I r Ideas For Party For Leopold At palace Kfcepuu" rt rrime Minister By MOLLIE McGEE Bndian Press uorresponucm hNDON, NOV. I. r; wv lord Chamberlain s department Bering on the form of the dance Je given at BucKingnam raiacc November 17 for King Leopold Hhe Belgians, me jvuiB aim W decided It wouia dc vku ate party and have arrangeo. innovations. j is understood the officials had Sight of a state ball, with the iomatlc corps, army and navy jeers and an opening quadrille, I MMirt ball, with dozens of pretty L things and a royal procession nipper time. '. it is. a dance band will play IW white, cold and crimson ball- instead of the traditional Btarv band. Their Majesties en tih rianclne. This will mean a ifinrt rhanire to lighter music ftht nrograms ... faninz dress tsto m worn in- dot lull court dress, though the 'Chamberlain is still Inclined irdst that the men wear white bcaU and breeches rather r.ordinarv evening dress. There iilso bound to be some dlsap hi dowagers for only about Xjk3 wUl be Invited, less than rho attended Coronation It tails lacllwr large recent" event was I reception In honor of the MtnlnWer by Lady Londohder- fat Londonderry House In Park ne Tuesday night, the eve of the tnlng ot Parliament. At one ne Lady Londonderry's reception ; the prime minister was an cn- I affair and the great politlcal- Icial event It has been itcveral rj since oclal and political Lon-Ji has met at a "Londonderry ysh' in the historical house fam- ! for treasures of art and sculp- such events current London preparing for the most brilliant fcason of .'venine affairs since the far. Jewelry, long hidden In vaults, pen out and remodelled for the pronation, will appear again. parkling diamond tiaras, uleaming Kcklaces ind bracelets, nlastrons f fabulous value, heavlly-cncrustcd pth rubies and emeralds from tony climes, will deck the latest sostumes. iThe acluslve dressmaking houses make P no; only of most strlklnc colors. KqUfalS and mMiltln nmhrfilrtcrv iiiv vuv will M wavv Irequently employ extensively ciaoorate shirring, draping, Wnchlnv onH tlri li. "O wu OI,l lV"lil VI . US material f.hnt nrmnnrpri In arty dresses of historically-festive The bUStl nnH rrlnnllnn arp not Wearing only on the stage but al ii in the ballroom. The Duchess " Kent has worn a wlde-sklrted "mine gown with a becoming "le-Shouldpr rtpprtllpfntrp to L'al private parties. is due to the interest of the (Ueen nnH th. i ta..1, - --. uc yuuiig ruyui tfjwi and to the fact that London's that the Empire metropolis DCCOmltur Whoiw . ....... la' ' 1101 wjnaon can l ""inch evenlnB riro mininprvlf :' Dipn.co. lo ai .nn. :ne city's most dictatorial nroDrle- C,n? lhe smart night clubs and cab- r-w without .w.uui hats. uaus. "lO.YnpllY onJ trl.l- nil.1.t nvo . advanced dcsluners. Molvncux Iin!Td scvcral varieties ot; even's Hats In his show. One was a i""-rry Widow nf y,r n id inline and lined under the brim with i ulaCK Seoulns Stlebel'sare cti.i..i. ... equally1 ..niiu S ornate. Argentina Frost Reports Result In Wheat Jump WINNIPEG, November 1: CP)- Wheat norlces advanced lVc- to Hfcc on the Winnipeg market Sat urday following reports of frost damage to the Argentina crop Chicago prices were fractionally higher. 1000 DEAD IN FLOODS Serious Inundations of High Water in Central Syria at End of Week BEIRUT, Syria, Nov. 1: (CP) One thousand persons are reported dead while at least 15,000 have been rendered hnmeless as a result of serious floods In central Syria the end of the week. Miller Freeman Is Committeeman Vancouver Stoqk Market Is Active at Is Chosen Washington Represen tative to C.O.P. National Body YAKIMA. Nov. 1: Miller Free man. prominent Seattle publisher and former member of the Inter national Fisheries Commission, was saiurrinv elected Renubllcan na "tlonaV committeeman for Washing ton succeeding Frank Bums. Boston Balking At Meat Prices nn...ultf: Turn to I imi Ann Wrriahlixi In Balance Menus nnsTON. Nov. 1: (CP) Bos tnnlans are face to face today will. i.hn alarmliiK proposition tnai to hnminir im exncnslvc to UVI.A wvvw....."r ' ' - Mt and that hl-lackers are plund erlng precious shipments of meat as they do liquor ana iurs. Ripnks and bcci eul prices an i hlph tnai rC5iauraiw m""' 'v - - - o - - ... ihov ltisc money every time tnci choice tenderloin. Market env irond corn and miiKica 11 tt JJ D siiplc have become almost a scar .Hv pnmmoditv. Prices have Jump ed more than 30 percent over last year In many Instances, unnspwlvps are turning to vegct ahins and fish to budget thch mpnns Instead of buying thick ii nf KiHntn. toD of the rouna .lliVl-O v.- " ' i -nct ni.5 which now an ClllU Vl ' onH win continue to be alarming ly high, especially in- New England, the housekeeper has been ordering lamb, veal, poultry and native turkeys. Transactions Lest Week Totalled 691 Head Week-end Closing Prices Vancouver. Nov. 1: There was driornhlp action on the Vancou vcr stock market, particularly to-...,a ih pnd of last week. The n.nnlr'e snips totalled 694 head Steers closed at $5 to $5.50; heifers at $3.50 to $4.10, and cows at ;.ou to $3.50. RAZE OLD LANDMARK ALDERSIIOT, Out.. Nov. 1: (CP) rw nf the district's oldest land marks, a frame house on the Toronto-Hamilton highway near here, is 'being wrecked. The J2-ro0m was built more than 100 Joseph Lyons on an years ago by estate oi in un. NO NEED OF COMMISSION Bennett Criticizes King Govern ment Probe Unnecessary De plores Kcmoval of Magazine Ban VANCOUVER, November 1: Ad dressing a Conservative "famllj itatherlng" at the Auditorium hert Saturday night, Rt. Hon. R. B. Ben nett, former Prime Minister and now Leader of the Opposition, de- :lared that the Rowell Royal Conv .nlsslon on Dominion-provincial re lations was unnecessary. There was nothing which It would do that :ould not be just as well handled by direct representations between the provincial governments and Ot- uiwa. He suggested that It was a means of the government evading Its responsibilities. All the Infor mation the Commission would oi could obtain was already readily available. Mr. Bennett criticized the Can adian-United States trade agree ment as negotiated by Premier King. Particularly he criticized the ictlon of the government In raising the ban on United States mag azines. This duty, Imposed by his government, said Mr. Bennett, had brought $300,000 revenue a year but, what was more Important, had shut three quarter of a million Am- rlcan magazines from this country Marx Brothers Are Convicted1 Found Guilty of Breath of Copy right Regulations HOLLYWOOD, Nov. 1: Groucho md Chico Marx of the famous bro thcr film comedy team are liable to imprisonment of up to one year or a fine of $1000 each or both following their conviction by a Jury on Satur day on charges of criminal Infringement of copyright laws In con- Inn with the use of a radio script. They are to appear today for sentence and are meantime out on $1000 ball. Bermuda Ready To Send Troops Trouble Anticipated in Connection With Inquiry into Trinidad Rioting HAMILTON. Bermuda, Nov. 1: inpi Trooos were being held in readiness here at the end of the week for dispatch to Trinidad If rpniilrpd there In connection with an Inquiry being made Into recent rioting. FIRE DEPARTMENT HAS LIGHT MONTH Thn fire deDartment had another quiet month- In October with only two alarms and no loss, one oi wt calls was a smoke scare and the other' a false alarm. So far this year there have been 34 fire alarms as compared with sixty in me sum, month last year. WANT COLORED ATHLETES SYDNEY, Aust., Nov. l! (CP) A plan Is under consideration hero to bring famous colored athletcd like Jesse Owens, Olympic sprint champion, Ralph Mctcaire, runner-up to Owens, aiid Cornelius oivmulc hich Jump ! champion, to Australia next year. I MltTH NOTICE A daughter, Julia Linden, was born yesterday at the Prince Rupert General Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Nlckerson, Fifth Avenue West. .VICTOR Today s Weather Tomorrow's Tides (I AM.) High 0:37 a.m. 19.5 ft. Prince Rupert, northerly wind, 8 12:28 p.m. 21.7 ft. hour; barometer, 30.08; Low 6:31 pjn. 6.9 ft. lcs per nilcs.p.,..ro iv. iiKht swell. 19:09 p.m. 3.3 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER J XXVI. No. 254. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1937. PRICE: 5 CENTS puce's .a Son Sinks British Ship? INGTO BE GUEST BULLETINS OPENING ON WEDNESDAY BRUSSELS The nine power conference on Chinese territorial security will open on Wednesday with the expectation that opening formalities and addresses will occupy a couple of day's time. Following a statement on behalf of the United States delegation that it would not consent to dismemberment of China, Foreign Secretary Anthony F.den told the British House of Commons today that Great Britain will go exactly as far as the United Slates in scckin- to end 'he Sino-Japancse tonflict. "AIPI! CONNOR" DIES WINNIPEG Internationally known churchman and author beloved to millions as "Ralph Tonnor." Dr. Charles W. Gor don. 77, died Sundav in hospital here. lie. cave more than a score I of novels to the world, several lieinc "best sHlers." One of Ihese 'vstv "Sky Pilot." inspiration of "bich wa Hcv. Dr. II. R. Grant f Fort William and formerly of Prince Rupert. ACTS ULTRA VIRES EDMONTON One Act reducing by fitly jerrpnl In1rrt on provincial guaranlpjM securities and another rmiuiVing consent lhe Lieutenant Governor in Council to bring court action o collect the full amount of were declared , ultra vires f" tiic Alberta legislature to-Hav in a judsmcnt by Mr. Justice A. F. Ewing. LIVING IN NORTH HIGH Fruit, Meat, Potatoes, Water, El ectricity Are uosuy; iicms Arc low LETHBRIDGE, Nov. 1: (CP) The cost of living in Dawson City Yukon, famed for the gold rush of '98, Is high but does not seem to worry the hardy inhabitants. On a 3,000-mllc aerial assignment, from Lethbridge to Dawson a Lethbridge Herald reporter, J. St. Claire Rivers, learned what Is meant by the "high cost of living." "AdoIc Jimmy," a Greek fruit dealer and a famous character riurlnsr the cold rush days, who sold apples and oranges In the dance halls at $1 each, told oi present costs. He still runs a fruP. store In Dawson, his wares brought In from Vancouver. Fruit Is the most expensive. Can teloupes today sell for $1 each; oranees and peaches, three for $1: plums three for 25 cents. Potatoes oil of tn a carlr nnrl mpat at 50c 01 i i V V www.. a pound, regardless of the cuts. House rents are cheap, $iu a month, but water Is costly, $10 a house a month, and electricity Is 25 cents a kilowatt. Telephones come hleh. too. A party line costs i $10 a month; a private line $20 a month. Cigarettes are sold in packages of 50. The cost Is 75 cents a package. There is no draught beer In Dawson and no permits are needed ,to purchase liquor. Beer sells at 50 cents a pint and $1.00 a quart. WANT BODIES MOVED HAMILTON. Out.. Nov. 1: (CP) Annllcation has been made to remove eight bodies from the old private cemetery of the Gage fam ily here. The property, unused since 1895. has been nurchasp'' by Dominion Foundries and Steel Company Limited. Of TORFR Increase In IS RAINYiaawFa,re Wettest Month Prince Rupert Has Had So Far, This Year Sun shine Much Less in 1937 nondlng period of 1936. The weather summary for October, as announced today by R Emmerson. Dl"hy Island. Dom inion meteorologist, was as fol lows: HWhest pa level. 30.33 on October 7. Iiwpst, barometer reading at sea level, 28.92 on October 27. '""'mum temperature, 71 on October 22. Minimum temperature, 34 on Oc- 'rbor 26. Mean temperature. 57.4. Total precipitation, 10.9 Inches. Sunshine, 64 hours. Mooney Appeal Convict SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 1: -Following denial of a writ of habeas corpus by the California Supreme Court Saturday on a division of 5 to 4, George P. Davis, chief counsel for Tom Mooney. serving a life sentence at San Quentln as a result of the 1926 Preparedness Day killings, Immediately announced that the case would be taken to the Supreme Court of the United States. The state Supreme Court refused to accept the contention that Mooney had been convicted on perjured evi dence. Plane Down In Channel Air Disaster is Feared off Brighton Machine Seen to Fall in Hames BRIGHTON, England. Nov. 1: (CP) Search was being made over the week-end for possible survivors of an unidentified airplane which was reported to have been seen fall In flames Saturday Into tne engiisn Channel. A large patch of oil was all the trace that was found later. TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy 8. D. Johnston Co.) Vancouver Stocks- , B. C. Nickel, 10. Big Missouri, .40. Bralorne, 7.75. Aztec, .07. Cariboo Quartz, 1.51. Dentonla, .10 Vi. Golconda.'.06'2. Mlnto, .04'4. Falrvlew Amal., .04 '2. Noble Five, .04. Pend Oreille, 1.70. Pioneer, 3.25. Porter Idaho, .033,4. Premier, 2.20. Reeves McDonald, .30. Reno, .76. Relief Arlington, .18. Reward, .06 Salmon Gold, .06. Premier Border, .01 li. Kates oougnt j NEW YORK,Nov. 1: Amerlcai railways are seeking permission to October was the rainiest month increase passenger rates In ordei so far this year in Prince Rupert, l ake care of wage increases precipitation having totalled 10.0 which they have granted. Inches. However, It was not quite as wet a month as October of last year which had 11.9 inches of rain. So far this year precipitation In Prince Rupert has totalled 57.16 inches as compared w'th 67 Inches during the-first ten months Sunshine for the month of Oc- obp.r this year aecreeated 64 hours ns comnared with 67 hours in Oc- LAGUARDIA WINSCINCH Political Observers Concede Overwhelming Victory for Present Mayor in New York Election t.rher 1936. So far this year sun-; shine has totalled 885.6 hours as NEW YORK, Nov. 1: Another against 1013 hours In the corres- overwhelming victory for Mayor Fioella LaGuardia In tomorrow's municipal elections In New York Is generally conceded by political observers. Even Tammany admits that its candidate, Joseph Mahoney. hoc nr phanpp and Is concentrating barometer reading at 0n the district attorneyship. Customs Revenue Lower This Year Collections for October Total $11,- 318.94, Making Aggregate of $162,839.42 for Year - - - ': ""I -fJnvfomK 'nn'rl excise revenue 'at linromo I niirt lthe Prt of Prlnce Rupert for the Ulipi C11IC VUUI L month of October this year totalled I $11,318.94 as compared with $39,- Itcvcrse in California Court Does" 648.18 In the same month last year. Not v- iiaf.a Deter of r Noted vnii.A i So cn far for tVilc this var vear revenue rpvpniip hnj! has ae- ag crccated $162,839.42 as against $203,953 J4 In the first ten months of last year. Trades Unionists Are In Session Meeting in Victoria to Prepare Suggested Measures for Submission to Legislature VICTORIA, Nov. 1: (CP) Nearly two hundred delegates representing various British Columbia trades .un ions gathered here at the end of the week to prepare a trades union bill for presentation to the Legislature. A draft bill, dealing principally with organization, was submitted by Harold Winch C.C.F. member of the Legislature for Vancouver East. Last nleht the delegates from the various labor organizations throughout the province approved the draft nlan of a Trades Union bill to be presented to the gov ernment tomorrow asking enact ment Into the provincial statutes and comnellinK employers to re cognize the right of employees to organize unions. The bill, drawn ..n v. v Trorlng T.nhnr nnntrress of Canada, would provide penalties ranging from $100 fines for ln- UlVJUUal It'll ilvj ttg vv ivvw I for corporations with Jail terms In 'dpfault of payment on conviction of employer Interference with uni on organization. New Air Route In Saskatchewan Rcgina to Prince Albert Service Asked by Government ot Prairie Province REGINa', Nov. 1: (CP) The Saskatchewan government has petitioned for the establishment of t Reelna to Prince Albert air service by way of Moose Jay and Saskar toon. . . 111 ISOLATING 0FRUSSIA Latest Move in Connection with Spanish, Civil War Floods Halt Fighting British Steamer Sunk by Insurgents Off Spain All Crew Saved LONDON, Nov. 1: Four nations are moving to isolate Russia If she persists In her refusal to enter the proposed British-French agreement vhereby belligerent rights would be jranted General Francisco Franco md his Insurgents In connection Artth the withdrawal of foreign vol-jnteers from both sides In the Spanish civil war. Floods Halt Fighting MADRID, Nov. 1: Flood waters are Interfering with military activities of both sides In the Spanish jlvll war with the result that there -has been an easing up In the conflict, Military roads have been washed out, making it impossible to move artillery into positions. Sink British Ship LONDON, Nov. 1: (CP) A British frleghter, the Jean Weems was oombed and sunk 16 miles off the coast of Spain Saturday by Insur gent planes. All the crew were saved. The vessel, which was bound from Marseilles to Barcelona, Is de clared to have had "legar cargo" on board. A-Dally Herald dispatch from; Barcelona intimated that an Italian-made plane piloted by Bruno Mussolini, son of Italy's Premier, might have been responsible for the . t 11.. a w. V. n m f n n DOmDing vl me iircituaumm". Forelen Secretary Anthony Eden told the House of Commons today that the eovernment had lodged a strnncr nmtest with the Spanish In surgent authorities over the slnk-lnz of the Jean Weems. As the battle cruiser Hood sped to Barcelona to investigate the defiance of the antl-plracy accord, Eden indl- :ated that Anglo-French Mediterranean reinforcements might be nade as a result of the bombing. Prairie Drought Relief Here Is Being Organized ThP civine of relief to the oeople of the prairie drought areas wa3 the principal business at the meeting of the Prince Rupert Ministerial Association this morn- ng. It was decided to ask every hnrrh of the city to send at least -x representatives to a meeting next Monday afternoon to organ ize a canvass of the whole city lor funds. Officers were elected as follows: President, Very Rev. James B. Olbson (re-elected). Secretary, Rev. J. C. Jackson. New members were welcomed in the persons of Rev. W. J. Friesen of the Pentecostal Assembly and Rev. E. E. Brandt of First Baptist Church. A vote of thanks was extended to Rev. J. E. Blrchall. who is leaving the city, for his services as secretary. HAR SILVER NKW YORK: (CD Bar was unchanged at 44sic Ppf fine ounce on the New York met- il market today. Funeral Notice The funeral of the late Norman Dagllsh will take place tomorrow, Tiipsrtnv. nt 3 rj.m. from the B. C Undertakers' Chapel. v r.. 2Ut ft':