Wednesday. October 27, 1937. LOCAL NEWS NOTES Mrs J A. Brown and daughter, Tops in dances. Gyro Masquer Jrison. after paying a visit to the. Mtv left by last evening's train on Just Arrived! New shlpmeht of hoir return wj k wwo, ia.yiaii. uu.. rw. nunklnson wishes to announ- tt that his X-ray has been returned Lipped with a shock proof tube ready for service. (250) and I now vM-mnn Stovllc. Arthur Bredesen, Kupen vJJiu t" I Jacob Gjorlngbo and Rasmus Hat-lehol, local fishermen, are leaving on this evening's train for New York where they will embark on. the Siayensc"Ju'" -visit- their homes In Norway. The first 'WO gO MJ irumuicjiu mm mc latter two to Bergen. ppV w D. Grant Holllngworth, pastor or First Presbyterian Church v.: th? speaker today at the reg-ulai weekly luncheon of the Prince Interesting impressions of recent travels In the province. Dr. H. N. Brocklesby, the president, was in the chair and there was a good attendance of members with a few guests. DAR SILVER vrw YORK: ICP) Bar sil- 1- 1 At AASA nar vfr was uncnanneu k fine ounce on me isew xorit mci al market today. If you wish to swap something Tru (ISUirlf( I1J tf. The case of three boys of age, charged with breaking and entering the Canadian National Recreation Association's rifle range, has been further adjourned for eight days. Twenty -Five Years Ago October 27, 1912 The Prince Rupert Rowing ft Yacht Club has decided to put on another of its successful pier-rot concerts in the near future. Dr. A. W. Molsey, who is interested in a placer proposition at Lome Creek, arrived in the city today from the interior and is 'sailing on the Princess May for a trip to Vancouver. He brought In two ounces of good, coarse gold with him. British Columbia fight fans are j talking up a bout between Joe Bailey of Victoria and Ernie Bar tricau of Vancouver, both promln-ten lightweights. ! . . . S1UM t1X " .... In L.m.b.eV,tum""-"- G1 m,tlo Pt '"n th pin, win :::..utth. thlr umi Mission Leader HURITH,DE1IC,0, Is Speaker Here ail Mrs. Maxwell Loveys of Toronto Is Heard by V6men of First United Church Women of First United Church, gathering last evening at the home of Mrs. W. T. Kergln, heard an Interesting address by Mrs. C. Max-1 well Loveys of Toronto, home mls-j slon executive secretary ol inc church, on W. M. S. home missiorv activities In Canada Including! school homes, hospitals etc. Mrs. F.. P. Jenner, president of the local Women's Missionary Society, was in the chair. Refreshments were served. w .jmmsm . . worn 19. regularly. It is delicious . . . can be served in scores of ways foods can cat T-ISH is one of the best you and Shellfish available for t ...indS?ghtMrecis. There are over sixty varieties of Canadian dainty meal-time menus. vttamtn fish F!A m:,lM Pood hea nean th and b cood nounsnmcnt. it , o provides gooa essential ,:tinn. .n v!tam n D. the sunshine vitamin so f2f D'ra &sical well-being ... and rich in Wine and other elements mn:k..t. m rrpnrnl cood health, Serve fish often through the week ... it makes a welcome, appetizing Make ANY DAY A FISH DAY. rhli. fll .. more voumh- ives vou more value for your money, mr cenied .'. . than Canadian Fish and Shellfish. And remember . . . whatever your choke . . . fresh water g. g J fish . . . this healthful, nourishing, economical and EJ frozen, smoked, canned, pickled, cither fresh, able to you in prime condition, rdnClL DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES, OTTAWA fTmiifi mm n THE DAILY NaWB ftaR. '' ' ..,:-j'..,fc....ji w' At the dinner to be given to- ' morrow night by the Rotary Club ; for their wives and friends, Dr. W. T. Kergln will show coronation moving pictures taken by himself and Miss Earle will give an account of the big event as she saw it. Mrs. S. D. Johnston and John Davey will both sing. There will be no Announcements All advertisements in this column "vill be charged for a full month at 25c a word. j Toe H Tea, October 27. i . , : Hill CO Tea October 29. Gyro Hallowe'en Masquer a d e Dance, October 29. Baptist Tea, November 3. Hyggas Bazaar, November 4. Presbyterian Bazaar, November 4. Boys Band bazaar and dance, November 5. Sonja S.- 0. N. Bazaar, November 12. Moose Carnival, November 17, 18, W. A. Canadian Legion Fall November 25. Cathedral Bazaar November SO. Reach th most people m city and district with an advertisement in the Dailv Npwr V ,nwSm. MlllW'aMA vyj.' : tt FOR f REE BOOKLET DEPARTMENT OF FISIIEIUES. OTTAWA. Plcise irnj me yout free S2-pie DuuVlct, "Any Day Fiih Day", cm-liinin 100 delightful nj economiCil Tish Recipei 5 n 010 AMY DAY A FISH DAY Hotel Arrivals Savoy J. Reiner, city; Mrs. A. Rosang, Lewis Island; J. Morrison, Stewart; R. Bowes, Edmonton; Mrs. C. M. Smith. Port Essington; W. JFrie- sen and family, Contuar, Sask. Royal L. Watkfns, Stewart; J. Krlstman- son, Osland; Wah Soon. Inverness'; Dualey G. Little, John de Kergom- meaux and Phyllis Davles, Terrace. Prince Rupert H. B. Thompson and C. C. Pierre, Vancouver; C. R. Gilbert, Terrace; Mrs. P. H. King. Inverness; Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Bellerose and H. E. Hlslop, Montreal; L. Chace-Carr, Carshalton, England; C. A. Cun ningham, Winnipeg; B. A. Latta, Edmonton, Francis P. Morris, Victoria, Ken Matheson, Prince George. Central G. Swanson, Port Edward; Os car Edwards, Jap Inlet; Jack Role, J. Regal, F. D. Genest, M. Haapala and Chris Milllgen, city; Dan Schewchenk, Big Scissor; Mr. and Mrs. Schjesvold and T. Torkelsen, Dlgby Island; S. A. Cheeseman, Haysport, Gus Peta, Edmonton. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bell of Usk ar rived In the city from the inter ior on last night's train, Mr. Bell being here for treatment, in the Prince Rupert General Hospital. 20 Per Cent Off FUR COATS Until End of Month Raw fur buying commences then so we must clear out our stock. Take advantage of this. G0LDBL00M THE OLD RELIABLE THE SEAL of QUALITY OUuiypfi GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll In Prince Rupert Hyde Transfer Phone 580 FOR RENT SixRoom House Bath and Toilet 216 9th Ave. W. 315 SECOND AVE. Fleece to Meet you Sir!, Jioya! Scot Coats The Royal Scot Fabrics originate In Scotland where : they are m.Je by KYNOCH'S OF KEITH, SCOTLAND prcdueen, for the past 150 years of the world $ finest fleece coatings Fleece popularity can be traced to the fact of ita luxurims appearance, extra warmth, and lack of weight Fashion-Craft have developed special styles to bring out the smartness of the ROYAL SCOT COATS-If vou are looking for the ultimate in a fleece coat By all means see the ROYAL SCOT. Bryant Company Limited 217-219 Sixth Street, Prince Rupert, B.C. Nominations Are Now Open for the Rexall Prize Contest For Boys and Girls up to 14 years of age Fourteen Wonderful Prizes Given Away See our Windows Ormes Ltd. 3ie Pioneer Druqgiats The KeTMl Store Phones: 81 Bi W Open Dally From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays Prom 12 noon till X p.m, 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed Famous K.d-on Alurrta Coat Bulklry VaJIy Coal Vancouver Inland Coal Prince Rupert Feed Company PHONE: 58 and 658 NEW ROYAL HOTEL j. Zarelli. Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FKOM HOME" Kate $1.00 op 50 Rooms Hot Si Cold Water prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Bo 1M