PAGE TWO I THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPFJIT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Puhllahed Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited. Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managlng-Edrcor Never Get The Blues Here's One Time When You Should BLUE SHOES are the vogue and they match almost any costume you may have. Pumps in suede and kid, sandals, ties and straps are among the selection. Priced from $4 Bottled and euaranteed by William Grant & Bona Limited, Glennddich and Ualvenie-Glenlim biaUUeries, Dufftown & Glasgow, Scotland. NEW LOW PRICE Mm .45 The Family Shoe Store Ltd. Third Avenue SCOTCH WHISKY 3 Phone 357 Insist on "GRANT'S BEST PROCURABLE" The Original For Sals at Vendor or direct from "MiU Order Dept." Liauor Control Board, 817 tteUy Street, Vancouver, B.C. L 1 i U I SKI tmi -jmWiW BEST PROCURABtf i im , t mm 4fi4r?r4iBBaa This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Llqucr Control Board er the Government of British Columbia. jrc:amra:miaaTB!X'KTB: It's Your Job as Well as Mine! CLEAN UP! K'iJuiUBZH.rau:ixiri:i!aSaii eautify Our City PLANT UP! FIX UP. PAINT UP! Do Your Part! Join the Crusade! Boost Your Community! Sponsored by Junior Chamber of Commerce iaammr8CTCTiiiM3 UII1 This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. Biologists Win i Over Taxi Men Totals m 723 712 BIO. STATION 1st 2nd 3rd Freeman 151 139 145 Large , ...107 13Q 128 Sunderland 92 68 120 Brocklesby 104 80 144 Carter 88 124 103 Handicap 89 89 89 Totals .629 630 732 The League Standing The league standing to date: W. L. Bankers 11 4 Three Two Taxi .10 5 Biological Station 10 Watts Grocery 8 Oilers 6 Rupert Butchers 6 C. N. R. A 5 I Kaien Motors 5 Rangers and Grads Winners in Bowls Defeated Doodads and In Last Night's Play In the Ladies' I last nisht Ranters defeated Doo dads and Prince Rupert Grads won! j over Brunettes as follows: ! I Rangers Armour, 438; Fortune, 254; Deane, 351; Letchford, 278; Raybone, 373; total, 1694. Brunettes- Garner, 318; Domln-ato, 180: Colussl, 211; Montesano, 218; Johnstone 242; total, 116U. High average scorer was June Armour of the Rangers with 219. The league standing to date: G. Ttl. Ave. Annettes 26 19901 765 Bluebirds 26 19357 745 Rangers '. 26 19355 744; Doodads 26 18340 725: ,P. R. Grads 26 18487 711 ' Maccabees 26 17188 661 C. N. R. A. 26 16321 628 Brunettes .20 1624G 025 HOLIDAYS For Adults and Children on the Famous North Beach, Graham Is. Fishing, Bathing, Badminton, Picnics. Scenic Drives, Shooting in Season. Cottages fully furnished, also Tents and Dining Room. Good plain cooking at reasonable rates. Apply for full particulars to- MRS. DUNN, Sangan River, Near Massed, B.C. WANTED Camp Phone "Run Hemlock Green 687 or Logs. Write Stanley Bishoprick jr. Prince Rupert Rats and Beaver We have .a big order for both and in order to Induce trappers and dealers to ship their skins we are offering more than market prices. Ship them In and we will wire the money Immediately. G0LDBL00M The Old Reliable NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZareUL Proprietor -A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot Si Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box IBS a DAILY NEWS RED SOX HIT HARD Commercial League Bowling Game,! - 4 n Scheduled For Tonight, Played i"a"'f ti,s"l5.:",,us l", """""'" ! Last Evening Instead Chicago White Soi Yesterday 1 .Biological Station defeated Three L BOSTON. May 1: (CP) Boston 'Two Taxi two games to one lastjied Sx maintained leadership of night In a Commercial Bowling tne American League yesterday by League fixture which was scheduled for tonight but was brought ahead. High average scorer was Norman Kin.slor of Three Two Taxi with 148. Details of scoring,: 32 TAXI 1st 2nd 3rd Houston 132 147 126 Chykaida 86 173 148 Calderoni 116 118 149 Klnslor 128 137 178 Donald 144 145 108 Handicap 0 3 3 overwhelming the Chicago White Sox with 18 hits to win 16 to 4. New York Giants, although beaten 3 to 2 by St. Louis Cardinals In 11 innings, remained in the lead (n the National League. Also In 11 Innings, the Chicago .Cubs defeated Brooklvn Dodeers to move into second place, the Cincinnati Reds losing to Boston Braves to drop from second into fourth place below the Cardinals. Pittsburg Pirates' victory over Philadelphia advanced them from seventh to fifth place ahead of the Phillies and Dodgers. Yesterday's scores: American League Chicago 4. Boston 16. Cleveland 1, New York 8. St. Louis 8. Philadelphia 12. Detroit 7, Washington 8. National League ' New York 2, St. Louis 3. Brooklyn 1, Chicago 2. Philadelphia 5, Pittsburg 6. Boston 3. Cincinnati 1. Baseball Standings NATIONAL LEAGUE W. L. New York 8 Chicago 8 9 1 St. Louis 6 10 1 Cincinnati 7 m i Pittsburg 6 ruiiiuif ipuia i Brooklyn 6 Boston 5 5 6 5 7 6 9 8 7 AMERICAN LEAGUE W. L. Boston 11 5 New York 10 5 Cleveland 8 C Brunettes Detiolt 7 6 'Washington 9 8 Philadelphia 6 8 Bowling League I Chicago 4 8 at. LOUIS 3 12 Hotel Arrivats Savoy Dicks, city; Mr. Rupert Pet. .605 .571 .545 .500 .500 .438 .429 .417 Pet. .688 .667 LADIES' BOWLING May 7 PJt. Orads vs. Doodads Rangers vs. Brunettes. May 4 Maccabees vs. A Bluebirds vs. Annettes. .571 ! .538 ' A291 .429 1 .333 .200 and Mrs. J. 1249, Fl. Spilth, 279; Ed. Smith, 331, H iMrmtc Henrv Douelas and .Ciccone. 301; total 1568 'Gordon Innis, KUkatla. j P, R. Grads Stromdahl. 323; , ' oya illallberg. 244; McFadden. 216; Bal-, intrebriaht Monli. ritv tui&vii i ww iiv-wic, iuu, iui.u, i 1 filter Mr. and Mrs. O. Willett. Nev;: Westminster; Angus Currie. Clax-I ton; A., E. Lawson, Sunnyslde; Danf O'Rouke. Calgary; P. Campbell.' Stewart; T. A. Nelson, Vancouver;! C A. Armstrong. Toronto. We sell circulation. We have It. Women's Ankle Sport Sox White or colored i A A 4 pairs -for Children's Cotton in sand shades 4 pairs Boys' Turn Top Hose tures, contrasting tops; 3 pairs or pink 3 for ..' Steamship Sailings For Vancouver-Tuesday Catala 1:30 p.m. Thurs. ss. P. Rupert 10:30 p.m.. Friday--ss. P. Adelaide. 10 p.m. S- Cardena 10:30 May 4-ss. Prln. Norah 5 May 13-ss. Prln. Louise 5 iT tcjr . oa, run, MJUlSe Tom Vancouver X; LBHBBBBBBBBBBLlBBBBBBBBBBBHLBBBLm xij0- For Prompt BPBKSW jr Free Delivery - '' 5 pin, Sunday ss. Catala 4 p Wed.&s. Prince. Rupert 10 This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control' Board or by the Government of British Columbia. " WALLACE'S Week-End Specials For Friday and Saturday Hose Ribbed, $1.00 SEE OUR WINDOWS -Marl mix- $1.00 Men's Ties Assorted patterns Ti:aoz $1.00 Men's Sox Silk mixtures fancy patterns, 4 pairs . 95c Women's Broadcloth Slips White $1.00 Built up Shoulder Slips White or for 1.00 Girls' Rayon Silk Bloomers Tea rose shade 3 pairs $1.00 Women's Rayon Knit Slips fancy weave, in assorted shades, lace trimmed, also Suede Taffeta Slips, pink or white QQ Women's Rayon Silk Bloomers White or pink, values to C5c, about five dozen of these broken lines to clear Qp 90 per pair Ladies' Dress Skirts Plain or plaid, all wool cloths, values to $3.50 $i AC for tyl.o9 Women's Cotton grey shades 5 pairs Women's Waffle and Vests 2 suits for Hose Sand or $1.00 Knit Bloomers $1.00 Women's Lisle Vests or Bloomers each 29C vrvo for 55C Children's Lisle Vests or Bloomers, 4 for . $1.00 Dance Sets White or peach suede taffeta motif trim Q-i A A per set Women's Print or Aprons Nicely trimmed, 3 for Unbleached $1.00 Women's Sweaters Pullover styles, a nice assortment to choose from, all wool M A A values to $1.1)5; each vlvU Silk Kimonas Figured all silk, values to $5.50 ryj Special tp&iio Women's Rayon Slips Lace trimmed, white, pink f5C or green, each HOC Women's Corsettes, Corsets and Girdles Full range C j QQ of sizes; each Print House Frocks Fast colors, assorted designs, in attractive styles, all fast colors, full range of 81.00 each Women's Fabric Gloves Assorted sizes and shades , 39C per pair ; White Pique Skirts Sizes 10, 12, 31.00 White .Pique Waists each Children's Overalls Khaki or blue, sizes 2 to S, , n8C from 50c to Children's Pure Wool Pullver Sweaters Assorted colors, value to $2.25 $1.45 each ... v Children's Hard Wearing Sweater's Assorted' colors 69c, 75c, 89c Boys Tweed or Serge Knickers hard wearing quality per pair PIIONE- -9