THE WEATHER ir hours ending 5 a.m., ===] THE DAILY NE cislative As NEXT MAILS For souTH P~Rrince Rupert....Friday, 8 a.m. C/Rritteess Mary....Saturday, a.m. Pieces Mar ALUABLE DOCUMENTS ARE ernment Steeet Destroys all Manuscripts and Records of the Native Sons—Loss $140,000 MINERS HAVE LOST $4,500,000 IN WAGE hibben Co, on 3 vient Vict vy. 13 tin erheated A fire origin- furnace in e base gutted the four-storey nilding e T. N on a a a i, | ee ee oe ee te i oe te ie te ee er ere Cara arar ear & DESTROYED AT VICTORIA ire Which Broke Out in the Hibben Building on Gov- 4 “ “ht? , > . y r re President of Crows Nest Pass Coal Hooch" Plays Havoc With Native BONAR LAW WILL WANTS Set PAPERS, SUCCEED BALFOUR Owners of the Sealer Pesawha Are Likely to Get a Disappointment. Canadian Born Tariff Reformer Will — Be Elected Today to Lead Unionist Party in Britain, TO APPROACH | | | WANT TAX RELIEP. seaittieinias |Party of Churchmen Interview the Taxation Commission at Victoria, | (Canadian Press Despatch.) | Victoria, Nov. 13 At final |sitting of the Taxation Commission jon Saturday Bishop MacDonald of the British Columbia Cathedral and va- rious other clergymen, put forth a | plea for the legislative relief of their jeeerenes from municipal taxation. (Canadian Press Despatch.) Victoria, Nov. 13.—An application has been made for the clearance of the sealing schooner Pescawha. As the new treaty forbidding sealing for the next fifteen years comes into ef- fect on December 15, it is likely to be denied, the (Canadian Press Despatch.) London, Novy. 13 At a meeting of the Unionist members, to be held in the Carlton Club tonight, Hor. Walter Long will propose and Austen ChCamberlain will second the nom- ination of Andrew Bonar Law as the leader of the Unionist party in the Active steps are being taken to organise a regulary city band in Prince Rupert. The Prince Rupert oréhestra has done excellent work on STOOD FOR FAIR PLAY. * INDIANS IN TROUBLE, Alderman George Kerr Seconded a fewe . KF } e je £U 199i) \! Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist Paha } ae = ca y — joa to Motion of Alderman Douglas Last |*°veTal notable occasions, but with| Council for the funds requested, al clock last night. The loss is about | 0. Says He Has No Objection to A. J. Balfour, Week. every Indian village boasting of an|those signing being experienced in- 400 Miners Joining Union, but Bonar Law's election is assured. =a ee instrumental band, Prince Rupert] strumentalists willing to spend time th he company ts valued | ; | Jim Auriol, an Indian lad, was this] tie ig q Canadian, having been born In connection with recent debate| Willed to get busy along lines to|in practices for the work of the band 100 and included the | (Canadian Press Despatch.) morning found guilty of having neen in New Brunswick fifty-three years in the City Council over the award | S@cure a city bafid worth having. And | without fee, and to serve in all other The insurance was | Victoria, Nov. 13.—Elias Rogers | arunk pp on of ean Eric/ago. He is an advanced tariff re-| 06 tne trunk sewer byiaw advertis-/| this is being done. ways to further the success of the Pt ! ve Saree | Bates, another Indian, with liquor. =e - * | of Toronto, president of the Crows He was fined $25, with the alterna- former, be Pp ing, to which the News was not in- Tonight the City Council will be | Plan. 1 reys included a num-| Nest Pags Coal Company, who is tive ss ieeats hive Sint data he ai nae is areas | Vited to tender mention was not made | approached for a grant of $500 to- Folly eighteen names are available voms of the Conser- | visiting here, says the strike which got the liguor ‘tr ae Corda Sh Toronto, Nov. 13.—The announce=1in our columns of the fact that Al-| wards the purchase of instruments,|of experienced bandsmen, and those ‘ | ZO 1e ri rr as Joe asc . > gselecti " | . the Native Sons, in| hag prevailed for sev@én months in the Princess May. It was in a flask oo or the saloon of oat Law | derman Kerr seconded the motion of|and later, as the action of the city|of many others interested. It is pro- luable manuscripts,| Fernie and Mix hel, has resulted in} itl g - ou ; McIntosh tartan la a Te Meson wees 22 Geeat Brit- | alderman Douglas, that the adver-|fathers may direct, arrangements | posed to raise funds for the pur- Ww a gorge 8 3 8 é a- | aj as cause sat satisfs ; | 4 f S otogr 1 records of the Brit-|q loss of $4,500,000 in wages to|) . Poll investieaian” iademiea ain has caused great satisfaction ‘0 | tising be divided between the three| will possibly be made for the repre-|chase of band instruments, includ- | be olice es 4! 2 . Son es Va in Ate ‘2 “ i S Aatut neers, all of which | date aiietel ther: “Bons tae rane prominent Canadians here and | joca] newspapers. In justice to the | sentation of the City Council offi- | ing two drums, three cornets, several | I nerous ote ) es * . ° y ‘es f g f 2x rege | ‘ ‘ r i the four fire in} He says he has no objection to] i an, bit these: tie Game? han «hae throughout Canada Many expres |stand for fair play taken by Alder-| cially upon the band executive. This) melliphones, trombones, etc, A first room, ) 1ese, > SE ’ é ee el g P ann > e > . “@, ’ Lae | rit i ode eer | the miners joining the union, but there before he came to the room ‘ons of approval have been received }man Kerr on the occasion, the News| subject came up for considerable dis- | rate city band is projected, and will 1ere before he came e n. accel ; | : i —_ | he demands that they be free agents | Bates was fined $10 or ten days Ba Si 5 DAO CmERRE N bases , |makes special mention of the mat-| cussion at the meeting of the pros-| certainly result in success if the cit- 13 (Special) | to act as they choose , ; : GOT PAST THE CUSTOMS. | ter pective bandsmen and those inter-|izens get in and help the plan along. Connaught hag con-| BUILDS NEW Hot oer | tt lested, which was held yesterday af-|Then we'll have a real bard wagon - aaerey oe 5 sDS NEW HOME, B. ©. Lumbermen Score a Point in| ‘ ee ; tie aanr | , , the annual exhibi-| warm Bed* Coverings—all kinds— | Tarttt War ka Mosel f Protest | LINER IS WRECKED ternoon in the police court room. |to ride in when there’s anything next summer | Wallace’s oe —- - ube edhe roveet OFF JAPANESE coast | At this meeting, which was very | lively doing. | Poe os | Residence for Indian Agent ©. ©. at Ottawa, eee ar < | | SS Perry to Go Up at Metlakatla, = | ara a 2 Onn eso, aS a ay Lene eee ee | Ottawa, Nov. 18 A complaint | Steamer Minnesota Is Ashore 400 | éé 99 PALESTINE IS SUFFERING | Indi A tc.cap is } made by a delegation of British Co-| Miles South of Yokohama—Feared ‘ y srry is hav-; j % . oe St ae A pte : }lumbia lumbermen, that American | That Her Plight Is Serious. ing a new residence built at Metla-| s : | a lumber is entering Canada free of} | katla. Bert Greer is to do the build- ; 4 | }duty when not entitled to, has been ‘ : : e_ | entered upon bo Declares Rev. F. W. Kerr in His Address on His|°"‘°™ Recent Trip Through the Holy Land—Land is jd : |investigated by the customs board, bnebote 1° Q J | today. The residence a Hels o hat rfain product : f nesota of the Great Northern line ‘ ‘ . | 10 «fine 1a certa ro cts o as g 2 as ee ‘ ieee shy. ; Will be a substantial one, in keeping | |. ee , has gone ashore near the Island Shi United States mill not entitled to} Koku, 400 miles south of Yokohama. with the needs of an Indian agency, |». i 2e Suspended Sentence, However, in Case of Steve Sweit- zer Who Has Seventeen Stewpots in His Camp | : entry-have been passed by cus-|It is feared that her plight is se-| ‘ ” . ‘ s ‘ is expected to be complete in| ‘af : ‘ pig § 8 __ 4 Full of Sikitiauaaa ok tee Past Grontness jand ts com) soins. eMetats adie Must be Watched,” Says the Judge - | abe sia -eks = Yevaiie Ess ie 3 . grave Turkish mis-|bosom. Only a few ruined viallages | - eri Wireless communication with the Steve Sweitzer, accused of rifling|toms of the northern country than : a country of | Were to be seen on its banks. It | e ars : , | Sloan Suit Club Winners liner was suddenly broken off before a cache on the trail beyond Stewart, most. Let them impress on all whom rt ‘ | was a contrast from the busy scenes | Blizzard in Manit: «> Lis b 13—F. W. Dowli details of the mishap could be ascer-| in the Bear River country, was found | it may concern that I personally Bd ruis t splendor, but BOVE a days of Jesus. Today, Pales-| st, paul. Nov. 13.—Mat tbha ei Club 13—F. W. Dowling tained. j technically guilty of taking a rubber|know a little about the customs of 1 le Gays oO esus Gay, ¢ 5 é ae 3 an a é > , é ed. . Ml a great memory and],.. less than 300,000 people.|the Middle West is In the grip of a Club 14—F. Knott He eee oe oe ;tarpaulin not his own from. the|the trail, and I do not consider tines aaenkatne ta a ot i aap. 4 ind aes ses ; * . Fi “ - eg . are h a Club 15—Phil. Hannifin | cache, but was iet go on suspended | cache-rifling a light offence. Any Me, accor | aT ac 1a as f as > | blizzarc rive e¢ o snc as ’ . Te > "2 tad ‘hi alt “é . P hol ight lec- | au ic * us the Dominion of Can-| faq] | Club 16—Walter Owen Ladies’ and Children’s Monarch | sentence by Judge Young this morn-| one found guilty of it would be most ho last y ec- | population as the 0 1i¢ yt é alle ‘ 7 e , > it’s ors—W<¢ »e’ ; 7 ». POL EEA S 205 ; i: Be pi cai thie aa atte a AL Club 17—Geo, Frizzell Knit’’ Sweaters—Wallace’s. jing, as it was by no means clear that|severely sentenced by me, at all byterian congrega- | 808 es a tr i ae all that tell = = —— jhe had been really guilty of the se- events.” } to the Holy Land 9 a5 ee - : ai rh aty rious offence of stealing with felon- The accused was ordered to re- } ' —T o lé ten zrea cities v ! thei i" : ; id unusual oppor- rs ; . inoin ana. erent jious intent from the cache. His ex-|/place the rubber tarpaulin taken ‘ te les anc acquadl i € ‘ : into touch with m{ i os i Bulldes | planation was that a drenching rain] with one similar or $5 within three : arenas that ero¢ ie de : y Palestine He was om na . a | compelled him to take the tarpaulin, | weeks, and warned that any further ty of four stu-| founded : | which was covering only some cook- suspicion against him in future might Harvard. « om Som triking incider were nar : . ° . ‘ ; ‘a aka anv |res servi ee ee : Tl Gtee Nv tan Stick te. ticstation o¢ {One ene, nein Burger, a Swede, Was Instantly Killed by Explosion While Clean- ing untensils. He did not take any saa in his serving a long ae e, Switzerlanc rate € in Istracior 7 ; ¢ ° e ° . of the other things in the cache. Two amusing little aspects of the Manitoba College condition of me rule that ex ing Out a Blast Hole- Max Satich 18 Badly Injured—Hurried in to City Judge Young laid very strong em-/case came out in court. It was Prof. Kent, made a/under the Turk The Jew | phasis on the seriousness of the of-|claimed that mice might have eaten led as far as pos-|tine, he said, is not to be ré of A sad tragedy occurred early this morning at Mile 44 where the big tunnel is being con-| fence of ecache-rifling in this north-|or stolen some of the grub alleged ites, ¢£ i anjby tl virile, aggressive people of . ‘ . le . ry ore 2n’s liyes s re C , and in an rn i bug ST ins, ine eiein: Laetitia. Seen engaged in cleaning out a blast hole an unexploded charge of powder went | @" country, where men 8 liyes de-/|to have been stolen by the accused. raversed the whole | Scriptural days, no . es ey Pay jpend often on their finding again |‘‘Pooh!" said W. EB. Fisher, for How- er ne, and followed the | aggressive types who are known in| off killing one of the men, Charles Burger, and badly injuring severe] others. One of the | supplies left on the trail for their|ard Porter, the complainant. “Mice Hime esbeshsi 2 Sh | fa Py ren ar a ; ee men is now at the hospital! having his injuries attended to. |return trip. ‘Do not by any means| don’t eat frying pans.’’ t iry ;}Jerusalem is poverty stricke mune |suppose that I am letting this man “I am putting you on suspended | t ye he S ruins, bringing into | leprous, a picture of grief and we WAS KILLED INSTANTLY §0 on suspended sentence because I] sentence,” said Judge Young to the Slory of the past} This fall from high a eae Burger who is a powder man received the full force of the blast and was instantly killed j think the charge of cache-rifling aljaccused, ‘“‘because evidence shows and misery of the |the preacher attributed to the « se J s ¢ : : : s. | trivig f or,”’ sai 2 ss g 7 ave seve yp i ni ( € : ] ee he aa mae by the flying rock. Of his two companions, one, Satich, the man now in the hospital, had his trivial m ater,” said the judge. I|that you have seventeen stewpots in y impressed the lec-| that had befallen lg Ans see many here in court whom I know your camp, and I think a man who he caught his first |jecting Jesus, who would have be leg broken, and the other was injured about the hands. to be men from Stewart, who know|has seventeen stewpots ought to be sea of Galilee it was|come their great leader had he been DEAD MAN A SWEDE ;more about trail-law and the cus-|watched. (Laughter.) ‘ sail gleaned on its] accepted j a Supt. W. McInnes, who is in charge of the contract, immediately had a special train HE WEST IS SUFFERING FROM THE INTENSE COLD Terrible Tornado Sweeps Over Middle West States and a Blizzard in Manitoba—Traffic is All Tied up in the Kootenay District Press Despatch.) |year ago, is the statement made by mere 13.—-Despatches this | the official weather reporter here yng tinois, Wisconsin and ; a terrible storm that | A Doll Baby. r the face of the Miad- | Wingham, Ont Novy 13 (Spe- ible havoe igs being | cial) —The smallest boy ever born s as well as to prop-|in Huron County has been left by rricane the stork at the home of Ernest An instances of death) cell and wife The boy weighs one : have been reported, | and a quarter pounds His hands rhe ers are referred to/are no larger than a man’s thumb ; re ulars are not given, | nail Aside from his diminutiveness cee Ourse of the tornado, | he is a normal, healthy child e full of injured per- | = suffered, GERMANS ANGRY WITH FRANCE AND BRITAIN Ne in Kootenay, dist, 13 The Kootenay F inh ctag ahi aaah beriencing the coldest | At the Opening of the pens ue “s has bg en years All traffic Franco-German Agreeme fad fines 7 ralized by the intense Soundly Condemned in ons showfall, quence, Y! OH, Joy: Seattle 4 ; ’ the chancellor and disapproval of Warn ¢ » Us This Is the Coolest Franco-German agreement was the ‘Wenty Years at Least, |dominant note in the Reichstag on (( . Saturday. Many speakers voiced their Seat; " Press Despatch, ) indignation against Great Britain en 13.—That the pres-|and gave it as their opinion that the Um 'S the coldest at this|agreement would bring Germany oue Men ‘Y since the establish step nearer to France in matters of eather bureau, twenty friendship sent for and accompanied the injured men into town. Burger is said to be a Swede and Satich a Bulgarian. Satich’'s injuries are being looked after by Dr. Eggert. ON SPECIAL TRAIN Immediately after the accident a special train was secured and the injured man and the | | dead body ‘of Burger were placed on board and hurried into town, rushed with all speed to the hospital. (Canadian Press Despatch.) | TURKS REPULSED AT TRIPOLI ining tro Dea) AFTER AN ALL DAY FIGHT ote inabitante le tnaracrd, and POPULATION OF | business houses and dwellings all looted or burned Seventy thousand persons have fled from the city Down the railway from the jcity a great, snakelike line of hu- Tripoli, Nov. 12---Strong forces of Turkish Arabs supported by artillery today delivered a determined attack on the Italians white NANKING | MASSACRED BY SOLDIERS The injured man was/| Imperial Chinese Trcops Break Loose and Attack In- habitants—Snake-Like Procession of Humanity is Fleeing for Safety—City is in Ruins LOOKS A WHITE MAN, Fred Duduward, Indian Chief's Son, Charged With Liquor Trouble Has Thoroughbred Pedigree but With all man, the appearance of a and speaking excellent | : ; ; ,| English, Fred Dudword, son of the 2 eas : manity is trudging in search of etna all along the line between Hamidich and Boumeliana, but were re- Datetr, 1 QURAEe naa ofthe ates |chiet OC tha: Bost, Smapean Snel | d |}chus that brought this devastation, | 828, Went into various hotels on pu sed. Saturday and was freely supplied | While the Republicans were in camp | awaiting reinforcements and ammu- Beginning in early morning with some serious skirmishes, waiting reinforcements and amu . e * }n on, the Manchus began the wor ‘the fighting about noon took on the character of a general ACEION. |o¢ carnage. Men, women and chil As usual the Turks displayed desperate courage, but were unable“ "°" #%e slaugnterea. s Pekin, Noy, 18,—Again all is I with the liquor he ordered. Asked if he was not a full-blooded ndian, he replied that he was sup- posed to be one, but considered him- elf a halfbreed when he ordered to withstand the tremendous combined fire from the trenches, the field artillery and the guns of the armored cruiser, Carlo Alberto, Berlin, Nov. 13.—Hostitity toward Which lay at anchor in the roadstead. While the Italians were attacking the fort at Hamidich, which had been stormed on the previous night, they were sud- denly taken on the flank by a large force of Arabs hidden in some palm and olive groves. Heavy losses were sustained by the ‘Italians before the enemy were beaten off. Quiet within the eapitol at Tientsin jtoday, There is no sign of the revo- | lutionary advance that has been ex- | pected for days, In Pekin, those }around the throne are engaged in l trying to end the revolution, Today there seems to be some foundation }for the hope that the government | will be able to regain the allegiance of the general in charge at Sao Tien. Another shipment Northway’s Ladies’ liquor, Appearances being so strong- ly in favor of the latter idea, Dudo- ward sot off with the usual D & D fine, $5 or seven days. Aviation Caps—Wallace’s. Forty Doctors Admitted, Victoria, Noy. 13.—(Special)——As a result of recent legislation, forty doctors will be admitted to practise in British Columbia. Suits, $25 to $85—Wallace’s. Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners, Phone 4. >~ 223 say eae oy Ree ee : eI: geen er eR trae nist ate PRE ee an pt = a fag 20 “Fete + i i i i i es Saget aa game ee es FOR GIES RI Oa Be > > see Si ie As Sa ia nA liga tes ka ei la A: «Se