I'a je rouir 12 -count 'em. 12 big biscuits in every box SHREDDED E EUI IUUK AlYlAd bir lb Al Dry Goods & Novelty Shop Children's Coats and Dresses Hose, Gloves, Scarves XT 1 j -r- Hyde Transfer Quick Delivery COAL WOOD Chairs & Tables For Rent PHONE 580 1 z Office f mm M mM1 vSBFV f" v VSlB MBKry , OR Ift't (V HSir n . i. -Jf It Pays to Buy From M USS ALLEM'S ' , Our prices are always right with the markets and we sell for less Mail or phone your order and save FREE GIFT COUPONS for a Dinner Set and Rogers Silverware Prince Rupert, B.C. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE JONES Family J , PHONE 957 Round Steak per lb VEAL Shoulder of Veal AND EVERY ONE I EAT TASTES LIKE MORE ft Market Specials BEEF Pot Roast 4 lbs Corn Beef 5 lbs. Short Ribs 3 lbs. Hamburger, 3 lbs. & 2 lbs. Onions Sirloin Steak 3 lbs PHONE 951 per lb. !Leg of Veal I per lb Iveal Chops j 2 lbs ' Stew Veal . ; 3 ibs. i LAMB & MUTTON Leg of Lamb per lb Lamb Chops ' per lb '-Shoulder of Lamb per lb. Shoulder of Mutton per lb Loin of Mutton per lb Sausage, 1 lb. & I y lb. Liver 35c 30c 25c 25c 50c 15c 10c 15c 35c 25c 25c 25c 15c 10c 15c 25c WfHAT a lot for so little! 12 nut-brown, " crisply flavorful Shredded Wheat Biscuits, each of them bringing you a rich supply of body-replenishing and energy-building elements just as Nature stores them in whole wheatl Ready tot serve with milk or cream or fruit. GtShredded Wheat from your grocer's today! THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, LTD. Niagara FatU Canada MADE IN CANADA - OF CANADIAN WHEAT PRESIDENT 'ft Alnvo in Vpw Fffnr fnr WnrlH'c 1'cace Seen in Roosevelt's Visit to South America ioveuy veiling liags ri Washington d.c. Nov. 26 Novelty Jewellery falM ',AP when President Roosevelt f! arrives home from his voyage on Pick out your Christmas Gifts ffe'the criuser Indianapolis to the In-ancl we will lay them aside for M I tematlonal American peace con- 'ou- M ference in Buenos Aires. It is b- killeved he will have established a SfiIC $3lnew record -for Presidential travel. DELICIOUS SUMMIT ICE CREAM In H-Gallon and Gallons VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 PERFECTION IN CANNED SALMON GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only Salmon Canning Company with an all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert. Knobkerried Detective JOHANNESBURG, Nov. 26: Mistaken by a native constable for a burglar PlalnclQthesman F. N. Alberts was knocked out by the constable's knobkerrie, hand- cuffed and Jailed before he was recognized. iiiv n ejiueui jucuue jus in si, official goodwill visit to a foreign rrountry last summer when he went to Quebec to meet Lord Tweedsmulr, governor-general of Canada and Prime Minister Mackenzie King. He then told the Canadian people 'that "frank deal- "jig, co-operation and a spirit of give and take between nations is mare important than ever before" irr solving world problems. Carrying the prestige of a tre mendous popular triumph at th? polls, Uncle Sam's No. 1 travelling salesman will present In person nis "good neighbor" doctrine at Jtis Buenos Aires peace and tradj conference,; which opens December 1. Some observers view the vUlt as possibly the first move in n pectacular Rooseveltlan effort to promote' amity among the great lowers of the world. Whl!e statistics' of the mileage covered by jthe chief executives are not complete it was figured ecently that Mr. Roosevelt's total before starting the lone Soutn Mnerlsah voyage was about 63.- 000 as compared with some, 65,000 ror Jolly William Howard Taft md from 55,000 to 60,000 for strenuous Teddy Roosevelt. Indefatigable Travelller Franklin Roosevelt is an tnde-. fatlgable traveller by train and xuiomoblle hut it is on the sea he has t loved since boyhood thane really shines as the- greatest "residential voyagar of all time While he has covered many thousands of miles In campaign swings. drought and food region tours, hfc Tiajor mileage has been piled up n water voyages taken mainly 'or rest and recreation. Longest of these were his trips 'o Hawaii and through the Pana-na canal In the summer of 1934, and from Los Ange&es to Chiirles- n, S.C., by way of the canal in the fall of 1935. Others are his Timmer vacation cruises in the. N'orth Atlantic, winter fishing aunts to southern waters and week-end trips down Chesapeake Bay. In going to South America now, Mr. Roosevelt shatters a cherished 10-ycac tradition-that of havlnn Thanksgiving (Nov. 26) dinner with '-he crippled children at Warm Springs. For a deiade: he has carved the turkey annually for youngsters undergoing treatmenalvthe Georgia resort.Hpwevsr, he,- may visit Warm Springs n a few days on his way back to Washington. ' ' Coyotes Ravage Stock in Nevada ELKO, Nev., Nov. 26: (CP) Coyotes are multinlvlne and he. coming so bold that stockmen THE DAILY TEW& Thursday, November 26, 1035 IS PRIDE OF VANCOUVER Imposing Modern 12-Storey City Hall Far Cry From Tent Of Fifty Years Aro VANCOUVER, Nov. 26: (CP) The 12-storey steel and concrete structure is a far , cry from the tiny tent where fjrst council session were held), lifter the newly-incorporated city Vfes almost completely destroyed by fire In 1886. The city' hall was burned and its charred timbers were, still smoul dering when the tent was set up, Worried by Pimples And Eczema Complexion Unblemished After Six Weeks of Kruschen "For the past two years," writes a woman, "rriy face was covered with hart! nlmriles and red blotches, Vancouver's perambulating .P-Vfe"-. hatf'eczema' ori rtry-tieck council which has conducted, busl- L M.arms. I tried lotions. !ne5s. n ?. Pj?Pe.i Jereams and ointments; without th6 11886, toaay prepares to .move mioi efect r was M4Woirled, .permanent offices. The seventh Fortunately i decided to give .city hall, costing $1,500,000 and Kruschen a jrial( and without any financed through sale of "Day exaggeration, within six weeks my j bonds," will be opened December 4. face ftthout a blemish, and I have not had a sign of eczema since. I. take Kruschen regularly 1 every morning, and would not be' without U-i(Mrs.) JlA. i ruupica auu cinema ait quently due to impurities in the blood Irritant poisons which sluggish body organs are failing to expel from the system. Kruschen The canvas "council hall" later Salte hel the to keep body organs ' gave way to temporary woodenincUonirig- norraUy and health-quarters. lly preventing the accumula- There Is between one comparison Uon of lmpurltIe&- in the blood, the first "permanent" hall and the, new one. Financial difficulties delayed occupation of both. The "permanent" hall of 1886 cost only $1280 but civic finances were so scanty that F. Vv. Sentell, contractor, refused to hand over the key? until it was paid In full. For two weeks aldermen were unable to move in and later, when the $1280 had been paid, they stood up at.meetlngs because there was no money to purchase furniture. Today the old walls still stand, housing the variegated stock of a Junk company. Occupation Delayed Occupation of Vancouver's 1936 hall was delayed before construe-, tion started. Legal entanglements. PICTURE WORTH 2 FREE A handsome gravure photograph of II.M. Kinj Edward VIII i s waiting for you at yourdruggist'a a picture every home will proudly frame. Free with the purchaae of a bottle of Kruschen Salts. Supply limited get yours now. HOTEL ARRIVALS I ' Royal ! J. E. Hilditch, Frances Lake; E. M, Atkinson, Mbntreal; J. F. .Blanchard, F E. Baker, Sam Pal mer, Brunton Sprague, Alex Hold- en and' Lloyd Jarman, ScatUe; T S. Umpleby,. Vancouver. Prince Rupert Zl? -d II J, Oodley, Vancouver; R. R. r"' T' , " - Nlcho Winnipeg; Qeorge B. Ball, bearing low interest, held up work Tetoph; Creek; w after decision to build had been M(V nrkw ni Cal.; j-.. h icacueu. When the 1886 building was abandoned the council moved to a Blake. Victoria. Central J. A. Bradford. C2T.R.; red-brick market place and civic Barbour, Big Missouri, R. C. omciais tooK possession of the vegLbier fr CattIe" PU'ltry and Buried With Flasks For 30 vears the hall was suffi-' COLOGNE, Nov. 26. (CP)-A cient for Vancouver's needs but in.German scientific party, has dis- 1929 Point Grey anc? Vancouver , closea a Roman cemetery of the rurth century here, with human were amalgamated with, the city and the civic centre was moved to'dust and 8blets and flasks with an office building. The new structure is located at Fairview, a residential district, after years of argument over choice of location. It overlooks the busi ness section, harbor and moun tains to the. north. Exodus from present offices has already started and after Decem ber 1 business will be handled altogether from the new building. But Mayor G. G. McGeer, mov ing spirit in the campaign for the structure, will scarcely use it. The mayoral election will be held December 9 and Mr. McGeer has an nounced he will not seek re-elec tion. Odd Subject For Thoughtful Talk K. M. Winslow Speaker at Weekly Luncheon of Gyro, Yesterday Moralizing on the significance of the commonplace expression "Yes Sir," R. M. Winslow, assistant gen; eral manager of the Canadian-Flsh Si Cold Storage Co:, gave a thoughtful and informal talk,,be-fore the Prince Rupert Gyro Club at its. regular weekly luncheon. yes-, terday afternoon. Mr. ' Winslow -spoke of Industry and organization, alluding to how it wasthe. duty of one person who did the planning of the project to give, the orders and of others to execute the work in carrying out the undertaking. The one who gave trie order must consider whether there was the time, the ability and the equipment to carry.lt. buj,.' Thi;t5ife who received the order must, have the ability and the confidence that his act was in useful conformity with a properly conceived nlan. The Importance of cooperation was alluded to by the speaker who referred to the attributes ' of wisdom, strength and' beauty In a broad sense in the designn'rcar-rying out of undertakings. ''The-phrase "Yessirlfoften implicdfa good deal more than one might think. Dr. R. O. Large, president of ihe ;club, was 'in the chair arid guests and sheep raisers are organizing, included Dr. A. S. Lamh n(:VoM!, 2;".n.na'.lon program, ver: , , , them. f TT3-FSS Fourth Street perfect fit is hand-cut and tailored to your P. CRAVETTO- LIMITED Phone: llluc 118 For men who look for cuHora-Uilored evening wear at low lrice,.Tip Top Tailors lwy the answer ...crfe( style iu faiiliion's latekt d.icUtrs .. .fabrics of selected quality ... workmanship of one high, unchanging standard are in every Tip Top garment. From your 21 individual measurements. f own prrionauty wuether you imihtiicted choici choose tuxedo or tails. of ssitish hoouni Discriminating men believe in the' value of correct evening wear, will find Tin Top' one standard price is all they nerd pay for cuttoin-Uilired formal correctness. TillOllltO VOUI MlAHtt TIP TOP TAILOES CHURCH NOTICES SALVATION ARMY Civic Welcome to Commissioner and Mrs. McMillan at the Citadsl, Friday, 8 p.m. Women's meeting conducted by Mrs. .Commissioner McMillan, .Baptist Church, Friday afternoon, 3 o'clock. Public meeting in Citadel led by Commissioner and Mrs, McMillan, Saturday.,8 p.m. Meeting in Citadel, Sunday. 7:30 pin. Mr. P. II. Llnzey In charge of service. Guest soloists: Mrs. P. H. LLizey and Mast- ter David Jones. lilli lYC Little Ladies ' Im'-lM aml How Th Growl MS) n X sflMHsM' T'WO years aco the lovelv Dionne Ouin- J- tuplets received their first Carnation Milk. Today, what changes! Then their combined weight was fifty-four pounds now it is over 127 pounds. Then they could not ev'cn creep now they romp about their playground. Two critical years safely behind them but they still get their Irradiated Carnation Milk! Everywhere there are other healthy, sturdy babies who are being brought up on Carnation, Doctors have found that there is no milk more satisfactory. Carnation is pure, nourishing, super-digestible. It is irradiated, adding valuable bone-building "sunshine." vitamin D to the diet. , , , And it is just as fine for cooking and creaming as it is for babies and children. Qarnation MlLK 'f ROM CONTENTED COWS"