fAD2 TnO THS DAILT NS73 n il ? to rertn s r 10- Arch Relief Pedic Dressy Street Oxfords Just arrived in Blue Kid, Brown Kid and Black Kid These Oxfords are built to give absolute foot comfort and maximum wear. $7.00 Fl'er AMILY SHOE Pair STORE LTU. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PKINCE KUPEKT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited, Third Avsnue H. F PULL EN Managing-Editor ADVERTISING RATES Classified advertising, per word, per insertion Local readers, per line, per insertion Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 News Department Telephone 86 Membur of Audit Uurrau ot Circulations OA1LV WJIJ'.ON .02 .25 Monday, November 1, 1937. HAS LOST FACE Japan has already lost "face'' in the war against China simply through inabilitv to drive the "ho Chinese soldiers" from Shanghai in two months WAS IT MANIPULATED? People are wondering whether or not the recent stock depression was manipulated by large industrial forces that are opposed to the policies of President Roosevelt. There seems to be little change in commodity markets or . in the production of industrial plants, so far at any rate It is just possible that the Roosevelt policies had nothing whatever to do with market conditions but that international uncertainty was the ruling factor. Calgary Wins From Spokane Broncs Had no Difficulty Defeating Gonzaga Under American Rules CALGARY, Nov. 1: gary Broncs defeated Gonzaga Un iversity of Spokane 27 to 2 In an exhibition football game here Saturday under American rules. Saskatchewan Title Winner Varsity Wins Second Game Thunder Birds Made it Two Straight Over Alberta Bears On Saturday VANCOUVER, Nov. 1: (CP) University of British Columbia Thun-derblrds made it two straight over University of Alberta Bears by winning again Saturday afternoon by a score of three to one In the second j of a two game exhibition Intercol-; legiate series. Harmer, who had! scored the winning points for Var-j slty In the first game Wednesday again came through with a field! goal In the first quarter Saturday to win that game. Regina Wins From Bombers xiyntiug. turuing 10 a writer m tne JNew Kepubnc. tne' "s .v.ut4a "" WPZSrn T im3fiine 8 JaPah1Se Urn .ileaSSS SSfbS by the more or less unorganized, and untrained Chinese. Saturday. Regina had been prev- ioi-ces. They felt tnemselves invincible and now they find-iousiy eliminated from the champ-that they are not. The Chinese have learned a most im-'lonsh,P' the final ser,es for wnlch portant lesson and that is that they are able to stand up!11,1 open wLtht th flls game .at against armed Japanese. s"y " Saturday between the ""V"1- Blue Bombers and Calgary Broncs. rrun The writer of the article savs the ch ef dnnn-Pri is that China may become too confident and abandon the strategy which was planned. It was to fight and retreat, drawing the Japanese farther and farther into the country until their lines were nulled out thin and vulnerable. Tn the meantime, the Japanese are using up valuable men, eraaru 312. ottawa 7 guns and ammunition and spending much money in car- 25", MotrS 2. rying on a war which is leading them nowhere. I What Janan honed for nnfl rnnf irlpntlv ovnafcil wool a quick and decisive victory which would give them con-' s1 . u. uuuljj aim cjiauie uiem to UlClUie terms. 1 niS'ir;' hope is not being fulfilled and the likelihood is that it will not be fulfilled. The final summing up of this writer is that, even if Japan does win, she loses anyway. She may even dictate terms of peace and occupy half of China but she will end up so weak that her future is in jeapordy. And then there is the uncertainty of Russia. JAPANESE MIGRATION nru:i t. i . . . vviuiu Japanese nave alwavs been renrtv nnA w 11 no- i.am hmiihtkv act to come to this coast they do not seem to care to settle UoSI, 3Tw? in Manchuria or Korea, nhinn ic alvonrhf n,m.,iln 11 il B11i.K"l B- " u ti jujimaicu I art. Map 818 so that country can hardlv become -WV...V an outlet iui for .T.imirmspi whereas ; proof if, j uaimucst above emigrants. i. All Japan , can hope for is to make the Chinese 1 mm hewers of wood and drawers of water for their Japanese! Town te on White Band blond. feet from the S I Score of 12 to 1 in Rugby Saturday Championship Finals This Week-End ! WINNIPEG, Nov. 1: (CP) Re- CANADIAN FOOTBALL Queen's, 7; McGlll, O. ! Toronto, 7; University of West- mi.k xiavt n'.ll be received hy rl p.t Vl?tcr'i. B.'C. J.:t thii neon on the twenty- nir.'.h toy. c? NcvaiabT-r. 1837, Icr purcfotte cf I'.ciri:? X22520, to cut 2.1S0OC0 r:t -pr. r?dir and hem-leek, cji en arri adjoining ncrth bou.idary let 641. Ttmbr Licence 17C0p, Sruth Sh.re Tanco lslan'. Queen Cliatlctit? Island's I ::i Dl .r ?t One year will bj sll.:'4 tit remtval of timber, f uirher' particulars cf the Chief P j- tfr, Victoria. D. C. or District Forester, Prlwe Rupert. D. C. of Stew-; of loaa of the Cc CcrUfloate of Title Uiued In of Wallace Lanirley has been thU office, nallce Ls htreby un tliat I shall. aX the eXDlratlon masters. Kvirlpntlv tVio rM fV.!r. 1 u l ' OIUf nv.nth from tlie date of the ... . . . J wn.wio ni.un una cuiu Lilt; inuVl-1 nrrt publication hereof, Issue a pro. eu8 " e cmei inspiration giving them courage to defend ineir country, It has been succested that, if Janan shm lid fnnfinnr China without great difficulty, eh? would seize islands on the coast and gradually extend her island kingdom to include possibly some of the islands now under European control. Evidently part of her plan is to commence the work of driving Europeans but of the Orient. With Britain not prepared and with United States pretty well imbued with the neutrality idea, there is no sea force to prevent Janan dm'no- ns sho HL-Ds uv, v,. nivr Vint l, 'riu- 1 V "" -' ' Taxe B" notice ce that mat frank Tnit Waterman waterman of of block 1 W?neSe .1S at PreSent thC Ambling: 1ST toRS fTTeaS o?Te block It has shown surprising strength and that sacri.il0SS d-? ,Ur i fc!aLeff?ray prove to be the turning point in the'-STVui-rW; ui ihiii. wn nn tin 1 1 m . u u it isuuw iHhaunn ana and rin tx.ing anr 300 of Nippon growing and dangerous power i visional Certificate of Title In lieu said lct crrtlflc&te. imlea In the mcflntlme valid objection he' made to me in writing. DATED a the Land Registry tmi, Prince Rupert. U. a, this 23rd. day of October. 1837. ANDREW THOMPSON, tx-puty uxrlfttrar of Tltlei. I.AM) ACT Notice of Intention (o Apply to Lease l-nnd In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of British Columbia, and rttu- t.. corner oi wnite Sand Island, and on Ita east aide, thejice 600 feet 8. W.; thence 800 feet N. W.; thence 600 fe-t N. E.; thence 800 feet S. E. and containing 12 acre, more or leui. PRANK WATERMAN Dated August 28. 1037. Prince Rupert Electric Steam Massage Treatment For HlieumatJsm, Tuberculosis Lumbago and Dyspepsia Phone 281 K. Ilayakawa N'w Koyal Hotel lloom 12 SPORT CHAT Jack weight world. Sharkey, former heavy- boxing champion of the ; landed in Yarmouth re- has .not won a The Scottish Football Referee Committee is deter ing Oxford University rugby team this .season. H. D. Freakes, clever South African fullback, is I The DunloD-Metropolltan pro! consciousness. Hon PrLnrH c.ith Afrir.inhe.iw- Johnny Best, promoter of a box- Defeated Edmonton Athletic Club weight boxer. '1s engaged to Miss fng bout In Liverpool between By Score of 8 to 5 Saturday I Phyllis Sowter. a Leicestershire Ernie Roderick, welterweight, and school teacher. The wedding will Kid Silver. Jamaica champion, REGINA, Nov. 1: (CP) Unlver- take place shortly before Christ- Withheld the latfer'a purse when he slty of Saskatchewan won over Ed- mas. was counted out while on monton Athletic Club by a score of knees. 8 to 5 Saturday to win the north-1 A founder-member of the Moor- west rugby title. town Golf Club at Leeds, England,' Bart Mllatro of Omaha, Nebras H. Blnks, now 76 years old, holed fca, got tired of watching his care out In one at the 200-yard sixth fully lined -up putts curve away! hole while playing a lour-Daiiifrom the cup so he bought at match on the course recently. carpenter's bubble level and had It Inserted In his putter shaft. He says it helps. mined to stamp out rough play. I Guy'S Hospital rugby club will ;Three players have been suspend-jbe strengthened next year when ed-one for three months and i r RnWw nntoH w 7oninnH three severely censured. , J. L. eter. South Hopwood, Lancashire crick-will coach in Klmberley. centre-three quarter, goes to London to take an appdlntment. He has been allotted a benefit Fri!nhnrih in 1097 on ut next season. , O- M.iv. bLi V.lJ "t- Recreation Centre Here Is Reopening coif tournament at Wentworth, Activities Being Resumed Tonight London, won by Arthur Lacey with n rnrri of 277. was notable for the I Following Suspension Hoynl Motel Leads Ten t'in League With Three Other Teams Tied Fur Second Place Rcyal Hotel retained the lead-ership of the Ten Pin Bowling League by defeating QrQtto two games to nil In regular play yes- iaxi two eames to one and. as a James K. Inglis, captain of the ; result, three teams are now all on evpn footing for second place. tllnV, n.,nMn . i 1 aiciajc scuit-r yeaicruay was I" tain of the Senior Golfing Society Bill Schrlaberg of Royal Hotel . QI "rltain, died at St. Andrews, whose average of 208 was the high- t J. A. Brett. Durham, is captain- He was 81 years old. est recorded so far this season. ! doused milk, HIGH WINS I W0TBAI1 In the Junior p.t... fixture ;:.ra t,... "'"uraay i ing toward l?h b.u . "I (CP)Cal-tcently to comb the joresis ox nu- appearance 0f Alex Herd, 69, Tedi Tne local recreation and pryalcal ytMtri added ...v, rl w va scotia in searcn oi uig Ray 60 George Duncan, 54. i education gymnasium centre will its list by bcutm Bath . I commence activities again tonight al School nine "': irn-.it ma ait- The racetrack at Font ract, Re(rinald vigor. Wimbledon j-j ' v.u. the wit.- weekly vvecruy schedule cujieuuie us as follows: luuowg. uigiana, ,uiu u-yeur soeedway riU(fr who unman, ne won uic uwt.." - - , .. .....j,-.- ...u . oi Ing a race, between races six seasons he race elsewhere. crashed riur- Wimbleclon UiURUUUp, HIS au- ... ,r .., InA In hnfmlrnl n at thetrack since 1031. in - " j Mondays and Thurjdayf 7:30 to j, nj 10:30, Menundafnttjfcj gymniUv'f. I to mi TOO STKENTOlT tics, apparatus, tumblllfc etc,: f '4 MINGHAM, En. Tuesday and Frlday7:00 r0:00,'w4 'ucn oora, iGlrk. Fundamental gymnastics. yweight boxer TIGHT RACE IN BOWLING palpably Urine teaspoon cinnamon Orated rind of , w, km 1 1 (innorniiic ItimV.lltin . A.nrt w IHU 11 IB KM- A.ft . ttuiukuo, wuaiiiiii, via,., 47. UU tU . "jf 10:00, Women--Fundamental gym? hastics. remedial exercise;!, t&mej, etc. Wednesday 7:00 to 5:00, Men .Wrertllng, boxlnfc, welghtllftlng; nlsip:0C to 10:00. selected groupFenc ing. turned out United and rusbi i recently for u l before the ,7jI Timely Red ipej APPLE SAUCE CUSTARD 1 cup cook-. ursweetenedJ sauce, drained, Va cup lemon Jul;? 1 egg. sepaMid 1 tablespoon gunulated im,. Baked pl -he:; ifi-te-hi Blend t-..hnr rweetentd J de$ed milk, .innamcn. m irniiiii i nil r .'An n j . " -a . en, lemon mi.:e ari tn vc!k pel into baked pic Eeil. Cover 1 meringue ma(; by hfalMf whlte until stiff und aditog,.! Bake in moc'erate oven Uinl r.i iu mmuic or untU brou ( before iervlng . - n W$W&7x says "'"pHREE years ago I was getting only JL two months' work a year. Kept my missus scratching to get us enough to eat and a few clothes for the kiddies. But now that I'm working steady our troubles are over. And the way I figure it we're helping a lot of you other boys around here, too. Jack Mills works in a shoe factory and we've bought new shoes for the whole family in the last two months. Dill Thomas is a cutter; Henry Jameson works in a textile plant and we've been able to buy some badly-nettled new clothes. We've don . a bit of painting Dick Morris works in a paint factory. We've bought some new furniture for the boys' room and it was made by the people Sid McRae works for. "No wonder you fellows have steady jobs, too, because there are 33,000 others at work in the same industry as myself and we are all spending money on the things you other men make. "Or look at it the other way. I work in an automobile plant and nine men on this street have bought new cars this year. That's why I'm making steady money and it has a whole lot to do with why you are, tool" Tom Lmg it right, but h might hart tarried hit tont motion a tttp further. Canada' t butj fattoritt art buying million! of dollart worth o rate malerUll and machinery each year and that meant a tteady demand for the product t of Canada' t farms, fortstt, factories and mint!. Healthy, growing htduthiet art vital to tht welfare of Canada; a pertonj benefit to every Canadian. AUTOMOT DUSTRIES Thert in 11.000 workfn la Ci- Ul itnnoNII plion, H.Oin anpl(Ti in the 202 piftl nunuacturcfi' plinu. A vf jtt ut tout to m fanu'lr '"" ortt 1)0,000 Dtoplt whoK P" ptfilf ibpmJt in hol part oo th ictJvltiel '( mcttur cir builder. Add U wtll. th tmployrtl of ril"r who llvt br traffic and fu tttf bu crota-acction ot Utoi Canada t troop o pot who ronifibutca mmh erf IM 40.000.000 aptnt laat 1W Wettrrn farm prorfucia. Tb"" . fore, all Canada. Wwt '' aa Eaaf. la liallf lntrrl m I anond and well-luppo"d Canadian AaiomobiU Induiiry. For ltdtlilleal ani further ttrmmlmm ahl Itii Mmlrh write It Attamtll dtntrin, 1006 Lumtdr 1 , TOM LANG