ay March i, .1837 CUTTINGS No. 2 tin, each Fresh KHUHARIJ 3 lbs. PEAS Delicious Quality Not only do Royal City Peas bring you summer time goodness and freshness but they are also far more economical than fresh II E Thrift Cash & Carry FINE FOODS AT LOWER COST USE YOUR TELEPHONE And .Save your Energy! You can order . groceries by calling 179 and .be assured of the same quality and service as II you came In person, We give special attention, to telephone orders and the service Is so satisfactory that many of our customers are seldom seen In the store. We'll Give You -What You Ask For Just as Faithfully as if You Stood Across the Counter! Heinz Tomato Soup Special, 3 Jor AO Heinz Assorted Soups -J All Varieties, per tin Strawherrv Jam IZAo 1-IU. bill CUAK It's the Best, per 22c liosedale ASPARAGUS OAf 25c ' III UITI WITH First Grade BUTTER 8 lbs. T7 rv . . v. r . f 95c Scotts Grade A Large EGGS QAp in cartons, duz. New Thrift COFFEE per lb. Our Highest Grade 33c Borden's Chocolate Mailed Milk Qn l-lb. tin, each Km press Orange MARMALADE A An New Pack, 4-Ib. tin Florida Black Diamond Brand GRAPEFRUIT 7C large, each Walk ECONOMY One coat of AlADASTINE hides all. It goes, on easily, shows no brush-marks, and will not rub off. Many tints and white. Ask your dealer. Cypu turn. Lime and Aldbastine. Canada. Jjmiled Head Office: PARIS, Ontario, Canada jnetish which made frince Kupertramoub "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. CLflssiFiED FOR SALE COAL NanainttKWelllngton for furnace and heater. Alberta Egg-sootless. for the kitchen range. Albert Si McCaffery, Phone 116 or 117. (tf) FURNITURE Factory samples must go this week. Guaranteed 10-plcce Chesterfield groups $69.50: 10-plece loose pillow arm groups des. --$720; 10-plece bedroom suites (round mirrors) $74.50. Furnish your home complete three rooms, 59 pieces all for $165. Many other bargains. Terms Jf you wisn. uraer toaay. juiius Shore Mall Order House, 8th floor Beklns Building, Vancouver, (tf) PERSONAL GENTLEMEN'S Sanitary Supplies, highest grade 15 for $1. Pacific Supply, 751 Granville, Vancouver. MEN Get vigor at once. New Os- trex Tonic Tablets contain raw .pyster lnvlgorators and other stimulants. One dose peps up or ans, glands. If not delighted, aker refunds few cents paid wall or write, Ormw Limited tf 473 VACANCIES IN THE POSTAL SERVICE to be f Uled by April 5th. Full Information and booklet "How to get into the Canadian Civil Service" free from The M. C. C. Civil Service rmz .daily jrawa LOCAL NEWS NOTES Special meeting. Rod and puni Club, City Hall, Wed. March -3, .8 p.m., to consider migratory bird ; season. (51 . A. A. Frazer of Hyder was a pas-, senger aboard the Cardena -today going through on a trip to yan couver. O. A. Dirome of Premier was a passenger aboard the Cardena today going through lor a trip to Vancouver. Inspector John A. Fraser, provincial police, Jett on last evening's train for a trlD to Prince Georee on official duties. J. R. Woodward wlli arrive in ths city on the Prince George tomor row morning from Vancouver on his way to Eddye Pass mine to Join the staff there as assayer. Mrs. K. E. Birnle of Smlthers Is a visitor In the city. She Is the guest of Mrs. J. W. Kilpatrlck, Fifth Avenue East, and will be here ! until Friday. ; Pert F. Smith, general manager of the Premier mine, was a passenger aboard the Cardena today going , through to Vancouver. -He will visit company's Interests In the south. i Miss .R. M. Davias M.B.E. sailed' this afternoon on the Cardena foi a trip to Vancouver and Victoria !m!ss Dayles has just retired aft! imany years of service as superintendent of the Ridley Home. I The late Fred Hardlsty, former, local railwayman, who passed away ; in the Prince .Rupert General Hos pltal on Sunday afternoon, is ,sur-ivlved by a son, Fred Hardisty, in Vancouver, Washington. Funeral arrangements are in -the hands of Haynor Bros., Undertakers. There was merely routine bust ness.and general discussion yester day at the regular monthly meeting of the Prince Rupert Minlster- I lal Association In First Presbyter- j ian Church. Very Rev. James .3 Gibson was In the chair and ptheu present were Rev. Dr. J. W. Stev enson, Rev. C. D. Clarke, Rev. J E. Blrchall and Major Eva ;Lay-cock. J. Milne, British Columbia district manager of .the Hudson Bay Co., arrived in the city on the Cardena this morning after spending a few days visiting the" company's branch at Port "Simpson From here be will proceed to Van couver. JEdmonton and Winnipeg On his present trip to this district Mr. Milne paid a visit to Stewart (to look over conditions there In the Interests of his company. Tonight's -train, due -from the East at 10:20, was reported this morning to be one hour late. Potatoes, 100 lb. sack, $2.95. Apples, box, .$139. Real value. Copeland's Fruit .Market, Phone 872. Free delivery. (51 Mr. sand Mrs. E. Murray of Premier were passengers aboard the Cardena today going through on a trip to Vancouver. St. David '8 Day Tea Successful The St. David's Day Tea held ' yesterday afternoon at the home cf Mrs. Bert Morgan under tha auspices of the Ladies' Aid of First i Baptist Church proved to be a great success. The rooms were at tractively decorated with daffodils, the emblem of Wales. The Welsh FJag was prominently displayed. The tea table was centred with daffodils and toll yellow taper. Mrs. W. W. Wrathall and Mrs. P. H. Linzey poured. Serviteurs wpre Mrs. J. Linzey, Mrs. J. Armstrong and Mrs. C. O. Gampbelli. Mrs. Norman Fraser, president of tthe Aid, assisted by Mrs. F. W. Dafoe, received the callers, Mrs. G. Berg .had charge ol the home cooking table. Mrs. G. Hibbard was cashier. Mrs. .Bert Morgan was general convener assisted by Mrs. Frank Morris. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert "J. Milne, Edmonton; E. W. Hodg son, Vancouver. Central A. Isakson, E. Olson, P. Brozat and Ben Johanson, city; S. Bokar- lsh and O. Hunt, C.NJI.; John Seppala, Surf Point; A.Norberg, Vancouver; Jack Good, Stewart. Knox i3. Nault, city. Royal H. C. Halliday, ON.R,; F. Weget, J. Watson, A. Iverson and M. John ston, city; Mrs. Warren,, Nystrom, Ketchikan; D. Mansfield, Vancouver. Savoy O. Olson and . K. Henriksen, C. NJt.; .Mrs. Henry Reid, Port Es- slngton; Carl Glazle and George Waddell, Vancouver; D. Beaton city. Orange Ladies' Banquet Enjoyed Turn-Out of Thirty Last Night At Affair in Knox Hotel An enjoyable banquet was held by the Ladies' Orange Benevolent Association at the Knox Hotel last night. About thirty persons were present. The tables were attractively decorated with daffodils giv ing a spring-like effect. Mrs. Alex Maojonaia, worthy mistress, was in the chair. The only toast was that to The King. - , After' the dinner - community singing was enjoyed. '"and bridge was played. Prize winners were first, Miss Mary Robertson; second, A; M. Davles; consolation, Mrs Einar Larsen. The committee in charge consisted of Mrs. A. Guyan, Mrs. J. W. Moorehouse and Mrs. William Ged- Announcements Pioneers' Banquet, O. O. F. Hall. March 10, I Anglican Tea. Mrs. W'H. Tobe? March 11. St. Patrick's Tea and Entertainment, March 17. University extension : lecture? March 17, 18 and 19 ;ity Hall Dean Buchanan. Itebokah Fashion show, March 18. Cathedral Spring Sale, April 1 Junior Chamber Dance, Friday.' April 2. - - Reach the most people In city and district with an' advertisement in nnarig (mi In the Dally News. isit is Pai Fisheries Station Mectingr of-dhristlan Youth Society Held Last Evening Twenty-seven members of the' Christian Youth Society' were pres ent at the . regular meeting held last night in the social parlors of First United Church. The Misses ' Edith Connery and Alethla' Peachey took charge of the de votional period. A vocal solo was rendered by Miss Barbara Daniels and a piano soto by Miss VenetH Feero. j There was considerable discus-1 slon of the tea being held by the ; society on Saturday ,at the home of Mrs. Robert Cameron. It wasr decided that the boys should act as serviteurs while thegirjs should . take charge of the heme cooking. , Arrangements were made, .as well, for the evening service at First' r United Church on March 14 of which the society will take charge. After the .business, perkjd, thei members went to the Prince Ru- j pen vt isnenes Experimental Sta- tlon where a very interesting .dem- onstration in chemistry was given, by Dr. H. N. Brocklesby. Later, he , conducted them through the build-.j mg, -aescraoing -various .experiments i in progress. J Afterwards, they all gathered In! one of the laboratories where re-. freshments, were served. Wilfrid, Hicks concluded by moving -a vote of thanks to Dr. H. N. Brocklesby', for the instructive and entertain-i tig evening he had given the society. THE SAFE, SENSIBLE WAY TO RELIEVE CONSTIPATION .Every Jcnows the dangers of constipation. Pills and drugs usually bring only temporary relief. That's because common constipation is due to meals low in "bulk." Kellogg's All-Bran contains "bulk" that does not break down in the body as does that of many leafy vegetables. All-Bran absorbs twice its weight in water and forms a soft mass that gently sponges the intestines. Kellogg's All-Bran is a food not a medicine. In addition to "bulk" it gives vitamin B to tone up the system, and iron for the blood. It is a healthful way to get rid of constipation and all its evils. Eat two tablespoonfuls daily with milk or cream three times a day in severe cases. Or use it in making bran muffins, breads, in salads or soups. Guaranteed by Kellogg in London. Orange Pekoe Blend "SALAM -JLJill. 1.1 Just Arrived TEA -j i.-1.... i L :r-. Easter Beds all sizes Chesterfield Suite Baby Carriages Baby Crib, Baby Swings USED FURNITURE Dining Room Tahle and Chairs G-Piece Dinette Suite Arm Rockers, Kitchen Ranges Singer Sewing Machine 8-Tuhe Battery Radio Sun Aero Hair Dryer tFirst iClass Condition D Eio Phone Green 421 1937 BIB and now on display Easter Eggs, Rabbits, Chickens and the latest designs in Easter Novelties Come in and see this grand assortment " ' We will hold any article till Easter place your order NOW Items from 5c to $1.00 Ormes Ltd. "Jim fliorieer Driqfists The Kexall Store Phones: 81 & 82 Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays .From 12 noon till 2 p.m., 7 pan. till 9 p.m. UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 PJW. Due Vancouver, Thursday pjn. T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, 10:50 P.M. Due Vancouver, Monday am. If convenient please purchase tickets at office. Further information regarding reservations and tickets from A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone 5G8 ELIO'S FURNITURE Store Open 8 , a.m. to 5 p.m. Blankets Suit Case and Trunks Folding Metal Bridge Table Linoleum Rugs Congoleum Rugs printed Linoleum by the yard ELIO'S TRADE IN OLD FURNITURE FOR NEW Exchang e Prince Rupert, B.C.