ill. ;;ay June 24, 1937 THE DAILY NEWO faqe Timra 1 fHF iwURB Kellogg Rice Krisnics make a delicious, cooling food for warni-wcathcr meals. J net pour milk or cream on this ready-to-serve rice cereal. Hear it "Snap, Crackle, and Pop'Tliat'srcal CmspnessI And how children love those crunchy toasted rice hubhlcs. At all grocers. Served by restaurants. A Mother CJoosc story on every package. Jladc by Kellogg in London, Ontario. I'HONUS 18 and 81 RICE h KRISPIES, g I'. O. HOX 575 Mussailem's Economy Store BUTTER lot Grade, Defiance Brand 39 C EGGS- V Grade 45 PEAS Bnnhvood 23C COKN -Enhign 2 iin 25c TOMATO SOUP- 9f Campbell's 3 tins PINEOLA CLEANER- - For all jviur :l 'anins 49 C ORANGE MARMALADE Em-irw Globe Jar )9r Uu pcf Ipr FRUIT AND SALAD 4Qp OKy DRESSING 32-oz. PLUMS per lb. 15c ORANGES Sweet & i Op and Juicy, per doz. CELERY Large and Op crisp, per head WATERMELON per lb. 8c GREEN ONIONS Cp 2 bunches LETTUCE Large p u and crisp, per head ARRIVING FRIDAY reaches, Strawberries, .Apricots,, Cherries, Cantcloupe, Cauliflower at low prices. 2 Phones For Your Convenience Prompt Delivery Service P.oat ami Mall Orders Receive Prompt and Careful Attention THE PERFECT Tennis hhoz Ladies' The "Purcell" "THE PURCELL" combines comfort features, long wear and healthful support for active feet in a way unequalled in any other Canvas Shoe on the market. $3.25 $3.50 KA1EN HARDWARE CO. Telephone 3 "Rain or Shine" PHONE a Ross Mazzei 35 "Day or Night" TAXI Al French Ponrteoiis Service Stand opposite Royal Motel, Third Avenue LOCAL NEWS Students; Recital: Miss Way's and Miss Olafson's. Friday, 8 p.m. United Church. Public Invited. Mrs. John Ivarsoh 6f (144-46) f:1 Beach day night's train via Jasper Park from a trip to Vancouver. Mrs. J. W. Kllpatrick and daugh- er, Roscmaric, will sail, on the Princess Adelaide tomorrow night for Vancouver to spend the sum mer vacation. Mrs. Allan Benson of Hazelton arrived In the city on Tuesday night's train for a brief visit to town. She will return to the in ferior Friday, Rev. Evan Dakcr, United Church pastor for Stewart and Anyox, was x passenger from Stewart to Anyox on the steamer Catala at the first of this week. Kenneth Harding of the Prince nental Station, was the speaker odav at the Tegular weekly lun :heon of the Prince Rupert Rotary Hub. He described some personalities and events at the Canadian Chemical Association convention tn Vancouver which he attended last week. President C. V. Evltt was In the chair. CLEAN FALSE TEETH -GET RID OF STAINS New Ety Way No Brushing Strra-KWn, mr.ln n diicovery, re-mom blacLeat ataim, tarniah. tartar like marie. Juit put falar trrth or brldv In Klaii of water and add Stera-Kleen pmvdei No mrair bruahini. Rrrommcndrd by drn. tiita approrrd by Good llouckwpinr. At all druneiiti. Money back if not delighted. Wife of Pastor .Many Utiles Called al Affair On Monday Afternoon in Honor Of Mrs. J. W. Stevenson V Many ladies not only of the Presbyterian congregation but also from outside called at the social parlors of First Presbyterian church Monday afternoon when a reception was held for Mrs. Stevenson, wife of the pastor, following her recent arrival from Montreal. The parlors were decorated attractively with flowers, the atmosphere being charmingly homelike. Mrs. D. C. Stuart, president of the Ladles' Aid, and Mrs. Peter Lakle were in general charge. Announcements v Tea ami Home Cooking l" Hoys' land Parents Association, Juii" 2C, at Mrs. J. Joy's, Third Avenue, :i to . Tea cup reading. lixcursion to First. C.N.R.A. 3. Terrace, July Gyro Club Flag Day, July 2. Canadian Legion picnic, July 4! W. R. Hadcock. Expert Piano Tuner Phone Green 120 Representative of Lewis Piano House 737 East 23rd Ave., Vancouver Phone Fair. 19G0L In Bed For Weeks , With Backache Quick Relief With Kruschen It was advice from her mother that led this woman to lake Krus- rchen Salts lor her backache,, and I - - .... iLU:yut;j i before she naa imisnw.iuejirBi. Place returned to the city on Tues-1 boUie sne was feeling better. This Is the letter she writes,:--! "About this time last year I had severe pains in, my .'back .sfnd was prostrate for three :weeks!'t;could not even rise in bed. I tried several well-known remedies, but ,tq no avail. I wrote to my mother telling her of my trouble. She, wrote to me by return of post, urging me to try Kruschen Salts. I lmme dlately bought a bottle and I can truthfully say before I had taken the fifth do-e I could sit up.. I kept on taking them and in less than two weeks I was about agr.ln. I am never without Kruschen now, iMn) A. O. Unless the kidneys function properly, certain acid wastes, instead of bcine exnclled. are allowed to pollute the blood-stream and pro duce troublesome symptoms: back Rupert Fisheries Experimental ache rh(,umatlsnii and excessive Station is leaving tomorrow morn 'ng. for Kingston, Ont., where he vlll take a summer course at Queen's University. The train from the cast, due at .0:45 tonight, was reported this norning to be running on time jut, as it has a large number of natives to pick up at Hazelton and Citwanga for the Skeena River tanneries, It is possible It may be somewhat late in getting In Dr. Neal Carter, director of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Expert fatigue. Kruschen Salts Is an ex cellent diuretic or kidney aperient valuable In assisting the kidneys to excrete acid Impurities. MRS. JERSTAD LAID AT REST Many Mourners, and Numerous Floral Tributes at, Funeral Held Yesterday Many friends attended at the chapel of the B. C. Undertakers yesterday afternoon for the fu neral of the late Mrs. Astrld Jer stad, wife of Otto Jerstad, whose death occurred Sunday afternoon. The service was conducted by Rev. L. C. Jensen, pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran Church. Peter Lien pre sided at the organ to .accompany the hymns which were "Abide; With Me" and "Nearer My Gcd to Thee." Following service, interment was! made In Falrvlew Cemetery., Pallbearers were H. Mork.'iA. Pcdersen, F. O. Seines, O. Bendlksen; J. Scr-vak and E. Wick; The late Mrs. Jerstad was born in Norway and was twenty-eight years of age. In addition to the . . .1 ! . (kn.n n ttinA Aktlftfan KCCCPtlOn " r Or Rutn- a2ed seven; Ilerfe, three, and Rnv. t.'fi weeks. 'I here were many bcaiitiful floral tubules bcni by the following: Husound and children, Mr., and Mrs. chris Jensen, Mr. and Mrs. John Ivarson, Mr. and Mrs. Fen-ton Eilertsen, Mr. and Mrs. L. An- der&on, Mr. and Mrs. R. Janscn, Mr. and Mrs. Bye, Mr. and Mrs, Sandvar and. son, Mr. and Mrs. Ja cob Ivarson and Edwin, Mr. and Mrs. John Fredhelm, Mr,, and Mrs, H. Sorenson and family,, Mr. and Mrs. H. Erickson, Mr. and Mrs. K. Hallberg, Lutheran Ladles' Aid, Mrs. O. Bendlckson, Mr, and Mrs, II. Mork, Solbcrg and Perry, Helen and Ned McLcod, Mr. and Mrs. T. Strand and family, Mr. .and Mrs, Ed. Hanson, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sor- heim (Digby Island), Mr. and Mrs. A. Arntsen and family, Mrs. Llna Llndseth, Mr, and Mrs. Husoy and Bill, Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Johnston and family, Mr. and Mrs. Nels An-tonson, Mr. and Mrs. A. Dybhavn, Mr. and Mrs. A. Andersen and son, Mr. and Mrs. A. Seines and family, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Lundqulst and family, Sam Heregan, Mr,, and Mrs. J. Jerstad and family, Nordkap Society, Mr. and Mrs. II, Holland, Mr. and Mrs. John Sorvlg and Alf, Mr. and Mrs. P. Anderson and family,. Sons of Norway, Mr. and Mrs. P. Lsland, Elenc and Jens, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wahl (Digby Island), Ed ward Llpsett Ltd., Mr, , and Mrs. , ,ui rtflBart Il2dstrom and family, W. E. rak. Mr. and Mrs: S. Hanson and course you are. Attend Esslngton's Mrand Mrs- Dominion Day Celebration on July alskf' cum mia. u, ifiiiccu, mi. auu mid. I. Filnness. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hansen, Blrdell and Dorothy of the : Dollar Store. Mr. . and Mrs. ; Shlezwold, Mr. and Mrs. Webber, Mr. and Mrs. John Wick,, Mr, and Mrs. A. Week, Mrs. DowUicr and Mrs. James Currle, Mr. . and Mrs. jliaVold Jacobsen, Mr. and Mrs. N. Jensen and family, 'Mr.' Sntf Mrs. Peter Lien, Hygga Society,. Mr. and Mrs. II. Johanson and Ivar, Mr. and Mrs. Nels Luth, Mr. and Mrs. E. Petersen and family, Ben Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. A. Petersen and family, Mr. and Mrs. Hvedlng, Mr. and Mrs. I. Eldsvlk, Mrtind Mrs. Martin Berg, Mr. and Mrs. H. Wahl (Digby Island). Christian Youth Society Meets Principal Feature is Presentation Of Play "Temporary Wife" The' Christian Youth S6ciety held its regular fortnightly meet ing last Monday evening. A devo-i tlbnal paper was read byMlss Edith Johnstone. During the short busi ness period that followed Tom Johnstone and Ken Harding reported on the financial success of the recent picnic and dance. On behalf of the society, the president, Wilfrid Hicks, wished Ken Harding, who Is leaving for Kingston, Ont., "bon voyage" and success in his studies. The main feature of the: evening was the presentation by the dra matic group of the play "Tcmpor-jary Wife" which proved very tertalnlng. Those taking part were Miss Elsie Davis, Miss Ddlth Con-nery, Wilfrid Hicks, Ken Green and Ken Harding. Refreshments were served, followed by an enjoyable half hour of community singing. Fragranfreirid Delicious: r- "SALAM TEA WALLACE SUMMER Clearance Dresses In lacey pastel shades, also slub linene in an assortment of styles, values to $2.50. Clearance Price Girdles and Corsets from Silk Knit Panties and Watson quality 3 pairs Phone 9 V VawA V $1.49 House Dresses Tub fast prints, 'assorted styles, all sizes 89 C Cdcfl Women's Sport Shirts In stripes and plain weaves, to Q -f QQ $1.75; each .......... Knitted Suits A small balance, values to $14.50. 'J, Qff To clear at tyliVD Foundation Garments Corsolettes, $1.00 Bloomers $1.00 Women's Nighties In crepe or fi- gured batiste $1.00 Sale Price v-vv colors; 3 pairs STARTS FRIDAY Outstanding Values are Represented in Every Item Listed. See Our Windows and Visit Our Store. Skirts Cloths of corduroy linen, tweed, assorted colors, fl QtZ values to $3.75; Special ?JLyw Children's Windbreakers Navy or scarlet, full zipper front, made from pure wool blanket cloth. Special Clearance 95 Price ... Boys' Pullover Sweaters Sizes 26 to 32, heather mixture and plain colors, some with zipper fastener; each t Women's Melton Cloth Jackets In navy, scarlet, brown or green, full zipper fastener, values to $7.95. Summer Clearance each WOMEN'S . SUITS and COATS To be Cleared al Startling Reductions Short Coat Suits Values to $15.00, clearing at $8.95 Summer Coats from $8.95 10 $12.50 All Ladies' Straw Hats Beautiful quality and styles, to $3.t5. Summer Clearance Price $1.95 Waffle Knit Panties and Vests In peach shade 2-i AA 2 suits for ?Jl.WV Bathing Suits Pure wool ftff frnm SI. 00 tn 9&9J3 . A Few Jantzen to clear at Silk Curtain Nets--Nice heavy quality; 3 yards 52.75 Heavy Quality Satin Slips Trimmed lace at foot and top, in tea rose and white 4 AA Very special value, ea. vU Children's Ankle Sox from Lastex Tops 4 pairs 15c $1.00 Boys' Three-Quarter- Length Hose Lastex tops, assorted -fl fofi colors; 3 pairs tjJA.VV Mercury Quality Full Fashioned Silk Hose Values to $;.00 ftlZp per pair Women's Cotton Hose Greys and fawns, 5 prs. $1.00 Fabric Gloves White or CI AA Feather Pillows Art ticking "7Qr onvore1 covers: oarVi eacn t' $1.00 Nottingham Curtain Nets Assor- Sf.8 31.00 Homespun Drapery Fabric 44 ins. e..s..' 31.00 Japanese Straw Rugs 27x54 inches, 3Vaford COl0rS $i00 Pillow Slips Nice fine quality, 40 ins. ; 5 for . Wo Close at 8 p.m. Saturday Sec Our Windows $1.00 Flannelette Sheets Extra heavy quality, blue or pink J"fl 64x72 ins.; each tyJLiAO Girls' Navy Slacks Sizes Q lb 20, excellent value, pr.' $1.15 Third & Fulton hi 'Cm i a i; 4 m !! ' f ii !i 3 !i i i: .i it iS i i! tm It IZ it !t II ,i a ! It ! :S i i i ii, n . :il . 41 . -I IIJ I 1 IB tn XI ini -1 !!!! ' 1 1 j. ; vii i i I . . 1 1 t 'If 1 1A 1