TAOn TWO THE DAILY NEWS ' Friday, Ai DAILY EDITION Get Your Taw? Pumps Now! Just arrived large shipment of Tango Pumps white, brpwn, black and blue kid. Also brown and black suede and patent leather. Widths from AAA to Q The Finest Fitting Pump Made Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published .Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited. Third Avsnue H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRJP-IION KATES City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid In advat.ee $5.00 For lesser periods, paid in advance, per week , .10 By mall to all other countries, per year , .. , gjjo By mail to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid In advtnce 3.00 Advertising and Circulation Telephone ... 98 News Department Telephone 86 Friday. April 30. 1937 Strong Praise For Pattullo The Victoria Daily Times, which has shown its inde pendence in the past by offering criticism when it deemed u .j..: ui i i t . r, , . ji. duvjsauie, nas iouu praise 10 give me rattuiio government. Following a radio speech by Mr. Pattullo last week, me umes saw: "It was not surprising that Premier Pattullo had not a very great deal new to tell the people of the province when he spoke to them over the air last night. The excellent record of his government really needs no special emphasis even though there is to be a provincial election in a few weeks' time for in the three and one-half years in which it has been in office it has accomplished much of which it may reasonably be proud and which has been of considerable benefit to British Columbia's citizens. From newspaper reports and by way of Mr. Pattullo's intimate talks over the radio, the public has been kept adequately posted on the mannpr in vhJrr tVio? affoi Messages On. Mother's Day Special Arrangements Being Made To Handle Traffie One of the most widely, obsenred anniversaries of the year is Mo ther's Day which this year will fall on Sunday. May 9. It commemor ates & form of remembrance which . , u , , .... round iioa a umjti appeal mm telegraph companies are making arrangements to handle thousands of and this year the telegraph com panies anticipate that a hew record will be set for the number of messages and floral tributes which will be sent throughout the Cariboo Highway To Be Improved Good Deal of Government's Million Dollar Surfacing Program Will be There VICTORIA, April 30: (CP) Most of the work under the provincial government's $1,000,000 road sur facing program, announced yester day by Hon. F. M. McPherson, min ister of public works, will be done on the Cariboo Highway and lower mainland roads. In addition, short sections will classified be I - Ynrc Acta II " "5" li 1p V rr 7 """" ii v- uccjiv.umiuti.eu., The me city city council council last last night ni?ht de- ue- rerhaps the most important points to be borne in mind cided to accent a tender from at the present time is that provincial revenues, especially ithe Westhoime Lumber Co. for during the last twelve months, continue to increase and !he 8"p?ly ceme,1t f,,,he ,in' that the credit of the province stands high in the martsfe" the AcrP,i8 ",H reser- of finance, as the flotation of the recent loan at a little! ' more than three percent strikingly indicates. Critics of! A mte daughter arrived this the government, of course, are trying to be shocked at thelmorning at lhe home of Mr- and amount of mnnpv thnt Vioo tn or.0f ,1 a M". L. W. Patmore on llorden , J ; k" "v aim jrci, muse hunie, street Mnthpr ""ivwiii wkii, iiuo itiiu uiut commission De Ing nicely. tieaicu witnout aeiay. "This all boils down to the plain fact that you can not eat your cake and still expect to keep it. After allthe government gets its money from the people. It is the people, through the various delegations that come to Victoria, who implore the government to spend more and more and child arc do- Hotel Arrivals II. Guest, Savoy Hasolton; Mrs. mnnpv. It is rnmmanr1ohla AA ui. nii..n. i lL Carlson, Agnes Olson rniniXaKnn ministration r, has In had T the ' 7 I ,, U,C rf""o au- Clara Schultzik, Shames. courage to tell some delegations itoyai A. and wueii u nab considered requests tor money have not been1 A. Johnson and Ted Gunrud, justified. ; .Vancouver; John McCuish, F. S. "In sum,1 Premier Pattullo has nothing for which to &ra and A- IIIrae- clt'' John apologize. On the other hand, in all his public statements! ho hoc nnf nH.mnU, 4- il . tt . . I itunert ""Peri ..w 0 -ui ' tuvur anyemng up. xie nas been! J. L. McEwen, SmilheMj- Dan most morougniy irank. it we may use the ternvhe-is built 0 0"e, Calgary, that way. So. as he enters anothpr onmnnirm h nnn.v, Central be able to count upon the election at the polls of a suffi-'forVnenS,enr vncuv,er; M- u cient following to enable him to form a government al ."SJSi rS. sured of legislative control." 'off, city. MacKENZlE'S FURNITURE Folding Baby Carriage Child can use it from the time it's 4 days, until it's 4 years old. It's new and it's good. 327 Third Ave. Phone 775 Knox Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, Edmonton; J. G. Winkler, Port Edward; Carleton Ritchie,., Prince., George,; John E. Lyon, Ottawa, BRIDGING THE NATIONS SARNIA, Ont., April 30; (CP). lenders for sub-structure of the projected Point Edward-Port Huron vehicular bridge will be called May 17, It is hoped this addition to internation bridges Will be completed by the fall of .J 1938. Bernice Palmer I says ... Vou know this is 'Rational Fish year or something or other and Canada expects every housewife J to. do her duty. Fired with ideas- and ambition, I have made the s of every chef, economics director and, last but not least. Ihe Fish Dealers Association Wl I K f V a IntaTlt l - lao wn in ft ZTL tm chh TIJ 5e " - S mneH x?Bhouflt and forth f th,rrt of out ada, the United States and other flet and hay - fa u parts of the world Special cable gf ,nformatfon d nd rates are also In effect for this day head js ,n a whirJ and JJ to certain countries. The telegraphs of re.olutions to h fjsh oftener are able to telegraph orders forjanr, Hrt:ffpin. r .. ... . (flowers throughout the continent jPrjnce ,.upert u ao.d dent on land overseas, wherever a member rish for jts existence, you really of the association Is located. andl,hould t mQn of , nowers wui oe oeiiYtrrcu pcru,.j you nav iriej out of the ai me aesire oi me senaer. ac, recipes I ara soinj: to pass alonjr. cording to officers of the telegraphs; y0u wjj ajn.ee with me U)at f.)h roses will again be the most labored gift but cassations and other flowers are growing In h a very delicious food as well as a nutritive one. For instance, did you know that oyster is equal led or excelled only by liver ir- I oice me inauguration oi Mu-.ihe amounts of iron and coppe. jther's Day in 1910, the anniversary I which it may furnish to the diet ; has steadily grown in public favor! In an average serving an im- portant point In the Ireatment oi anemia? It would take too Jour; and be too technical to po InU vitamin content etc., but I will quote from MAn Outline, Bureau of Fisheries, Document No. 1000' brepared by B. A. Ghio foi the Central Pacific Wholesale Fish Dealers' Association: "It seems permissible to conclude that fish as a class are a safeguard against mineral defici fences in the diet and that they deserve more attention than the have had from chemists and dieti, Hans from this poinl of view." And now for the King of all fish, fresh salmon, and served fit to please a Kinjr. Salmon Aspic Have ready three pounds of salmon, wrap in a clean piece of tnuslin and put in a kettle with two tablespoons of minced carrot. undertaken onlwo tablespoonfuls each of onion' highways near smaller celery, a sprig each of thyme; ,and - MM I land n ml a. 9 t . x i a a nv ana minor repairs u exist- ""ej. iwo cloves, naif & Ing surfaces throughout the pro-l"3 leaf and 'bne-half lemon slie- vince u-ill be 'done, At.Ocean Falls ed' lout over boiling water to the Martin Valley road will be-;?ovr 't and let boil slowly un- mulched. il" tender, when it will pierce April 30, 1912 Talk Is being heard about the possibility of wheat being shipped through Prince Rupert fol lowing the opening up of the. (Jrand Trunk Pacific Railway. .wiih a fork, remove rom kettle. (Strain the liquid and measure.' If jou uo not nave enough for ont quart, add boilim? w.iir tn mnto that amount Soak two envelope. I of gelatine in one cupful of cold water ten minutes and dissolve in the hot stock, season hiehlv wun more salt if need be, j)ep-per and a dash of cayenne. Now 3dd the shell and white of an 'gg 'th shell broken) and the LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: The Spring Is here again. Don't forget your SPRING SUIT and TOPCOAT for the Coronation Celebration on May 12th, 1937. Prices are reasonable. Ph. M. T. LEE Green 9G0 3rd Ave. W. G0LDBL00M . Thq-Oid Reliable Fur Buyer Has Received. Large Orders For BEAVERS, MUSKRATS and all kinds of Furs Sehd'yotir'fjirs to Goldbloom 'aUvJ Vk-. .i ... ovc uow mucn more you will get. Ooldbloom guarantees more than anybody else and he wjres or malls the money Immediately upon receipt of the goods. GOLDBLOOM Prince Rupert white beaten until frothy. Set on fire, LriiiK to a boil then place where it will keep warm, but not ook, for twenty minutes, after which strain through double eheeseclQlh, . The liquid will bo clear. Pour. halt Hhe liquid into a mold, put into refrigpnitor until it "sets." On it arrange the talmon (which should be cold and from which yo'u have removed-ones and skin), also slices of hard boiled egj?s and strips of. pimienlo for a garnish, and add n iyii i hi niiwrni HaJ .i vs A -.-SK leady to .turn out and serve. And for just two, this is easy to prepare and Kod to taste Break one pound of fresh tailed salmon into small piece and fold in one cupful of medium white sauce. Serve on a mound o ste.imed rice and Kami sh with- OM TORONTO, pril just enough of the cold liquid to A practical joker hold the ingredients on the firs', scurrying through a hotel here. Jlayer of jelly. Put into refrigera- Someone-dropped a paper bag fil- tor to chill and when it is "set" led with water from the fourth add the rest of the jelly. Let floor . There was a loud burs' stand overnight when it will be and the polite vrru called. nro win Trail Rangers Had Bean Feed Twenty-Five Boys Gather at Affair In First United Church parsley. ; Trail Rangers of FV CHEhHIO Church and friends to th. . mber Oakland. of twenty-five enjoyed a beta feed ; In the church parlors last niht . " "' t ier wrucn a program was -. 30: (CP)! including the showing or rrjj sent police 'pictures of the launching f he steamer Queen Mary and f in-perlal Airways scenes by Re? r d. Clarke and piano solos by Mu. !a Wilding, Richard Mills a!;,' a, n Large. POROHAION v II II li ml'???m Tit rug ilhUfaltd if "CORONATION" CoHfoUum Gel J W Rug Na. 426 Hurry upl Tlie Congoleum Gold Seal Lucky Number Contest will definitely close at noon Saturday. If you haven't entered your guess yet here's all you have to do: Visit your dealer' where this Prize Rug In on display guess the mini her hidden under the Gold Seal which .Identifies the rug as genuine Con goleum then, If your guess comes nearest to the correct number, the 6x9 foot Prize Hugor your choice of any pattern this tame sfae-ia yours absolutely FREE. No obligation to buy! No tiresome conilitions-and this beautiful, long-wearing, jaboiir-aving Congoleum Gold Seal Rug as the prize. Contest closes noon Saturday. Winning number will lie posted In your dealer's window at 4 p.m. CONGOLEUM CANADA LIMITED .MONTHKAI, MacKenzie's Furniture Carries a complete line of CONGOLEUM RUGS at minimum prices. They -will be glad to supply your demands. - Gold Seal RUGS SPECIAL OFFER I If vou purchase t genuine Congoleum Gold Seat Rug during the period .of this contest and then prove to be the winner of the Priie Rug, you have the option of taking the Prize Rug or. of having the full purchase price of die rug you have already bought refunded. This is your opportunity of getting a rug of larger she absolutely FREE. THE COLD SEAL The Cold Seal is affixed m all gtnuint Gold .Seal Gin-goleum whether in Rug form or Dy-the-rsrd. It is your guarantee of, "Satisfaction. .or your Money Back". Beware of substitutes. Get Your CONGOLEUM GOLD SEAL RUGS at Gordon's Hardware McBrlde Street We carry a large stock of the new- est and most popular patterns.