PAGE TWO SMART Foot wear New Arrivals in Wonderfully Attractive Styles, Leathers and Colorings For Every Occasion. Popularly Priced Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPEBT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert. Daily News. Limited. Third Avnue H. P POLLEN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION KATES City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid In advat.ce Paid m advance, per week Paid in advance, per month 2-1 By mall to all parts of British OriumbVuieBmish Eimrtre'a United States, yearly period, paid in advance By mall to all other countries, per year ADVERTISING RATES Classified advertising, per word, per insertion '., v "? ' i-raucis, per ime, per insertion Advertising and Circulation iimh... News Department Telephone 96 86 5.C0 .12 .50 3.00 9.00 .02 .25 Wednesday, September 29t THE POSITIVE PROGRESSIVE ATTTTf rnp In a period such as Prince Rupert has been through SlSp e-? ?pt.t0 adopt a Iess greSSW& attitude aHd Become critical of everything Thi? is not an attitude that makes for progress. Even if the city has not made the progress it was expected it would during the past ten jears,. it is still a very much alive centre with the verv best of prospects. It will, undoubtedly, become a great port and the more we all put on a bold front and adopt a KfS1Kft,tU,e mstead of a Pett' attitude, the more likely are we to make good. In spite of a certain amount of worrying over what peaple were saying it was found this week that only a dozen peoole disapproved the movement to try to induce a nulp mm to start in the city. It was a splendid exhibition of unity of puroose and gives hope that in all our future movements we shall be able to stick together and nre-sent a umted front. The wild talk of a half a dozen kickers was shown to have little influence on the whole community. People with a stake in the city still keep the progressive attitude. It is the attitude that wins success PUBLIC QUESTIONS H. K. MacMillan, one of Canada's leading industrialists, in an address to the Canadian Chamber of Commerce fnCr6mnt XhladdreSf is v buted in pamphlet form, dej g" with a number of questions of trade and com com merce which are of m-Pat. inrovUr n o ...vwv.oi, i-u uo ail. Une Of thPSP nilPetfnnc ie tViof t i. t : ,"v-wv"" mat tu&L oi prouuciion. u t. ,, He shows that the increasing cost of living, as a result of controlled marketing, tends to discourage production bv making, the cost too high for the purchasers to pay. As the bu k of the products of British Columbia are exported and sold in competition.with cheaper labor, the question of keeping up the export of products and thus continuing our B prosperity, is a vital one. Again he mentions the question of defense of our trade routes mid shows that, as long as we are dependent -on -our export business, we must be in a position to protect our shipping as well as defend our own shores. Jhe commodities in which Mr. McMillan is in- ' PacW 1ST haV0f fish,' for he is P"nt of the B. C. onZt -!le ?h?w8 that British Columbia fish has to ' Th?sPf by cheap Japanese labor. Sh Snf rSd m thi6 Same market British Columbia I2?;,f Japan,effe PeoPle' engaged in fish packing receive kdn SLaf,n0nth,,,ff Japan- The reSU ftthS B !C fish kS? Gd f-r01?.ai1 but protected markets-We Wp m all believe in high wages and we hope British Columbia will be in a position to them but pay the mom ent wages get so high that the pUucaffi ToneTe" with other countries, there is an immediate lessening of employment. We respect the efforts but there must be a reasonableness m these efforts else we shall find the market demoralized and all the efforts of all the market-ing boards in the world will not keep the prices up.' PASSING OF STATESMAN' (Continued from Pape, One 1908 Gaspe again sent him back to parliament . Mr. Lemleur was chosen for the I recognized as one of the strong men f lectures atl the Sorbonne Unlver of the ministry. In 1907 he was sity of Paristn the pollttcal evolu-i tJ, the-special envoy from Canada to tion of Canada since the fall of ew;TOTI- iMdIri nf th, New Japan when the Asiatic immigra- France in 1763. In 192he obtained! wno3e- scheduled double-fcie'veland Uon troubles were smoothed out from the government of France the , header with the Boston Bees at the Rnttnn In 19HT he represented Canada at gift of the famous Vlmy plateau, ' Polc 0roundS TOS washed out as ! washm'irtorrT Z 71 me inauguration oi uie paruameiu area nc 6"ju Mjwa3 also another scheduled double! Philadelphia 50 of the Union of South Africa. In accord to that effect on behalf of blll at Philadelphia between theist Lnuis 45 mil ne was maae Aunisieroi aiar- ""u", wjiuc m. xcuci, uuuu- Brooklyn Dodgers and. the Phils. I . ine and Fisheries, but shortly af- ter of the Liberated Regions, signed The Gianti n0w need but two more ' . - terwards the- Laurier government on behalf of the French Republic. ins to clinch the pennant, regard-j T orinc, Rnnrlinrr went down to defeat on the reel- pruciiy issue, .nr. lemieux met nis first reverre in GasDe. but was , electer In Rouville. In the general H, election of 1917 he was elected for Customs, and Dame Marje Anne the constituency of Gaspe and also Bisaillon, his wife. He was edu- for Maisonneuve. After that he cated in Nicolet College and Laval Iran only for Gaspe, and won the University. In his youth he was elections there in 1921, 1925, and actively engaged in journalism. He 1926. Was Named Speaker When the Liberal party led by Rt. Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King came into power in 1921 Mr. Lemieux was offered a portfolio, but declined. He was elected Speaker of the Commons at the session which followed the first session of the fourteenth parliament offered him the Lieutenant-Gov ernorship of the province of Quebec, and he later had an opportunity to become Minister of Justice in Mr. King's cabinet. He declined both of these positions. He frequently told friends that he loved 'ing officer. t One of the earliest speaches of ' Senator Lemieux in the Upper ' Chamber urged that ministers of the Crown having seats in the Com mons should be permitted to ap- pear and speak in the Senate from ' time- to time. The proposal found support from some other members i of the Senate but was not adopted Many honors came to Mr. Lemieux from outside his own mnntrv Club, the National Liberal Club of London, England, and the Circle f Inter-Allie of Pnir Pmn.. m, the daily N&n3 He was a' member of the Mount : Boyal Club, the Royal Ottawa Golf Club, the Murray Bay OoU Club, and the Rldeau Club in Ottawa, j For many years Mr. Lemieux was : much sought after asa lecturer and f portfolio of Postmaster-General by! public speaker. He was a member 'Sir Wilfrid Laurier in 1906 and he; of the law faculty of Laral Univer-j continued in thU post until lSll.'sity and from 189tf until 1929 he i In those years he played a conspic-1 lectured there on the history of the ! uous part in the development, of ' Canadian law and international I Canada's oostal service and" was law. In 1928 he delivered a series was cailed to the bar in 1891, be coming a partner in law practice with Hon: Honore Mercier in Montreal, and later with Sir Lomer Gouin. Mr. Lemieux was married in 1894 to Berthe, daughter of Sir Louis Jette, formerly Lieutenant-Governor of Quebec. One of the deep sorrows ot Mr. Lemieux's later life In 1924 the Liberal eovemment . 1 . ' t TantanAnt.nnn. "cuitnani itoaoipne lemieux, wno was killed in action in France. His only surviving daughter Is Sister Clctilde, a nun at the Ursullne monastery of Three Rivera Byron Nelson Is Belmont Winner The French government made him ."? four a knight of the Legion of Honour' -N."0. fe .Ileftats Henry Pickard In Classic American Golf Tournament BEUIONT, Mass., Sent. 29:- Byron Nelson won the Belmont golf tournament yesterdav fhv over Henry Pickard. receives nrize of S3000 in 1906 In recognition of his ser-!and p,ckard 5200. vices In promoting closer and bet- ter relations between Canada andl mat nation. Later he was made an officer of the same order. In July, 1927, hr was elected member de llnstitut de France succeeding Cardinal Mercier. He was a member of the Eieht Today's Baseball American League Philadelphia, 4; New York, 15. Boston, 3; Washington, 1. National League New York, 6; Philadelphia. 3. ' Brooklyn at Boston postconed. ccld. Vatican conferred on thi? devoted r St- LoaS' 5: p"tsburgh, 7. ton of the Church the honor of' ch,cag0' 3; Cincinnati, 0. Knight Commander ' of St. Gregory I """ the Great in 1924. oiof Hanson M.P.. arrived on the Cfa"tda0he T f!e?ted Presl-jtraln la! n'ght and will be return-dent of the Royal Society in 1918. 1 Jng to the Interior Friday CUBS WIN OVER REDS The Chicago Cubs blanked the Cin cinnati Reds here yesterday to pare- scores: full games the National York National League St. Louis, 2; Pittsburg; 6. Chicago, 2; Cincinnati, 0. Brooklyn at Philadelphia and Boston at New York, cancelled on account of rain. American League New York, 9-1; Washington, 0-2. Cleveland, 7; Chicago, 8. (A second game called In fourth on ac- Mr. Lemieux's brothers occupy a count of darkness.) prominent place in Canadian af- Detroit, 6; St. Louis, 1. ..w Phlladelnhla at Rnrtnn ranrplloH zip, SSL-rS s- - or L, Elected him 'as Sr.Tnd the commoners assembled after the ta JnA 1 lce' general election that year, they Poulk)t of c1 4 w w .uuw vu pimu- . WIN.MPER WHEAT WINNIPEG, Sept wheat closed at 91 net- Winnipeg exchange yesterday i Baseball Standings Orillia Wins ' National League New York 91 Chicago 89 Boston-New York Double-Header St. Louis 79 Washed Out Yesterday Giants j Pittsburgh 80 Still Have Four Game Lead Boston. ... 75 Brooklyn 61 CINCINNATI, Sept. 29: CP Philadelphia 59 New-York ... Detroit ..;..; Chicago American League .as .v. 54 60 69 68 .73 87 91 49-63 651; French rrencn Canadian tanauian j les les Of of What what the the Cubs Cubs do. do. At At PittS- Pitts-'AjdUlCO ' " DUWIJllg iVUIIIIIlg Rodouphe wu Lemieux was born inburg the Pjrates defeated the st f i - Montr iontreal. Nov. 1. 1866, the son of.. Cardmals yesterday to oust LCaffUe lYIeetinfif . A. Lemieux. late Inspector of th, W1C1U tmm thlrrt lilllU JltllC ,a . . O to tered and more are expected. Blue Birds Win Lacrosse Opener .627 .59T .507 .412 In the American League the New ,.,....,,. York Yankees split a double-header, Mrs" nJ'd SmIth U lMnd with the Senators at Washington; ' Mrs' Robert BraU Secrftary and their American League leader- ship was reduced to thirteen-and- Mrs- Ftoyd Smith was elected a-half games over Detroit Tigers president of the Ladles' Bowling who were downing the Browns at League at last evening's meeting. St. Louis. Mrs. Robert Brasell Is secretary. Defeated Younif Adanncs 21 to 18-I-ast NIjjIU ire First of Junior Lacrosse Finals NEW WESTMINSTER. Sept. 20: Vancouver Blue Birds defeated Younjr Adanacs 21 to 18. last niKht in the first jtame tt a total point final series for the' junior lacrosse championship of 28:&Ocober British Columbia. Thf second 1-1 nn iUn n ...Ml . l 1 .' 1 . ; T 1 game win uc ii4,nru rriuay mri in Vancouver. MA PottlC 26.0,. Decanter h advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor ' Control Board or by the Government of Brirish CoIumbU. ' Over Montreal ui Score of In i. .541 r.rM or Kast mt Finals .381 MONTREAL Orillia Terrie: 669 nadiani' 10 7 570 tf-s'?amf (': 553" lacrowe- chamj 70 ,530 69 94 103 .524 .48C .347 .304 I0tt SASKATCHEWAN RKfilNA. Se .t next ftesHion f Legislature ? jon January 11 HEX iiif .i : Takes Big Gam8 Hunters South Brineinz out .-,,,. - aaicersneld, CaLlun ar 7; been an a hiw 0.)mM v iSiii. ,'AO r-L 9 --.dl- u -..ivc i.: I n A Naas Valley p;, arrived here at 5 auernoon from su-- Waco seaplane ;f p. ways and left 1 1 c--r!es e Ystfrrinv' Rir T.PianA Muh.ii There are six teams already en- . ... . r'w "J o wk aiitiUVcr W. ,u Se part" I Vflci ... '-1IU "" -II 0 BOWLING ALLEY Basement of Exchanrr Hwt PHOXE 658 Fresh Local Kaw hi Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIS!" rno.E-(s; Thf rnnfral IfnfM ROOMS and CAFE Phone SI For Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK $5 Down Secures Fur W '-laV The weather Is gc".!aj c the rlaht thlnsr to Kit U P AAA Tf nln-n t ' rich Wp havp a very latest. YOUK CItEDIT IS GOOD GOLDBL00H THE OLD RELIABLE ASJfce SliM' ''&S. GOOD MEALS and'.EAV ill" I UiaLfium jW MUX.?- m L.ZL comfortable rooms . II 1 and .portwnen i port ol Canada. rUrnltlire every Good WlVA Old Chum, ried and ,Ueh. cho;ceSViS Wk2(7 iff MiW GOLD SEAL 1UI11UUI flake cut, matort, mellow, f,a9rant-ifj 9'- quality quoMy has ka, HsHHy Q O tL hMMStl C w. . Hlf everchanged. gj Sockeye i MOVIIlg I'l -Hi 1 Jiwm Afm Wm FL j LightDeli? jJJBjlfcfflH 315 SECOND AVE.