hi 1.3: a' 1 Lit.. 1 rn AND ROTTlTd IN BOND hiCANADIANJ OVERNMgjTU Br n Ivivr 1 lit ''P '4 Regular Price 98.50 Special . I... tl.A I iniuir lntll lafll Hi i4 I'll III lit Ihti I f 1 Vf r II rnc II I This advertisement is not published or mspiayeu uy.u.c ...v, - - , of British Columbia ROOM SUITE ese mbl e 79.50 Include Vanity, Bench, Chiffonier, Bed, Coil Spring and Cotton Felt ELIO'S Furniture Exchange THIRD AVENUE, Prince Rupert Hours 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The Central Hotel ROOMS and CAFE Phone 51 For Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 Canadian mm I flAILWAV I STlM5MIP$ I Communications LI McntLS Pacific i Trans-Atlantic TransctMUincntal Trans-l'acific f o Vancouver via Ocean Falls mid va Pnrt." rl a a a . rnncess Aceiame every Friday. 10 d m TO VANCOUVF.ll DinuCT-I'UINCKSS M)i: All Oct. 29tli, Nov. 8th, 18th, 29th YVINTUIt KXCUKSION TO VANCOUVKIt $32.00 ,Tiekcts on Sale Nov. 1st, 1937 to Feb. 28th, 1938 Final Return Limit March 31st, 1938 Connection at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services X liikeis ana ueervations irom Thanksgiving At Kitseguckla Social and Sale Saturday Enjoyable Event Night KITZEGUKLA, Oct. 27: On 3aturday night in the United Church the annual Thanksgiving social and sale was held. The meeting opened with a devotional oeriod conducted by the pastor, Rev. Bishop Black, who gave a brief address following the sing ing of "Come Ye Thankful People Come, Raise the Song of Harvest Home." A short program of music fol- owed, the guest singers" being Mrs. V. SamDare of Kitwanea and Mrs. . "adwallader of Cedarvale who ang two duets. Walter Wesley rendered two piano accornlan so-'os and the school children sang the song "A Better Day is Coming By and By." All were enjoyed. A very attractive number was a duet by two junior Grade I pupils Cora Wesley and Godfrey" Wes leywho sang "Ring Bells Ring." Born They were called back for another number. Interesting and humorous speeches were delivered by the vll ved delicious refreshments free of i Wild" 3 VV. h. COATES, General Aent ?rlnce llupert, U.C. ? V FEATURES ANNOUNCED Special Attractions Urine; Presented In November at Capitol Theatre Here The month of November will be marked bv a number of new tea . tures of entertainment at the Capl- ,ol Theatre. It Is announced, by Man ager D. G. Borland. In addition to the nlcture bookincs which Include such attractions, as "Kid Galahad," "Captain Courageous," "Star Is Born," "One Hundred Men and a Girl," "Saratoga" and "Angel," there will be three revivals of outstanding successes "David Har-um." "Mr. Deeds Goes to Town" and "Theodora Goes Wild." In addition to this, the Capltollans will return to the stage with an engagement next week. The bookings for the ensuing month are announced as follows: October 29 and 30 Edward G. Robinson "and Bette Davis In "Kid Galahad." November 1 and 2 Bob Burns and Martha Rave in "Mountain Music" and the Capltollans on the stage. November 3 Will Rogers in "Da vid Harum" and Brian Donlevy and Francis Drake in Midnight Taxi." November 4, 5 and 6 Spencer Tracy, Lionel Barrymore and Fred die Bartholomew in "Captains Courageous." November 8 and 9 Kay Francis and Ian Hunter in "Confession." November 10 -and 11 Bobby Breen and Baslf Rathbone in "Make a Wish." -t. November 12 and 13-Janet Gay- nor and Frederic March in "Star Is November 15 and 15 Kay Fran els and Errol Flynn in "Another Dawn." November 17 Dorothy Lamour '.age leaders, Joseph Wesley, Alfred and Ray Milland in "Jungle Prln- McDames, and Peter Mark, while j cess" and Ricardo Cortez and Gail Moses Jones made a very capable Patrick in "The Husband Lies." and efficient chairman. I November 18, 19 and 20 Deanna A sale or fruits, vegetables, and.Durbin and Leopold Stokowski in other useful articles followed, the: "One Hundred Men and a Girl" articles being auctioned off by Fred Sampare. Afterwards the Ladies' Aid ser November 22 and 23 Gary in "Mr Deeds Goes to Towa" and i Irene Dunne in "Theodora 'Goes w.mbv, uiuiguis m ciuse a. ae- j November 24 and 25 uorotnyi lightful evpning's entertainment. Lamour and Lew Ayrcs in !"The : COMEDY THE MODERN QUAKER METHOD OF EASY BREAD BAKING-SAVES TIME-TROUBLE WASTE-MAKES BETTER BREAD You can learn these amazingly simple baking secrets FREE by simply mail, ing the coupon below. No more kneading, overnight setting or expensive failures. Quaker Flour and "The Quaker Easy Method of Baking" takes all the labour out of baking and saves hours of time. Quaker Flour will delight you tool It's not ordinary flour but milled by The Quaker Oats Company to meet the special demands of Canadian housewives for a finer, better all-purpose flour. FEATURE . 1 ...... 1,1 tiwl Jean Arthur, i-awaru Ray Milland Head Casi ui "Easy Living" The story .of a poor working "lrl who gets a $50,000 sable coat as a gift and then is called upon to live up to it brings Jean Annur Friward Arnold and Ray Milland to the screen of the Capitol Theatre here this mid-week in tlu smart comedy "Easy Living." The sift of the coat, oddly enough, causes a Wall Street crisis, saves a hotel from bankruptcy, gets a bus boy fired from a restaurant and wins Miss Arthur a handsome husband. In the picture Miss Arthur wears wardrobe valued at $100,000 and ?cms worth $800,000. Edward Ar nold is a Wall Street tycoon and Ray Milland Is his son, trying to make a go of it as a bus boy In a restaurant. Luis Albernl and Mary Nash have important comedy roles. DUCKS PLENTIFUL BRANTFORD, Ont., Oct. 27: (CP) Duck hunters hiding out from Turkey Point and other Lake Erie -olnts report good bags. One party shot 28 large ducks In a few hours. Last Train from Madrid" and Jane Withers In "Angel's Holiday." November 26 and 27 Jean Har low and Clark Gable in "Saratoga," November 29 and 30 Marlene Dietrich and Herbert Marshall In "Angel.' WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE- And Youll Jump Out of Bd la tht Morning Rrin' to go Tn Itvtr should pour oat two coanijt of liquid btU Into your bwU daily. If tht til U not Howl tic (''J. jour food dom't dif aat, It Jut dcn l th bowia. Gu bloat up your atomatn. You tt aorutipaud. Harmful poiaoa 10 Into th oodr. you (! tour, link and th world looka puck. A mm bowal rooTnnt doMn't alwtrt r tt t th nun. You ad aomtthtof that work on th Urtr M wall. It ai tnnaa food, old Cartar'i Uttl lint P0I to fat that two Kund of bll towing froafy aad nak you I "up and up''. Rarmlaaa and lanUa.th.y maka th bll flow froaly.Tkay da th work of ealomal but hava na ralomai or mareory In th.ro. Aak for t artar Uttla Uar Pills by namal Stubbornly rafuaa anything alaa. tU. HELEN 1 "No wonder Alice looks worn our with all trie time she spends slaving over her baking MARIE 1 "Poor thing let's tell her our secret about The Quaker Easy Method." uaker Flour I Alwdvt the Same Always trie Deft for Bread, Cakes and Pastry NO MORE DRUDGERY FOR THESE WESTERN WOMEN... READ WHAT THEY SAY: "No old-fashioned baking method for me. I use Quaker Flour and The Quaker Easy Method of Uaking. Any woman who haSn"t tried it should do so, and save herself a lot of work and time" Mrs. W. A. Beam, Yortlon, Saikalchtuan. "The Quaker Easy Method of Iak ing with Quaker Flour has saved me so much time and trouble I wish I could tell every woman about it. I use Quaker Flour for every baking purpose" Alr. . L. Shorr, Fori I ra nets, Ontario. "No more kneading and overnight setting for me. The Quaker Easy Method of Baking with Quaker Flour not only savei me all this trouble and time, but my result are much better and I never have a failure" Mrs. r.J. Smith, Milntr, B.C Valuable Baking Book FREE The Quaker Oats Company, Dept. L-67 Saskatoon, Sask. Please send me copy of booklet "The Quaker Method of Easy Dread Baking." Namt- Addrtss- Dtaltr'i Sumt- ITS ALL LAUGHS! 1 a V 001 Ve'U say she is! From dimes to diamonds in one delirious day! Wednesday. October 27 THE DAILY NEWS 1351 PAO& roup r 7 ui "t m ' a l raenii 1 LnnnnnnannnnnanlnnnnnnnnnnnnnnM'llllll'nWlMl.l'll (At 7;3D and 9:49) ADDED TKEATS "THE DIONNE (tULNTUI'LETS (iKOWJNO UP" Cartoon "TIN CAN TOUHIST" Novelty "HOO DAYS" . . . n. tttttOlk 1 BLSaaanTjaaTJanwiawMnSan TU.Miiiii ana iiiuusiiiti Last Sliow at 9:10 I -1:1 iTTi T..TM Halloween Time for Fun and Merriment It's one of the best times of the year to entertain- antl what a party you can have with spooks, witches, black cats, hats, favors and decorations. Hallowe'en Napkins Package 1' Hallowe'en Taper Hats Doz. .. Cut Outs and Stickers Pkg ; Large cut out Cats, Witches, Skeletons, etc 10c A: w Lanterns 15c. 20c Noiscmakers 5c, 10c & W Streamers Black and Orange 'c fVonn l;innr All pnlni-S Fnlll . ioC 1.5-fi-IMck Up Sticks A fine new party game 35c FIREWORKS Chinese Crackers Pkg. Sparklers Pkg Rockets 10c, ;: 15c, 20c & f Roman Candles 10c, 15r,20c & -J Pinwheels, Volcanoes, Flares, etc. . . 5c. 10c W and HALI BUT The source of Sunshine Vitamins A and D Boiled Halibut with egg sauce is digcslible, palatable, satisfying. CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE CO. LTD. Prince Rupert, B.C.