. (55) Tonight S. O. N. Meeting, Odd fellows' Hall. For members and a partner only. Meeting 8 o'clock sharp. Social following meeting. (55) The fire department had a call at 10:15 Tuesday night to a chimney tier at the Federal Block, No damage was done. Government Agent Norman A. Watt sailed yesterday afternoon on the Prince George for a brief trip to Stewart on official business. Mrs. J. Bremner, who arrived In the city Tuesday night by train from Edmonton, sailed yesterday afternoon on the Prince George for Stewart. J. C. Hammett, auditor for the Home Oil Plstributors Ltd., is a visitor in the city on company business, having arrived from Van couver on the prmccr George yes terday morning; Little Miss Jean, Ay res, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Ayres, who underwent an operation for appen dicitis a few days ago In the Prince Rupert General Jlosrutal. ha.$ made such a satisfactory recovery that It Is possible for her to return to her home from the hospital today. -r w rT James G. Davles of Winnipeg, general superintendent,' Canadian National Telegraphs, western region, gave an Illustrated address before the Prince Rupert Rotary Club at its regular weekly luncheon today on the subject of "Electrical Communications." He was assisted by George McDonald, commercial representative of the telegraph company, also rrom Winnipeg, w. M. Blackstock, president of the Rotary Club, was in the chair and there was a good attendance of members with a few guests. ri ASSI Fl E II FOR RENT LARGE Furnished Room, harboi view. 925 Borden. Phone Green 934. (59) FOR RENT Clean, well-furnished modern apartment. Phone Red 444.. (56) FOR RENT Modern four-room flats, bath and Monarch rangfc, Clapp Block, $12.50, $15 & $17.50. Helgerson Ltd. (Ap 3) MODERN House for rent, 723 6th Ave. W. 3 bedrooms, living room and. dining room, kitchen and bath. Basement, hot alv furnac? with automatic oil burner. Also garage if needed. Phone 180 pr 13. FOR SALE (tfi qENTLEMEN Personal drug sun dries. Highest Orade Latest. Del lvered, 15 for $1. (plain wrapper' Pacific Supply 751 Granville, Vancouver. WANTED WANTED Export quality hemlock logs. For further Information In quire Stanley Bishopric Jr., Prince Rupert Hotel. WORK WANTED JAPANESE Girl wants housework Speaks English, Phone 476. (57) Old Fashioned MUSTARD FOOT IATH R. J Stanley Ore.; T. is a splendid remedy for colds and "grippy" aches and pains. Tat a pail of water, hoi as you can Lear it, add a tablespoonful of Colman'i Mustard mixed to a tlun paste. Wrap up warm and soak your feet 15 minutes. Then jump into bed and sueul the poisons out. Tliis is simple but effective. 70c Hotel Arrivals Prince Itupert Cummins, Vancouver Bishopric jr., Portland Anderson, city. Central Gunnar Loge, Burps Lake; Lew Adams, Chicago; Q. Hunt, city; V Sutherland, Vancouver. Knox George Constable, city; Thcma3 Jardlne, Terrace; G. MacTavlsb, Jsk; E. M. Davidson, rince George Ole Evindsen, pioneer Alice Arm hotel proprietor, after a brief visit to the city to receive medical ad vice, sailed by the Prince George yesterday afternoon- on his return n,orth. His daughter. Miss Alma Jvlndsen, is remaining in the city Until the end of the week. Notice to Placer Miners Small quantities of clean placer ?old, weighing not less than three aennyweights and not more than two ounces, will be purchased from olacer miners at the rate "of $28.00 oer ounce, until further notice, be tween the hours of 9 a.m. and p.m. at the office of the GOLD COMMISSIONER, Telegraph Creek, B.C. (F 27, M 5, 12, 19) C. N. R. Trains For the East-Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 6 p.m From the East Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdays 10:20 p.m This Year Vacation in Europe . . . Join the Pilgrimage to VimyJ Kf serrations are now being made for Vacation Tours to the Old Country and Continental resorts. Fares will be announced at an early date. Plan now while a good selection of accommodations on all steamship lines is available. Optional routings via the Panama Canal, if desired. Full details now available on the Great Pilgrimage to Vimy Uidge. For Information, Call or Write: CITY TICKET OFFICE 5?8 3rd Ave, Prince Hupert, B,C, ROYAL LUNCH The best place in town to eat WHITE COOKING HOME BAKING Try our Sandwiches & Coffee Phone 867 719 Third Avt. TEACHERS' THIS MORNING THE MEETING! dionne quins had Education Week Success Conven tion is Hiscussed The regular monthly meetlns of the Prince Rupert Teachers' Asso-J elation was held Tuesday evening with W. W. c. O'Neill in the chair. Appreciation of tn& whole hearted support of the various organisations and their members was expressed. The parents who had visited the schools, had been very Interested In the work done there and, the opportunity of seeing the children In their classrooms. There had also been a surprisingly larg number of visitors who had no children at school. A large, at tendance, at the public meeting had been Indicative of the Interev-Jn Education Week. An outline of the features of the Easter convention to be held in Vancouver was read and as usual a very attractive program has been outlined. Delegates will be kept fully occupied. Matters suggested for discussion, by the elementary teachers' department Include ,the problem Oi provision for individual dlfferr e'nees of the pupils. This constitutes a major and ever-present problem for the teacher. With children of varying capabilities, how best can the teacher complete the necessary work? The solution was, of course, individual attention. And how could a teacher give each of forty or more pupils individual attention? How could he give the bright pupils work that will arouse and maintain their mental activ ities and at the same' time not be too advanced for the slower ones? The plans for drawing up the new curriculum and the possibuV ties of testing it partially before finally adopting It present a big problem. The Insistent need for a curriculum that will enable child to develop his particular aptitudes and prepare himself best for life Is recognized, but the lack of appreciation of this by the general public makes Us accomplish ment very slow and difficult of attainment. JONES Family Market PHONE 937 SPRING LAMB Legs of Lamb per lb Shoulder of Lamb per lb Lpln of Lamb per lb Shoulder of Veal 4 lbs Round Steak, 2 lbs. & 1 lb. Beef Kidney Sirloin Steak , 3 lbs.- ..:. Hamburger 3 lbs Prime Rib Roll per lb Shoulder Pork per lb Leg of Pork- per lb Pork Chops per lb Veal Chops 2 lbs , Turkeys-rAbout 8 lbs. per lb No. 1 Fowl per lb Broilers each PHONE 957 SPECIALS Rump Roast Beef, 6 lbs. Shamrock Lard, 1 lb. Mackeel per lb. 25c 15c 22c 50c' 50c1 50c! 25c 18c 18c 20c 20c 35c; 25c 25c 70c $1.00 18c COAL TO. PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EDSON ALBERTA COAL BULKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY PHONE: 58 nd 558 5 MORE BOWLS OF QUAKER OATS Mothers everywhere are following the brilliant example set by specialist in charge of the Dionne Quins. Quaker Oats daily it becoming a. must everywhere because its Vitamin B for keeping fit ' does, children such a, workl of good! Dionne Quins have, it every day. Order from your grocer, J NEED 3-PURP0SE VITAMIN B IN QUAKER 0AJS. Every human body must be fortified with Vitamin. B the precious 3purpose Vitamin that combats NERVOUSNESS, CONSTIPATION AND POOR APPETITE due to lack of Vitamin B. Give all the family Quaker Oats, because these three conditions prey on the energy of thousands, young and old. AT All, AGES. LACK OF VITAMIN B FOB KEEPING FIT' IS A DANGEROUS THREAT) We thow these spectacular pictures of the Dionne Quins only to point out that famous specialists picked Quaker Oats as their cereal because it does the human body such a world of good. Your problem,- whatever, your age, is just the samel Because everyone needs a constant supply of the precious 3-purpose Vitamin B to combat NERVOUSNESS, CONSTIPATION AND POOR APPETITE due to lack of Vitamin B. That's why everyone should eat a hearty breakfast of Quaker Oats. It is wonderfully rich in protective Vitamin B. And with milk, is a marvelous source of food' energy. Order Quick Quaker Oats by name from your grocer today. Quick Quaker Oats can also be obtained in a "Chinaware" or " Cup 8i Saucer " package. Where poor condition it due to lack of Vitamin B. All photos World Coorrtrtt IMS N.E.A. Service, luo. ANNOUNCEMENT: 80 TAXI and Messenger Service We have tried to operate our taxi business under the former rates, but find our operating expenses do not compare favorably with the revenue received and are forced reluctantly to make a slight Increase. Commencing; Saturday, March 7, the rate will be: To one or two passengers, any point within Hays Creek or Morse Creek bridges, 35 cents; additional passengers, 15 cents each. Outside points, one or two passengers, 50 cents. Messenger service will continue at usual rates. We thank our patrons for past business, and request a continuance of the same. MRS. B. II. BROWN PHONES; 80 and 131 Stand, near Moose Hall. Third Avenue, opposite First Street