COKO.VATIO.V ECHOLS! Men's Fall COATS where Lloj'd has a three year contract (he is a metallurgist). Iris, you will remember, trained in the Prince Rupert General IJppitalj.and had .Jeen at Stamford Lane in Sari Francisco for a year. Prince Rupert may onjy be a small island but how her sons and daughters get around! Oakland. Never sold in Rupert at these prices. Brown and navy. Sale Price f CHEERIO! Parachute Jumper Is Under Arrest MEN'S PANTS One lot of men's pants. Not all sizes in lot CO QC Sale Price $AVt) Pure Wool Blankets at reduced prices. Come in and you will be surprised at the prices. FLANNEL PAJAMAS Men's flannel pajamas for the cool weather. 2i JQ Sale Price..; P13 WORK SOCKS Men's work socles. All wool. Be sure and get some of them at 9Qn the Sale Price yc OVERALL PANTS Men's overall pants. Blue denim. .sale Price $1.29 DRESS SHIRTS On lot of dress shirts in all shades and sizes. . AOn Sale Price DRESS SOCKS Men's dress socks. All fancy shades. bale I'nce, :qOa 5 pairs for BROADCLOTH PAJAMAS Broadcloth pajamas. Q4 ACZ Tooke's, Sale Price Acme Importers All Goods Displayed - Sale Final No Credit Mail Orders Filled at These Prices No C. O. D.'S Gradual Policy of Immigration in Canada Urged By Railway Official Where To Look Britishers Not so Interested Now .Might Look to United States VANCOUVER, Sept. 9: That Canada must have more population if it was to fultll the destiny that nature intended for It was the contention today before the annual convention of the Canadian Cham, ber of Commerce of Dr. W. J Black, director of Colonization and Agriculture for the Canadian National Railways. With one-sixteenth of the cultl- vatable land In the world and and .nore than that fraction of the world's natural resources, Canada, nevertheless, had only half of one' per cent of the population. Canada's development was and always has been tied up with immigration. Dr. Black said. To the criticism that lmmlgra- Uon would take away the oppor-tuniUes of the younger generation, Dr. Black replied no part of Canada has had less Immigration the past twenty-five years than the Mart, times yet the movement during this period to the United States and elsewhere had been perhaps heavier than for any otljer part of the Dom inion. Tne Manumes nad not benefitted by it and there, were many today who believed an Influx of farming families would have good effect. Looking at the drought areas on the prairies, Dr. Black said the sad difficulties there still did not Justi fy the lack of settlement In areas where families can succeed. He be-lleved some of the perplexities of the past few years were due to rural population attracted to industry' by high wages prevailing during the good years unable to nnd Its way back to the farm without funds. Held For Immigration In a survey of the field for immigration the speaker found some old and favored sources closed with the British farmer well off and contented at home and (he Scandinavian enjoying similar posperity. "When our effort to get British has been exhausted, we should en deavor to secure the maximum num. ber of good farming families from the United States," said Dr. Black. Denmark would be a promising field In the next two or three years. On the subject of continental Euro.! pean immigrants he pointed out that British stock was amalgamat ed a few centuries ago of European peoples. He thought the Swiss, Czechs, Belgians, Hollanders and Ukhalnians should become "as good Canadians as we ourselves evet have been." Ihe average Central European now in this country will not be noticed as such two generations hence, If we of Anglo-Saxon origin do our duty. Inasmuch as It may be necessary' for us to look outside the British Isles for those to do the work we must have done. Just to that extent should we exert our energies to see that the new people have placed before them the im portance of our Canadian ideals and the work which our Institution of learning can do for them," he said. Dr. Black suggested there should be no large scale injmlgratlon movement for the present even If it were possible but one that could be Increased from year to year "In my opinion," he said, "there never has been' a time In our history when this important question of immigration "called so urgently for leadership of a constructive kind. There Is a distinct tendency of our developing a 'Lalssez Falre' attitude which means we shall go back." In conclusion he asked the Chamber to give that leadership. 1 PAQI SEC THE DAILY NTWS Thursday, September a Bernice Palmer says ... unit to view the parade. Mrs. Kingery (Aida Davidson) was also at the event. Mrs. Tingey (formerly Grace ;Toveyi was already on the (rroO"hd. haihK lived in England J : since her marriage. I Iris Watts was married recently at Calgary Presbyterian 'Church in San Francisco to Mr. and Mrs. George P. McCail Lloyd Kelsey. They will make had reservations with the B. C. ' their home in the Phfllipines f One lot of SUITS Not all sizes in the lot If your size inhere we are giving them away at the Sale Price $4 A.95 I hp TURNBULL UNDERWEAR Turnbull underwear in natural shade. Shirt and drawers and combinations. Q1 QQ Sale Price yOJ STANFIELI) UNDERWEAR Here's Another good buy. Stanf ield undershirt and drawers or combinations. In all wool. QO QC Sale Price Q&VO Stanfield underwear. Combinations in natural shades. This is a god warm suit for this Q 4 Q C time of year. Sale Price V O CAPS One lot of caps. All sizes, silk lined. All Colors. Qn Sale Price VOK SHOES We have lots of good shoes in stock at Sale Prices. Look them over. JUMBO SWEATERS - Men's Jumbo sweaters in assorted shades. You can't buy the yarn at this price. CO QC Sale Price O HATS Mens hats by Biltmore. In the very latest styles. CO Sale Price J4.i7J WORK SHIRTS Men's Work Shirts. Mostly all sizes and shades. A good Qfir buy. Sale Price &Q CHECK SHIRTS Another lot of men's fancy check shirts. All sizes in the Q4 QQ lot Sale Price t?AQJ BRUSH WOOL SWEATERS Men's Brush wool sweaters Pullover with half zipper. Regular price $4.50. Q-f Qff Salp Price tp&0. All kinds of merchandise for boys. Socks, stockings, sweaters, shirts, underwear at Sale Prices. DRESS SHIRTS Dress shirts by Tooke. One of the best shirts in Canada. Regular price $2.50. Q4 Sale Price J.Je) or 2 for $3.00 TIES All ties on sale. Sale Price 29c, 39c, 49c Suit Cases and Trunks 15 and 25 off Marked Prices. OLIVER. Sept 9: Cecil Mc-Kenzie, airplane stunter and parachute jumper; was arrested here yesterday for violation of Canadian air regulations. Backward Season SAJLE After a Season of Unfavorable Weather We Find Ourselves Overstocked With a Variety of Up-to-Datc Merchandise Which We Must Clear Out to Make Room For New Fall and Winter Goods Now Arriving. We are holding a Store-Wide Sale - Nothing Kept Back As You Know, Prices are Advancing. All Our Goods are Standard Brand Lines No Goods Specially Brought In For This Sale All This Year's Merchandise. Here are a Few Items and Prices Just to Le't You Know What Savings You Make. Blue Serge SUITS Heavy weight, silk lined. Including Worsteds in the very latest Sale Price 24 .50 POPULATION IS NEEDED British Immigration "There is much belnz said the days about British immigration and canadas need therefor," said Dr. Black. "We 'find1 eJurselveS licei with a pecullai condition. Oddly i enough, there is little Inducement i to encourage the citizens of the! United Kingdom to establish new I homes on Canadian soil. Business conditions over there are good and agriculture especially so. The farm worker has special benefits which' we scarcely can offer. His wages are practically as high as ours. He works five and a halt days a week he has pay and a half for overtime, he sees a pension In the offing and Indecency Charge Is Laid Against Montreal Russian MONTREAL, Sept. 9, (CP) --Alexis Wlnslow, Russian, has been charged with gross indecency and causing bodily harm with Intent to main), disfigure or disable a nine-year-old fatherless boy, Freddie Brown, who had been taken in charge by Win-flow and who was discovered to have been brutally abused. Wlnslow Is a native of Kiev, 23 years old and an artist. all of these help to hold him to his life work In the homeland. "Would you give up the considerations I have enumerated and which are certain for a home In a new land that can offer little of advantage excepting perhaps great, er opportunity for the younger jiembers of the family to find their way into the activities of the coun try? It seems to, be mainly on this basis that we can hope to arrest the attention of our kinsmen over, seas. Even through our thirst for more British blxd may remain Incessant, It will not come to us again '.n any large stream unless we find :ome way of so organizing societies ar directing organizations now existent, having the necessary British bent, that they definitely will concern themselves with encouraging the movement and with help. Ing to supervise it when the people arrive In Canada. Mere talk will not do It and there is no use fooling ourselves. They will not come here in any great numbers of their own volition," RESULT? PHONES 18 and 81 i GHEE WEEKLY LAST TIMES TO.MCH, Last Complete Sho WARNER OIANdV "Charlie Chan at the Olympics' As the charru. mz of ' ,rJ nation strive fn, eTel Chan stalks a kilter' with KATHWuxj IDE M1U, - Plus. Don Ameche. Ann Kti, I '50 ROADS TO TOWY i... a , irv ana S:3$) COMING FRtOAY C.n.otl..l If. . AUCTION SALE Of Household Furnitore At the Auction Rooms, tor. I Third Avenue and First Stmt,tl mencint on Saturdij, Stp(Stl 11th at 2:39 p.m. Consisting of Oak Dii Eal Suite. Simmons Stee; Bed til Slumber King Spring Sjsm Dee,p Sleep Spring Riled lasa 4 Lino Rugs, 1 Breakfi Ti&tf 6 Chairs, I Kitchen Racgt JB ers. Couch, Chairs, Srttet Pits Typewriter. Spic Span, 1 ir? fir- pet, Kitchen Uten.;is. etc Must Be Sold Tw If oil want to put EDods L hi they Vnust be in Au "' '."n Rn fore 5 pm Friday Geo. J. times AUCTIONEER Thonc: Whc 471 p o. box a Mussallem's Economy Store "Where Dollars Have More Cents" CATS UP-Per bottle Llbby's Large PEANUT BUTTER l's 17c Empress Extra Quality FRUIT SALTS Bottle Enos Large SODA 15c 79c I.B.C. Family Package FRY'S COCOA-j's. tin A Quality Product PALMOLIVE SOAP 4 bars Coronation Package LAUNDRY SOAP 4 bars Elephant Brand 21c 22c 25c 17c CUCUMBERS 2 for Urge arlFr" 15c VEOETABLE MARROW'S Jg Lb, Local - SAVOY CABBAOE Jgf &acn Large Hud COB CORN Large and Tender 35c 29c nine and Firm OINOER SNAPS- j7C Per lb. Chrlstle's-FcSWprn CITRON Per lb. Local Frc-h Tirn Ttt,nn.. fn. v rvn,.nl.nrr hi 8c Boat and Mall Orders Receive Prompt and Careful Attend1 HALIBUT Tk e c t-i A and D s uuiv.c ui kjuilBllinc v naiiiiM - ii 1 " - Boiled Halibut with egg sauce is digestW palatable, satisfying. CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE CO. LTD. Prince Rupert, B.C.