PROVINCIAL 1 mRARY . n Todays Weather Tomorrow's Tides (S AM.) Che wmm High 10:50 a.m. 17.0 It. Prince Rupert Clear, calm;; 21:50 p.m. 17 J ft. 30.22 falling; tem- barometer, Low 3:25 a.m. 7.5 ft. perature, 55; sea smooin. 15:36 p.m. 10.2 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER 2, "A PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1937. PRICE: 5 CENTS U V SPARING TO PATROL rian Is Presented to Italy and Germany. Others Signed tish Reported To Have Captured Submarine in Aegean Sea . 3NDON, Sept. 14: (CP) In Ber- jnd Rome yesterday British and bch diplomats submitted the Ny- Iconference scheme to German Italian governments,, inviting co-operation. If Italy should to participate in patrol work, sh and French ships will do the sea. irty-flve British destroyers are lady In the Mediterranean as as the aircraft carrier II.M.S. ageous with its flotilla of pes. tleet of Russian destroyers is ready to leave the Black Sea 'the Mediterranean. i unidentified submarined re al to have been sunk by shore tries off Cartagena on the coast Bliiln yesterday. Agreement Signed I One Mediterranean and Black fpoers today signed the agre?- pt aimed at ending the submar- i piracy and" re-cstabllshment, of dom and security of Medlter- shlpplng. ! he signing of the agreement co- Slded with unconfirmed reports 1 a British warship had captured ubmarlne In the Aegean Sea af-the underwater craft had tor-! doed Rurilan tankers. ondon and Paris say that both Britain and France have or-addltlonal warship to the edlterranean to bolster up fleets I destroyers which patrol the a take effective measures against rate submarines menacing Inter- itional shipping. flanes Crash In lid-Air; Loss Of e Totals Four ISOVTH BEND Indiana, Sept --Four nersons Mere killed in V- crash of two yianes in mm lr over this city on Sunday. Today's Weather (Government TflegrftpiKi Triple Island Clear, north nor- cst wind, 18 miles per hour; mod- fate chop. Langara Island Dense fog, east ptheast wind, two miles per hour; irometer, 30.12; temperature, 53; (a obscured. Dead Tree Point Part cloudy, fe&h westerly wind: barometer, 21, temperature. 56; light swell. Bull Harbor Clear, calm: bar- imetcr, 30.18; temperature, 47; sea niotn. Alert Bay Clear, calm; barome- 30; 16; temperature, 47; sea nooth. I Estevan Clear, northeast wind, miles per hour: barometer,, (.00 i Victoria Clear, northerly wind, pir miles per hour; barometer, f Vancouver Clear, north e r 1 y vma; barometer, 30.00. ; rince George Clear, calm: bar peter, 30.20. Terrace Clear, north wind, tem- iaiure, 58. Aiyansh Clear, calm, 54. i Alice Arm-Clear, calm, 57. " "jox-cicar, calm, 49. mewart-ciear, calm, 47. Hazelton-Foggy, calm,. 48. ' "miners-Clear, calm, 50. "urns Lake-Cloudy, calm, 50. F. Urges Neutrality DEFECTION 1 INSPAIN New Dictatorship, Opposed to Val-encla Government, Set Up At Gijon ' IIENDAYE, Sept. It: (CP) Anarchists have made a coup d'etat at Gijon, Spanish govern- 1 men coastal stronghold in the northwest, and have set up an Asturian dictatorship, insurgent officers announced at Irun today. It Is reported that the dictatorship, under Belarmlo Tomas, has severed relationship with the Valencia government and impris- onrd the general staff. TODAY'S STOCKS (Courteay S. O. Johnston IX.) Vancouver Stocks B. O. Nickel. 10. Big" Missouri, .41. Bralorne, 7.05. B. R. Con., .02. Aztec, .07. Cariboo Quartz, 1.50. Dentonla, .10. Dunwell, ,02Y2. Golconda, .061. MlnUi, .08. Meridian, .01 'i. Falrvlew Amal., .04. ' Noble Five, .05. Pend Oreille.. 3.25. 1 Pioneer, 3j65V) If- oner irano, .u-i Premier, 1.96, Reeves McDonald, .75. Reno, .75. Relief Arlington, .17. Reward, .072. I Taylor Bridge, .Oi. Hedley Amai., .05i. Sllbak Piemier, 1.65. Congress, .0212. Silver Crest. .04. Home Gold, .013,. Grandvlew, .16. Indian, .02 Quatslno Copper, .03 ','2. , Quesnelle Quartz, .07&. Whitewater, .09 V2. Oils A. P. Con., .272. ! Calmont, .36. C. & E., 1.64. Freehold, .04'i. Hargal, .14.' McDougal Segur, ,15V2. Mercury, .21 '2. Okalta, 1.03. Pacalta, .16. Home Oil, 1.25. United, .14. Weymarn, .06. Toronto Stocks Beattle, 1.01. CentraJ Patricia, 2.20. Gods Lake, .47. Lee Gold, .02 Vn. Little Long Lac, 4.40. McKenzle Red Lake, 1.10. Pickle Crow, 4.G0. Red Lake Goid Shore. .28. SanAntonlo, 1.30. Sherritt Gordon, 2.06. Smelters Gold, .0l'2. McLeod Cockshutt, 1.27. Oklend, .12. Mosher, .13. GUbcc, .01. Madscn Red Lake, .55. Stadacona, .85. Frontier Red Lake, .05. Francoeur, .50. Manitoba tt Eastern, .02'4. Moneta Forcuplne, 1.49. Bouscadlllac, .14. Rubec, .02 V2. Thampson Cadillac, .35. Bailor, .01 V2. Bankfleld, .59. East Malartlc, .90. Preston East Dome, .95. Hutchison Lake, .10. Dawson White, .09. Rajah Red Lake, .04. Aldermac, .87. Kerr Arrlson, 1.92. Uchl Gold, .70. Martin Bird, .36. Tonight's iraln. due from the fw. at 11 o'clock, wa reported) this morning to be on time. SISTER SHIP TO "QUEEN " ' ----- - 4 In the midst of all the steel scaffolding and huge cFaneHiooms, Cunarder 552, the sister ship of the Queen Mary,. Is slowly taking shape at Clydebank, Scotland, The bilge plates have now been htleu on the stern and the bulkheads amidships completed COURT HAS NEWCASES Action For $28,000 Damages From Atlin Most Important on September List Several new actions, including a rattier largcminlng action from the Atlln district, have made their ap- pearance on the list of local County Court which was In session yester- day before Judge W. E. Fisher for setting of cases. In the Atlin case the Columbia Development Co. Is 'suing Isaac Matthews etal for dam- ages In the sum of $28,000 arising out of the dumping of placer tall- lnes bv the defendants on adloln- lne Ground of the plaintiff. L. W. Patmore Is acting as counsel for the plaintiff and J. T. Harvey for de fendants. The action was laid over until next month's court. Other cases on the September County Court list are as follows: Jack Lambert vs. John Clausen, $862.02. Brown & Harvey for plain- harb cru8e ag far ag Metakat. tiff, Patmore & FuUon for defend- ,ft aboarJ Bob Fr,ell.B power ant, next court. cruiser Sllene. The trip, evident-C. E. Hansen vs. Hans Hansen. d delightful to $24.70, Patmore & Fultoii for plain- , ' hem tiff, defendant In person, date to ,. be fixed. . John Geddes vs. John A. Swanson, $220.50, Brown & Harvey for plain-' tiff, R. L. McLennan for defendant, adjourned to next court. Northern British Columbia Power Co. vs. F. C. Bishop, $49.14, Patmore & FuUon for plaintiff, defendant In person, September u. Fay S. Short vs. Earl Osborne, $446.35, Patmore & Fulton for Plain. tiff, Brown & Harvey for defend-ant, next court. Max Hellbroner vs. Mrs. Myrtle Rogers, $20.00, Brown & Harvey for plaintiff, defendant In person, Sep. tembcr 27. ! Lyall McLeod vs. Axel Olsen, $83.50, R. L. McLennan for plaintiff, Brown & Harvey for defendant, next court. Hugh McDonald vs. Q. S. Fyper and P. Arnold, $72.50, Brown & Harvey for Plaintiff, Patmore & Fulton for defendant, next court. rete McNlcoll vs. Q, S. Pyper and P. Arnold, $30.00, Brown & Harvey for plaintiff, Patmore & Fulton for defendant, next court. An appeal in action of Mary For. rest vs. Hugh Forrest was discontin ued by R. L. McLennan acting for Dlalntlff. Six naturalization applications were approved by the court. MARY" TAKING SHAPE WILL COME HERE AGAIN Mr. and Mrs. John Jacob Astor lieliglilea nun i risce nupen Enjoyed Harbor Cruise . , Mr. and Mrs. John Jacob ,1, Astor. who leu last nignt ior nazenon after a two day visit to Princt Rupert, were o delighted with their visit here that they plan to return during August of next year and spend at leas a week. While their visit here, by their own wish, was a quiet one, Mr. and Mrs. Astor were very appreciative or courtesies that were extended while in Prince I Kupert Yesterday afternoon the entire! party consisting of Mr. and Mrs Astor; Dr. Chillean, prominent New York surgeon; Miss Frascr, daughter , the general sales; manager mc wuu((f ui.jui f- f t!on. and Anthony Ridgeway of i Japanese Continue Advance In Neighborhood Of Shanghai But Are Beaten Near Hong Kong report of executive; Minister of Labor, Speaking Before Congress, Not Very Hopeful of Industrial Peace OTTAWA, Sept. 14:(CT The The Trades and Labor Congress of Canada today voted to ask the establishment of a six-hour day and five-day week in ail occupations but rejected the recommendation that it a:k for a min imum wage of fifty cents an hour. OTTAWA, Sept. 14: (CP) The annual Trades and Labor Congress of Canada yesterday received from the executive a report urging efforts to end alleged discrimination In Canada against union workers opposing change ln Uwthat would ease restrictions against immigration or curtail. free pastagcrofeq.. DOraei) -91 ' "inveina 1 wnai umnrvi?r flclals. 1 The executive report also de-' nounced as dangerous ths Issuance by the courts of severe Injunctions against labor unions engaged In legitimate struggles to Improve llv-, Ing standards. Hon. Norman Rogers, minister of labor, lauui, made mauc a t plea pica tji for forbearance iviucaiauic ,n lndustrlal relatlons md 5ald that. unless we are prepared to pay the price of regimentation and a loss of Thomas Carrigue Masaryk, first freedom, It would seem that Indus- presjdent of Czecho-Slovakia, trial peace In an absolute sense Is a?ed 87( djed here this morn'n probably a very distant goal." of pneumonia. j When the map of Europe wa' XTITPPrrT IC irecast after the World War and llUljjlLl IlJ Czecho-Slovakia, among other 'small nations, was granted na-LIITCifV flAII? tional independence, a boyhood liUui I VilJCi 'ambition of Masaryk was achicv- ' mtlVmthm rhnnl, f RoU At Dease Lake Valued At i $1100 I An arrival in the city from the Caspar country tells of a gold nugget weighing 53 ounces hav- ing recently been brought into! Doase Lake from Boulder CreeV V"c u ;" ; at upwards j of $1400. AH Canadian Business Factors Are Showing Substantial Gain; Trade Is Over Billion Dollars OTTAWA, Sept. 14: (CP) The Dominion Bureau of Statistics yesterday reported that practically all Canadian business factors had shown increases during the seven months ending July 31 over the same period last year. Crop failures in sections of the prairie provinces had been more than offset by good crops in other areas and expanding trade. The volume of mineral production is up fifteen per cent. The index of physical volume of business is up over twelve per cent. Manufacturing operations are up fifteen points in the official index. Construction industry contracts are one third greater than in the previous year. Canada's trade crossed the billion dollar mark, improving twenty-six per cent. Railway freight revenue is up 8.3 per cent. In China Invaders Are Pressing Ahead On Second Defense Line-Chinese Strike at Enemy In Major Naval Battle In South OTTAWA, Sept. 14. (CP) Application of Canadian neutrality legislation to the Sino-Japanesc conflict was urged today in a statement by the national executive of the Co-operative Commonwealth Federation signed by M. J. Coldwell M.P., chairman. SHANGHAI, Sept. 14: (CP) The Japanese Army pressed forward through torrential rain today in a massed attack against the Chinese second line positions northwest of Shanghai. A Japanese spokesman said that strong fortifications at the Chinese civic centre of Hit i Ci i T"7ir iVlAK AriYSv lVA,rllJlLl i JLk wfi rn A "v 1 III A.1J orme-rj President of "h2 Slovakia Passes Away at Age' Of Eighty-Seven Was Liberator His Activities Resulted in Divorce Of Country from Austria-Hungary praha Sent 14: (CP) Dr. iea. . u.. !, aftr the disastrous Thir y ears War h s countrymen had been reuucea 10 political, cultural, social and re- ligious impotence. It was men ii.-. 1. 1 f.tto ...ill. I ia rlaairu artl Vinno r.f d ' b , 6 ab, t free , hayl cQme to the people of Czecho-Slovakia recag jnized the efforts he had exerted 'in their behalf and when the re-1 public was finally recognized as an independent nation, Dr. Masaryk was chosen as its fiist president I He looked as of was upon one francISCO, Sept. 14:-The the great awakeners of the Bo-I. . . n,t,JA i,, ' breach of organized labor became hemlan Slovak people; he wa. widened when the San called their liberator. After he ! urthe,r anclsco Industrial Conference', had been in office a little more than a year, the National Assem- T? 1 ? CfTmltteC n In; My of Czecho-Slovakia, desiring !dustrlal 0l? T1, that he should be honored as long w,as sf up to fight the San Fran-as he lived, voted him the privt-flf cf"tral Lbor Council, a 11-lege of remaining president for lale,d wlth the American Federation ljfei j of Labor. This Is an outcome of The parents of Masaryk plan- the continued dispute between ned a teaching career for him waterfront teamsters and long, that he might have a hr.'.d in en-1 shoremen which has resulted in the lightening the people of the vlrtual cessation ot cargo handling country. While he fulfilled thatlat thls Port- desire of hi parents, he early! sensed the opportunity for great er work along political lines, and it was through that and the conditions brought about by the World War that he was able to achieve for his country the posi-(Continued on Page Four) BAR SILVER NEW YORK: (CP) Bar silver was unchanged at 44s4c per fine ounce on the New York metal market today. Kiangwan had been accu- pied and that Japanese troops naa pushed deep into the delta of the delU of the Yangste River. Near Hong Kong A Japanese cruiser and two des- troyers bombarded the Chines customs station at Samun. near Hong' Kong, tonight after Chinese ,wjUiJiilane4 and iUibatterieirf struck at the Japanese fleet in a major naval battle. Japanese warships were reported routed by aerial bombs. Bloodshed In Germany Seen By R.C. Church I VATICAN CITY, Sept. 14: (CP) The Vatican newspaper Observatore Romano warned today that blood ot priests may be shed In Germany as In Spain if Nazi paganism goes on. This, said the paper, can be a consequence In Oermany A nnliics o-w f I rVil e r I O Y f M POO COC tQ 5qw seeds Qf hatred and yU e th, BREACH IS WIDER NOW Opposing Camps in San Francisco Becoming Even More Sharply Defined Funeral Notice Members of Canadian Legion will please attend the funeral of our late comrade J. R. Drown tomorrow at 2:30 from Haynor Bros. Parlors. Vancouver Wheat VANCOUVER, Sept, Hi (CP) Wheat was trading at $1.23V4 on the Vancouver market today.