January 2G. 1837 IHE EPIDEMIC here ! BEWARE of ppidcmics whose first symptoms are often coughs, colds and fever. Stop the cough or cold at the Onset with Buckley's Mixture, which first became famous in 1918. Take Buckley's Cin-namaied Capsules to relieve the feverishness, headache and backache. Buckley's Cinnamated Capsules contain Oil of Cinnamon, a powerful internal germicide long used in Europe in combatting epidemics similar to the one now raging. 15c prepared. Get these two" dependable, effective Buckley remedies TODAY. Buckley Products are sold everywhere. A. MacKenzie Furniture January Clearance Sale on Barrymore Carpets Itarrymore Carpets, 4x7J . $14.50, $13.50, $12.50 I! Harrymorc Carpets, 6Jx9 . . $28.50, $20.50, $25.00 Harrymore Carpet, 9x12 S4G.50 Barrymore Carpets, 9x10, each $.14.50 rhese arc only a few of the carpets we have in stock. L wide assortment of the latest patterns are now on hand. We appreciate your inspection. Phone 775 Prince Rupert, B.C. Wfc"fc-4 WWfWW m 3 u ?ry Treat Yourselt "'outZlct! ' a PW Now Year y nav,nff yur coai m Vooil like full of the best coal in The wav ThevtreatYouj town. 'HILPOTT-EVlTT&Co.Ltd. Have the Coal to Suit Your Requirements 651 PHONE 652 ION STEAMSHIPS SPECIAL. WINTER EXCURSION RATES TO VANCOUVER jl'KOM PRINCE KtJPEKT QQ "KTUHN. All meals PHOM 1'OltT SIMPSON COC OS RETURN. Berth tpou.ou mciuaea. Reduced Rates to Vancouver also apply from intermediate points. Special Tickets on Sale Between November 1st, in3C,ariFebruary , ih, 1937, inclusive Good to Return up to March 31,'i'JJi. Children Half Fare. I Steamers: Leave Prince Rupert: Ar Vancouver S.S. CATALA Tuesday, 1:30 p.m. Thursday, p.m. S.S. CARDENA Friday, 10:30 p.m. Monday, a.m. iiCKCis una ncsctvauuiis uum Rupert Acent - A. W. NEWMAN - Third Ave., rhone 568 If Convenient Please Purchase Tickets at Office iefisft which made Prince RupertFamons "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. CRISIS IS DISCUSSED God Was With British Empire, B. I. Speaker Asserts G, P. Tinker was speaker at .the regular fortnightly meeting of the local British Israel Association last night and gave a very Interesting talk on the Throne of David. Another remarkable demonstration of God's guidance of modern Israel had been enacted. The nation's experience in the recent constitutional crisis might, but for God's protection, have resulted in revolution in the Commonwealth. In this state of unrest and confusion the Empire might even now be in the throes of civil war, home divi ded against home and the country I Happy Surprise Birthday Party Jack Gibson Honored by Group Of Friends A very enjoyable surprise birthday party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Gibson on Saturday evening In honor of their son, Jack Gibson. During the evening Monopoly and Halma were played and at midnight delightful refreshments were served after which dancing was In progress until the wee small hours of the morning. Those present Included Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dingwell, Misses E. Fin-ley, P. Finley. G. Palmer, E. Rlvett. and S. Stuart and Bill Murray, Ernest Meadows, Dick Meadows and Duncan Miller. Jack received a suitable present in honor pf the occasion. Albert Farrow, steamboat inspector, who Is here making annual inspection of the steamer Prince George, which is undergoing overhaul at the local dry dock, will sail by the Prince Rupert Thursday night on his return to Vancouver. Overwaitea Ltd. Cash or C.O.D. Phone 843 Eggs Grade "A" per doz large Oxo Cubes 10 in tin per tin Johnson's Fluid Beef 16 ounces, per bottle Wheat Krlsplei Cowan's Perfection Regular 30c 1-lb. tin - Bovril Corned Beef 2 tins Honey Graham Wafers 1 lb., per pkg Aylmer Pork & Beans 2's 2 tins 29 c 19c 79c 21c Cocoa 19c 21c 19c 17c Butter First Grade CkCtn Alberta, 3 lbs Currants Recleaned 21 ux C 2 lbs Canned Milk All SI 15 brands; per doz. tins V?i' Royal City White Corn .Of p 2 tins , pure Strawberry Jam Royal I City AOp l j 4rlb. tin;, Freshly,.ltoasted .Peanuts 25C Bananas ' , ' iw Tn DAILY NEWS PAOE TORES .J'. - M. 10c pel u. -i Overwaitea Tea per lb. A'ffn SOo. 55f M.wf vwy vw Overwaitea Coffee Freshly ground per lb 25c, 30c, 35c Free Delivery on Orders Over $2.00 LOCAL NEWS Elite Beauty Parlor, Mrs. 6uther- jand, will be leaving on Thursday for a business,trlp to Seattle. (21; A. E. Parlow, district forester, left on this morning's train for a trip to Smlthers on official duties. Varden Singers play, Metropole Hall, Wednesday ailght at 8. Refreshments and dance. Admission 50c. -(22) Mrs. Nigel Sherwood, after spending a few days in the city, left by this, morning's train on her return to her home at Terrace. A. Q. Rix, district manager of, the Imperial Oil Co., returned to rrAM open to attack . by some foreign . . B I . UlT VU bill. , WMl. . , w . , "."HI . ling from a business trip to Stewart power. A general discussion followed. I some of those present expressing I the opinion that the abdicated King at some .more or less future date might be more useful to the Empire than if he occupied the Throne. The meeting opened and closed with prayer. The election of officers resulted in P. H. Linzey again being chosen president with Sam Massey as vice-president and secretary. and Premier. Mr. and Mrs. Barney Turbitt of Alice Arm are here aboard the steamer Catala today going through to Vancouver enroute to California on a vacation trip. Ladles Attention! Recondition your hair for your Spring Perman ent. From 9 to 1 free hot oil treat ment given with every shampoo and finger wave. Modern Beauty Shop. Phone 947. (22) George E. Mitchell, after spend lng the past few days in the city in connection with the installation of machinery in the new unit of the Northern Fishermen's Cold Storage plant here, sailed by the Catala this afternoon on his return to Vancouver. HOTEL ARMVALS Prince Rupert F. J. Stephens and L. B. Waite Vancouver; Mrs. LeRoss and Mis? McClure, Pacific; Nora H. .Knipe ?ort Simpson; S. Triblak, Klspiox-vtrs. N. .Sherwrood, Terrace. Central H. Snokren, city; S. A, Cheese-nan, Haysport. Native Council For Year Named Ch!ef at Metlakatla to be Chosen When Full Attendance Of Board is Available C. P. Ryan, William A. Leask Henry Prevost, W. F. Rudland, William Leighton and G. D. Ryan were sleeted village councillors of Met-lakatla for the year 1937 at thf annual election conducted yester Jay by Indian Agent W. E. Colli- on. Owing to the absence from the village of councillors-elect Leask and Prevost, the choosing 3f a chief councillor for the yeat was deferred. Announcements University extension lecture. January 27, 28 and 29, Presbyter-Ian Church. S. 0. N. Masquerade, January 29. Masonic Ball February 3. Cambrai Valentine Dance, 5. United Missionary tea, Mrs. Jen ner's, February 11. Legion Valentine February 12. Box .Social, Presbyterian Tea. Mrs. J. H. Carson's, February 18. High School play, Presbyterian Church, February 25 and 26. Reach the most people in city and district with an advertisement In the Dally News. FANCY WORK At Reasonable Prices PALMISTRY Suite 7, First Floor FEDERAL I1LDK. Phone Green 701 Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 Does Highland Fling at 72 Old Lady Tells Secret of Her Vigor The writer of the following let ter once suffered from rheumatism, headaches and depression. Then one day a vigorous old lady told her the secret of good health. And now that former sufferer writes to tell others how she obtained relief through Kruschen: ''Kruschen was recommended to me by an old lady of seventy-two who can dance the Highland Fling thanks to Kruschen, which she has used for thirty years. She told me to take Kruschen Salts to try and relieve a dull heavy headache from which I suffered nearly every morning on wakening. I was also troubled with rheumatism in both shoulders. Kruschen turned the trick. The headache disappeared and so did the rheumatism. I have continued taking Kruschen and In tend to keep it up." (Mrs.) T. B W. Kruschen is a combination of mineral salts which assist In stl mulatlng your liver, kidneys and digestive tract to healthy, regular activity. They ensure Internal cleanliness, and thus help to keep the blood-stream pure. Superannuation For Telephone Workers Sought Municipal telephone department employees here are seeking to become included under the Superannuation Act and for the purpose of rcnsideiring their admission City Commissdoner W. J. Alder will be in session in his capacity as a city council tomorrow morning. The sommtesi'jener will also have before him the ratification of the sale of certain lots owned by the city .a well as other general business. How to Make MONEY in GOLD STOCKS BooVM Idling how la lld. wkwi to by, ko long to hold. Snl la tkoi intwMtd in baying w.ll ilcttd mining du. WRITE FOR COPY H. R. BAIN & COMPANY LTD. Bain Blag. Bay SI. Toronto CLASSIFIED FOR SALE FOR SALE 44 ft. 35 hp. diesel boat Discovery, suitable for halibut trolling and seine fishing. Price $3,000.00. O. Fjelde, owner, cjo Olson and Sunde Shipyards, Seattle, Washington, or Sunde and d'Evers Company, Seattle, Washington. (tt) FURNITURE Factory samples must go this week. Guaranteed ,10- plece Chesterfield groups $69.50; 10-plece loose pillow arm groups $72.50; 10-plece bedroom suites fround mlrrprs) $74.50. Furnish your home complete three rooms, 59 pieces all for $165. Many other bargains. Terms If you wish. Order today. Julius Shore. Mail Order House, 8th floor Bekins Building, Vancouver... :tf) FOUND FOUND Pair of spectacles with black frame In black alligator case. Apply Dally News. (tf) WANTED WANTED 3 foot bed and mattress In exchange for standard double bod and mattress. Phone evenings, Oreen 432. (22) WANTED For cash, United States stamps, old preferred. Loose or on cover or accumulations of any amount. P. Gamula, Box 623. (30) PERSONAL GENTLEMEN'S Sanitary Supplies. highest grade 15 for $1. Paclfl'J Supply, 751 Granville, Vancouver. TRUTHFUL Clairvoyant readings. Write Madam Francis, 2531 Woodland, Vancouver, B.C. Four questions answered. Send birth month. Donation. (tf) MEN Get vigor at once. New Os-trex Tonic Tablets contain raw oyster lnvlgorators -and .other stimulants. One dose peps up organs, glands. If not delighted, -naker refunds few cents paid all or write, Ormes Limited, tf JUST TRY IT ONCE You'll Always Use It! Lin-A-Sebtic JL An "absorbent .antiseptic linament and analgesic. Safe, clean and pleasant to use. For Sprains, .sore muscles, rheumatic and muscular pains, bruises, abrasions, insect bites and sunburn. For athlete's foot As' a rub-down for conditioning athletes Guaranteed by.Rexall. Two sizes 4 oz. .... 50c 16 oz. . . . $1.25 Ormes Ltd. TThtt Pioneer Drtuigists The Rexall Store Phones: 81 & 82 Open Daily From 8 ajn. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m., 7 p.m. till 9 ,p.m. ELIO'S FURNITURE Introducing The Folding Metal Bridge Set Ideal for home, apartment, community halls this beautiful and useful bridge set is available in a variety of pleasing colors black and red, walnut and tan, green and black. Three-Piece Chesterfield Suite at very reasonable price Blankets Four Popular Leading Lines that Cannot be Beaten Used Goods Kitchen Ranges and Heaters Battery Radio, 8-Tube Make deForest Crosley Singer Sewing Machine 1 Portable Underwood Typewriter good as new We Buy Used Goods or Exchange D. EL 10 FURNITURE EXCHANGE Phone Green 421 Prince Rupert, B.C. Business Hours Open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Thiirs. 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. i: .1 i i 3 a i; l! i J '.a ! i t i i: t X I: 12 IS ii It IS