"WKen I was expecting my baby I suffered much from sUcp!ene nd, morning sickness, and was utterly miserable until L started taking a cup of BOVRIL going to bed and at 11 a.m. The results were wonderful." Classified Ads. FOK SALE FOR SALE .Five-roorn modern house, 640, Eighth Ava. Easv Phone Red,' 113, (61) BOAT FOR SALE 18 ft. open launch, 4 h.p., 4 cycle engine. Price reasonable. Phone Green 802 or 118. (03) Furniture for sale, few tables and sitting room chairs. May be se$n at pally News. Chairs from $1.S0 ;to $4.00 and tables from $4.00 to $6.00. tf FURNITURE Factory samples must' go this week. Guaranteed 10-piece Chesterfield groups $69.50; 10-piece loose pillow arm groups $7250; 10-piece bedroom suites (round mirrors) $7450, Furnish your home complete three rooms, 5& pieces all for $105 Many otherV bargain, Termiif- you, wish. Order totfay. Julius She Mall Or,der House, 8th floor WANTED, WAIfTED-ecpw,.. John Group. Box 993, CW:h (61) Blue 90S. WANTED APPLICATIONS For the position oi manager of the Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative Association will be received up until March 18th, 1937. Address applications to P. O. Box 2G4, Prince Rupert. (62) FOR RENT . ; i ..CLEAN, Well - furnished modern FOR SALE Modern hotel at Hy-! apartments. Phone Red 444. (59) der, B.C., steam heut, excellent ! F0R rent Nicely lurnished room location, licensed premises. Will; jn prlvate home steam healed( be sold at a bargain. Apply Fra-1 close to buslncss dl3trict. Phone zer Hoiei, Hyaer, u.u. (it) FOR RENT Bedroom in private family, for lady, with use of Hying room. Phone Blue 409. (61) (61) COAL Nanalmo-Wclllngton fori FOR RENT Beavtlful home with furnace and heater. Alberta Egg- good garden and splendid view sootless, for the kitchen range.) Albert & McCaffery, Phone 116 or 117. (tf) i of harbpr, situated in, a good neighborhood on. Graham Avenue, Westvlew. Fine large living room overlooking harbo; where all shipping passes. Usual number of rooms with den extra and conservatory. Glassi protected porch. Phone 98 loj particulars. PERSONAL' highest grade, 15. for $1, PacUl': Supply, 751 Gran,viy,e. V,ancpu,ver. Beklns Building. Var;ove (tf) J MEN Get vigor at once. New Ob- .1 i trex Tonic Tablets contain raw oyster lnvlgorators and other stimulants. One dose peps up organs, glands. If not' delighted, ?iakert refunds fjw, . penis, paid, oall or wtlte;HOrmes Limited.- tf RESULTS IN BADMINTON I'rince Rupert Club, Tournament ConUnuijas Last) evening's games ln the Prince Rupert - Badminton Club championship tournament resulted as follows: Mixed Doubles Perc? Mcintosh and Caroline Mitchell beat Bertie Cross and Joan Cross, 15-12, 15-10. George Mitchell and Frances Cross ;beat Pete Wood and Dorothv Wacdonald, 18-13, 15-8. Men's Doubles O. Wlllett and Eari Norrls beat :i. W,ard and Art Cull. f Ladies' Singles Mollle- ' Lawrence beat Ircnt Mitchell, 11-8, 11-8. Men'fi Siugles George Mitchell beat H. Ward 15-5. 15-6. Tonight's Draw, " This evening's draw is a.s fol lows; ( , 7: oo pjiL George Mitchell vs. Prrcy Mcintosh. 7:30 p m. Caroline Mitchell and Frartces Cross vs. Dorothy Mac- dpnald and'Cerldwen Morgan. 8:00 p.m. Margaret McKay Lucille Brooksbank. 8:30 ''p.m. MtAlie Lawrence Cal)Une,' Mitchell. 9.: 00 p,m Bessie Thorn pf?Qi winner- of 8:00. p.m, game. 9;30. pjn, Jack McBae v.$. w.Iji-hr 07:00, p,m. game. P0RSAI,JP. vs tory of Spark Plugs over Knock-(outs as a result ol whkh, the Spark Pluii moved; out of the cellar into sixth pjace. In the fourth mal;h of tlie evening Bluebird,, von 154tt to 1377 oyer Doodads. High average scorer for the evening was Miss Leah Basso-Bert, of Annette's with 230. vs, vs. Modern hotel, Hyder, B.C. Good opening for building up fine bus! hess at small cost) . . HOTKL FRAZER imiW.n.o - Jimmy Ward Of Maroons Hockey Team Laid Up MONTREAL, March 11: Jimmy Ward, right -winger of the Montreal Maroons National HorWfv Imni.-n Its bright points. Balagno. led 10.8,teami b seriously m hQSpita to 82, 204 to 172 and at half-way 253 to 230. Brown got ahead 298 to 297 but Balagno was. ahead 301 to 293. Worn then on Brown played more confidently and gradually increased bis lead to win as stated- Brown's best breaks were 34 and 30, Balagno's best 29, 28 and 21 Jack. Allan, was. official referee and George Dawes marker ..The handsome trophy donated oy""the Canadian Legion was. then presented to M. Browri by President W. M. Brown who spoke suitably. Don Brown acknowledged .the presentation, b,ut regretted that there was ;np.t, grater Interest shown, in '.he jjame of billiards in the city. Challenge Issued Ater he had congratulated Don Bron on winning the champi.on-shlpj this year, Nell Cameron, former' champion, Issued a challenge here. He had been injured through sustaining a cut In, r(he 'head in, a iccent. game. Now his condition has become complicated as a re- frOilt of influenza. It Is not expected lie will be able to go. on the ice again, this season. TRIBUTE PAID TO PUCK STAR t funeral Today of Houie Aforenz Body Lay in Slate in. Montreal Forum MONTREAL, March 11: Pinal tribute was paid, today at the funeral of Howie Mprenz, grpaj hockey player of the Montreal Canadlens, who died at trie 'first of the week. The body lay in state for ii game. Thls.will.be for 1,000 j for four hours in ths Montreal points. Tne matcn snouia arouse much interest and details, will be announced as soon as they are arranged. It will be played at the Legipn clubrooms at an early date. of so mnch of his playing glory 1 Thousands of peopte filed Dost the bier. There was a public funeral with Interment folldwinj in Mount Royal Cemetery. HOCKEYsjcORES Pacific Coast League Vancouver 9, Seattle 6. C. N. R. steamer Prince Charles,' Capt. EdwaTd Mabbs, coming north from Vancouver via the Queen i Charoltts Islands, arrived at Mas-J; sett at 8 o'clock this morning and( is expectea to reach here late tonight. She is scheduled to sail at 10 o'clock tomorrow night on the return south over the same, route. urdeJpal. Ciiapter, Imperial Order of Daughta. of the Empire, hld Its aqixua,Unnei raiding in the Boston caSawt -ust cyeninu Mrs. tK Orcliaidi McLSyd. th recent, was in, the chair. The following offtesw were elected to Municipal Chapter fpj- the ensuing year. j lionovary Rg5nt, Mrs. D. C. ... i Regent, Mrs. D. Orchard M:Leod First Vice-Regent, Mrs 11. 1. !Landrey; Second Vice-Regent. Mrs. J. Teng. Secretary, Miss Malzie MacDon-aid. Treasurer, Miss Helen M;Leod Educational Secretary, Mrs. O. P Tinker. Echoes Spcretary, Mrs. William Brass, Organizing SecrfLiry. Mqs. John Mansoij. Standard Bearer, Mrs. S. V. Cox Very encouraging reports for the past year weie submitted by tha . cretarles and- treasurers of the Municipal, Queen Mary, Hijl CO md Cambral Cltapters. The program consisted of a pianoforte solo by Miss Maxlne Heilbroner, a pianoforte duet by Mrs. T. A. McWatters and Mrs. V' M. Watts and a vocal solo by Mrs C. E. Cullin. Th? speaker of the evening was Miss E. M. Earl who delivered a very Interesting and appropriate address on "Canada." Bouquets were presented to Past Honorary Regent, Mrs. J. C. McLennan, and RegcntMi;s. D. Orcb-arJ McLeod. The meeting, which was. opened. with "O Canada," was brought to. a close with .the singing of "God Save, the Kmg" for which Mrs. C. E. Cullin was accompanist Engineer Stewart Given Free Hand VICTORIA. March 11: Follow.. Ing a conference yesterday. Attor ney General Gordon Sloan stated that R. H. Stewart, Vancouver mining engineer, appointed, to. assist G. L Fraser, Vancouver, barrister Ln the investigation, of, affairs, of the Hedley Amalgamated G.Qjd, Mines Ltd., had. been, given, a free ih.and .to OPt in Jho hffnm rt il- Forum which had been the scene heged "salted samples" ol ore, THE PAGE TWO THE DAILY NEWS Thureday, March u. 1937 Ladies' Music iLeyta:k), Mrs. J. C. Gilker. i Vocal solo, "Robin Adair" (Ladjj i Caroline cappeu, Mrs. i'. u. Miner,. Ml I I llln MppfinCT- Vocal sok; -The Second Miniyft" r- iton. ' Mrs. C. E. Cullin in Charge 0!, Thrre vrx a goad a'.taulance of Program at Home of Sirs, imembeis. and, after the meeting McWaters . 'tea & served by the hostess. Mrs. Shelfcrd Darton, the pre- Th Ladles' Mo: Club h&d IU sident, was In the chair. monthly meeting yci.irday. at the. , home cf Mrs. T. A. McWaters In WINNIPEG WHEAT the Wallron Apartment. Mrj, C.i WINNIPEG. March 11: Wheat E. Cullin, was in charg of the was up thr.ee cents on the Winnl-meetlng1 and read a Vsty intaSist- -peg market yesterday with May in gpaper on "Historical Ballads.' ( closing at $L32:i. ' The program consisted, of the.: fciowlnj numbers: ! CAXADIAN GOLD PltlCE Piano oslo, "Dance of the Blue-! MONTREAL, March 11: The bells" (Repikars, Mrs. E. J. Smith ; Canadian gold price yesterday was Voral zlo. The Four Marys' J $34 76 per fine ounce. (arranged by Sinilair Dunnt, Mr.vj II. N. BrockSeaby. k Dally New want-ads bring reT Piano solo, "La. Sonnambuta" tJ suits. FIT-STYLE RVALUE THE VISIBLE Fitting " Syiicm sh ows fAT. isa you exactly how they fit. WONDERFUL WEARING QUALITIES in the season's smartest styles. JTaekand Jfi 11 HEALTH SHOES See our complete showing of; these popular shoes $165 to, $55Q 3 4 (Estab. 1903 Where Most People Trade TV F AMY SHOE STORE ITU. PnONE 357 TniRD AVENUE 'SPORT' 1 i; 4 : KEEN RACE .Favorite In m nnwiiwr AintreeMay I 111 D C i 1 1 IXanser and Annette's Separated D6 uGrcuClCQ By Narrow Margin in Ladies' ' League Standing March U: , LIVERPOOL. Rjmw. nnrtnt.L-'s continue The field for the Grand Na- tavlft toiitst hoooK iu the tlonal Steeplechase tp. be run J Bowllng 0nly a . next Friday on Aintr.ee Coyr?? J Jiukow margin of point separate was reduced yesterday to 32 them In the week,y lixlUTes last starters with one of these Grpt'to night Rangers won over dontyf,ul. The, fa.vori.te, Ready ie73 t3. ,444 wnJ,e etteX were Cash, who sustained an Injury vi:,.crs over canadiai National in training, may not be able. Recreation AAsooiatior 166. to. 1 195, to lane me ueiq. f DON BROWN CHAMPION Defeats Charlie Balagno in CUy Billiard Final The city billiard championship was concluded last evening at the Janadlan Legion clubropms when Don Brown, won from Charlie Ba-.agno by 92 points, the final score oeing: Brown, 500; Balagno, 408. Brown thus won. the city championship with three victories. While-there were some very un interesting periods, the game had " A surprise cf- the evening's pla7 MEETING OF I.0.D,E. Municipal Chapter in Annual Session Last Night isar decide, what improvements FIRST you wish to make to your, homer t hen get an est imnt e. Plumbing, heat ing and clecl rical contractors; buikkrs, painteri. ecpr.ators,architectsan(lsiipily firms nil stand ready to help. you dclermine the cns. Willi your estimales. ready, call nt any lra;ich ofTlw Hoyu( HauV and discuss your plans with the Manager, aivitufiuancchrnne repairs, improvements. or extensions enn be arranged by anyone of gfKx,l credit, standing, nble-to repay ou t of income. No wcurily or endorser is necessary and re-paymeut cun be made by monthly in,st,aluieulsspreai over one to three jears. Atk at any branch for Jrre link-(el "Ijmuis for llolne Impmve-jnenfs." 11 aires full informal im about the Home Improvement I'lan of Hie National Employment dommusiion. ROYAL BANK OF CANADA Linoleum The IDEAL FLOOR COVERING We carrx a good range of Linoleum, 'at prices rauglnf from 45r tp $1.40 per square-yard. Many delightful patterns are available In this long weaning, practical and inexpensive floor covering. Drop in, and inspect bur stock. We also. cay a variety of Congoleum R.ugs In .the newest patterns, GORDON'S HARDWARE Phone 311 McRridc St. This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control, Board or by the Govern-. ment of British Columbia, VU" ft mn learnt to good tnj bid, SBsflSSjf 3X'l. ui poinUol hit favorite hone and pUcct valu on it BVllKfilaKBfikvSI 1 " t-t cnnot bc tousht with money to, too, dos KKxwKSwKEBNEIEM W a man often cherish the flavour of hit favorite, beery PKBQISBQH U 'm People everywhere who enjoy a slatt o rich, BtnSmlKStfli m y hv lea,ned t0 depend on thej high. BK4K2uB9ffaBAlPE IfW uniform quality of Photni Export La.9er which Btf aHBffJfjSV)MH I at W m'rl'nt ,n'03nout the, yearly WKKtfKStBtljM PMIX PDRT uui aavenisemem u not pw.hW oj dlsplcryed by th Llq uor Conlrol Bcaid cf by th Govsmment, of, British Columbia.