Wjvembex- 25, JG36 r 4 I ill. 1 Un(n a cliA ntll'Ort Cftm O xueen wary is snown nere an inis unusuui puuw one ,ijuiuiiu iolis for her grandchildren in a Buckingham Palace road store. Since ! left the palace to take up her residence in Marlborough House, traditional home of England's dowager queens, the mother of King Edward THhas more time for personal pleasures, being relieved from the heavy iutles of official hostess at Buckingham Palace Central Press Cana dian I-JIUW. THE DAILY KEWS In one of the largest film deals in history, John Maxwell (above) chairman of the Associated British Pictures Corporation . in Lcndon, purchased control of the $24,000,000 Gaumont Motion Picture organization with its important chain of 350 theaties. (LEFT ABOVE) This photo, from, the' collection of Fritz Henle, noted European photographer, now on exhibition in New York, is an unujual view of the famous tower of victory, Kutb Bina, in'Old Delhi. India. The tower Is acknowledged to be ons of the most striking .architectural works created by man since the beginning of time. (CENTRE) pisardejs ensued lm London's east end on Sunday (Oct. 4), when Sir Oswald iMisley land 5.00Q .offhts Fascist followers attempted to parade-through Londotfs east end.' Police compelled Mosley to halt his procession, but not before some rioting had occurred such as that pictured. Anti-Fascist demonstrators are retreating from a barricade In the vicinity of Mark Lane, the point where the Fascists met o begin their march. (RIGHT) One of the most brilliant society weddings in London for some time took place at St. Margaret's. Westminster, when Lady Angela Scott, sister of -the Duchess of Olqucestcr, was married to Lieutenant-Commander Peter Da wnay, Royal Navy. Among the notabilities present were the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester, while the ceremony itself was performed by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Among ihi hundreds or presents received by the bride were four royal gifts. Pictured above are the Duke and-Duchess of Gloucester leaving 'after the ceremony. t intervention pact. PAGE SEVEU A mimic battle between regular troops and "attacking Kiesm'en" was .part of tne recent manoeuvres of British troops stationed at Quat fa, Ind, scene cl the dUa-trcus earthquake iast year. The "battle" was fough at the Khcjak Pasa, ia ,,ia eaiHh hf fliA Aftrhirtti-tnn herder ami an imnortfit culht In the route . T . , ... , , . . . , from India to Afghanistan. This picture shows a party of tirltlsK Officers, dress- -.ve are seen Arthur Greenwood UefU and Capt. James A. Mollison is shown here In this .r, , t.HhPsmin from the Afghanistan hills, who nlaved Vhe role of the enemy foment At1, Brtttsh fctt't leaiwt,. J. radiophoto after he landed at Crovdon. Ene. settine a new transatlantic flight record of 13 hours and 17 minutes. He averaged about 160 miles per hour on the flight. during the mimic warfare. interviewing Anthony E3cn and KevUlR Chamberlain, regarding the. Spanish nc.u Th desert flowers wilt-hide their heads in -shame when these lovely European beauties arrive in Tunis, Africa,, to take part In a beauty contest to s-ilect "Miss Europe, 1937," Left to right are, Lyre Lassale., "Miss France;" Laurence Atkins, "Miss.. Great Britain," ' and Marie de Nagy, "Miss Hungary.'" ' ;i f 7 .