PAQ1 rouR THE DAILY NEWS Monday, N0TemWt THIRD AVENUE Mates focs q 1 fad from ie fofee lilihiiiii."., !., At Elio's Tuesday and Wednesday BARGAINS Now's the time to buy rugs for the Kitchen, Dining Room, Living Room, Bedroom. It costs very little to have it new. Congoleum Gold Seal Hug, 7ijx9 $G.50 Congoleum Gold Seal Rug, OxlO'o $8.75 Linoleum Hall .Runners, 24 inches wide. Yard . . nac Congoleum Mats, 3x4 VI.. Each .$1.25 Cork Bath Mats, 20x36. Each S1.25 Window Shades. Green or Cream, 36x72. Each . . 75c Trade-In Carpets Barrymore Axmi n-ster carpet in good condition. 6'9x9 .. $i2.50 ssrr Combination Range Electric and coal with copper Sf"... $39.50 Brick-Lined Heaters. Reconditioned $5.00 NoC.O.D. No Delivery Shop Early We Close 5 p.m. ELIO'S Purchase Your Coal From Prince Rupert, B.C. Foothills co.ll will suit your stove, Bulkley Valley will warm your toes, Nanalmo-Wellington Is just the thing For Stove. Range, Heater or anything. PHILPOTT EVITT & CO. LTD. Phones G51 G32 HALIBUT The source of Sunshine Vitamins A and D Boiled Halibut with egg sauce is digestible, palatable, satisfying, CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE CO. LTD. Prince Rupert, B.C. WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront With Captain Paul Armour in personal charge, the Armour Salvage Co.'s general service boats Daly and Pachena with derrick scow left early this morning for Hudson Bay Passage, Dundas Island, to turn over a scow which capsized some two weeks ago when it filled with water. The scow was laden at the time with five hundred tons of clamshell which was to have been delivered to Seattle. After being Tighted, the scow will be re-loaded with more clamshell. The salvage outfit is expected back tomorrow. Dr. II. N. Brocklesby of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental Station staff will sail Friday night of this week on the Princess Adelaide for California on a three weeks' trip to study latest methods fn fish oil and fish meal production. He will be ac companied by E. E. Kuchel of 1 Australia who is spending a few and. with that end in view, he will probably go to California. whence she will return here to morrow southbound. Hallowe'en Was Quiet In Rupert ana Duckets of warm water with which to wash the windows so, what was designed as a prank, meant doing some work before the gaze of the public. Nobody Knocks The KNOX The Food Is Good The Rooms Are Clean The House Is Warm The Service Friendly The Rates Are Reasonable KNOX HOTEL R. Brasell N. M. Brasell Phone 18 and 81 r. O. Box 575 Free Gift Tokens We are still giving our free Gift Tokens which entitle you to a wide ranee of Premiums. Come In and Look Them Over, MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE ! COAL TO PLEASE EVEItVIIODY Saturation OUAr&nt t'amuu) E(lon Alberta Coal llulkley Valley foul Vancouver Island Coal Prince Rupert Feed Tom pan; PHONE: 68 and 838 Wedded Quietly Saturday Night 1 Miss Gertrude Nobles Heroines Hride of Harry Worsfold, Kcv. E. E. IJrandt Officiating The marriage took place quietly at 7 o'clock Saturday evening at the residence in the Waldron Apartments of Rev. E. E. Brandt, pastor of First Baptist Church, of Miss Gertrude Nobles, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Blake Nobles, to Hen ry William Dawson Worsfold, son of M;. and Mrs. Hem? C. Worsfold. Witnesses of the ceremony were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. Worsfold will make their home at Seal Cove where the groom is in the employ of the Can idian Fish & Cold Storage Co. as a fish packer. The happy couple will have the hearty congratulation's and best wishes of many friends. John Worrobec months here on fisheries research SllCClillluS 1 OUclV work for the Australian govern-. ment. Word has been received at the .Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental Station to the effect that Dr. W. A. Riddell, who was taken Was Lamplighter for Canadian National Kailways and had He-sided Here Twenty-live Years Aftpr havlntr hppn n sufferer fnrm to Vancouver ten days ago for!astnma for Ume John Wor. special medical treatment, is mak ing definite improvement. After a (consultation, however, it was de I elded that he would have to take at least two months' complete rest, I robec passd away at 11 o'clock this j morning at the Prince Rupert Gen- cral Hospital. He had resided in Prince Rupert for twenty-five years, was a lamplighter for the Canadian National Railways and a brother of Nick Worrobec, well known as Union steamer Catala. Capt. an orderly at the Prince Rupert James Flndlay, arrived In port at General Hospital. 8:15 last evening from the south' The late Mr. Worrobec, who lived and sailed at 11 p.m. for Stewart, at 120 Ninth Avenue West, was flf-Anyox and other northern points i ty-seven years of age and a native of Poland. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Mary Worrobec, and a daughter. Miss Alice Worrobec. Funeral arrangements are In the hands of the B. C. Undertakers. H. F. MacLeod returned to the city on Saturday night's train Boys Who Had Soaped Downtown' from a trip to Toronto his native Windows get Mops and Hot Water to Wash it Off ! Observed on Saturday niuht. no serious pranks marred Hallowe'en' in Prince Rupert. The police frown- ! ed on the rolling of log barricades on certain streets but, fortunately, these causecLuo mishaps although i they might quite easily have done so. No false alarms were1 turned I in to the fire department. Officers rounded up some boys who had : soaped store windows on Third Av- i enue and provided them with mops city. It was the first time he had been there in forty years. Trappers and Dealers! 1 have a big order for all kinds of FURS As I have no agents and no buyers I tan pay the highest prices. Send in your furs and money will be wired you immediately they arrive. G0LDBL00M THE OLD RELIABLE NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelli, Proprltor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Kate $1.00 np 30 Rooms Hot St Cold Water Prince Rurwrt, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 198 THE SEAL of QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Kcd Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll In Prince Rupert Madrid's Babies Thriving On War Birth and Death Kale iiecnnes But Children Better Housed And Fed MADRID. Nov. 1: (CP) Babies born amid shell fire In the war- torn capital thrive under the hectic conditions. Madrid has more babies under a year old now than It did in normal times. The 'birth rate has declined somewhat but the infant mortality rate has declined much more, due to wartime health and protection measures, officials explain. More than 50 infants are born every day now. Since the outbreak of civil war July 18,1936, 22,200 babies have been born at an average rate of 1,600 monthly. The normal birth rate was 1,750 The decline is explained by the emphasis put on evacuation of expectant mothers, thousands of whom are housed in nursing homes in less dangerous areas. But, vhlle infant mortality was 28 deaths In 1,000 annually In prewar days, It has been reduced to 18 or 20 percent 1,000 now. Sixty thousand children undet five years old have been placea under supervision of the Institute nf Child Care, with state feedings and regular medical attention Madrid's war babies face no prospect of clothing shortage because tores are stocked high and child ren's clothes still sell at normal prices. Reach the mu people in city ind district with an advertisement Watch Repair Service I i Mr. Bert Lowan has Just Joined our Repair Department. Mr. Lowan was formerly with Birks of Calgary and later with Grassic's In Vancouver and has and good experience. We are sorry we have sometimes been a little slow in get ting out the work but promise i to do better now. Also our prices will jiot be higher than Vancouver or Calgary. I I r CiEWELLtKp Tilt STORE WITH THE CL0CI wmtammmmmmmmmmmmmmm Hyde Transfer Phone 580 FOR RENT Six-Room House Ttath nnil Toilet 216 9th Ave. W. 315 SECOND AVE. FUN FILM ON SCREEN Bob Burns and Martha Uaye In "Mountain Music." Capilolians To Tlay "Show Boat" Music Tlic new and popular comedy 'team of Bob Burns and Martha Rayc comes to the screen of the Capltor Theatre here at the first of this week In "Mountain Music,'" a gay story of love among the hill-blllles. In order to stop a, feud between their families, Burns Is supposed to marrv Terry Walker I However, he gets, hit on the head, forgets the wedding and winds up with Miss Itaye. Mountain music played by a real hlll-bllly band Is one of the features of this picture, the cast of which also in cludes sucn cnaracter actors as George Hayes, Jan Duggan, Fuzzy Knight, Rufe Davis and Spencei Charters. The locale is the famous Ozark Mountains. Featured on the stage in this first of the week program will be the Capltollans, under the baton of Dr. II. N. Brocklesby, making their first appearance of the sea son. They will be presented once I monthly during the winter. Their: opening program will feature "Show Boat" with Miss Barbara' Daniels and Len Crlpps as assist ing vocal artists, "Build B.C. Payrolls" British Columbia's Better Milk, BIS It is a valued fact to Pacific Milk that this province is our home, for the difference in climate and water in favor of British Columbia, compared with many parts of the world, makes the milk here better. Pacific Milk IRRADIATED OF COURSE Beautiful TONIGHT and .. uESn.v, Stage and Screen Sho HIE SCREEN' The Lauihmalin. .. w,iui. ... ?. Mar H JfcW . Tli.t Burnt koy'i ick with hu vuic m ifS Rnjtof lutuhlntl John in J TcrryVt ?SSB parkin' In ihtm jf'' cnounutnt1 Jfyr Thimminuiiiritw PICTURE h lUnki inpl I M Bffl I "4' m (At 7 15 and 10:07) ADDED Colored Cartoon "CHICKEN A LA KING" I'oular Science, Scenic, Xtn ON THE STACE At 9:05. Once Only "The Capitolians" I'eaturinr Musical Selection! from "Show Boat" -Also Leonard Cripp Barbara DamtUs Popular Songsters ol "II.M.S. Pinafore" Appropriately Framed Just Arrived A Fine Selection of lleautiful Pictures Marines, Landscapes, Florals, Scenes and Silhouettes In a wide ranjic of sizes from 3x5 inches to 18x21. Prices are Unbelievably Low From- 25c to $2.75 Come in and see this colorful and attractive selection. Excellent gifts for weddings, Christinas and other occasions. Every Home is a Hetter Home with Pictures Yfs JJrt THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & V,?JiTlNG COMPANY OF CANADA, Am" TKAIL-nKlTISIl COLUMBIA , t Manufacturers of Elephant Brand Chcnm Fertilizer rrDhos- Ammonium Phosphates, Sulphate of Ammonia, Mipc v phates, Complete Fertilizers - Producers & Refiners of Tadanac HrandMcta cii ...-.i. -i.-ji. t a vinn r.iilmium. "J uuiu, oiivcr, meeuuiyuc wui ."v. .m