SCHOOL IS DESTROYED,: fecott Institution of Learning U Demolished by Fire IFire destroyed the school bulld- k at Walcott in the interior jn hursday cvenine last at about K30 o'clock. IThe cause of the' fire Is un- foown as there was very little Ire In the stove when the teacher It the building after the close school and it was several hours ' Iter when the building was des-j oyed. , IThe building and all the con- nts, including a piano and must, I the books bclonelns to the! upils, were totally destroyed. U understood that both bulldlns hd equipment were covered, by ftsurance but the heaviest loss will ! borne by the families who have buy new books for their child- jn which will not be easy foi Pme of them. Arrangements have been, mads ady for carrying on school m building which Is being fitted up pporarily for that purpqse. Condition of Mrs. McCarter Grave jollier of California Girl, Alleged To Have Been Sterilized, May Not Recover I JERSEY CITY, March 5: Mrs, Icwltt McCarter. characd with! fayhem In connection with the of her daughter, Anne frlllzatlon opcr Hewitt of San Francisco, is a serious condition here. The 3man, who Is aliened to have liken nn overdose of poison in an Rtempt to commit suicide, has now jevelopcd colitis, it' Is said, and Bay not recover. Ethiopians Deny Italian Victory ... 1'i.hwuiim i am Heavy Wins of Invaders In Northern Fighting Ot ADU1S ABABA. March 5: Mill- t'y ilcadnnnrtpra 1imm ftnH tf rlnnu Sentence on Man For Shooting Is MOKE SABOTAGE IN revealed. NAVY IS SUSPECTED The Admiralty announced to- day that two new cases of sus- pected sabotage had occurred on the battle cruiser Repulse and the submarine H-28. The nature of the damage was not GOING INTO WILDERNESS Plane Dispatched From Williams Lake to Bring Out Frost-Bitten Trapper An airplane has been dispatched from Williams Lake in the Cariboo district to Azure Lake at the headwaters of Murtle River northwest of Blue River to bring out a trapper named Crowley, who is in a dangerous condition suffering from frostbite which has developed into caiiErenc. It is expected the plane will take the trapper out to hospital at Williams Lake. Word of the Incident was received here through inquiries having been received in this district for aircraft which might be used In taking Crowley out. u, Rnnreme Court upon James Ev ... , .....I. ii trctt Ball In connection wiui wiu shooting of Mike Harmcs at uorr, B.C. GOING TO JAIL William Anderson, for his fourth of supplying liquor offence on a charge to Indians, was fined $300 with option of six months' lm-nHonnment. by Magistrate W. D, Vance in city police court yesterday M Italian inirtn mM Lfinmnnn. He has chosen to do the IWoplan forces on the northern' time and will betaken to OkaKa. It. Nonanf imm.,u nPmin9 'fim-n Mnrrlson. whom Anderson v been surrounded, they say, ' ave they been endangered. supplied, was imea days' option. $5 with five Sentences Imposed In Theft Cases Men Who Stole Chickens and Min Ing Machinery Going To Okalla Convictions and jail sentences by Judge H. A. Robertson In County Court at Prince George In theft cases are reported to divisional headquarters of the provincial Piif Infn Hall" houses of fowl which he later sold vul . chinaman Gconre Sevmour. a (halfbrccd, received sentences of VANCOUVER, March 5: (CP) . three and six months. Alvin Smaas- iTlic British Columbia Court of Ap-let, who stole mining machinery, peal has reduced from twenty years j was given six months. to ten years the scmence impuacu FINE AT OCEAN FALLS ' Ocean Falls, according to word received lit the city, has been en- Joying splendid weather of late. All snow has disappeared from the ground at the paper town follow lng the .recent heavy falls. Funeral Notice The funeral of the late Muriel Ruth Linstad will take place tomorrow (Friday) at 2:30 p.m. from the Chapel of takers. PROVINCIAL LIBRARY VICTORIA. B.C. Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides Che mill High 0:25 a.m. 19.2 ft. prince Rupert Overcast, moderate 12:25 p.m. 20.1 ft. southeast wind; barometer, Low 6;31 a.m. 6.7 ft. 29.88; temperature, 46; sea choppy. 18:54 p.m. 3.9 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER ' XXV No. 55. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 1936 PRICE: 5 CENTS vol. PLANES KILL BRITISHERS T ALO - GERMANY DENOUNCE LOCARNO PACT!" lerlin Hears That Two Nations May Take This Step as Act of Protest )lhcr Signatories Arc Suggested to Have Violated Agree ment Which Britain, France, Belgium, Poland And Czecho-SIovakia Also Entered BERLIN, March 5: (CP) A high German govern- nent official today said that Germany and Italy were criously considering denunciation of the Locarno Pact on - . - . . mm . m . he ground that it had been violated by other contracting parties. Other signatories included Great Britain, France, Belgium, Poland and Czecho-SIovakia. It was not expucit- 4 7. 1 1 1 i 1 ? stated wnicn nation was accuseu oi one nunig. OWNERS OF BOATS MEET Various Matters In Connection With 193G Halibu Fishing Up Last Night With Agrce-metn on Some Points The Canadian Halibut Vessel Owners' Association, at a meeting last night, agreed to accept a proposal of the International Fisheries Commission that, when boats go out out in in the the fall rail to to fLsh fLsh black black cod cod MAID OF ORLEANS ARRIVES Famous Old Sailing Schooner Brought Here Following Stranding Not Holed Atlin Imperial dlesel engine. Details of Stranding Is STRIKE IS EFFECTIVE Million New York Building Duellers Suffer From Lack of Ileal Inconvenience and Hardship I was held at the Club House, the following officers being elected for the ensuing year: Honorary President, Rt. Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King. Honorary Vice-Prcsident( Hon. T. D. Pattullo. Honorary Second Vice-President, w- J- Asselstine, M.P. the 125-foot two-masted schooner thmtieh the effects of water as she Honorary Tmra vicc-wesiaeiu, olof Hanson. M P was practically entirely submerged after she slid as the tide receded following her stranding. The Daly, arriving at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon, brought back the scows ind pumping equipment. The fish eries patrol steamer Malasplna, which had been standing by the Maid of Orleans, came In shortly after the Daly. Before the trip to Prince Rupert could be started the old ship had to be put back on an even keel, bat tened up and three big pumps were used to take the water out of her. The Maid of Orleans, which was President, J. H. Payne. Vice-President, W. B. Bower. Secretary, J. Wells. Executive D. A. Phall, E. P. LaFrance and A. D. Yorke. Fears Held For Safety of Many Reported Slaying Ot Kenya Boys True, Protest is Expected Attack is Said to Have Been Made on Red Cross Unit At Quorum by II Ducc's Bombers Tension May Be Further Increased .TuYferin LONDON, March 5: (CP)-Three British subjects-from lion Ne r Yorkers were lack of heit yesterday wn.." Kenya Colony boys were killed in an Italian war plane much inconvenience and, in many attack on a British Red Cross unit at Quorum in Ethiopia, ca.s, actual naaurhp oaast j according to reports received here today. If the report is through the tying up of elevators pnrrpf,t Rvir.nin is PvWrPfl tr tnnlfo "st rpnracmitn. ns " thp hnllrHno- sprvlfc wnrlrprs' ",u,"c's . ' 1 . . . "lc """""'s r;miB fn 10 Pnrnp KOme. Thp IflC act net mav may tpnd lenu tn 10 inrrpmp increase trip tne tpnsinn tension after the halibut flshine has been . . n . .. mke entered Its fourth day. Janl- LlpllS S2d "Tr ' tors and ln whkh already existS- C to area they be DC per- Perators aPnt 1 Effects of Water TTr0. !" ?"C. P". However, by I mltted to bring In with the . black cod fifteen percent of halibut so the Canadians are complying with i suggestion of the Seattle fleet which is under a quota limit of 2500 pounds-, .it, ? " The Idea olf a date for closing the issuance of clearances for final trips of the season instead of an arbitrary date for closing of fishing was also approved. The boat owners further agreed that boats the names of which start with letters A to L should leave for the banks first this sea- on, the boats from M to Z following a week later. This Is to be done In the interests of a better distribution of catches arriving on the narket. The meeting of boat owners was presided over by Capt. George Fritz, president of the Canadian Halibut Vessel Owners' Association, and Capt. J. M. Morrison and Capt. Ole Stcgavig, delegates to recent conferences In Seattle, presented their reports. Matters decided upon at the boat owners' meeting are subject to approval by the control board which is In session today. where she was pumped out prior to being brought here. Salvage op-orations were directed by Capt. W. ?. Armour, manager of the company. The .vessel. rny be taken on the dry dock although instructions ere being awaited this morning. After a twenty-hour tow from Klemtu, the Maid of Orleans was delivered here safely by the Algie ind is now moored alongside the ajvage company's floats, instruc hn.Uln buildings are thp the nrln,i,i principal workers rtP so far involved although it was The Armour Salvage Co.'s salvage . . ....... .... long as any halibut fishing area on at Algie arrived in port at 8 o'- ue-B ye.uuy u.e. the coast is still open to fishing. from Semtu with .VS"1 A ten-day tie-up between .trips the famous old American auxiliary 8 v"VHm ' ! .5 A,me"can auxll'fy Mo less than six hundred cases of for lor halibut naiiDui boats Doais this mis seison season was was schooner Maid of Or.eans which -.. ... also agreed upon and the boat was stranded and sank a week aco owners further agreed to reduce rT L 7' V on Boat Bluff Point on Sarah baran Island isiana vent strike-breaking I became the the fich(n fishing r,nt quota per trip i in Area ,o near Mlibank Sound, later being pral gen- No. 2 from 3000 to 2500 pounds per refioated and taken to Klemtu man. In reducing the fishing quota. LIBERALS IN Bond Issue For LADIES OF Skagway Passed. LIBERALS Sum of $12,000 Will be Provided i With Vhich to Carry Out 1 UD11C i i I Today's Weather " . j Dead Tree Point Part cloudy, ALICE ARM, March 5: The an-' calm; barometer, 29.96; tempera-, nual general meeting of the Alice tUre. 40; sea smooth. southeast wind; barometer, 29.88; ;ea choppy. Langara Island Overcast, mild, light southeast wind; moderate swell. Terrace Cloudy, calm, 38. Anyox Raining, calm, 35. Stewart Snowing, calm. 29. Hazelton Cloudy, calm, 32. Smlthers Cloudy, calm, mild. Burns Lake Bright, ralm, 32. Mrs. West Carnes President Of Paper Town Association I WASHINGTON, D.C.. March 5:' Congress has approved a $12,000 OCEAN FALLS, March 5: The w i i.., ,.,v.tu ik n., nf annual ppnprnl meeting? of the. ANNUAL IYIEjEjI Sy wUl ca"y but a Public Ladle5'Mb?ral Association of Ocean Works program. I F&lls,r'was held' ItYthG. Owl'-Club ! J room last Thursday. The following II. Payne Elected President Of t 1 i i u; i officers were elected for the ensu- Alice Arm Association j ing year: Honorary President, Mrs. T. p. Pattullo. Honorary Vice-President, ions as to what is to be done with Arm Dlstrict Llberal Association' Triple Island - Cloudy, fresh 01 Hanson the water-damaged cargo being awaited. Except for a dented forefoot, Capt. Paul Armour stated this nornlng that the hull of the ship .s undamaged and not holed. Ex tensive damage has, of course, been done to cargo and the Interior df President, Mrs. West Carnes. Mrs. Vice-President, Miss H. Richards. Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. D. Orr. Executive Mrs. Wm. Thompson (ex-offlcio), Miss J. Ralph, Mrs. Wm. McKenzie, Mrs. Oslnger, Mrs. J. Watson, Mrs. O. Weber and Mrs. M. Haslett. A social was held after the meeting which came to a close at, 10:45 p.m. about 35 being present. Arrangement Made by United States Treasury to Purchase Silver Through Canada Bank WASHINGTON, D.C., March 5: (CP) The United . . m i 1 t 1 1 M" States Treasury yesterday ceruranzeu purcnases oi ana- Un lYllSSlOnaneS (Han silver by authorizing the Federal Reserve Bank of New York to purchase through the Bank of Canada newly minted metal "in amounts specified bv the treasury." It Srand'eo'uS TlloTv Anxiely il'ieit m ' regard to the was said the arrangement had no particular significance, with . . lOU lip. . k.n rf.cUnaH merelv tn rrpntp n missionaries in central China who. specific arrangement for the pur-1 ment that United States silver pur-it is believed, have fallen into the chase of silver known to be newly 1 chases would be made exclusively The Maid of Orleans was enroute hands of Reds. mined. Purchases will be made at h m t , bank bank . . , n.nlll. n lVt Alaitllnn TclnnHe ft, i I n I L iium ounic w uiv mtuiiaii iaiiuo prevailing maiKei. puces. with general cargo when the Vnnrnin)tr Wheat ' Previously acquisitions had not untouier rr neui stranding occurred in a blinding been distinguished between newly snowstorm early on Wednesday vAMrntivF.rt M.iirh s: irpi mined and other stocks of sllvef. will be notified dally of the United States Treasury offer which will be transmitted to the Canadian morning of last week. The ship Wneat was quotcd at 813ic on the The Silver Purchase Act. directed, ' producers who may sell through struck on the high tide and for Vancouver Exchange yesterday. i by the Treasury, is designed to build the bank or not as they wish. six hours the crew stayed aboard. thinking she would stay firm. With the B. C. Under-1 being brought here. I Six members of the crew, lnclud- mmmmmmmmmmw, ! up silver stocks to a one-third gold j The amount which the United . - base or unm the price has reached I States will accept for this year wiU the falling tide, however, she took ing the two women, were taken to $1.29 per ounce. (be determined when final silver a list and slid back, filling and Vancouver by the Princess Adelaide Secretary of the Treasury Henry production figures for Canada arc rolling over on her beam-ends, last week-end on their way to Morgenthau said that the agree- submitted. Meantime, the crew took to the Seattle. Five were picked up by the ment was expected to absorb the I Much of Canada's silver comes as lifeboats. Some lost all their cloth-! United States coastguard cutter entire silver output of the Domin-! by-product of gold and copper lng and effects when the ship went Halda and taken to Ketchikan. The ion of Canada estimated at sixteen mines but the majority is from the under. Some of the cargo was also remaining four, Including Capt. E. million ounces annually. He said silver-lead-zinc ores of British Co-badly damaged. Larsen, came here with the salvage that the Treasury would fix the lumbla. The crew, consisting of thirteen boats. (price rather than be governed by Dominion government officials men and two women, were given The Maid of Orleans, formerly the prevailing' New York price said today that they expected four-shelter at Boat Bluff light, a qiiar- the Old Maid No. 2, Is fifty-three which is today a quarter of a cent teen million ounces of silver would ter of a mile from the scene of the years old and has had a colorful, lower than the Treasury figure. It be available for sale to the United stranding, by Mr, and Mrs. II. career as black birder, rum runner, (was possible, said Morgenthau, States this year. Under the London White. When the salvage boats ar- Arctic fur trader and copra carrier! that similar arrangements might be silver agreement which expires rived from Prince Rupert the Maid in the south seas. Her present negotiated with other American next year Canada ageed to buy 1,-of Orleans was towed three miles owners arc the Alaska Trading Co. silver-producing countries. j 671,802 ounces of silver from Cana- lnto the sheltered bay at Klemtu D. P. Miller, local customs of- j Report Confirmed dlan mines. The Dominion's output and beached for pumping prior to fleer, who was sent to stand by the. OTTAWA, March 5: (CP) Bank In 1934 was 16.415,282 ounces and wreck, also returned with the sal vors. of Canada officials yesterday con- last year's output figures are ex-flrmed the Washington announce- pected to be little changed. .