PA HE FOUR G0LDBL00M THE OLD RELIABLE Fur Buyer Wants Furs and wants them badly Ship what you have to me and cash will be wired or mailed you immediately. We guarantee more than anybody else. Don't delay market is liable to change. The Central Hotel KOOMS and CAFE Thonc 51 For Best Household Coal MKS. C. E. HLACK TRAPPERS! Attention! Don't sell your furs until you see Frank Lockwood Phone Blue 729 P.O. Box 200 COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY " Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EDSON ALBERTA COAL BULKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY rilONK.: 58 and 558 PERFECTION IN CANNED SALMON GOLD SEAL soc""vj Fancy Red Sockeye mm PINK SEAL Finest till Pink Salmon Packed by the only Salmon Canning Company with an all the year round payroll In Prince Rupert. Hyd e Transfer Phone 580 .DRY WOOD JASPER COAL Furniture Moving Light Delivery 315 SECOND AV E. Ladies' Bowling League Schedule February 17 Annettes vs. Spark-jplugrs; Doodads vs. Knockouts; Rangers vs. C..-N. R. A.; Grotto ! vs. Bluebirds. Q. N. R. A. vs. Sparkplugs; Grotto vs. Doodads. March 3 Sparkplugs vs. Doodads; Annettes vs. Rangers; C. N. R. A. vs. Grotto; Knockouts vs. Bluebirds. FOR PRISON REFORM TORONTO, Feb. 15: (CP) Federal commission Investigating the penal system, after public sittings here which started last week, will Inspect Kingston penitentiary and Ontario Reformatory. Guelph, and then go west to Manitoba, Saskatchewan and British Columbia prisons. The Morning AfterTaking Carters Little Liver Pills Overwaitea Ltd. Cash or C.O.D. Phone Sla Aylmer Soups-Assorted, 45c 6 tins Ready Cut Macaroni 21c 3 lbs. : ; Mild Canadian Cheese 21c per lb. Royal City Tomatoes 2 Vi s nqn 2 tins Eggs Grade A Large OQp ios per doz. Fancy Pink Salmon 23c 2 tall tins Lima Beans 19c 2 lbs Frunes Medium size 21c 2 lbs. ........ Greengage Jam 35c 4-lb. tin Large Lemons 29c per doz. ., Bunch Carrots 10c per bunch Rhubarb-7 . per. lb. 8 c Soap and Sauce " Pan Special "Vto ; ; 95c On display in our windows Cowan's Perfection Cocoa Cp Reg. price, 30c; 1-lb. tin Overwaitea Tea T 45c,5c,55c Overwaitea Coffee Freshly ground ,pber 25c, 30c, 35c Free Delivery on Orders $2.00 and Over Try Our SPECIAL SUNDAY NIGHT DINNER Soup Chicken with two Vegetables Dessert Tea or Coffee All For 50c KNOX HOTEL "Banquets a Specially" NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarclll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 Hockey Standings International Section W. D. L. F. Canadiens 21 3 12 98 Montreal 15 8 14 82 Toronto 14 3 18 88 Americans 11 4 80 115 American Section Detroit 19 8 9, 98 73 46 1 Rangers 15 8 13 92 79 38! Boston 16 5 15 84 89 37 Chicago 10 6 19 68 77 26 Pacific Coast League Portland 16 5 10 74 55 37 Vancouver 11 8 11 85 74 30 Seattle 12 4 14 71 86 28 Spokane 10 7 14 62 77 27 WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront According to the balance sheet of the Prince Rupert Fishermen'j Co-operative Association which has Just been made public, gross' fish les of the Association fcr the year 1936 amounted to $152,630.0:. The net surplus for the year amounted to $1,698.40. Sigmund Einstoss, the sales agent for the Association, received $7,481.67 in commission. Helped along by the southeast gale, Union steamer Catala, Capt. James Findlay, arrived in, port at 5:30 yesterday afternoon from the iouth, the earliest she has arrived for some time, and sailed at 8 p.m. for Port Simpson, Stewart, Anyox and other northern points whence she is due back here southbound Tuesday morning. The vessel brought north a fair sized list of passengers. On completion of the present voyage, the Catala will be withdrawn from service at Vancouver for annual overhaul, the Cardena taking over her run for a couple of weeks. Making her first call here since before the Pacific Maritime Workers' strike commenced over three months ago. Northland Transportation Co.'s motorshlp Norco, Cant. Joyce, arrived in port at 9 o'clock this morning and, after discharging seven carloads of fish for transshipment east over Canadian National Railways, wllliBeave In continuation of her ' vmW to Seattle. listen to this - - "Man could direct his ways bv plain reason, and support his life by tasteless food; but God has given us wit and flavour and brightness and laughter and perfumers." And to pursue Sydney Smith's logic: you could use other fuel for heat, but God has given us Albert Si McCaffery's coal! For twenty years, Albert St McCaffery's coal has been the best available. It Is the best today. Albert & McCaffery's coal gives you the most heat for the least money. And that's what you want. It Is the most economical because It lasts! Next time you need coal, just phone 116 or 117 to Albert & Mc-Caffery and order Nanalmo-Wel-lington for furnace and heater. For the kitchen range, ask for Egg size Balkan Mlnehead Alberta sootless. It's trade name Is "Inferno" It's hot! And it lasts, too. You deserve the best! "Build B.C. Payrolls" "A LOVELY RICH FLAVOR" JMPORATf From a letter: "I came to Vancouver nine years ago and was advised to try Pacific Milk by a slster-ln-law, and I am never without it now. I use it for rice puddings and all light cakes, and tea and coffee, as it gives a lovely, rich flavor." Mrs. R. A. D. Pacific Milk IRRADIATED OF COURSE THE DAILY NEWS Monday, February 15 'SPORT' BOWLING RESUMES Third Block of City Ten Pin League Gets Under Way First games in the third blOCk of play of the City Ten Pin Bowling League took place last night with Six Fixe Taxi defeating Armour Salvage three games to nil vhlle Moose won over Printers ty a similar score. High average scorer for the evening was Nels Gun-derson of the Moose with 177. Power Corporation and Grotto will niiv of fnr t.h wnnrf blfck lead - ership in a few days, these teams being in the second block. two:cluos "PanB icums cm-tied ibley, Harringay and Earl's Court- Last, night's individual scores: 05 TAXI 1st 2nd 3rd 1 Joy ...,.! 157 160 j 47, Scott i 108. 165 152 j Todd 161 169 12l French 133 157 240 Schrtaberg .i, 170 160 135' Total , 729 .811 802 ARMOUR SAL. 1st 2nd 3rd Armour 136 121 102 F. Comadlna - 135 125 143 Gurvlch 154 143 145 I. Comadlna Ill 155 122 Asemlssen 155 146 195. I Total 691 690 710 1 . PRINTERS 1st 2nd R. Frank 103 146 lfi6' McCallum 141 146 131 1 O. Franks 127 127 195 Clccone ;. 158 154. I ! Total 529 573 MOOSE- 1st 2nd Rover 14(1 177 iGrcy ;.108 162 162 Russell ...156 114 153 Gundcrson 170 162 119I j Total .574 615 644 Gyro Club Makes Clean Sweep In Bowling Fixture Gyro Club lmprove'd'lts position In the Commercial Bowling. League standing by ;takjng a. three, game to nil victory oyef McMeeklrt's at tie week-end. High average scorer was Jack Roaf or the .Gyro Club yith 148. Biological Station shot the following scores to be bowled against by Rupert Butchers, 710, 614, 700. . Individual scores last night were as follows: MCMEEKIN'S 1st 2nd 3rd MsLeod 116 1J4 110 Menzles 137 165 140 Armstrong 137 106 131 McMeekih ,:. 106 176 1?2 Low Score 104 126 106 Handicap , 16 16 16 Total 616 703 6T-t GYRO CLUB 1st 2nd 3rd Large, .' 137 137 133 Bulger no 148 146 Cade ; 126 133 12.5 Roaf ( .' 162 126 156 Morris 1...104 163 101 Handicap 1 1 1 Total 640 708 667 The Commercial League standing to date: W. L. P. Balllnger's 20 7 20 McMeekln's 17 13 17 Rupert Motors 15 12 15 Gyro Club 13 14 13 Rupert Butchers 11 19 11 Biological Station 8 19 8 HOCKEY SCORES SATURDAY SCORES National League Toronto 0, Boston 3. Maroons 5, Canadiens 1. SUNDAY SCORES National League Toronto. 3. Detroit 3 (overtime tie). Americans 5, Rangers 4, Chicago 1. Boston 2. . Pacific Coast League Vancouver 4, Spokena (Oakland) 6. , Portland 1, Seattle 2, CITY BILLIARD CHAMPIONSHIP Entries will be received for tho DlaVOfir nf ,th Pltv'nmi'irH m-inm. plonslup sponsored by the Can adian Legion -up to noon Thursday, February ,18. j C. L. YOONGMAN, ( aecretitry," uuvj Crui tnplotijtfiip ' Com 1 nlttee. SPORT CHAT The trek of hockey players from Canada to England Is by no means i ended. English club owners al-' rpnriv are makine. nlans for exten- ni. inn,tlnV frrvrv TVmlnlnn for next season. Practically every team in the National League is on the lookout for fresh talent. The promoters have educated the fans : on the best brand of amateur marry him for his wealth. A triple . hockey available and they now romance is woven into the narra-find themselves in the position tive. The dialogue is brightly 1.... 1 I . . ..V U . WUC1C luc "'" u "c idard tney have set. The wealthier are reported to have scouts in Canada now watching players they may decided to Invite to England next season. ' ( it is certain Wembley Lions, now in a great battle with Harringay Racers for the league champlon- ship, will present a number of hew faces. While they have one of the smartest clubs in the league, Lions are faced with the fact that some nf t.hplr vMprnn . .... nlwrc . srn . . clnur. v v..v. V V...J U V " tng up and cannot stand the strain of the long season they are called upon to play In England. Paul Herbert, major-domo of hockey at Wembley's Empire Pool, Is already getting a line on a few players In Canada. Primarily, he Is . , 41 1 1 t ' on keeper. At present Lions have no 567jone they can Use if the brilliant 3rdRoy Musgrave of Winnipeg Is ln-125i Jured. Then too, the defence needs 'a little added strength. Big Cam Shewan, member of the Winnipeg Monarchs when that club, toured Europe In 1932, has been a bfg disappointment. . " . . Iert' :fceli. ithafcylVg heeds an--otrftjcou jj$ oftringeir. "for his TfonK lineSi; while? Albert arid good at' the end of this season. The brothers may be serious in their statement and, If they are. Lions will be in a tough spot for they would be hard men to replace. As for the two Harringay clubs, the Rovers and Greyhounds should go even better next season than this, although Percy Nicklih, manager of the Harringay rink and coach of the two clubs, feels there are one or two spots on the teams needing bolstering. Earl's Court has a real problem to face. Rangers definitely neea repairs if they hope to get anywhere next season. This may be simplified if Earl's Court Royals pass out of existence. Rangers of course, would take the best players on ine Royals' team. If the Royals still operate next season, Fred Summerhayes, the man behind the Earl's Court rink, will Import extensively from Canada. At present, Earl's Court rink Is not a paying concern as far as hockey goes. With the Royals on the bottom of the league, the rink Is empty nearly every time that club plays, while the Rangers do not draw exceptionally well even though they are right in the running for the league title. ! - FOR BAD BREATH and Pleasant, Soothing 10 & lli . DISTILLED AND joryi GIRL STAR CANADIAN Deanna Durbin, Born in Winnipeg, Featured in "Three Smart Girls" at Capitol Featuring Deanna Durbin, 13-year old Winnipeg-born girl, who has achieved considerable note as a singer on Eddie Cantor's radio programs, the comedy drama "Three Smart Girls" comes to the screen of the Capitol Theatre as the feature offering at the first of :hls week. The picture sets forth ihe hilarious adventures of three young girls Intent on saving their father from an International for tune hunting beauty who wants to t 1 11 t ; amusing ana me song numoers are Intriguing. The cast, besides the Durbin girl, Includes Binnle Barnes, Alice Brady, Ray Mllland, Barbara Read, Charles Wlnnlnger. Nan Gray, John King and Mlscha Auer. Romance, comedy and adventure are delightfully blended in "Don't Get Personal," the other end of the double bill program. James Dunn, and Sally Eilers, both favorites, are starred. The picture reveals a cross-section of America on a motor trip and Is interspersed with smart dialogue and song hits. It Pays to Hiiy From MUSSALLEM'S Our prices are aiway.s rhht witli the markets and we sell for less Mail or phone your order and save FREE' GIFT COUPONS for a Dinner Set and Rogers Silverware Prince Ruport. B.C. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE Clarke's Store Cut 'Flowers Fancy Work PALMISTRY Phoue Blue 993. 53p.3rd.Avc. Keep Step The Modern Way We shall be pleased to explain the SINGER PLAN of domestic economy. Practical, pleasant and profitable home sewing enables you to keep step with modern styles at a minimum cost. Come in, or phone 0, demonstration. W SINGER R(p8 U la'8 Fr Hsdf tnW A Canadian Girl,,, from Winnipeg s lilt most startling find i the Movie Horizon Deanna Durbin Now you can see her . . , her ' t,,c vol ou'lovI on Eddie Cantor's Radio . . . u and what a voice! And that's NOT ALL , . . She has genuine actinj ability and a glowing personality . and what a carefully prepare and charming story Holl,. wood has brought her to the screen in Three Smart vains With Hinnie Karnes Alice Urady Charles Winninjrcr Ray Milland At 7:00 & 9 41 ; Sally Eilers James Dunn "DortGet Personal", (At 8:30 only NEWS. (At 8 20 only TONIGHT antr TIIKSIW Last Complete Shotf, !:S C1 -i "( 1 H : I J With Style 4X2 1 and arrange for a home !! I I I I j I III