Hflft EASY GENERAL ELECTRIC taW-lone RADIO Afake this investment in happiness now! It will give you years of pleasure and entertainment. You'll be proud of the beautiful cabinet-and prouder still of the marvellous tone of this new GE Radio. It has new Index Dial with vernier pointer and slow morion tuning. Tone Monitor to give balanced tone at all volumes and automatic volume lAe inS and bhliaS- Short Wave station, are dial w printed on face. A small down payment puts one in jour home balance on convenient monthly terms. Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamer Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver T.S.S.CATALAEVEniTUES- T.S.S. CARD EX A FRIDAV DAT, l;30 pjn. 10:30 pan. Due ancoaver. Thurs. pan. Due Vancouver, Monday a m If convenient please nurchas flrL.f FTtr SS?f SS PgaS Reservations and Tickets From noptn Agent, Third Ave. Phone 568 HALIBUT The source of Sunshine Vitamins A and D Boiled Halibut with egg sauce is digestible, palatable, satisfying. CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE CO. LTD. Prince Rupert, B.C. The Dailv New.? is a imnniw - .r Newspaper ASsociatton, of" hTfcanaton STnd otZ Audit Bureau of Circulations. pap" It is the on y r north I'uone 18 and 81 P. 0. Box 5 Free Gift Tokens ?. e. sti" 8,vinc our Fr Gift Tokens which entitle vou to a wide rane of Premiums. Come In and Look Them Over MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE Heach the masx people ,tn city and district with an advertisement In the Dally News. iJTn- -By Westove VCU L.1KE- My MCVM HAT "' BOY SCOUTS ORGANIZED Seventeen boys were enrolled last night at the Initial meeting of the new Prince Rupert Troop of Boy Scouts. Scoutmaster Robert Yer-burgh and Assistant Scoutmaster Ernest Meadows were In charee. Three patrols have been formed. I noon. n,oon' T The fircf .m i,u. clearance Saturday to Grassy Bay. DEATH OF KAIL.MAN (Continued from Pajfe One) Deschenes -was also a director and president of the Bethel Gra nite Railway Co., and a director and vice-president of the follow in? affiliated companies: Cent-monf Corporation ; Brooksay ways Inc.; and Central Vermont Terminal Inc. He was a director of the New London 'Northern Railroad Co.: Central Vermont Transportation Co.; Vermont and Province Line Railway Co.; and vice-president of the .Montreal and Vermont Junction Railway Co.: Montreal and Province Line Railway Co.;i and the Stanstead, Shefford and Chambly Railroad Co. Under his stewardship, the Central Vermont has been kept in the vanguard of transportation progress in New England. He was responsible for pioneering the development of merchandise freight collection and delivery service, coramation of rail and bus scr I ovinea ior community rM.r- Deschenes gave liberally of his time, experience and en ergy to civic and community d velopmenl of his native citv and .state and was active in the de .velopment of winter and summer recreational aetivifio s ermont. He was an influential member of the Vermont Statt Chambe- of Commerce and tht New England Council. He was al so widely known in New England banking circle through his long associate withthe W'eUlen Na viiai USLTIK in St A IK.. M r. - i ui ii ( Oil which he has served as managing -iik me past Tout years. The funeral will b held at St Albans on Friday morning. GF.RK, programs pji. 6:00-Hi-HUarttles. 6:15 Request Program 8:30-DalIy News Broadcast. 6 : 45 Moods Musical. .uo Modern Home Hour. 7:15 Cecil and Sally. THURSDAY AM. 11:15 Message PpfinH '11:30 Weather Forecast. ".zo-stock Report. 12:30-baily News, Broadcast 12:40 Monitor Vfews the News 12:45 Eb and Zeb. Mrs. Bernard Lundahl A.T.CM. VOICE PRODUCTION Piano and Theory 431 Fourth Avenue West Phone Green 994 24 PAIRS ALL FF!ATIIKn i t . Closing Date October 19 Halibut fishim: in Area No, 3 will close at nuanijrht October 19, it was announced this aftet- Todtv js the last 'lay frr WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Midnight tonight will mark tht eadline for issuance of clear nee to halibut vessels for Aria io. '! this season. A reasonable :me will be allowed the vessel o leave .after eld in n jr. The boat ire to be KiWn a i ull oprtunit o complete final i-atch'a. Two western halibut boat: anded catcher at Seattle yester ay as follows: Polaris. 39,001 rounds. Whiz, 11 '4i- and 0c; Sui. .et. -16,000 pounds. San Juan 'l'2c and 9c Three local cct' oats md small incidental ratches at 13c per pound. Capt. Paul Armour returnee', ast night from North Island witl. he boat John Essler. He brought -i the Un'on Oil Co.'s tank scow vhich has. been stationed on lh vice and, coordinated Tail and air- North Is!and trolling grounds ways service. u ing the summer and which will now be taken to Vancouver. CLIN FOR SALE FOR SALE A few large bundles of old newspapers, 2 for 25c. FOR SALE Baby Crib-Combin- anon playpen and bed with drawers. $12.00; English pram. flo.OO; Majestic Range, large, $25.00. M s. Olson, 427 Emmer-son Place. (227) SEWING UTILITY SEWING CLASSES-m7s. Thomasson. Wallace Elcck. Phone Blue 637. . (t f , -WANTED TO TRADE WOULD Exchange Calgary revt-' nue bearing houses for gen-! eral or hardware innim... n.' - -w uu.'llll.ili1 W will manage business with privilege of buying. Apply Box 50, Spiritwood. Saskatchewan if. v MALE & FEMALE HELP WE HAVE HELPED HUNDREDS TO OBTAIN DO.sitinna a a Tot r.r-. . : ter Carriers, Postal Clerks, Cus-' loms examiners, Clerks, and ".iuKra,,ners, etc., and can I neip you. Write us for proof and free information. M.C.C. Schools Ltd., Winnipeg. Oldest in Canada. MacKENZIE'S FURNITURE i 1 sn-ny HLAY Wa'S A ....... i - i) Per Pair SI a- 90 30 PA ASSORTED PlLLO.VS-Ch.cken, Duck and Per Pair $2.50, $4.50, 6.00, $8.00 ! PHONE 775 bELL-OUT NIQHT FALUEM fOf2 TtLUE -i E.,JT IP t DCM'T 5ET' 'TILUE AWAy ON A O TOST TOO NEWSPAPER With Jane Withers, on Double Bill at Capitol Theatre Exclusive." a drama of news paper life with Fred MacMurray, Frances Farmer and Charlie Rug-gles In the Ieadng roles, and "Wild and Woolly" a comedy reature star ring Jane Withers, comprise a mid places his Ideals before gain, and his daughtir, a modern girl who 1 1 1 - i L . l J t . . DCJicve? inui journalism is a racKet I A I H MHcHltobe worked for wht It will bring 1 riuLj M ILlLxla the individual. Charlie Ruggles Is - I t.h( fathpr nftH nnH Ppitiro tVin. week double bill at the r?nntni - . Outfit Your Home with These Specials in Carpets, Linoleum and Congolcum Hugs S only Congoleum Gold Seal. Size 7A9 QttZ AC? at, each pO.J)5 3 only Congoleum Gold Seal. Size 9x9 C Ar at, each 0.3 1 only Size 9xlOA C ftC at each vO.tt) Congoleum Mats Size 3x3 at rv each te)C Size 3x4i at mj each t!LZo q. FeltolMats Size 27x5 1 at each DSC Rexoleum Linoleum Square yard n g at J9C Dominion Printed Linoleum SqiTd.. 79c Window Shades In Green and Cream on strong rollers. a A 3x6 feet, at, each b9C D. ELIO'S Furniture Exchange Prince Rupert, H. C. "THAT (3 IvibsI Aj-i . . ONE" ! r Hours, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. "llll- "Exclusive" and "Wild and Woolly", er daughter. She Is In love ' H.UU wtth MacMurray. who works with her father and shares his principles. They break when she refuses to change her attitude towards Journalism. There is a powerful and dramaUc climax which leads up to a happy. ending. It Is a fast-moving, thrilling and entertaining film. In "Wild rnd Woollv." Jnn. wif h. ' -""", cuu wnicn nas Deen , , , , , Thcatretonlght and tomorrow as parried on between her grandfather. -w. o opevm! maunee io-: Walter Brennan, and Berton morrow afternoon on occasion of Churchill, unscrupulous town bank-the school half holiday to mark the er, carrying It on with the latter lsh S r Co , umbia lfentR0SeVelttoBrlt- andson. Jack Searl The scene Is an old frontler town but iacciusive is the story of a clash ton tret ore nrn lnttA4..A.j i 4 1 i . ctl nrinrinipo Hat uoon Hu .... r:rr " r ?n l.ure wmcnusaW a real pan ."."ojjapcwiian wno aemonium-maker. Thursday Friday Saturday Sept. 30 Ocl 1 Oct. 2, last day Sp -t.iitt-j v ,.. . ......... . ... .-V3 V"LX I . Dfirn man Porter iJi set, 0uTt3V . Wi f J" tte - .-B ci headline,. (At (At 7:03 7:03 and and 9:Z 9:Z I I rLUS- JANE WITHERS 'Her Grande E..yx Ditt IX 'WILD AM) WOOLLV With WALTER BKEXNAX He's the One Mn Bai:d ol "Banjo On Uj Kr.::; (At 8 20 Onl) COAL To n.i:.i. i;KRitnuv 8atlra. C rtutd lainoui EdMtn MlwrU Coal Kulklrj Coal Vanroutrr Inland Coal Prince Rupert Feed f 'mn i n n t PHONE M tr.l I'A NEW ROYAL HOTEL 3. Zarelll, Propri-tor "A HOME AWAV FK0M HOME" Kate $1.00 op 50 Rooms Hot Si Cold WiW Prince KupJrt, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box It you wish to swap something Try a classified. "" " r holl(lay -special ? lneejo31' Thev Lot ii,.- nr- Unes... -"V- U UaVP Ann cv . With a Gun! "TILLIE THE TOILER" t r x -.-i.n 11 I 1 I I III p-OM ALL Tw!at '(JV AS ! "'Ham AMoy