iamaaaaaw I September 14, W7. THE DAILY NEWS , PAOE THRtt DCAL i L Mayfalr window, for lat in shoes. (t.i.) S. Cooper, Anglican missionary at Greenville, ending a week or so In city trlct sailed Monday morn- he Catala on his return to River G Marvin will be leaving fcxt weeK ior Vancouver he will embark September id the steamer Pacific Plon- London, England, via the 'Canal. Agent W. E. Colllson and In Canstable A. J. Watkln- f this morning for a trip up River as far as Aiyansh tial business. They expect 1 away about a week. ISperry, vice-president and manager of the Valentine Irporatlon, cedar pole deal-IMrs. Sperry, who have been lit to the Smlthers district, flpavlne there on Thursday t's train on their return to ne in St Paul. Hay's Baseball National League fork, 12; Pittsburgh. 2. Qyn, 4 Cincinnati, 2. a, 9 Chicago, 0. American League luir 11 Philadelphia, '4. I CAN'T QUIT BIGGER MC THAN KELLOGG'SI" lli In f mr grottr 1U jItm fmore for my money than KK i. Thrjr 're a genuine inl" lellogg's Corn Flakes lead world in sales because en know genuine value. tD. wholesome, eooaness tht everybody loves. Always tn-fresh and ready to serve fth milk or cream. u all procers. Served by ftels and res- Brantsevery- Eere. Madeby illogg in Lo'n- n, Ontario. CORH ft rf CORN FLAKES U Better Packed Better Taste Better ours: fes cereal bowl FREE In 3 nackaircs of Kcl- Wk's Corn Flakes! Shoes lite and Colors R $1.25. to 4 A ft )v oJLt7J )pers G5. Now NOTES ; L. W. Patmore Kfi in j oh the Catala this afternoon for a trip to Vancouver and Victoria. ( Clearing a tyie of ladles' silk bloomers, 3 pairs $1,.00 at the Dollar Store. (t.f.) , Miss Gertrude MacKenzle, formerly of this city, arrived In the city dn the Catala yesterday morning from Vancouver to spend a couple of weeks here visiting with friends. Rev. Dr. S. S. Osterhout, superintendent of missions for the United Church of Canada, was a passenger aboard the Catala Sunday night going through from Namu to Port Simpson. Dr. Osterhout Is on one of his periodical visits to northern missions. For drinking liquor in a public place, Thomas Woodhouse was fined $50, with option of thirty days' Imprisonment, by Magistrate Mc-Clymont in City police court yesterday. Woodhouse Is serving the time. Mrs. William McLeod, who has been visiting for the past three months In Calgary with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Watson, will be home On the Prince George tomorrow morning. Her mother came as far as Vancouver with her. Junior Stepp, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Stepp, formerly of this city and now. of Ketchikan, has been nominated as a candidate from Al aska for entry to West Point Naval Academy and next spring will take the examinations which will qualify him to enter. Junior has been en gaged In aviation In Alaska. Rev. (Captain) and Mrs. W. A. Delap will be leaving on the Prince George on Thursday night for Vancouver whence they will proceed to Montreal to embark for Ireland. For the past few years In charge of the Anglican Church mlssi&n boat Northern Cross here, Capt. Delap Is to take over a parish in Ireland. James Mitchell, rancher of the Saskatoon district, after spending the past week here visiting with his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Finnle, Is sailing this afternoon on the Catala for Vancouver. Owing to repeated crop failures in Saskatchewan, Mr. Mitchell Is thinking of moving west. Hotel Arrivals ,t Royal W. Hussey, city. 4 Prince Rupert A. W.YCramer, Coldwater, Mich.; F. W. Waterman, Seattle. Central P. J. Beamont. Charles Johnson, Harold Pensen, M. Kearney, J. Rain- ey, T. MorHson, and .Mrs. Wallls, city; J. McCarron, Terrace; A. F. McMillan, Vancouver, Knox W. S. Fleming, Vancouver; J. Berg, Namu. "Demers Was Located For Years On Skefcrfa John Robert Brown Was Ex-'SerVlce Man and Is Survived by Family John Robert Brown, whose body was recovered Sunday from the Skeena River where he was drowned last month, was 47 years of age and had been located for years at Port Esslngton where he followed salmon fishing. He served In France dur. ing the Great War. A widow and three children survive. The remains have been brought here from Port Esslngton for in terment under auspices of the Canadian Legion with Haynor Bros In charge of arrangements. The 'widow came to the city with the body. ASSIZE DOCKET LIGHT The docket for the fall sesslbn of the Supreme Court Assizes to be held here on September 29 will be l light one. So far the list con. tains only three divorce petitions with neither criminal or civil cases. Regular monthly meeting of the Prince Rupert Ministerial Associa tion will, it Is expected, be resumed In October. The meeting scheduled for yesterday was not held. Announcements Eagles' Bridge Series, begins .Sept. i5. 16. United Fashion Show, September Anglican Tea, Mrs. Neal Car er's, Friday, September 17. Presbyterian Tea at Mrs. Brem aer's September 21. St. Peter's W. A. Tea, Pari.l; Hall, September 23. 29. Eastern Star Tea, Mrs. Sam Mas-rey's, Wednesday, September T29. Presbyterian Choir Tea, 'October 1. Catholic Bazaar October 6 and C. C. F. Bazaar, October 23. Gyro Hallowe'en Dance, October Presbyterian Bazaar, November 4. St. Peter's W. A. Bazaar, Nov ember 18. Canadian. Legion Fall Bazaar, November 25. tax Sale CORPORATION OF THE; CITY OF TRINCE RUPERT Notice is hereby given that a Tax Sale of all properties in which the 1935 taxes remain unpaid, will be held at the City Hall, Fulton Street, at 10 ;a.hi., Thursday, September 30th, 1937. D. J. MATHESON, ' City Treasurer. ISCOUNT SALE r One Week Only. Real Bargains for Quick bale. OPENS WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 15TH Blouses t to fin fcf-A 25. Now ... vwtf fecial 98c Wool Dresses Skirts Regular to CQ QC $4.95. Now Regular Itogulnrto to $2.95. Now Felt Hats Star. 1.00 Special Knitted Suits 8ft 310.95 7 A ft Regular Regular to to $11.95. NoU . . Regular Regular to to $8.95. Now . . . QJt AC Pullovers ALL PRICKS CASH, NO RK FUNDS OR EXCHANGES Party In Honor Of Miss White Affair For Popular Girl Who Leaving For Halifax to be Married Is A farewell party was held, last night at the home of Mrs. Charles Currie in honor of Miss EveHe White who Is leaving Thursday evening for Halifax to be married, visiting in Vancouver and Winnipeg enroute. The evening was spent in playing bridge, community singing and "with an amateur hour conducted by Miss Jean Scott. Prize winners at bridge were Miss Helen Hampton, first, and Miss Jessie Cherry, second. Dainty refreshments were served by the hostess after which Miss Nora Rudderham presented the bride-to-be with a handsome silver sugar, cream and tray. The set was suitably engraved with ''Best Wishes from the Nutty Club." Those present were: Misses Eve- Ilen White, Nora Rudderham, Lillian Davies, Helen Hampton, Jessie Cherry, Jean Scott, Doris Webster, Winnie Tucker, Margaret Fritz, Mildred Lindsay, Marjorle Weeks, Mrs. W. J. Richards, Mrs. Chas. Currie. The happy evening was. brought to an -end by giving three cheers and singing. "For She's a Jolly Good Fellow." Weather Forecast . General Synopsis A rising high pressure Is now centred over Northern British Columbia and fine warm weather continues over lie rest 'of the province. Prince Rupert and, Queen Chatlotte Islands Moderate shifting winds, 'cloudy and cool with scattered showers. West Coast' of Vancouver Isl and Moderate winds, mostly north and "east, fine " With little Miiinpe ih temperature. ' Frank Dodsworth jr. was a pas engers .aboard the Catala Monday morning going through to Anyox where he will visit with his sister. Legion Executive Was In Session Holds Meeting Preparatory to Gen. eral Gathering to Hear Convention Reports The executive of the Canadian Legion, Prince Rupert branch, was In session last evening. Members present were J. Preece, chairman, J. Ranee, H. A- Breen, C. L. Young- man, C. L. Barker, J. A. Teng, J. Hadden and J, S. Wilson. Matters of a routine nature were dealt with in preparation for the regular monthly meeting of Wednesday evening. Circulars from the Dominion Command regarding the presenta-j tlon of the case of ex-Imperlal soldiers now resident In Canada as prepared by the Dominion Presl- dent General Ross, the program of Legion activities during he winter, and the organization of the annual ! "Poppy" campaign were read. It lsJ sxpected that the Vlmy Pilgrimage j film "Salute to Valor" will be pre-j rented In the local theatre In the, near future. j A feature of Wednesday evening's meeting will be the reports of W.. M. Brown and J. S. Wilson who' recently attended the Provincial Convention of the Canadian Legion j at Pentlcton. Mrs. Bernard Lundahl A.T.C.M. Voice Production riANO and THEORY 431 Fourth Avenue West Phone Green 994 IX THE SUMIF.ME COflll Of RITIS1I COI.UMMA n the Mattrr of Ell Ohnrnr, nrcfasnl And In the Mattrr of the "Admlnlitratlon Act" TAKE 'NOTICE that by order of H Honour W. E. Fisher, the l&th day of August, A. D. 1937 I was appolnu-d Obarne, Dectased, and all parties hav- Ing claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before tb 16th day- of October, A. D. 1937, and all parties Indebted to the estate ire required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WAIT, Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B. C Dated the 17th day of August, A. P 1937. MacKenzie s Furniture For ONE WEEK ONLY We Offer $3.50 allowance for your old Mattress 'on the Purchase 'Of One of These SIMMONS Mattresses TDA17A1 f AD Regular $39.95 1 Knl ALuAlu Allowance on old mattress ... ..... ........ $3.50 . Cost to You "au This -mattress has highly tempered Inner springs, pre built edges. Silk dairiask covering. TftD A ttT " Regular '$29.95 UKAlVLu Allowance on old mattress $3.50 Cost to You 26 45 This matress is 'wonderful value at the regular V"'xU price of $29.95. frill? CI Wit) Reenter $24-95 lilL IjLIAIIu Allowance on old mattress $3.50 " - cist to You '; - - 21.45 These Mattresses are. All, Spring Filled, a SIMMONS Product, Expert Workmahshlp'and; Fine Materials Assure Healthful Sleep and Satisfactory Service 'for Many Years. The Mattresses are Now on Our Floor For Your Inspection and Comment., Phone 775 Ottawa, June 22, 1937 Council of Canadian Medical Association Endorses land Urgfes iPasteurization of Milk Mid Cream We have pasteurized our products since 1923 for your protection. Positive Past-teurization for Safe Milk at no extra cost. VALENTIN Phone 657 DAIRY i Try Salada Orange Pekoe Blencl cm m m Mm am dfilifUIA TEA 81 COMING ept. 30, Oct. 1 and 2 The Or iginal Rexall ONE CENT SALE Ormes Ltd. Pioneer Druqejrtsts The He i ill Store Phones: 81 St 82 Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m, 7 am. till 9 p.nt Make your New Dresses look SMARTER Nil-Back Telescopic Will not ride up Corketry's Greatest Forward Step in decades At Wallace's Third and Fulton Beautify Your Home per Package 40c MURESCO puts fiaonytn Walls and Ceilings A RICH FLAT FINISH thst will not rub off. crck,chip tv Mt in 18 Tints And White Pacta 75c GORDON'S HARDWARE Phone 311 iiBKinaiciKini McttridcSl. :i:iw:u!i3a:ini:ax!n:iiiiiiuaiiiBii it : t