onday. Kovembsr 1, 1937. E FACH table lamp should contain one 1 00-walt lamp OR two 60-watt lamps OR three 40-walt lamps. Check your table today. REX BOWLING ALLEY basement of Exchange Mock I'llONF. G58 Canadi lan lampi VC ' TO ICTTER ETTEI ton ICTTC LIGHT SIGHT-USE EDISONMAZDA uimpJ CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. M7 Limited DUO-THERM OIL HEATERS No wicks, easy to light. Beautiful modern cabinets. Patented burner. d u a 1 chamber Large capacity humidifier. Splash proof fuel reservoir. Sizes and models to suit every requirement. -, Also SILENT GLOW range burners with tnamel base still the standard for service Smith & Mal'ett limited TIIIUl) AVENUE WEST l'honc 171 MacKENZlE'S FURNITURE IMPORTED BELGIUM CARPETS AND SMALL RUGS Size 6' 3"x9' 0", 4'x0' and 2"x4'. Artistic designs and vivid colors. Textures of superior quality. Phone 775 227 3rrt Avf"Ue The Central Hotel KOOMS and CAFK I'tione 31 For Best Household Coal MBS. C. E. HI-ACK Pacific 1 Transatlantic Transcontinental Tnmsncific 1 .. .. Falls 1,-a'n. anil and Wav Way Ports Ports 3 To Vancouver tla Ocean I Princess Adelaide every vr way. i vf- OAll I TO VANCOUVEH IHBECT-PHINCLSS I Oct 29th, Nov. 8th, 18th, SOtli J WINTER EXCURSION TO VANCOUVER $32)0 t Tickets on Sale Nov. 1st, 1931 lo Feb 28th 1938 t Final Return Mn.lt March 31st, 1938 I Connection at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific SeMces t Tickets and Reservations from ' COATES, General Aent .M-liiK William Millar returned to the Iclty on the Catala last evening from a vacation trip to Vancouver Mrs. Millar is remaining in the south for a while longer. Rt. Rev. E. M. Bunoz O.M.I., Roman Catholic BishOD of Northern British Columbia and the Yukon, returned to the city on Saturday night's train from a trip to Gravel- ( bourg, Saskatchewan, to attend the consecration or. a new bisnop. Provincial Constable A. J. Dilla- bouch from mounted sauad In i Victoria was a passenger auuaru the Catala last . night going i through to Anyox to which point he has been transferred. He takes the place of Constable T. A. Qulg-ley who is going to mounted squad in Victoria. j Dr. Leonard I. Pugsley of the scientific staff of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental Station and his bride, formerly Dr. E, Bliss MacQuarrie of Keady, On tario, arrived in the city on Sat- jurday night's train to take up residence following their recent I marriage at Keady. They will live I in the Waldron Apartments. Twenty -Five Years Ago November 1, 1912 More than two hundred persons reuresentlng various religious de nominations in Prince Rupert at tended the annual Thanksgiving Day banquet at First Methodist Church last night. Rex .Charles, R. Sing, the pastorr acted as toast- master and DroDOsed the toast U "Our Churches" which was respond ed to by Rev. W. H. McLeod ana Capt. V. A. Tutte of the Salvation Armv. The toast to "The City- was proposed by Ex-Mayor William Manson and responded to by Mayor s M. Newton. Aid. John Dybnavn Aid. L. Bullock-Webster and Aid Hamilton Douelas. W. 8. Fisher proposed the toast to "The Press' , with W. J. Raymond and u. a. iay lor responding. H. L. Murdoff of fered the toast to "The Ladies" to viirh w J Barrle responded. The mnsifAl nroeram included vocal rinptji hv Mr. and Mrs. J. Ford Hen iHprsnn and violin solos by Prof Paul Kauf f man with recitations by Mrs. J. J. Chisholm. The dance of the Kalen Island ri.ih last niaht was a largely at tended, colorful and highly enjoy- ki nfh r Mr. ana Mrs. . u iprf the arand March. Mus ic was by the Westholme Orchestra Announcements All advertisements in this column Trill be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Baptist Tea, November 3. Hyggas Bazaar, November 4. Presbyterian Bazaar, November 4, Boys Band November 5. Sonjn S. O, ber 12. bazaar and dancei N. Bazaar, Novem- S. O. N. Play and Dance, Nov- ember 15. Moose Carnival, November 17, 18, 19. W. A. Canadian Legion Fall Bazaar, November 25. Lutheran Bazaar Nvember 27 Cathedral Bazaar November 30. Scotch Dance, November 30. Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 THS DAILY NeTTTSf LOCAL NEWS NOTES Honor the Dead living comrades. Poppy Tag Day . . . .. . Help thelt Buy a poppy. . November 6th. (258) Just Arrived! shoes. Mayfair, New shipment of tr. Miss Dorothy Grimble, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Grimble, J. C. Brady, district engineer for sailed last night on the Catala the provincial department of pub-1 for Stewart where she will pay a lie works, returned to the city on visit with relatives. to Smlthers on official business. I Mr. and Mrs. Jack Joy and Miss M. Joy, wno nave ueun un a vaca tion trip south, returned to the city from Vancouver on the Ca tala last evening. Mrs. H. W. Butler, wife of the Government Telegraphs operator at Alice Arm, and family, sailed by the Catala last night on their re turn north following a visit to the city. Col. J. W. Nicholls, general man-i ager or tne uanaaian a isn voia Storage Co., who has been on a business trip to Eastern Canada and the United States, returned to the city on the Catala last To all storekeepers. REMEM BRANCE DAY The Poppy Day Committee invites all merchants to dress their windows suitably in honor of this memorial day. The Canadian Legion , will set aside three prizes of $5.00; $3.00 and $2.00 for the best three windows. These amounts will be paid to the Poppy Day Fund and credited to the stores with the winning win dows. Judging will be completed on November eleventh. tf. Hotel Arrivals Savoy H. Silverthorne, Carcross; Mr. and Mrs. H. Haldane, Cedarvale; Gus Leighton, city. Royal , W. Sim and A, McRae, city; J. D. Campbell, Vancouver; A. Bourgeois, C.N.R.; George W. Gray and L. A. Lawrie, Winnipeg; J. WaCson, city, R. Wilson, Calgary. Prince Rupert J. F. Ellis Jr., Claxton; Paul Hoff man, Terrace. Central A. Maenusson, Shames; Duncan Clark and E. Rosell. city; P. J. Rons C.Nit. Knox Mf. and Mrs. C. Redmond, Seat tie: Hans Johnson, Usk; M.L. Clark Georgetown; Gus Leighton, city CASE DISMISSED The actlan of Jack Lambert vs. inlin Clausen, involving a fisheries transaction of 1926, was dismissed jy Judge W. E. Fisher in County Court at the end of the week fol lowing a two-day heating. The claim was for $862. T. W. Brown was counsel for plaintiff and L. W. Patmore K.C. for defendant. JONES Family Market hone 957 AND Phone 95 Fulton Meat Market Phone 683 Specials BEEF SIRLOIN STEAK 0()C Per lb. ROUND STEAK 35C Per lh - POT ROAST OF BEEF j()C Per lb. SHORT RIBS OF BEEF O C p 3 IDS HAMBURGER 3 lbs. PRIME RIB STEAKS 2 lbs PRIME RIB ROLL Ppr lh -lb. SHOULDER OF VEAL gQp SPRING LAMB innir Last Two Days Annette's Skirts 100f r plaids and tweeds, reg. value to $4.95. 4 V Closing Out Sale Pullover Sweaters and Coat Sweat-rs Long and short sleeves to clear rgardless of cost. Q)C a Closing Out Sale Pantie Sets and Brassicrs Cellophane wrapped, suitable for QJJc Xmas gifts. Closing Out Sale v Girls' Pantie Sets In lovely Xmas boxes, beautiful gifts, reg. g 5 C value to 95c. Closing Out Sale Crene de Chine and Satin Dansettes -Reg. Values to $3.95. $ 1Q0 Closing Out Sale ..... . Swcdine and Rubberized 2.00 Jackets To clear at . . f The part of the car that causes most accidents is the nut tha holds the wheel. Too much play at the wheel is said to be the cause of a great many auto accidents. "Have you anything to say before oh you?" Inquired I pass sentence the judge. "Yes, your honor. I should like you to 'have lunch first." A certain colonel was transfer-, red to a new command. ; On reaching his depot ne iouna stacks of completely useless docu ments accumulated in tne arcm of his predecessor. Wishing to get these inings i order he wired to neaaquanna for permission to burn tnem. "Yes, but make copies nrsi. w the reply. FOR SALE Phone 683 FOR SALE House and two 35c 15c LOIN LAMB CHOPS 95p SMALL SHOULDER OF C ff p LAMB Each SMALL LEGS OF CI AH LOIN PORK CHOPS O ff p Per lb AYRSHIRE BACON OC mm Apply 1041 10th Ave, tu. lots. at) rv-Tj satv DinlnE Room Table, phone Blue 827. (254) ?OR SALE Baby Pram. Good con dition. Child's Crlh ana nur Pen, Phone Black 6S0. 255 TOR SALE Engine ana circular 173U Auin avc. saw. B. Phillipson, Phone Red 642 1 25C COMPLETE Set of Leedy Profes sional Drums, uuaranvecu as new. Price $75. Terms if de sired. Write R. B. Giimour, iem- ii n fnr nnrtleulars. Wil Ul ! I ... CLAPP Block must be sold, will accept sealed bias, naniucu strictly confidentially up 10 15th. Terms subject to approval of owner. H. G. Heigerson, uiu. rr-TT-xt rr.,1,0 nonprnl Electric stand llill iuuv . novo rnnsoie raaio wii i IUU " ' ' noise silencer auto LUIU-w' , .v,tu vninmn control, perfect tliuviv " - . condition. Snap for cash $50.00. Box 21. Daily News. " NURSERY STOCK FRESH SPRING SALMON O Art I DUTCH BULBS, Trees, Shrubs. ,K. . Jls tja catalog on request. rcr iu. :.. . uronfiul Rmnlre Garden .iDs.rn--Z&C r-se-rles RJU New Westmln. st.r n.C. U3BJ Tuesday and Wednesday, Nov. 2nd & 3rd Owinir lo the large amount of stock we have on hand we are forced to hold this store open a few more days. Hclow are listed a iew oi our bp.iua. 3 Only Genuine Leather Jackets With zippers. ' Closing Out Sale Girls' Pure Wool Navy Jackets With Zippers-Closing Out $2,155 Otui: TYin Sots Pure wool, sizes 36-42. All npw hrip-ht shades. Regular values to $3.95. SI 5 v.w -ft Closing Out Sale Corsetes, Corselettes, Girdles Elastic girdles and foundation girdles. Reg. values to $5.95. f 95 Closing Out Sale 20 Only Dresses Prints, crepes, taffetas, georgegettes, etc. -fl BQ Closing Out Sale Brushed Wool Zipper Sweaters-Closing Out 2.95 bale Annette Ladies' Wear Co. 1 mm mm ma mmmmmKmemmm 1 Man in the Moon iJIIll 2nd Avenue at 6th See our assortment of 1937 Christmas "Jiip, Pioneer Druqffists Mu$ Now on D'splay Colnc in mid Choose Your Cards New Vc Will Hold Them for You A Vast Price Kanse from 3 for 5c Shop Early -It Pays lie Sure to Cast Your Votes in Our Prize Contest Voting Is Now On One Vote With Every Cent Purchase The Beiill Store Phones: 81 Si 82 Open Dally From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays anil Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m, 7 am. till 9 p.m. i . : z UNION STEAMSHIPS SPECIAL WINTER EXCURSION RATES TO VANCOUVER irumi vvtsrr itilPEBT 0OO AA RETURN. FROM POUT SIMPSON 35.00 RETURN. All meals and Berth Included Reduced Rates to Vancouver also apply from Intermediate points. Special Tickets on Sale Between November 1st, 1937 and February 28th, 1938, Inclusive Good to Return up to March 31, 1938. Children Half Fare. Steamers: Leave Prince Rupert: Ar. Vancouver S.S. CATALA Tuesday, 1:30 p.m. Thursday, a.m. S.S. CARDENA Friday, 9:00 p.m. Sun., Midnight Tickets and Reservation? from . PrlncaJtupert .Agent - A. W, NEWMAN JSSJB Office Tickets at . If Convenient riease Purchase