pXai tour ECONOMY SPECIALS PINK SALMON Rupert V2's "Jg per tin BRAN FLAKES- Kellogg's 23C 2 pkgs. CAT FOOD, DOG FOOD -I Cp Dr. Ballard's, 1-lb. tin MAZOLA OIL 4-lb. tin 94c -LAYER FIGS Jp ' 12-oz. box, to clear LOCAL EGGS Unequalled in size : ,i and quality 29C : per doz dAD'S BRIDGE COOKIES Con-' tains approximately 20 doz. or ' 2V2 lbs. in useful round Qp :tln. each i FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES Rhubarb, Outdoor, 4 lbs 19c ; Lettuce, good size, each 8c r Cucumbers, each 19c 'Carrots, bunch 6c Next week is Clean Up Week Let's Help Beautify the City MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE ."Where Dollars Have More Cents' P. 0. Box 575 Phone 18 Fresh Delicious Cottage Cheese Daily VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 Ask For GOLD SEAL SALMON Fancy Red Sockcye .: Look for t the WHITE LABEL with the GOLD SEAL Packed by the only Salmon Canning Company with an all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert. Hyde Transfer Garden Soil $2.50 a load PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue Rev. M. II. Lawrence. Anglican Church missionary at Kltkatla, ar rived' in tne city last night, being here to receive treatment for eye trouble. He and his party expect to be here until Sunday. FOR SALE CHESTERFIELD, Dining, room and bedroom furniture, rugs, etc. for sale. Phone Blue258. (104) HOUSE, Borden Street, occupied by G. H. Arnold. Helgerson Ltd. (103) FOR SALE New 5-roomed house. Modern, cheap for cash. A. H. McPherson. (106) GENTLEMEN Personal drug sundries. Highest Grade Latest. Delivered, 15 for $1. (plain wrapper). Pacific Supply 751 Granville, Vancouver. FOR SALE 20 acres land, 5-room house, barn, cellar, running water, 50 fruit trees. Also 17 acres, 2-room house, barn, chicken houses, partly cleared. Apply Chas. Kofoed, Terrace, B.C. (108) MALE & FEMALE HELP 275 CLERKS Wanted at Ottawa by Dominion Government for 1936 Prairie Census. 6 to 18 months employment at $75 per month with possibility of permanent position in the Civil Service. Appointment by written examination to be held across Canada. Men and women between 18 and 35 (Ex-Service men no age limit) with three years high school may obtain full information and ad vice free from the M. C. C. Civil Service School, Winnipeg or Toronto (10). Dominion-wide and oldest In Canada. (tf) L.NI ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Pur chase ijind In Prince Rurert Land Recording District of Queen Charlotte Islands and situate on the North shore of Cumshewa In'.eit 'nvmedlately South of lot 45, y. u 1. Take notice that the Allison Logging Company Limited 01 Vancouver. B. C Intends to apply for permission to pui chase the following described lands Commencing at a post planted ait the S. W. corner of Lot 45. Q. C. I. thence 60 chains East along South boundary of Lot 43: thence duo South to shoreline: thence West along shoreline to point of commencement and contain lng 40 acres more or less. AMBROSE P. ALLISON, Pres. Allison Logging Co.. Ltd. Dated April 21. 1936. MRS. HALLIDAY announces the reopening of the IVodern Beauty Shoppe 530 Third Avenue formerly located at 210 4th St. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29 There will be a special for one week of a free electric manicure with every shampoo and finecrwave or marcel. DELICIOUS BUTTERMILK 12c per quart Dominion Dairy Phone Red 608 See these Wonderful Novelties MARIGOLDS Dixie Sunshine, Dwarf Mexican Orange, Tall Double Royal Scott, Yellow Supreme (sweet scented), All Double African Lemon, All Double African Orange. NEW NASTURTIUMS Golden Globe, Scarlet Gleam, Orange Gleam, Golden Gleam and Golden Hybrids. ARTHUR BAYNE Second Ave. Phone 635 COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EDSON ALBERTA COAL BULKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY PHONE: 58 and 558 WH1FFLETS From the Waterfront Having completed annual overhaul, C. N. R. steamer Prince George came off the pontoons at the local dry dock this morning and moved to the Imperial Oil dock to take on fuel. This afternoon she is having trial runs and on Monday night she will sail for Vancouver with Capt. Edward Mabbs in command. Later she will be commissioned in service for the summer. C. P. R. steamer Princess Adelaide, Capt. S. K. Gray, is due In port at 4 o'clock this afternoon from the south and will sail at 10 p.m. on her return to Vancouver and waypolnts. In a "Small Halibut Derby" at the port of Seattle, being conducted for the purpose of obtaining small specimens of fish In connection with research on the matter of development of the halibut, three fish weighing under three pounds have so far been landed, the Arne having brought in a three-pounder to the Puget Sound port yesterday. Previous to this one fish weighing three pounds and one weighing two and a half pounds had been brought In. Halibut weighing under four pounds are rarely caught. Halibut prices took another drop at Seattle yesterday when seven vessels disposed of a total of 170,-000 pounds as follows: Venture, 32.-000, Booth, 7V4C and 6'4c: Wizard. 36.000, Sebastian-Stuart, 72c and 6c; Martlndale, 38,000, San Juan, 7c straight; Havana, 20,000, Whiz. 7'4C and 6sic; Banner, 14,000, Washington, 7V4C; Ionic. 15,500, Booth, 7V4C and 7,,'8c; Eastern, 15,-000, San Juan. 7 'fee. The United States geodetic survey vessel Westdal left Seattle this week to spend the season in Alaskan waters. Next week the Sur veyor and Discoverer will lenvp Seattle, the former to operate west 01 uuicn naroor ana tne latter In the vicinity of False Pass. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Lea Land In Prlnc Runert. T trfct of Rang 5 Coast, and aituati clows to Galloway Rap Ida Bridge, nen Tftk tvttLn that T Uartln trm. - , AJ WIAlill u 7 1 vwvwvsvWt UUiUUC man ... -7. w ppy or a lease or tiu '""""s utaviiuTO roresnore lands: Commencing at a post planted ap DrOXlmatfllT a.OOd ft. nnrtl, T hi - --- - - . UUW Ala 116. D. L. 251. Range 5 Coast Dlstrlc rrtA.A. bIum.a enn . . . wm uuu 11, soum to opposite ojbjic iutucc non.ne.ny roilowlng th shoreline to post of commenceoieni nd containing acres, more or lea MARTIN MILLER Dated Marr.h fl. l3fl SAMPLE SWEATERS Ladies' and Children's Pullover Sweaters. All pure wool, assorted 1 flO styles; all sizes. Dollar Day vJLUU TOWELS Large size, white and colored Towels, 50 dozen run of the mill, all -perfect goods. On sale Dollar Day In 2 groups. Colored & plain, 4 towels for jl00 .Colored & plain, 3 towels for $1,00 Face Cloths, 6 for 25c DAILY NEWS Friday, May i, m, Stag Party For Tommy Fraser Gifts Made by Friends at Event Last Night Prior to Wedding: Next Week Hill Srrmp was. hnsi. last night at his home In the Summit Apart- menw wiui a snower stag pan, Tommy Fraser whose marriage to Miss Cathie Irvine will be an Interesting event next week, There were about twenty present and the evening was enjoyably spent with cards, games, music, etc. Refresh- miscellan eous presentations were made to me guesi 01 nonor. SPEAKS TO ROTARIANS (Continued rrom Pace 1 Rev. James B. Gibson and Dr. Neal Carter. The club endorsed the Junior Chamber of Commerce "Clean Up" campaign and members were urged to co-operate: Guests at the luncheon were Rev. W. D. Grant Holllngworth, Dr. A. L. McQuarrie of New Westminster and Gilbert Mervin of Mail Schedule For the East-Monday, Wednesday and Friday 5 pm. From the East Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 10:20 p.m. For Vancouver Tuesday 12:30 p.rr Thursday :. 9'30 p.m. Friday - 9:30 p.m. May 4, 13 and 23 p.m. From Vancouver Sunday 4 pjn Wednesday 10 a.m Friday 4 p.m. May 9, 18 and 28 a.m. For Anyox and Stewart- Sunday 7 p.m Wednesday 3 p.m. LAM) ACT Votlce of Intention to apply to Leaxi Land In Prince Rupert Land Recording Dlfc rtct of Range 5 Coast, and situate oi Calcn Island clous to Galloway Rapid. Jrldge. Take notice that I. Martin Miller o' rlnce Rupert, B.C., occupation Lumber nan Intends to apply for a lease of tn-following described lands: Commencing at a post planted ap jroxlmatley 3 000 ft. north of lots 116 116, D. L. 231, Range 5 Coast tbeno 560 feet west; thence 760 ft. soutl .hence 660 feet east: thence 260 ft vorth thence following the shore lln o post of commencement and contain lng ten acres, more or less. MARTIN MILLER Dated March 6. 1938 Ladies' and Children's Hosiery Ladies' Full Fashioned Silk Hose Orient quality, seml-servlce weight, In all the new spring shades. Every pair guaranteed rlngless and pure thread silk.' Reg. $1.00 quality. 7 tin Dollar Day, pair I 31 CHILDREN'S ANKLE SOCKS In wool mixture. Sizes 6 to 82, assorted colors. Made with the new lastex cuff. Q4 Dollar Day, 5 pairs for j)lUU BOYS' GOLF HOSE Made with the new lastex top, no garters required, assorted colors, greys and fawns. OQr Sizes iy2. to 10. Dollar Day, pair uuKj PURE WOOL BLANKETS Pure Wool Grey Blankets, size 63x80 ins. fl Qj 25 pair only. Reg. $6.95. Dollar Day, pr. PART WOOL BLANKETS White with colored borders, assorted shades, beautifully soft and warm. Size 68x80 ins. C Q(-Dollar Day, each blanket ?-i.D BABY BLANKETS Large size, 30x50 Ins. Eiderdown Blankets, blue and pink animal patterns. QlA AA Dollar Day, each tJXUU BEDSPREADS 150 Spreads, seconds, colored krlnkle and white crochet, three-quarter and full size. Q4 flC Dollar Day, each PLAY IS ENJOYED Comedy and Pathos Combined In "Johnny Grows Up" by Local Dramatic Guild Under the able direction of Mrs. F. N. Good, a delightful three-act comedy drama entitled "Johnny Grows Up," a portrayal of typical vicissitudes of adolescent family life with amusing as well as pathetic moments, was presented at St. Andrews Anglican catnearai of young people consisting of the Misses Ruthanna Wood, Beatrice Berner, Frances Thomson, Kay Kielback and Cleo Mussaliem and Bruce Stevens, Tom Johnstone, J. A. Teng, Wilfrid Hicks and Bob Ir- jvlne. The entertainment will be .repeated tonight and its merit warrants a much larger attendance Ithnn urae onf loct vpnlncr Tt. 1c hp- lng offered by the Prince Rupert Dramatic Guild under the auspices of the Women's Auxiliary of St. Andrew's Cathedral. The story Is briefly that of a modern family,, the children of which have reached the carefree 'teen age days of later High School with Its ambitions and adventures. Suddenly, the father Is stricken ill and the necessity of a complete change of residence reveals the deplorable financial condition of the family. The plot thereupon revolves about the complications which ensue when the boy of the family borrows $25 to invest in a hair-brained motto contest. For a LA NO ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Lease 1-nnrt In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Queen Charlotte Islands, and situate on Oumahewa Inlet fronting on onsurveyed crown Land which is niu-.tted Immediately South of Lot M Queen Charlotte Islands District. Take notice that the Allison LoggUiK Company Limited of Vancouver, DC intends to apply for a lease of the following described Foreshore Lands:- Commencing at a post planted at the 3. W. Corner of Lot 45. Q. C. I. thence 10 ohalns due South; thence 60 chain' Jue East thence due North to Bhore-.liie: thence Wet along shoreline to point of commencement and containing 30 acres, more or less. AMBROSE P. ALLISON. Pres. Allison Logging Co., Ltd Doted April 21. 1936. We Serve CHICKEN DINNERS on Sunday at the little place called the U & I CAFE Formerly Solcm's Cafe while all looks hopeless but the eventual winning of . the contest and a $1000 cash prize brings everything to a happy ending. Ruthanna Wood plays the part of the elder sister and Beatrice Berner that of the younger. Fran ces Thomson is the mother and Bruce Stevens the sick father. Tom Johnstone Is the awkward-stage son. J. A. Teng plays the part of the kindly family doctor. Wilfrid Hicks and Kay Kielback are the children of a neighboring family Bob Irvine Is the boy of another family with Cleo Mussaliem play lng the part of his mother. Earl Gordon was in charge at the door with Jack Finn, John Good and Larry Parlow acting as ushers. Hall last night by a capable cast jS. P. Woodside. Bob Irvine and Bruce Stevens were the stage settings. In charge of Sam Stewart, Chief Councillor of Klncollth, arrived in the city this mornlnsr on his own gas boat and proceeded later in the day to Claxton cannery. He orougnt wim him Johnathan Brown of the same village who went up to North Pac-fic cannery. THE FAMOUS RUBBING LINIMENT Rub on pain gone. Get the new large economy size Also available in smaller, regular sue. TONIGHT ar.d SATURDAY $2,000,000 TRIUMPH Ajutneeri find primifm lay, j TRUE. lory of, South Suit rm mmt- - imi m mrm w r - w - mm m m vn WEBOUNTY s"7 CHARLES LAUGHTON CLARK rimilB K FRANCHOT TONE pm- I I I I I " I III I II Illl-I II I- I " DO 1 1 DAY SATURDAY FRASER and PAYNE'S SATURDAY CLOSING 8 P.M. Sec Our Windows Friday For Dollar Day Values. Various other items' on display not advertised that will interest you. Drapery and Curtain Fabrics SHADOW CLOTHS 52-Inch Heavy Fadeless Shadow Cloth for portlers, drapes and upholstering. Assorted pat- fl- A A terns. Reg. $1.50 yd. Dollar Day, yd. 3J.UU SHADOW CLOTHS 43-Inch English Shadow Cloth, assorted (P-fl A A patterns, fast colors. Dollar Day. 2 yds. V SHADOW CLOTHS 30 Inches Wide Shadow Cloth, 3 designs only, excellent cloth for loose covers, drapes, etc, P4 A A Dollar Day, 3 yds. t?JLUU JJG-INCH NOTTINGHAM NETS New patterns, good quality net in cream shade, as- sorted designs, Dollar Day, 4 yds. for i .$L00 MEN'S SAMPLE 6HIRTS Men's Dress Shirts Collar attached. Slzis 14'2 to 17. Ail new seasons prints. Reg. prico cm aa $1.95 each. Dollar Day, each GIRLS' PULLOVERS Honeycomb Knit, short sleeves, colors red. blue, white yellow. Sizes 32 and 34, Q4 aa Dollar Day, 2 for J1UU GIRLS' SLACKS Blue Drill, sizes 8 to 14. Buttoned side fastening, two pockets and cuff bottoms. aa Dollar Day, pair Jpl.UU lAt 7:25 & 10:02 Also Silly Symphony & New, Lavt Comnlete Sh- w d 9-37 60 PHONE 60 Kaien Transfer We handle the Finest Grades of Coal and Wood, at market prices. Bone Dry Kindling always in stock. We also operate CO Messenger Service The Annual Self-Denial Effort May 1st to May 18th The 193G Campaign has-been launched. Within the next two weeks Salvationists of the local Corps wll lcanvass the city. The Salvation Army has been able to maintain the standard and extent of our service because of extra he'p given by friends who realize our present difficulties, and because of the personal sacrifice of officers and workers. WHEN CALLED UPON PLEASE GIVE LIBERALLY TO THE SERVICE THAT SUCCEEDS WARASSO PRINTS 25 Patterns, all 30 Ins. wide, fast colors New season's prints. C-f Aft 1,ww Dollar Day, 5 yds. for WABASSO PIQUE Plain and Printed Wabasso Pique, fast colors. Q1 ft ft Dollar Day, 3 yds. for WAHASSO PILLOW CASKS Full size Pillow Cases, plain hem, good heavy quality. Si 00 Dollar Day. 4 pillow cases Ladies Underwear and Lingerie LADIES' BLOOMERS and PANTIES Lace trimmed In one of the latest fabrics, crepe rayon in flesh shade. Panties, Bloomers and Briefs Dollar Day, garment LADIES' TAFFETA PRINCESS SLIPS Bias cut lace trimmed Taffeta Slips In Si 00 white and nurosc. Dollar Day, each . . LADIES' PYJAMAS and NIGHTGOWNS Krinkle Crepe, assorted colored trims. Pyjamas and Nightgowns, all sizes. CI 00 Ql.VV Dollar Day Satin Stripe Panties and Bloomers Beautiful garments In satin stripe rayon, French larc trimmed in white and nurose, May Belle Q-f QQ quality. Dollar Day, 2 pair for Children's Silk Bloomers and Panties May Belle quality In white and flesh Bloomers and Panties, sizes 6 to 14. gQ(J Dollar Day, pair , BRASSIER and PANTIE SETS Pure silk crepc-de-chlnc In tea rose shade. Sizc small, medium and large, French lace Sl00 trimmed. Special for Dollar Day, set SILK PEBBLE CREPE . 30 Inches wide, excellent quality. Reg, $1.25 yd. Colors black, navy, royal, polo blue, yellow, red, ()C orange skin, white, eggshell. Dollar Day. yd. TABLECLOTHS Colored border, Damask Cloths, sizes 52x52 ins. Dollar Day, 2 for $1.00 I