paqi terra DAILY NEWS JONES Family Market PHONE 957 rilONE 957 Specials Pot Roast Qffn 4 lbs "" Boneless Stew Beef 25C Round Steak 10n 3 lbs Sirloin Steak 50C 3 lbs. Hamburger, 3 lbs. & 1 lb. Onions T-Bone Roast of Beef 20C Rump Roast of Beef -f Cp per lb. Stew Veal OCn - 3 lbs Shoulder of Veal 1 J-Ul' Of rjer lb , per lb. Leg of Veal -f ffp - per lb J-Ul' Veal Chops QC 2 lbs. ... Stew Lamb 3 lbs Boned and Rolled Shoulder OHp of Lamb, per lb Loin Lamb Chops 9s per lb Fresh Side Pork -f J"p J.OI per lb. vmmmmmmmmm COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EDSON ALBERTA COAL BULKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT ' FEED COMPANY PHONE: 58 and 558 PERFECTION IN CANNED SALMON GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only Salmon Canning Company with an all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert. Hyde Transfer Jasper Coal All Kinds Of Dry Firewood PHONE 580 Office 315 Second Avenue WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Dr. L. W. Kergln and party returned on the Aledor last night from a successful week-end angling trip to Khtada Lake. Prices for halibut sagged somewhat on the Seattle Fish Exchange yesterday but are still at a highly satisfactory level. Two boats sold catches totalling 71,000 pounds at Seattle yesterday as follows: Thor, 36,000 pounds, Whiz, 12c and 11c; Yakutat, 35,000 pounds, Sebastian-Stuart, llT'aC and 11c. The Albatross and Repeat had catches of sablefish and mixed cod for which 4c and 4yBc was paid. Delayed on her final voyage of the season on the Alaska route, C. N. R. steamer Pripce George, Capt. H. E. Nedden, arrived at 12:45 LA Nil ACT Notice of Intention to nppll tn Mil it In Prince Rupert land Recording Dis LAM) AC1 FORGOTTEN DOCUMENTS During Reconstruction, of P. E. I. Provincial Biulding Workman Discovers Archives CHARLOTTETON. P.E.I., Aug. inct 01 uange 0, uoast, ana eiiuaw i" npt.itlon "Tn TTiirlarvn nn P mMwnv Ivtvnm Rsr. fcw1'1"" lu " J - - - ... TT 1 1 tt 4 . on and Dundas islands, neing one-nan xiuiujiauie uie uoun 01 Marriage raUe south of the most northerly ot the and, Divorce," with ah early 19Lh Narea Islands. Take notice that Robert Irvine, Prince Rupert, occupation Shell dealer Intends to apply for a lease ot the following described foreshore lands: Commencing at a post planted on ot century date. Frequently Maltreated The llbellant, alleged her hus band, a butcher, did frequently ' rock one-half mile south of the most m,t(. . . ,. . . northerly of the Nares islands, thence maltreat and dreadfully beat and west 15 chains; thence south 15 chain bruise the llbellant With his fists uience east id cnains; mence noun 10 nnH with Ktlte nr. chains to point of commencement und " wau "cl "lc containing 22.5 acres, more or less. .was rendered a perfect burden to nate May 2Ro(tr m8LEN ,KV,NE 1' and which treatment broke 1 , ,the spirit of the llbellant and thus 1 caused her to fly to liquor and drown her sorrows by taking In- Notlce of Intention to appplj to Lesie tOXicattng drafts. Land in rrhvee nuwrt iaiki Recording Dis-1 Besides the government records trict or Range 5, coast, end situate there were interesting relics found most southerly of the Nares Islands. J"1 the attloCannon balls, Indian Take notice that Robert Irv'ne of axes, huge keys. There was on" Prince Rupert, occupation Shell dealer .nnv of ihn , " Intends apply for a lease of the Ioi-,COpy, proceedings Of the lowing described foreshore lands: 'legislative council abolished ifl rocSoTorth4 oWS .l "93. There were the appointments of the most southerly of the Narei of the lieutenant, governors, huwe Islands thence west 15 chains: thence nrrvlamafl nouth 15 rhnlrrn thence Mat 15 rhMns: ... eal UI thence north 15 chalm commencement and acres, more or less. to containing ItOIIKKT (il.K.V Dated May 40th. 1938. IRVINE 1,1.1 i point of vi-ona. 23.5, Probably the most prized find was a proclamation from the government of Prince Edward Island 1BJU addressed to William IV in Tin: MTKK.ML- comit of uuiTiMi re?retting the death of Oeorge IV i ix iMtoiiATE ,ii bore the signature of even in The Mutirr ofThe Administration member of the legislature. And I Another record told of the ap- i In The Mailer of The Lslate of Martin ipointmcnt of the first. OnoonV take notIot"'" of m,lfouncl1- Legislature protested Honour Judge Fisher, Local Judge of, the appointment. The legal pro-the Supreme Court of British Columbia (fessinn vnt - fi fmial ... . . made Uie eth day of August. 1036. rL , . petition to was appointed Administrator of the t-ngiand. but Victoria. Reglna stood EaUte of Martin C. Letnes. Deceased firm and allowed the "wu measnrp tn moasure t0 with the Will annexed, late of Port "le. Easinston. b. c. who died on the 15m PasSi ine second appointee, Joserh or 16th dav of June 1930. All Demons Henslnv. nxslirniwi Mi. lhaving claims agamst the wld Estate ,,.... ' ICI" . , cause a IUrther I are hereby required to furnish same rumpus. All this properly verified to m on or before was written Into the records dls- ithe 25th day of September. 1938; other- MinrH rrn- n ' , wlse dlaposltlon of the said Estat -vlll ,' wleie years, Ajr. te made without regard thereto. All i oiauiey saia. parties Indebted to the said Estate There? tr o.( i I are required to pay the amount of .. . , . . ""'"c' wo.a. oi their Indebtedness to me forthwith. iw,e "iana OI at,. Jonn. Prlnco FA. Dated this loth day of August. AU ward Island's original name, copy J lll,S0, . ...... nf at, ..UII-t--, NORMAN A. WATT i w Official Administrator I the iTince Kupcri. u. u j 1 DELICIOUS SUMMIT ICE CREAM In Vi-Oallons and Gallons VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 oi an act Dubllshed tn PtoMtii academy of Charlottetown.' forerunner of the present Prince of i Wales College. VANCOUVER, Aug. 26: Lord1 Tweedsmuir, Oovernor General of Canada, who opened the Canadian 1 Pacific Exhibition here today, ad-! dressed the Canadian Club at noon' in the Hotel Vancouver. I "TILLIE THE TOILER" Many Visitors To the Museum Two Nice Donations Received Towards the Funds From Out Of Town Native, Food Samples To be Secured During the month ending ye- 26: (CP) Rummaging around in tA-H.av , n-ot- 47a a aHmU the attic of Prince Edward Irl- sions to the prinCe Rupert museum and's historic legislative building,; whlch to, donations and W. F. P. Bradley shook Island :other monies received during the credo by discovering a chest full month. brought the total takings of documents throwing light on divorces of the past in a province now without a divorce law. For months Mr. Bradley has been cleaning out odd cubby holes In the grey stone building, collecting valuable government papers laden with dust, relics, forgotten proclamations more than a century old. Each new discovery pulled from a crevice, unearthed from a pUe of dog-eared papers, has illumined a new version of the oast, and al noon today from Vancouver. Powell ;thmieh thp rw.nrric h t. hm uiver ana ucean raus any huh. My amUjd Qt studied,, .there havs In the afternoon for later 1 Skagway Deen disclosures to change the and other northern points whence 'gpneral conception of Island hb-she Is due to return here Monday southbound. The vessel had on , Tn ,i(( . board large list of a Passengers perplate prefaced b "His Excel-consistlng largely of tourists with len 00..., chaics thirty persons going east by train. Augustus Fitzroy, Governor 'in 18- 39, gives the official order to take Northland Transportation Co.'s .the power of divorce from the as-motorshlp Norco arrived In port at sembly and place it In the Jurh-noon today with one thousand diction of the law courts. It, is cases of canned salmon for trans- addressed, to Hon. Edward James shipment east over Canadian Na- Jarvls, chief justice by the for- tional Railways, bear of the present speaker of the British House of Commons. "Interesting rare bits in these old divorce documents," ted Mr. Bradley who guards, his finds with the possessive touch of an archivist. He pointed to one the Worshipful and of the museum up to $79.03. The tourist season is now very nearly at an end and the paid ad missions to the museum will proo-' ably be very small during the autumn months. The donations included $10 from the Consoli dated Mining and Smelting Co. board, Rev. W. H. Pearce attended! the meeting and suggested that specimens of native foods be col- j lected In time for next season, as so many visitors wanted to know what the natives' on the coaot ate prior to the coming of the white people. The foods include cockles, clams, seaweed, fish eggs, and the Inner bark of the hemlccli and the root of one of the large ferns. Rev. W, E,, Colllson volunteered to try to secure a number of these. Among the articles donated to the collection of exhibits during the month was an Indian chest warmer made of' rabbit's paws, a Jar of preserved soapberries, and a packet of drled: soopololie berries sent from Hazelton by Mrs. Cox A bullet shown imbedded in a tree was donated by John Viereck a a recently identified from the Hyde collection was a mourner's hood. David Jones donated an Indian baby sucking stone. Rev, Cannon Rushbrook presided at the meeting and there were also, present Dr. Neal Carter, aiding secretary, Rev. W. E. Colllson, C. G. Ham and H. F. Pullen. All the other members of the board were out of town. FINE FILM ISJILLED No Less Than Twelve Performances Of "Rose Marie" to Be Shown Here for the great musical picture, "Rose Marie," starring Jeanette MacDon-ald and Nelson Eddy, that he is showing It for four days starting today with matinees each after noon in addition 10 tne regular nightly presentations. It Is, of course, on of those pictures that everybody will see at least once and many, no doubt, more than once. It greatly heralded and with $10"from comes Ltd. and Chris Spencer of Vancouver, the unreserved recommendation of anv and a11 who may have already On the InviteiUon of the museum seen It Replete with haunting music, a tender love story, magnificent photography and backgrounds, "Rose Marie" has been called one of the film sensations of the year. Miss MacDonald plays the title role an opera star who travels under disguise into the wilds In search of a dissolute brother who is a fugi tive from justice. Ifelson Eddy portrays Sergeant Bruce, a Mountle who has been assigned to bring the fugitive to Justice. When the two meet and fall In love, a drama tic situation is brought about. Musical numbers are brilliantly staged and sung. In one of them, the Totem Pole sequence, more than a thousand dancers take part. ilt is spectacular and thrilling. "Rose Marie" Is a timely offering for Carnival Week. W. E. Williams, former pioneer local barrister, arrived In the city on the Prince George today from Vancouver and will spend a few days at Billmor mill, returning south on the Prince Rupert Saturday evening. He was met here by B. E. Morgan, manager of Billmor mill. HONEYMOON IN PRINCE RUPERT Principal of Smlthers School And Ills Bride Are Here SM1THERS, Aug. 26: A very pretty wedding was solemnized in So large a measure of patronage 'the United Church at Smltners does Manager D. G. Borland expect J Tuesday morning when Miss Beryl McMillan became tne Driae 01 Arthur D. W. Jones of Victoria, prin- cipal of the Smlthers public school. Many friends of the popular, couple filled the church to witness the ceremonv. The church was beautifully decorated with a pro fusion of flowers for the occasion. Rev. W. M. Mcintosh performed the wedding ceremony and the happy couple left on the noon train BIGGEST MUSICAL THRILL OF 19361 Triumph for 1U tinging tui, stirring romanes, hit tongi, spacUcUl Wtdnexdfy,AUgUt28lt Naval Officer, Known Here, At Vimy Ceremony V I A. IT 1 weuv. xiu8n rrancis puii,n . H, M. C. S. Saguenay, who was her last year with II. M. c. 8 rv." I and made a number of Wari! friends, was in command of th Canadian naval guard of honor Tt the unveiling of the Vimy Metnorla In France last month. He h a ' sin of Mrs. D. a. Borland cf thil ms city. Today's Weather Terrace Clear, calm, 54. Alice Arm Part cloudy, calm 54 Stewartr-Overcast, calm, 49' ' ' Hazelton Clear, calm, 50. Smlthersi-Clear, calm, 49. Burns Lake Clear, calm, 45 for Prince Rupert for a short visit. The bride and groom are both ' and has been principal of the SmI. very well known throughout the j thers school for several years, district. Miss McMillan lived at Upon their return to Smitherj Evelyn for many years and was Mr. and Mrs. Jones will take up re. recently on the staff of the Bulkley sldence on Fifth Avenue. Valley District Hospital at Sml-' Thplr many friends throughout thers. Mr. Jones taught school at the Bulkley Valley will wish, them Telkwa before coming to Smlthers every happiness, for the future. Mai TV itifUa aiaia ! r-i niagtry (At 7:20 and 9:31) Also MICKEY MOUSE'S "GRAND OPERA" and NEWS TONIGHT, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY MATINEES Daily, 2:1)0 Last Show Nightly at Dill f "Waste not, want nof'TS ' my ' " "It roes igmlnit the train with ma irhea I think of the food that it aeedleiilr wtited In to many homes . . . waited joat for the want of ma to pat an end to It You have no Idea' how temptingly fresh left-overt look, and are, when entrusted to mj care. You limply cannot help but terra them again, to th delight of the family and the pleat- ore of your pocketbook. And with me, you can make another saving. Buy perishables in larger quantities at bargain prices. I keep them fresh for much longer than the ordinary time. While saving food, I guard your health. My ice cubes, crisp salads and froxen desserts, enhanca your reputation as a hostess. I am constant Constant In my temper-aturo and constant to my motto." The Letter That Makes a Hit TIUU1E SCCEES, A finger HIT. Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited It't eaty to own an Electria Refrigerator. Make a small down-payment: the balanea on comfortable term. TWICE IM THE SAME JSPtACE A LETTEwl f A " Ml' By Weatover n i w