H E Thrift Cash & Carry 10-DAY SALE OF LIBBY'S FOODS ITS THE 1937 PACK JUST ARRIVE!)' (OS Phone Vi9 Libby's Tomato Juice Large tins. 3 for ..25c Per Dozen tins .. Libby's Tomato Juice Picnic tins. Per Dozen 7 1 Of tins Libby's Prunes Santa Clara, 2-Ib. 99P Packet,. ... Libby's Spaghetti With meat g No. I tall tin Libby's SpaghettiNo. 1 tall tin Each 10c Libby's Grapefruit Juice-Larffe OC tins. 2 for ... Libby's Happy-Vale Pickles Sweet, Sour or Mustard. 9T Quart btle. .... t.i,...t. Fancy wrapped. ... 2.29 J?unch Heets, Runch i P 4 tarrois. 2 bunches Large I'arsnips 7 lbs. 5c 10c 25c WE DELIVER I :i.K.... rn . mato Soup 10-oz. TERRACE PRODUCE 3 Libby's Rosedale Asparagus Cuttings tins dV1 Libby's Ketchup -fl ff 12-oz.bot... JL3 Libby's Pork and Reans Large tin. -fl An Each Libby's tin. Each 16c Libby's Pineapple Juice Large tins GSi 2 for Libby's EI Rancho Corned Reef 4 Ag Reg, tins ... Mcintosh Apples-Household pack. box 195 Eggs Grade A large. Doz. Rutter First Grade. 3 95c ,s avoy Cabbages Gf Small Medium . 10c Terrace Cravenstein . SQ Apples Apples- 10-lb. box Carrots 8 lbs. . . ..ilitWII'iWittWi'iii'rtimWTt'- 25c P.O. Uox 1594 Card Games Are Once More the Favorite Pastime We are equipped to meet your requirements in every particular. CAKD TABLES Hourd's Maple Leaf Tables Strongest and best $3.00 to $7.00 MAYING CARDS Single Decks - 45c, COc, 75c $1.00, $1.25 Doubles , $1.20, $2.00 and $2.50 TALLY CARDS . ? Per Table ;.. ...-.L Wc Ideal Tally Cards in 8ets2 tables ...... 15c 3 tables ......... .1..1L.- -r - 20c 4 tables .. . .... . -l 25c SCOUR PADS Single pads Contract pkg of 4 pads 4. Large pads . .... 5c !-. 15c, 2 for 25c 15e-2 for 25c imiDGR PENCILS In sets ' 50c of 4r set - C"I HOARDS Crib boards ' 25c and 45c PeBS- -card of 4 pegs " : 15c "ojle's Official Kule Hook of all Card Games 50c K JOTTE-The new national game by Ely Culbertson $1.25 I 1 News Want Ads Bring Results See the Mayfai'r latest In fall shoes. win Philharmonic Is Reorganized dow fort tf. 9 Mr. and Mrs, Oeorge L, Rorle are llpnvlnir nn tUtr. . 1 . 1 .a y., hid cvcuuiga uuu ion Vanderhoof. Mr. Rorle Is going in-! to the Omtneca mining country on business. Mr. Justice and Mrs. A, M.. Man-son arrived in the city on the Prince George this afternoon from Vancouver. His LbrdshlD was the speaker at a luncheon of the Gyro Club Immediately after arrival with members of Women's Canadian Club also attending. Loral Musical Organization r.Ms Under Way with Brocklesby and j uiuueii as uonaucion The initial meeting and practice of the season of the Prince Rupert Philharmonic Society was held last night. Officers were elected as President. Dr. R. G. Large. Secretary, J. H, McCllnton. Treasurer, Arthur Sutton. ( I Conductors Dr. H. N. Brocklesby (orchestra) and Dr. W. A. Rlddell (choir). ' ! There will two private concerts for associate members during the season. Rally Day And Harvest Festival Held At Terrace 'vegetables were provided .' TH2 DAILY NEWS LOCAL NEWS NOTES Rev. and Mrs. W. D. Grant Hol-llngworth, after an absence of a year in Vancouver, returned to the city from the south on the Prince George this afternoon. Mr. Justice Manson is to be the guest speaker at the regular weekly luncheon of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club tomorrow. Staff Sergeant and Mrs. G. H. Greenwood, who have been on a holiday trip to Vancouver and elsewhere' hr the south, returned to the city on the Prince George this WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE- And You'll Jump Out of Bed In the Morning Rrin' to go Th Hrer ahould pour oat two pound, ot liquid bit. into your Dowel, daily. If thU bile U not flowing freely, your food doean't digeat. It Just decaya in the bowel.. Gu bloata up your atomach. You let conetipated. Harmful poieooi to Into the body, end you feet tour, unk and th world look. punk. A mere bowel morement doeen't alwayi ret t the c.u.e. You need oraething that work, on the liver M welU It take, those good, old Carter'. little Liver Pill, to let these two pouod. of bile flowing freely and make you feel "up and up". Harmleaa and gentle, they make the bile flow freely. They do the work of calomel but have no calomel or mercury In them. A.k for Carter'. Little Uver Pill, by aml Stubbornly refuae anything elee. 25c. The county court case of Max Hellbroner vs. Mrs. Myrtle Roy-era. an' action for S20, was div missed yesterday afternoon by! Judge W. E. Fisher. . Hotel Arrivals Savoy B. Elstermann, North Pacific; Mr. and Mrs. J. Morrison and R. Duggan Prince Rupert; Mr and Mrs. H. Bradley. Port SimDJon: James Mad- sen, Claxton; H. Stein, Port Essing- jton; Mr. and Mrs. H. Granrud, Tsrrexe; G. A. Johansen jr., Digby. Royal Ml !inH MQ Wnfcrtw C.f TERRACE, Sept. 29:-A good p " " animation assembled in KnoJ - , .ITn ted Church on Sunday eve-i . . I . . . Prime Rupert r. it r ninir to eniov the Rallv Day ana . i in t- is i vieorge prions am . (Harvest Festival service. A sp.!R M cU A,thur Cri lacu proiyam mujiwan ren-;paker,neWi cal,; hn. Utterstrom. dered by the newly formed juni .1 'Seattle; Allan Campbell and C. B. ! choir. Elliott, Stewart; M. Dahlquist. Ced- Donations of fruit, flowers andiarvale; G. Westover and R. II. Bur these were tastefully arranged Ny. Mrs M R Fra for the occasion by the C. G. I T. t. Brown, Woodcock; 'Group. I gesi, Vancouver; Mr. and Mts. F.! I Hf TI fNf wl r. Ho vrvi 1 Prl TAi . o m A ,membeni of the congregalion ani ' K Tnthm pIp' Franks and Miss J. K. Gordon, Terrace; Mrs C. Sawyer, Amsbury. MAMMOTH Auction Sale TERMS CASH OF High Class Household Furniture ON THURSDAY and FRIDAY Sept. 30th ' Oct. 1st at the W. E. Drake Residence, 4th Avenue West Instructed by the Owner I Will Sell by Public Auction the Entire Furnishings of the Above Premises. Cansistin; of: CHICKERING BABY GRAND PIANO; GENUINE CUT MOHAIR CHESTERFIELD SUITE, WILLOW SET OF 3 CHAIRS AND TABLE, 1 PAIR SATSUMA VASES, SC-LID WALNUT TEA WAGGON, MOFFAT ELECTRIC RANGE, GENERAL ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR, THOR ELECTRIC IRONER, ELECTROLU3C CLEANER, SETH THOMAS MANTLE CLOCK, WHITE ROTARY ELECTRIC SEWING MACHINE (Table Model) ELECTRIC WASHINO MACHINE, 13-PIECE BEDROOM SUITE (in grey green finish), SEAMLESS WILTON" CARPET, 0x9, WILTON CARPET, 9x9, 2 Oval Rugs, Wool Rug, Bridge Table Set. 3 Other Card Tables, 1 Genuine Indian Maradabld Radio Lamp, Standard Lamp, Windsor Arm Chair, Cushions, Pictures, Vases, Fern Stand in Walnut 2 Potted Ferns, 2 Genuine Etchings, 2 Solid Walnut Windsor Chairs, Electric Coffee Percolator Set, 2 Wilton Rugs 3x7, 1 Wilton Rug 3x5, Oak Sectional Bookcase, Breakfast Nook Set, Table and 4 chairs, Electric Toaster, Cut Glass of all descriptions, Dinner Set, Dinner and Tea Set, Table Tennis Net and Bats, 2 Light Fixtures, Child's. Toys, Dumb Bells, 1 Trickle Charger, 1 Johnson's Rotary Floor Polisher, Roller Skates, Sklis, Ski Poles, Ice Skates, Books, H. G. Wells Outline of History, Set of Colliers Encyclopedia, Fiction Books, Pair Waders, Punch Bag, Bays' Waseon, Spring Exerciser, and other articles. These goods are all In first class condition and must De sole. Sale Starts at 2:30 p.m. Sharp Till 5:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Till 1C:00 p.m. THURSDAY and FRIDAY Goods on View Tuesday and Wednesday Evening from 7:00 till 9:00 p.m. George J. Dawes AUCTIONEER ..1 Late again, C. N. It. steamei Prince George, Capt. Edward Mabbs, arrived in port at 1:30 this afternoon with a good-sized list of passengers and Is sched-, uled to sail at 4 p.m. ior Anyoxl and Stewart whence she is due back here tomorrow evening southbound. Try a Dally news classified advertisement for best results. Announcements Eastern Star Tea, Mrs. Sam Mas- sey's, Wednesday, September 29. Cambral Cabaret, October 1. Presbyterian Chclr Tea, October 1. Harvest Festival Auction Sa'e. Salvation Army, Monday, Octohjr 4, 8 p.m. - Orange Tea October 2. ' Na-Mawa Catholic Bazaar 'October. 6 and Anglican tea, Mrs. C. C. Mills, October 12. . Presbyterian Tea, Mrs. It. W. Cameron, Federal Block, October 14. United Anniversary Supper, Oct. 15. W. A. Canadian Legion Bridge October 15. Anglican Girls Tea, Mrs. Gib- son's, October 21. Parent Teachers telephone bridge, Friday, Octobsr 22. C. C. F. Bazaar, October 23. Hill CO Tea October 29. Gyro Hallowe'en Masquer a d e Dance, October 29. Presbyterian Bazaar, November 4. St.- Peter's W. A. Bazaar, November 18. gonja S. O. N. Bazaar 19.'. ' Cathedral Bazaar November 30. ALICE 1 "There goes Mary to town again -"I dbn'f know how she finds the time. FREIDAi "Especially with such a large family to bake i or. DON'T BE A SLAVE TO OLD FASHIONED BAKING METHODS send coupon below and learn how really easy and simple it is to make bread ana rolls the modern Quaker way. With Quaker Flour and "The Quaker Easy Method of Baking," all the drudgery, trouble and hard work is eliminated from baking it is sp easy and simple anyone can use it without failure. Quaker Flour, too, will give you a delightful surprise- It's not just ordinary flour, but the best all purpose flour you can possibly buy. It's especially milled for Canadian use-by the makers of famous Quaker Oats. uaker Flour I Alwavt the Same Always the Best for Bread, Cakes and Pastrjr PA03 THBBS READ WHAT OTHER WESTERN HOUSEWIVES SAY: "I always use Quaker Flour indTh Quaker Eatjr Method of Baking. It saves so much time, trouble and work and I find I get more uniform and better results? Airs. . Wbitmtrt, Dauphin, Manitoba, "No more kneading and overnight setting for me. The Quaker Easy Method of Baking with Quaker Flour not only saves me all this trouble and time, but my results are much better and I never have failure." Air F.J. Smith, Milner, B.C. "Baking is no longer hard work formet I use Quaker Flouraod the "Quaker Easy Method of Baking and I not only save half the work and trouble, but I get much better results in half the time." Afrs; G. Riley, Calgary, Alberta. i Valuable Baking Book FREE The Quaker Oats Company, DeptV ,07 Saskatoon, Sask. Please send me copy of booklet "The Quaker Method of Easy Bread Baking." Samt AHrtst Dealer't Sami V i ...J Starting Thursday The Original Rexall ONE CENT SALE TERMS STRICTLY CASH AND CARRY We Will Not Accept Mail or Telephone Orders Ormes Ltd. TTiiA Pionzcr Drwigtets The Rertli Store Phones: 81 & 82 Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m, 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. Canadian '. f , if v r 1, Pacific Trans-Atlantic Transcontinental Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Porto Princess Adelaide every Friday, 10 pm. To Vancouver Direct PRINCESS CHARLOTTE PRINCESS LOUISE Sept. 4th Sept. 7th, 17th, 27th Connection at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services' Tickets and Reservatiohi from W. L. COATES, General Aent Prince Ropert, B.C.