fttay, February 19. 1937 3 MADE IN CANADA FOR UTTER LIGHT BETTER I E T T E R SIGHT-USE EDISONMAZDA CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC CO., Limited ik.iitc:i.i winter i viu;s io VAXtJOIJVKMl Calling hI Ore?..' Fulls anil Powell Hiver fl2y Return Mruh and Ilcrlh Included Print lluprrt lllUllOUft IO SohIMm.ui.4 Kale t'lTective now uttil until Feb. 2fl. Itctuni limit, March .11. CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAMSHIPS vii s FEBRUARY FURNITURE SALE continues G Chesterfield Suites 1 Chesterfield, in splendid condition S4ft Priced at t;V Hedroom Suites, Dinette Suites Kitchen Suites MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE I'lione 77 Prince Rupert, B.C. Kxi vurcoai trff m ,r if v 1 r eat I ourseit A riot Tie tvdy - by having your.oai .inn, Vou'iL like I full of the best coal in The wav THEVTReATYouJ town. PHILPOTT - EVITT & Co. Ltd. Have the Coal to Suit Your Requirements 651 PHONE 652 TlieRsh which made Prince RupertFamous "Rupert Brand" SMOKED - BLACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. ' PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. the wane. Improvement is reported today in the condition of E. N. Valentine, who was seriously injured in anj acicdent aboard the steamer Prince George at the local dry dock Friday' afternoon. i Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Nickerson are expected home this Wednesday morning aboard the Prince George from a trip East as far as Detroit. They are bringing with them a new car, delivery of which they took in the East. Rev. Dr. S. S. Osterhout, Van couver, superintendent of missions for the United Church of Canada, arrived In the city on the Catala yesterday afternoon from the south. He will attend sessions of Prince Rupert Presbytery to be held shortly in the city. C. H. Sawle, publisher of the Onilneca Herald, arrived in the city on this morning's train for a brief business visit to town and will be returning to New Hazelton on to niaht's train. He reports a better outlook around New Hazelton, par llcularly In mining. Duncan Miller of the. local Cus loms. House staff Is. at present at Stewart where he is relieving John McMillan who Is in Prince Rupert receiving medical treatment. A. R Hunter another member of the local customs staff, Is on a vacation trip to Vancouver and elsewhere in the south, accompanied by Mrs. Hunter. FOR SALE FURNITURE Factory samples must go this week. Guaranteed 10- piece Chesterfield groups $69.50; 10-piece loose pillow arm groups $72.50; 10-plece bedroom suites (round mirrors) $74.50. Furnish your home complete three rooms, 59 pieces all for $165. Many other bargains. Terms It you wish. Order today. Julius. Shore Mall drder House, 8th floor Beklns Building. Vancouver, (tf) FOR RENT FOR RENT Seven room nouse, 2129 Graham Avenue with large garden. Will be vacant end of February. Apply Pullen, Daily News. (tf) FOR RENT Beautifully furnished three-room suite with unexcelled view suitable for two hieri. Knox Hotel. (43) FOUND Pet 450. FOUND Rabbit. Phone PERSONAL N2WS pads limn "fiEfi DAILY LOCAL NEWS NOTES Mr. and Mrs. James N. klllas, who have been on a trip to Van couver, returned to the city on the Catala yesterday afternoon. Annual meeting Conservative Association will be held In Eagles:! Kail, Third Ave., Wednesday, Feb. 17, 8 p.m. All Conservatives invited. (40). City schools re - opened th's morning after having been closed for six days owing to the Influenza epidemic which is now on T. W. Hall, inspector of schools, returned to the city on the Catala yesterday afternoon from a two weeks' trip to Victoria. He was ill with Influenza but is now recov ered. Red (42) GENTLEMEN'S Sanitary Supplies, highest grade 15 for $1. Pacific Supply, 751 Granville, Vancouver, TRUTHFUL Clairvoyant readings. Write Madam Francis, 2531 Woodland, Vancouver B.C. Four questions answered, Send bltth month. Donation. (tf) MEN Get vigor at once. New Os-trex Tonic Tablets contain raw oyster invlgorators and other stimulants. One dose peps up or gans, glands. If not delighted, taker refunds few cents paid all or write, Ormes, Limited, tf Hebekah tea cancelled. (38) potatoes, Select Gems, special, 100-lb sack, $2.69;, apples, Bald-Wins, $1.59 box; Copeland's Fruit Market, Phorte 872. (38) J. tlemsworth and H. Hammers- ley were passengers aboard the Catala last evening going through from Vancouver to Stewart to join the staff of the Georgia River mine. Miss Tucker of Vancouver was a passenger aboard the Catala last evening going through to Premier to spend two months visiting with her parents. Miss Tucker formerly resided at Premier. Chest Colds l""" t . Distressing symptoms relieved by rubbing on Mrs. Frank Bowler of Stewart, who has been on a visit to Vancou ver, was a passenger aboard the Catala last evening returning to her home In the north. Prince Rupert General Hospital Association NOTICE Due to prevalent sickness, the meeting Of the representatives of organizations and societies to have been held at the City Hall on Monday, February 15th Is post poned until further notice. (38) HOTEL ARRIVALS Savoy Mr. and Mrs. T.C. Huband, Mas- sett; R. Hanson, Vancouver; R. J Henwobd, Refuge Bay; Charles Ka ford, Terrace. Royal J. Pettersen and Pete Paikvold Vancouver; J. Watson and W Beck, city; S. H. Graham, Premier W. CumtrihigSi Edmonton; W Bickle, Grassy Plains.: it , Prince Rupert H. P. Lfsch( Winnlp3g: Rev. Dr S. S. Osterhout, Vancouver; C. H Sawle, New Hazelton; G. H. Tychr and T. Woods, Smlthers. Central Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Phillips, L Rowe, J. Kajnder, Mrs. Mintenkc lhd E. Butler, city; U. LePage Nelson; Joe Wets and P. J. Rolls C.N.R.; H. F. Martin, Bridge River Knox Magnus Brelmo, Terrace. MERE MIDGET WOLVES SAULT STE. MARIE, Ont., Feb. 15: (CP) Johh Hughes Intends to tell his Arizona cousin the wolves "way down thar" can't compare with the famed species in Algoma.i Hughes says from a description he got, the southern wolves are midgets compared with the Algoma variety. SilOW CONSTITUTION SCARFS .NEW YORK, Feb. 15: (CP) The 150th anhlversary of the signing of the United States' Constitution Wing celebrated this .year, has Inspired a new scarf with, the pre amble; to the constitution -printed on It. WEARING CROWNS GALORE NfeW YORK, Feb. 15: (CP) Prints in the stores here reflect the influence of the British Coro nation in being patterned with crowns, escutcheons and York ! roses. Announcements University extension lectures, February 17, 18 and 19, Presby-tetian Church Dean Clement. M i Anglican Chancel Guild tea, Mrs. Rorle's, Friday, 19. Presbyterian Tea, Mrs. P. Lakie, February 25. High School play, Presbyterian Church, February 25 and 28. Junior Chamber Dance, Friday, April 2. Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 MEMBER OF HOUSE DIES Dr. Matthew McKay, Liberal M. P. For Renfrew North, Passes Away OTTAWA, Feb. 15: (CP) Dr. Matthew McKay, aged 78, Liberal Member of parliament for Ren frew North, Ontario, died in hos pital here last night of influenza and pneumonia. TELLS CHINA'S NEEDS WINNIPEG, Feb. 15: (CP) Df. Isabel McTavlsh, United Church medical missionary on furlough" from China, where she has spent 21 years, says there Is still a great field for foreign medical work in that country. HOBBY COLLECTING DOGS TOPEKA, Kans., Feb. 15: (CP)- MLss Ruth Huxman, daughter of Governor-elect Waiter Huxman, j collects miniature dogs. Her "ken riel" consists of more than 300, ranging from a quarter of an Inch to four Inches In height. PREFERRED DUMP BRANTFORD, Ont., Feb. 15: (CP) Sixty-year old John kin sella, Cobourg, doesn't want to go to jail and be a softy. He had beeh living In the open on a dump six weeks and told a magistrate here jail would "soften" him. but he went down for a week, anyway, BABY BORN IN TRAILER SALISBURY, N.C., Feb. 15: Mr, ana Mr3. James Wells announce the birth of a baby daughter-born in their trailer home. YOUR BODY'S BIGGEST ORGAN It has so many functions that if unhealthy in action, multitude of ills result. Yes I It's your liver that aflects your digestive tract kidneys, blood, kin, muscles. Intestines and certain ftlande Including reproductive ftlands. If ll'a sluftftlsh you may aufler headache, nausea. Indication, constipation, backaches, yellow akin and other Ilia. So keep your liter active. Use Frult-a-tlvea, the lamoua remedy that contains eitract. of Irulte and herbs that works with nature to stimulate the liver. Hie proper flow of bile. Frult-a-tlvea cleanse the Intestinal tract, tend to purify t he Mitod of poisons and acids. Their tonic i-lfects help bring new life and enerfty. Start Frult-a-f Ives tmlav. And be sure to lift fnuint Trull-e-tl.i-e" don't accept substitutes. RUPTURED? End rupture troubles. No leg strans. No plasters. Flexo pad. Holds Upward and inward. Very light and comfortable. INEXPENSIVE. Write for trial offer. Smith Manufacturing Company Dept. 35 Preston Ont. Established 1893 i Beds all sizes Break that Cold DOMINION C B. Q; TABLETS The little red box Used the World over 25C per box ; . . REXALL BRONCHIAL SYRUP A safe healing preparation for the relief of bronchitis, doUghs and colds, guaranteed Aft by Rexall; pel- bottle w v For the Children ORMES IIOREIIOUND & HONEY With white pine, wild cherry and eucalyptus. Pleasant to take and soothing for old and JQC young; per bottle OrmesLtd. ZTja Pioneer Druqgists The Itexali Store Phones: 81 & 82 Open Dally From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m., 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. Chesterfield Suite Baby Carriages Baby Crib Baby Swings UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, V.iO I'M Due Vancouver, Thursday p.m. T.S.S. CARD EN A FRIDAY, 10:S0 T.M. Due Vaiiiouver, Monday ain. If convenient plea! purchase tickets at office. Further Information regsrdirig reservations and tickets from A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone 5G8 USED FURNITURE Dining Room Table and Chairs 6-Piecc Dinette Suite Arm Rockers, Girl's Bicycle Singer Sewing Machine 8-Ttibc Battery Radio Kitchen Ranges THEJ CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANADA, LIMITED TRAIL BRITISII COLUMBIA Manufacturers of Elephant Brand Chemical Fertilizer Ammonium Phosphates, Sulphate of Amniorila, Superphos- phates, Complete Fertilirers Producers & Refiners of Tadanac Brand Metals Gold, Silver, Electrolytic Lead, Zinc, CadmiUm, Bismuth. ELIO'S FURNITURE r- v Blankets I Suit Case and Trunks Folding Metal Bridge Table Linoleum Rugs Cohgoleum Rtlgs Printed Linoleum by the yard ELIO'S TRADE IN OLD FURNITURE FOR NEW D. Elio Exchange Phone Green 421 Store Open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Prince Rupert. B.C.