' k- 53 !''. it I 0AH TO aMUaa ft tlu NEW EMPRESS TEA jnh'itt k laa kiikMt atllly aaUlaaala Mm it lHll miontli aait. Maatha ml Vaarfiaa aaa laitlaa ay fM eanaaiaaaur An Anllienjir Rejtlira pf (he Ancient ui milM H tat' X flaw arama actual, llavar. CaaiMiaa' o chain raaaa Pafcaa taal tram latfla ant Caylaa awa at klih aliatlaa ta aaiura aaul-i!a tUrr) J at PR ESS (rawa Laaal TEA ta' aara4 ;ltk tha atm.it aaafldenea al tr. aaeaval; S,J.. ! C.aawi far Valuabk Praailuau CORONATION ANOINTING SPOON Ma - Uarf llau Ika jit aafltury. Ikla Mitorl. taaaa III ka aia aaaa aula aa May 12 at Waitalarter Abb.,. Laaaaa. at tlia Caranatiaa at Tkair Malta, tiai Klnj fearia VI. ana Hu.a Eliiabatk. Van xay attaia aa aaact raaraauctiaa ia braaia-ant el tola Aaalatlm Saoaa. at Ini thaa aaa-balf iU rattilv aat. ky aur.ka.laa a aM-aaaU Mat. aaa a7 EMPRESS Br... L.W TEA. The SALVATION ARMY Annual Self Denial Campaign Tha Aaalatl gf.a "II aaaaM la ta. tanaui BIRK8 BLUl BOX. The Salvation Army is making the annual appeal for funds to carry on its world-wide work. During the month of May -officers and workers of the Salvation Army will be engaged in this campaign. The need is great, the appeal urgent for a generous response to this .year's financial effort. THEY SERVE WHO GIVE D. Elio Furniture Exchange MOOSE BUILDING, THIRD AVE. a Phone Green 916 New Furniture Let a New Coronation Rug Help Your Celebration. Dominion Linoleum or Congojeum Gold Seal Chesterfield Suites, Beds, Springs, Mattresses, Floor Covering, Blankets, Luggages, Table Oilcloth, Window Shades, Prams, Folding Carriages. Used Furniture Beds, Atlas Couch, Sf eel Crib, Singer Sewing 'Machine, Piano, Kitchen Table, Kitchen Cabinet, Kitchen Ranges, Dining Room Suites, Dressers, Gramaphone Records,, Musical Instruments, Books, Writing D&k, Portable Typewriter, Etc. TO THE HOUSEWIFE: Have you started spring cleaning? You may have furniture, crockery, utensils, luggage, blankets, suits, clothes, etc. you wish to get rid of. ELIO'S Trade-in Call Green 916 We Buy Everythins We Sell Everything CALL GREEN 916 D. ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE Moose Building, Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. Hours: Daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. LOCAL NEWS NOTES Dance Moose Hall, Friday night. I First of month specials at WaU " iam tx. j-- iai rooms, Hyder, B.C., near the Stew art dock. (tf) See -Wallace's specials! training. 1 T C T3ifir rtf In Missionary Tea, Raptist Mans, May 1. Cambrai Tea Saturday, May at Mrs. William-Walts'. St. Peter's Sale, May 6. United Coronation. sale, May, 0. Gyro Club Armory, May Norwegian May 17. Vry a classlflee. Coronation 12. nui; iace s. caiuruav. ' Frazer Hotel, steam heated j Frazer Hotel, the only steam windows for (101) H. W. Birch returned to the city on last night's train from a trip to Winnipeg. James Bremner sailed last night on the 1'rlnce lleorge lor Jvsquj-malt to take a course of naval Mrs. George Eckerman sailed last night on the Prince George for a visit to Tac-oina with rela tives. Dance, Independence Day, W. A. Canadian Icion Coro nation sale and lea, Legion Rooms May 20. t C. Y. S. Spring Frolic. Oddfellows Hall, May 21. Orange soring sale. Oddfellow' Hall, May 27. If you wish to swaD somethlnu- 'ffim"iri'iEB:!ci.i:Ki::ai:Mii:r, 203 Third Ave. Phone Blue 916 KIMIE'S DRESSMAKING SHOP Dressmaking Remodelling Pressing) Alterations Miss Kimle Uyede, Prop. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J, Zarell", Propritor -A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 heated hotel in Portland Canal situated at Hyder. B.C. (tf ) Mr 9 AIpv Mnrtinnald will Sai tonight pn the Princess Adelaide for Victoria to attend a Ladies' Orange Benevolent Association convention. Constable Donald Stewart of the city detachment of the prov lncjal police and Mrs. Stewart railed last nlirhf nn the J'rincH . ;j,,"'n"-, r . t George for Vancouver on escort duty. , Mrs. J. S. Black sailed last if K hi on the Prince Georjre for Victoria where she will attend a iirand J.oujre convention of the Canadian Indies Orange Benevolent Asso National Express department from elatln. Edmonton, after a brief business Visit here, sailed last night on the Wpf T K"N0W1M Prince George for Vancouver. If IjIjLi lYIlvJ If l 1 COUPLE Dr. F. G. Rice and Dr. F. Rich- WED ardson, Vancouver dentists, who . - . have been on ,a trip through this iMlss Dagny SeJ fjord becomes district, sailed last night on the ,ride of Herman RensvoId Prince Georce for Vancouver. I Tha m '.1 l-ri'l rr,, rt n Ti.nl! t,nnnin i mic a "til nuunii Mrs. r. V. Aenew. widow of .,, i. i " l. m.j - - V., " '"'"I .VWUJIIC IUUA incite UII CU- , , , a well known Smithers physician nesday night when Miss and surgeon, who died recently, Dagny Selfjord became- the bride arrived in the city from the terior on last night's train and jensen of St. Paul's Lutheran sailed on the Prince Oeorge for Church officiating. Attending the ancouver. ,cpuple were the bride's brother 0 . , , jn-law and Mr. and Mrs. Jack special values, at Wallaces. Sat- Strands. v uraay. uoijj Following the ceremony a re- , , ceptlon was held at the Boston J. t M. r. G. McCombe r, of Mont. x Cabaret where a number of F?' !f int,ereSted 1" mininK' friend Withered for the wedding left on Wednesday eveninif s trair o,,- r . .1 . , ""i'rc avaicr uanting: was en-for , . r. i 1 i . a trip to Endako after whje', joyed until the early hours in the he Will Visit Stewar Mr. Mf t. - Jiioriiiiijf. M)mbe is the son of Dr. Mc Combe, chief ijedical officer of p0sed by the best man to which the Canadian National Railways ,he groom responded 8utably ' I M 1 (initnln v-.n..i...,.l ...... ..x........ 'y Presents which testified to uuuvu.es at ine ocai thejr egteem and popularity, recreational and nhvs cal educa-' tional centre, as far as the prov incial government is concerned come to a close tonitrnt wfien a dance will be held. As from May 1 the Gyro Club takes over when children's activities will l. pon. centrated upon. Registrations will be received Mpnday afternoon after school. Don't forget when visiting Portland Canal that the Frazer Hotel Is the best place to stop. . George Bryant Sees Big Time Baseball Games George Bryant writes from Chi cago telling of attending the Na-Uonal League baseball game there On AnHI 25 71Pn PMteVmt-iF Dli-.it n. I .wvuwu.p I IIHbCq IU hoot the rhl.nnn i..k. A n ' ; Bryant also saw an exhibition ijdouble.header In Kansas City when Annnur.rpTT.Pnfc ilCnlca Wnlte Sox defeated pitts- MUUUlUILCIIieUlS i.burg Pirates twice: From Chicago, Mr. Bryant was, going to New York. FOR SALE Modern hotel, Hyder, B. Good opening for building up fine business at small cost. HOTEL FRAZER Hyder. B.C. . i-n ACT Form So: 13 FORM OF NOTICE Caviar Mail nKtrlctIltrltf of AtHn TAKE NOTICE that Fred Acklm antf CHarlea Oljerlahder ot Atlln. p. C, oc. trupmtion Miners. Intend to aiDlv lor permission to purchase, the . rollowlnf uescrubed lands :4- Ooniraanolng At a. post located two miles south of Oolden .a,te on' Tag'h lake. North West Corner Pout. Ground runs 30 chain fmm thin imt In flouthorn direction t.hon in rluliu mi than 20 chains north, then 20 cha1r nth Rnid , r - f-nv w " FRED N. ACKLES CHARLES ODERLANDER. Dated Arll 6th. 1937, THE SEAL of QUALITY CiOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by, the ony: salmon canning company with n all the year round payroll in Prlnct Ruprt Now is the lime to buy V. CORN FLAKES and save moiteY mm -aMMW -aMBMi .HBMaV -MMM- aMMMBM 'DlSSPITE llie rising cost of corn ami other material, Kellogg's Corn Flakes still give you one of the greatest values in food today. r iYou'll save money and increase the enjoyment of J.11 your family hy serving Kellogg's Cora Flakes often. 'A crisp spring breakfast, a light, easily prepared lunch, a wholesome, nourishing children's evening meal, or a satisfying bedtime snack. Ready to serve with milk or cream. Good with fresh or canned fruits or honey added. Many generous servings for a cost of only a few cents. ' Buy several packages at a time while prices are still low and enjoy the world's most popular and most economical ready.to-eat cereal. TERRACE VISITOR TERRACE. Am-il 30: H. P Pullen of Princp Uupert was a visitor here early In the week. Mr. Pullen seemed satisfied with the appearance of thiniM here. abouts. Alex Finnie will leave on this evening's train for a week' busi ness trip to Usk. JONES Family Market Phone 957 Specials Phone 957 BULKLEY VALLEY I1AI1Y REEF T-Bone Roast per lb. Sirloin Tjp par lb Rump Roat per lb. per Jb, Prime Rib Rolled per lb Roast of the Round per Jb Sirloin Steak per lb PORK Leg of Pork per lb Shoulder of Pork per lb Pork Hocks per lb. Spare Ribs 2 lbs LAM II Boned tf Rolled Shoulder Lamb, per lb Loin of Lamb per lb Loin of Mutton per Jb Stewing Lamb 2 lbs VEAL Shoulder of Veal 4 lbs Boned & Rolled Shoulder Veal, per lb. 20c 20c 16c 15c 20c 18c 20c 20c 16c 10c 25c 25c 28c 20c 25c 50c 20c MM VP Kt-Uocr Co. of Canada, 1.1,1. London, Ontario V9.RN aaa PROTECT your winter garments and furs use Elkays Moth Fume Crystals Kills clothes moths and worms (larvae) Cfln per tin wvt Moth Proof Garment Bags Protects clothes from moths and dust. Priced at 15c, 20c, 40c, 50c Fly Kil Moth SprayKills clothes moths. 3 sizes- 30c, 50c, 90c Moth Proof Blanket & Fur Chests hov form iO Ormes Ltd. Ztftts Ptoncer Drtu&iats The Rexall Store Phones: 81 & M Open Dally From 8 t.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 pm, 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver; T.S.8. CATALA EVERY TUESDAY, 1:50 PJH Due Vancouver, Thursday p.m. T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, 10:31 PJ. Due Vancouver, Monday aja. If convenient nla - .... . . t. T iurc(ias IICKCIS Bl omi" 7w"?Ztl0Ve8ardlnreall''Iw d W K ai m H.BWMAN. Prlncn irimr . .Phnoe ' nr.- " nica.u:uuru ai'h.m