titl'K September 9. 1937. r LOCAL NEWS NOTES ,. Ma ialr window for lat- Clearing all lines of men's shoes hi - i ..t.i.i .... fill' S' Irin to "-nt G. Ht Gn;en. P hc I'nnce i.eorge ior 't, '!T,iiviT and Victoria 11 ii, .il.uvK' prisoners with JV Guernsey and Willior w " hve been paying a .. T." .I. ,11 niililui r hiri.'lat u) 'lie r.' ."i'i;i i'.tiivw ft tM ii l.s under extensive ipwM by Mr. Guernsey, ! .. .1. I... ILn Mjlllnv Ulli Kin- iiy iiic iiim.- t i: Tinir reiurn io v.ui- nouncements lft. Bridge belies, begins 15. led Fx hlon Show, September to t ii T' a attiMrs. Drem- '-ber 21. . r W. A.TeavPari,l, Ilholi. Bazaar October G and k r Bazaar, Oclobef 23. Hallowe'en Dance, October Trier's AV. A. . Bazaar, Nov jr 18. iiimlian Legion Kail Bazaar tmber 25. AT NIGHT- , lcuaiuieas oi cusi ai i-asnion r oot- SAY, YOU LOOK COOL AS A CUCUMBER... DIDN'T YOU WASH CLOTHES TODAY? wear's removal sale. u.f ) Willlam Iladdcn relumed home on the Prince Giwge yesterday morning from a trip to Vancouver. ui: l' ucA3ce,,ioj: ui Josi'im Baylor jr. Hails lonij'ht P... ui i t anal attIciUlQ,,, the Prince George for Van-U: be uvvay for a wetflr. ''ciiuvi-r where" he will resume hl.s ; rludiett at the University of 15ri- ... .....!Ai'0ti4 i .:. ft. a 1.!.. ' JJteVH IWfl UUUl,wv linn IUIUIUIJia. 'Ui optnaiion yoiwraay m - - ; .,- icp Rupert General Hospital Ken .Mall-sun of tin; (to'nad'ttii doin'! well. 'National lluilways investigation T depart men', after a brief vi it to VY.JkLM' left on ljfot. evo-jthe city, returned on lat e e-ran f"t- n idp to1 St 'nine's train to hi headijuarttrj . . -j f.iU.i.i...-. ii hjmjjc ola. ami pwpym-i'Miu . rrincc iivorw I There Is still opportunity to get ... if ii .....1 ..l.lt.l t. ii r ii.k.i. i umi nl 1 i,i .! i'i-v Wtuyi .inn Liiiiw in on inc iree uckis io iiic in- lonijrht- on the l tiwt J phant Hoy at the Capitol Theatre ' ii -ix week' visit n't .'uite week-end by counting the cor- wcth Mr. n leu 3 rtxt weight of the elephant shown Y i elsewhere in today's paper. Entries close at 1 o'clock tomorrow after ' noon. Sittinir a n city council morning. City Commissioner V-'. .1. Alder authorized the exchange of $5000 of old issue debentures for new issue. Only about $5000 of the city's bonded indebtedness now remains before refunding is complete. Arising out of the recent t heft of a $10 bill from the residence of .1. II. Mackny, Sixth Avenue Kast, two boys of juvenile age were before Magistrate McCly-iiont in city police eourth yes- erday afternoon. One was sent o industrial school for two years while the other was released wilh a warning. Qit. Edith JaU-r, Salvation Army school teacher at Canyon City on the Naas Biver, arrived-: in tne eily on the Princess Iioulse Ttiemday afternoon af r having spent three weeks al Ket chikan on financial work of the Vrmy ami will be here until a f''n..ext Sunday when she will proceed' to Canyon City to resume her duties there. C. N. R. Trains For the Fast I Mondays. Tuesdays, WedneJdays and Fridays 0 pm.j Krom the East Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays 11 P-m. SEVERAL HOURS LATER yoo SIMPLV MUST GT0P AT SCRUBBINC I'LL BE ALL RIGHT l M AND BOILING. NEXT TOMORROVV ITMU3T S U37'WASHPAy I'M GOING HAVE THE hTil 4'rjL TO BRlNQVOUAAy c, PET UUNDRV "'fJlT KvU W SOAP. CLOTH t j ' WITH WASHBOARDS AMD HOT WASH BOILERS... j 1 v THANKS TO OXYDOU. OF COURSE, PEAR. RUT l'MTHP.OUGH 1 ONE WEEK L A TER We take the finest rice, add malt, tngar and talt, treat tritli heat, and prcoto! Kel-lopjf$ Rice Krupies! A intern miracle of nipcr-crm fn anI irrrstiblc flavor. Theae toasted rice VubLlcs arc ko liglit, wholesome and easily digested that second helpings arc always in order at breakfast, lunch, or the children's supper. (They never distarb sound sleep.) Grocers everywhere sell Rice Krispies. Always ready to serve. An amusing Mother Goose story panel on each package. Served by restan-rants. Made by Kellogg io London, Ontario. RICE m BAR SILVER NEW YORK: (CP'i Bar -sliver was unchanged at 41:,4C per fine ounce on the New York met al market today. OXVDOL? OH THATS ONE OF THOSE SOAKING SOAPS! BUT, I TRIE P ONE ONCE AND IT FADEP COLORS ANP ALMOST RUINED MY HANPS. BUT, OXVPCU IS A NEW KIND THE IVORY SOAP PEOPLE MAKE. ITlS SAFE AS CAN Be... YET IT SOAKS OUT DIRT IN5. IHUTES. I. -V - ki,L"l ' W""'" .,V.Vi?r THE DAILY NEWS f Ml TERM Hotel Arrivals Savoy Oeonre McKenzie, 51. Clanits, a AmiPi'snii. 11. Etrunk. Ben ErikKon. J. G, W'lnkler, J. l rMUi A. It. Leake, Archie 1'intcr, Alice ANP YOU SAV IT GETS CLOTHES 4 TO 5 SHADES E.J.jfi--; ner; P.;WajVF- Warmest Place In jWest; Kamloops And Los Angles VANCOUVER, SepL 0: Knrii loops and Los Angeles have been ( he warmest points in the west this week, each recording eighty-two above zero. I WHITER WITHOUT SCRUBBING OR BOILING AT ALL? J ABSOLUTEIY fJV WAIT AND 415 American C.C.F. Urges Abolition Sunday Closing Fitrter, Kay rfeulerji ! Jt.rwicso,4 r WASHINGTON. IV C. Kept. 9: K. Dunne, John Walker, II. Ui'l.T,e American Commonwealth Lcnnan, John bheehan, VfaornrlFejcratIon is urging repeal Leighton, Joe Trotler, J. , u,, w., tax and the gasoline pol-kin, Mr. and M'8. X'.-ihtax Abolition of Sunday closing ton, II. McDonald and J. D. 2i-.,s aj8o urged as well as a by-porkin, city; A. i'arlilt, U. Mich-i(.ott 0fJ ghiphient of all goods to elson, Lillian ; Jones and John jaiwn; ' Mcl hail, victoria1; toil, and Mrs.. Mann, A. b. Williamson alidi Anderson, Vancouver; Mr. Today's Weather ' nd Mrs. b. 1. DUUowajjl, lo(l (OoTeriunent Trlograpliii impson; Uordon Little, Maty T7.... ... .i. raigon, V. bmitn, il. bcolt nu iripie isi.inu-u.uu.1, ....., ir ana Mra. Schumann, ler- southeast wind, i: miics per ace; wiuiani ieisou, uiumui , j,our; light chop. ir. and mis. J. -iogas, riwiniisa; ,.., UianA Seatlered . Smith, L'uye ras Mnvt; Jaulei c0UtjS( t.ast Koutheast wind, four loynoll, liuiKiey canyon; iuiv nd Mrs. Dave feison, i'urt'M'l ington; d. VvacyK, lneuuer uurc;; Jeane and rJ. J. Bums, Terrace;' J. Iluzio, Skeena; O. Knackovie, 4'Ixslew; Mrs. C. L. Cauthers aiid .drs. G. Jordon, Terrace; IV A. .laney, Ketchikan; A. Carmic'K- iel, Usk; Norman Green, hlk-10m, Man.; Bernard Elstermah'n1, orth Pacific; John Boquist, Isf6 ierre; D. Pattison, Smith's iii l; George Davey, Scottsylllci Y.; Harold Ford, Coldwaler,' . V.; S. 11. Alton, Faythc 'Wil.: on, Kathleen McKinnon and ML ling Vife, Vancouver; Vie Grant ialmoral; John Jepson, II. John- ion, J. Ekrem and O. Skagehi', Seattle; Guy Titley, Vinnfi6g; .V. IL Gordon, Edmonton J :A. (iuisson, Ottawa; E. II. SKar-wood, 1 Juneau. ( Prince Kupert Mr and Mrs. II. 11. M. Slreighl, '-ft'"? sew Westminster er; uthers, Vancou man, beattle. 1 miles per hour; moderate swell Dead Tree Point Drizzling i-nl.. ulrMiin Qlill t llt'Hilt Wl'llll. UilV , a. Bharwood Juneau; Wrature.' 65;' gnes bnony, Dease Lake; lv. chov 1. Cunningham; Port Lssin'gloh; ,1 dissJ. mnroe Port Clement. r?? ack Bennett, l'orcner Island; Boyal George BorUeli, P. Michel,1 It.' VaKar. Jack Candow ana Jiici. Vatson. city; II. Lewis, l'ii prv. snuinwesi wino. iwo umi- per hour; barometer, "150.08; 1cm perature, 53; sea smooth, Alert Bay Overcast, calm- vi barometer, 150.20; temperature 50; sea smooth. Estevan Clear, easterly wind. four miles per hour; barometer, ii0.1S. Victoria Clear, southwest winil,20 miles per hour; baro meter, oO.M. Vancouver Cloudy, easterly wind, four miles per hour; baro meter, SUJM. Prince George Clear, calm barometer, 150.01. Terrace Kainlng, calm, temperature, 52. Alyarish Cloudy, calm, 52. Alice Arm Light rain, calm, 53 Anyox-Rainlng, calm, 51. Stewart Heavy rain; calm, 51. Hazelton Cloudy, calm. 52. Smlthers Cloudy, calm, 55. Burns Lake Cloudy, calm, 55. The Daily New lias an audited .irculation; Play safcl ITfeTKOEIONLV NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprltor "A HOME AWAY FROM DOME" Kate $1.00 up SO Rooms Hot & Ccld Water Prince' Hup jrt, B.C Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 S MINUTES SOAKING AND THESE CLOTHES WASHED WHITE AS, SNOW, eycry washable color comes out sparkling, bnlli.mt, iresn. Ana nanas siay sou ana lovciy.a Even sheer cotton prints washed 100 consecutive times in Oxydol suds, showed no perceptible sign of fading. It's economical, too! Tests show that, cup for cup,, one package will go to i again as far as even, the latest soap chips on the market. One package often gives twice the suds does twice the work lasts twice as long as less modern soaps. Quit scrubbing your life away I Try this new Safe "no-scrub" soap and end the drudgery of washday. Get Oxydol today. Procter & Gamble. 1 , . , -. MADE IN CANADA r : 1 x 1 y r quick rubs J I ON THE EXTRA v AT LAST! A "NO-SCRUB, NO-BOIL" SOAP That's Safe as Can Be for Colors, Hands .. . Millions of wash-wean' women arc JuvlinK relief this amazing wa 1-or here's a "no-scrub ap that's 1 etitly scfe! A sonp that fsoaks out dirt in 15 minutes . . . yet banishes forever the fear of faded colors and rough, red hands! Oxvtioi. was perfected by 'the hiakcrs of Kcntle Ivory sonp, at the cost of $1,000,000. Combining speed and safety in an utterly new way, it docs these 4 amazing things: (1) Soaks out dirt in 15 minutes, without scrubbing or toiling. Even grimy colli r hands come snowy white with a few quick rubs. (2) Cuts wash-. ing time 25 to 40 in tub or machine. (3) Gets white clothes 4 to 5 shades whiter, proved by scientific Tintometer tests. (4) Yet so sajt that tL NEW KOSCKUI-NO-IOIl" LAUNDRY SOAP mart RIALLY SAFE I. ! I Steamship Sailings For Vancouvrr Tuesday Catala I:o0 p.m. Thurs. ss. Pr. George 11:15 p.m Friday ss. P. Adelaide. .10 pjn. Ss. Cardcna .,....10:30 ?. Sept'. 7, 17 and 27 as. t-r. iouise , 5:30 p m. 1 Prom YincouTtr Sunday 63. Catala 4 p.m. Wed. ss.Pr. George .... 10:30 a.m. Friday ss. Pr. Rupert 10 a.m. Ss. Pr. Adelaide , 4 p.m. Ss. Cardena .l p m. For Anjox and Sltwarl . . Sunday-rss. Catala A pjn. , yyecjv ss.it, ucorge 4 1 p.m u.tii From Stewart and Anjox ... Tuesday &s. Catala ....11:30 a.ni. SKYWRITER Pen and Pencil Sets Produced by Walcrmans. M-kt. (Jold Tens Kxccllcnl for School -The Pen $1.25 Tiic t'epeii 75c Third and I-'uKon The Set $1.85 HAIR OIL FREE With your purchase. of Fitch's Dandruff Ucmovcr Shampoo , 55c Ormes Ltd ZZfitt Pioneer Druqg ists The UeyMI Store FhOnest II & 12 Open Daily From 9 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundayn and HnliUayn FYom Vi noon till 2 p.m, 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. School Kids Special! 15 Fotos for 25 A Few Days Only Hollywood Studios, 230 6th St. 'A The Central Hotel ROOMS and CAFE ,r Phone 51 for Best Household Coal MRU. C. E. BLACK Make your New Dresses look SMARTER Nu-Back Telescopic Will not ride up ' Corsetry's Greatest Forward Step in decades At Wallace's Ottawa, June 22, 1937 Council of Canadian Medical Association Endorses and Urges Pasteurization of Milk and Cream Wo have pasteuri2eil our products since 1923 for your protection.. Positive Past-teurization for Safe Milk at no extra cost. VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657