WAK'TEi) TKU- Malt; Seolch i. Phone Green 335. voii iu.'.r well furnished, bartmunt. l'hone Keil i'eri'i (215) modern 444. 2ll. JSE fully furnished, with VI.- brnor- l-rom ucioner isr-, .nir ' av.rijr town, l'hn lue ouu. ia. SALIi 12 fool rowboat with lir of Spruce Spoon uars. hed one season, also Jonnson Su I board motor 3.3 h.p. 1037 odel, used three weeks. Price tr ine lot iu.uu. M'r'j i Box 1G98. tf. SALE All household fur-' fixture, Api)ly Mrs. Morris, I Leeds Apartments. Phone HlaiK 15. 1213 JUT THESE REPAIRS For umber, shingles, cement, plaster, wick, Qyproc and roofings, see Jbert & McCalfery Ltd. Phone IB SALE-- 1927 Phone Red G28. tf. Fordor Sedan. (211) EE.S'A Uiver sailboat for sale, ood condition, mast, sail and ijuipment, very reasonalil'. ply 732 Fraser Street. HELP WANTKI) (210) ll wanted for housework tem- wily Apply .Mrs. Fuller, Pi Water Street. Wages S3 a rete . (211) rr NTED - dood" strong girl for rneral housework on farm, one pile from village. Apply stating fee Rdy Doll, Kltwanga, B.C. (215) SNOGRAI'HERSt MALE ANfl FEMALE) WANTED in Prin.o tupert by the Dominion Civil service. Applications ior examination to reach Ottawa by September 18th We have help-id hundreds to obtain Civil Service positions and can help Proof of this Btatemeht tou. ml full information about tht txaminalion, etc., free. M. C Civil Service Schools, Winni Peg. Oldest in Canada. (21r; MALE IIELP WANTED IABLE MAN take care store route. Distribute, collect. New Products. No selling. arn excoj ent weekly income. B. & W. Nut Co.. St, Paul, Minn. (210) MUSIC foLIN TUITION, theory and har- mony. Miss N, Lawrence. Phone 1580. Classes start Sent. 1. (2121 1IIF, SU'KKMK rbt-ni 01 ITl!f COI.l.MltIA ih Xlaltfr of (thurnf, Oerensfl And thr Matlrr of tlir "A1mliiltratln Act" rAKE NOTICE that by order of H f mout W. E. Puhnr .h 16th dav ol MiWut, A. D. 1937 I wu appointed unlulstmitor of the estate trf Ell rae. Dtvenrnd, and ell parties hfiv- cmuns oalnnt the ald cuate an r'1 Verllll. in hu. Vui nr befors th -h day of Oatnber. A. D. 1037. and Pwties Indebted to the estate r pilntl to mr t.h mrim nf their paetrtKitvpflB forthwith. WURMAN A. WATT oniclal AdimlnWtrtor. jn.td the nth day of Auguat, A. P 'K IIIVMOND MINf.ltAl. XtAWV 'Hate In ll,. ami,, uii,i. ih.UIaii nt Cuiklur Dlslrlft. t!L.,.t.A- Utt 'le Inli IrOin In twf In.. .. It i. '.. i, !.. 1 !,. Willi IUKII IH1. I TAKE NOTICE ht V. n TlnlprhMl f.1.1! owtit fbr POLAJIIS-TAKU G COMPAMV T .fT tr. tflnar'li llllcttte No. 20227.E. ' Intends Mxiy IftMTl DlA rial hAMwf ir annlir tft talni V?,n"lt4 . .the purpose ol llalm wuw uraan 01 tne o,wiv ,ulth- take notice thit Wctloii, nil wtln 85 of the "Mineral Act." 1. ? unenced before . the lav. Jted thla gt.h ,h.t o, Juyi 1BJ7. liAifcr-pniuT-iili,...!. ' &lwTla,l .Ptah n. Intend! "t"ly lor iemv of .!, fnllnulnir mTLtMVI . . - . , Wt DiX 101 46. Ring 8. Ulalirlct, Port Edward' Ormim.n.. WMlS?1 P'" ' 'the ' flouth cornr ot Lot 44TS Ratim ft. E las f 8 .7. dP 1 E. lea. TOIlrUUIUllg 1,2 acre, Two former crowned heads of Kuroi " Upy chairs on the terrace of their hofol, e eiloo!; t? I 'V.ii Lucerne at llurgen-htoch, Switzerland, ami, perhaps, d.-earn of the days when they sat on thrones of eili and purple plush. They nre ex-Queen Amelie, of Portugal and ex-King Ferdinand of Iiulgaria Hyde Transfer Phone 580 DRY WOOD JASPER COAL Furniture Moving Light Delivery 315 SECOND AVE. Reach tins moat people In city ind district with an advertisement n the Dallv News By Westover VANDERH00F Fort Fraser held its tenth Fall Fair on Monday w'th visitors in attendance from all jiwits of the district. Crops hav bee a '31enlid;,lirCuhout the vat-ley and Were werTmany fine ef hibits of farm, garden and ,hor ticullliral liroducts. fl. Williams of Prince George has assumed his duties as prii L-ipa! of Fort Fraser Superior School. Mis Margaret Jluir has taken the place of Miss Helen Wilkie at the same school. Miss Jean McGeachy has joined the staff of the Smithers High School, being in charge of the senior matriculation class. Iwrence Willington is in Vancouver where his marriage to Miss Helen Sybil Wilkie is to take place. COAL TO I'MIASK I'.VKItVIIOnV BsllsfucUon Guaranteed KsinioiiH I-(l-oii Alberta Conl ltnlkley Vnlley Coal Vimroiucr Ilaml Toal Prince Rupert Feed Coinpauv PHONE: 58 and S5B vltX A!c DOIMS A MICE TOB OF TyPlKkS My MaMUCRlPT TiLUE ""itMe'.-''ll'i,V4 V mrsday, September 9, 1937.; TITR DAILT KKWB. PAOEfFTVE IT ASSIFlEO r ONCE THEY HAD TilRONES-AW 'tllKY' UEST l WHIFFLETS Frorfi the Waterfront An announcement is expected to Vfe be made today by the interna- i ticnal Fisheries Commission in re-gard to the closing date of halibut fishing in Area No, 3. The date will be tentative subject to change io a later, but not an earlier, ,date. Only two boa U sold halibut yesterday in Seattle as follows; Havana, 39,000 pounds, New England, IIVp.c and lO'Ac; Oloria II., 500 icunds (incidental to cod fishing), Whiz, 12c. Lie federal department of pub-works power cruiser Walronda ..ved in port Tuesday night from the Queen Charlotte Islands with C. F. P. Faulkner, assistant district engineer, on board. Tomorrow the Valronda will leave with Mr. Faulkner for Stewart, Anyox, Alice Arm, Silver City and other ncrtherr ptihts arid will call here again nezl week southbound. Capt. Barne? McKlilop, formerly well known a." an ofticer of Canadian Nationa' Steamships, is now skipper of Ih'e Walronda. The Seattle halibut boat Vaquina, vhich broke down off Cape Spencer with a shattered tallshaft and ar. rived at Juneau yesterday morning in tow of the coastquard cutter Haida, had oh board 15,000 pounds at fish. Sh'e was headed for Sitka when the accident occured. After having spent two tor three days at the ocean dock following her withdrawal from service at the first of the week, C.N.R. steamer Prince Rupert has now moved to the dry dock to be tied up for the winter. Capt. Nell McLean and of fleers, and crew of the, Prince Ru- pert will sail on the Prince George tonight for yancouyer. The following Vessels delivered cdhoe salmon to the Prince Rupert Fishermen's Cooperative this morning at the advance price of 9'2:: co-operative packer Ogden, 4700 pdunds from McAuley Island, 1500 pounds from Squadaree and 1100 pounds from Anchor Island; packer Azurite, 12,000 pounds from Dufidas Island and 1400 pounds from Burke Channel; and troller Active II., Capt. Harold Jacobssn. 1700 pounds. Ahlong the many angling parties out over the Labor Day week-end was one consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ellison, Mr. and Mrs. William Rothwell and Mr. and Mrs. C. Mlchaloff which visited Falls River in th Mlchaloff boat. A splendid bag of trout was taken. VAiEUt-.TiLUe THIS CVIECK VaJILLJ SQUARE -THlMsS SO HOPE it i ii - - i SOOD- ciuoo- . M , trfTsr- r-r. L ltn 1 Mail Scfaeduii For tne East . Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday 11:00 p.m. For Vancouver-Thursday ' Friday Sept. 7. 17 arid 27 FrJm Vaficon'Virr- Sunday For Anyox and Sunday .: Wednesday ,..,......y... 10:isipjn. 9:30 p.m From Anyox and Stewarts-Tuesday i Jl:30 an j Sept. 8 arid 22 a.m. For Alaska Sept. 2, 12 and 22 a.m. From Alaska Sept. 7, 17 and 27 p.m. Be wlsa. Read too want ads. NAME (TAM DO fCE VJU, mac' i ffa'T 1 I'M KWiHV Wfi VI i-. v II . " 1 I Junior Chambers Of Commerce In "tt"- Friday ......3 p Convention Now 4:3'5'pin'i -r at Ihe opening here of the c6n St . 4 pill Wednesday 10:30 a.m. Friday 10:00 a.m. StewaVi-- VANCOUVER, Sept. 9: Major Harold Brown, president and managing director of the Union Steam ships Co was the principal, speak- Junior Chambers in successlbn to 7 pm 'T- W. Warkman of Vancouver, re-3 p.m. tiring president. I Saturday 8 piti. yu Wsn to gwap somethlng- For Naas Rtver and Port Simpson fry a blasslfled. Sunday ... ,.T pin ' " From Naas River and Port Simpson Tuesday 11:30 a.m. Tor Haeen Charlotte Islands-Sept. 10 and 24 9:30 p.m. rro'm Qiieen L'liarlotte Islands a. u. s ij rt z f iy TOSt WAWT TO euv oBy ts TOST OSlMS THAT nT FJ"!Tr5 . I 1 ' ' ' -kj MVC: f I rM . CTI 1 1 I l . " II 1 venUoh m the Juhlbr Chambers of j Commerce of British Columbia. H. P. Haynes of Montreal was elected president of the Canadian " THE SEAL ' QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert MacKENZIE'S FURNITURE Dominion Linoleums and Barry and Staines Linoleum Priced FLOOR COVERINGS Per square yard Square yard as Follows 45c, 70c, 75c, 85c INLAID LINOLEUM- Oi All Phone 775 FIND ELEPHANT'S WEIGHT AND SEE PICTURE!. mm 'An 3 2 M This elephant fs made up entirely of numerals from one to nine all you have to d6 Is find out how much. he weighs by adding up the figures. The first twenty-five persons submitting the correct total will receive a free pass to "The Elephant Boy" showing at the Capitql Theatre this Week-end. Use this coupon and send it to the Daily News Office. Mark "ELEPHANT BOY" The Elephant's Weight, is (Employee's of the Dally News or the Capltoi Theatre or their relatives are not eligible! Contest Closes at 1 p.m. Friday. Winners Will Be Announced Friday "TILLIE THE TOILER . '....m.. . 1 . Book VAjrsmNe 6A6TQ SET YdU "TO HOW A. pEPSOrA 'CW BE SO CONSISTENTLY Or43" At VCVJ v ikj ufap voueIIsoc:h lauaqs, bubeM ths kv U (I'M 3V5-r hlM lrV. rAMoy I prTAS "aCU. &fnf i WEAR Kffl I -ruu SA,I StI--vr-:n uBtriJSr 'OUWDS INfiHlMJVPE I thouoht scrr A CEUU-