Today's W er (8 AJH.) l-0 prince Hupcrt Ovcrcii. ( milheast wind, 10 mile hour; ceiling, 500 feet; bu ' meter, 2'J.Gi; temperature, 38j.., Vol. XXVI., No. 101. JAPAN TO ROYAL FAMILIES FROM EUROPE FOR BRITISH CORONATION MAY 12 Score of Princes. and Princesses Among Foreign Notables' Expected For Great May Event LONDON, April 30: (CP) represented at the Coronation Elizabeth next month, and the loreign representatives will include a score of princes and princesses. Holland sends a most interesting couple, Princess Juliana and her husband, Prince Bernhard von Lippe-Biesterfield. Their marriage only a few months ago aroused world-wide Interest. The Princess Is 28 years of age and Is well known In England, her last visit being made In the summer of 1931. Roumanians chief representative will be the 16-year old Prince Michael, heir to the throne of King Carol. The young prince, whose official title Is Oreat Voevod of Alba Julia, underwent a critical operation a few weeks ago. He has been In England before but this will be the first occasion on which he has figured as his country's representative at any great foreign function, Like his falher his skill with a sporting gun Is remarkable. His intellectual leanings are of no mean order, and hl3 pleasant bearing makes him a general favorite. Norway will be represented by the Crown Prince and Princess. Prince Olaf nrobablv knows Eng- 141.U UL'LLFI lllilll till UllUluvl u I foreign royal house. His father, the Jtycar old King Hyikon, married Princess Maud, youngest daughter of Edward VII, in 1896, and durhr tu fjjviv narrrl life this couple spent much time In England. Crown Prince Olaf was born att Scudnngham 34 years a?o. In 1929 he married Princess Martha of Sweden and they have two daugh-1 ters. Like his father. Olaf is extremely popular In his own land and the Crown Prince and Princess have many friends In England. The Que;n of Norway maintains a house oi) the Sandrlngham estate and spends a good deal of time there Crown Prince Frcdcrlk of Den mark, who will be accompanied by the Crown Princess, was born in 1899. The Crown Princess they cre married in 1935 was formerly Princess 'Ingrld, daughter of the Crown Prince of Sweden. This royal couple are not particularly well known in London but King Christian of Denmark received a warm welcome here Just before the Oreat War, when the late George V bestowed upon him the Order of the Darter. Prince From Slam' Far-away Slam will be reprcsen- ted by Prince Chula Chakrabongse, to Vancouver, nephew of the ex-klng, who has The survey to be conducted here-lived in England for nearly 12 years I abouts will be carried out by a and has been cox In the boat of .small party of men during the Trinity College, Cambridge. At the summer. Coronation he represents his cou- j sin, the boy-King Ananda. With n A IAD IT V another cousin, Prince Bira, well lvlAJUll I I Known as a racing motorist. Prince , Chula resides in South Kensington, Prince Felix of Luxemburg at - 1 i""ds for the Grand Duchy, the i little principality bounded by Ger- many. France and Belgium, with a I Population of 300,000. He is prince, n his own right as one of .the Parma branch of the Bourbons, and i Prince Consort to the Grand Du - chess Charlotte of Luxemburg. Prince Felix married the Grand ""chess in 1910, when Luxemburg a freed from Germany by the Versailles Treaty. He Is a brother of the ex-Empress Zlta of Austria. STOCK MARKET WEAK NEW YORK, April 30; The New York stock market took another 1 wcancaay li.dustH,. t;. "'OUitrlal average dropped 4.31, mils 1.30 and utilities 1.05 ,tJ Forty-three nations will be of King George and Queen WARSHIP IS SUNK Heavy Naval Loss Inflicted Upon Spanish Insurgents by Loyalist War Planes BILBAO, April 30: (CP) Government war planes sank the insurgent battleship Espana in the Bay of Biscay today, striking a heavy blow at Generalissimo Francisco Franco's sea strength. The heavy vessel was one of the mainstays of the attempted insurgent blockade ' of Bilbao. It plunged rapidly to the bottom when bombed amidships. From Paris comes word that Great Britain and France have .decided to, conduct an, investigation ' into the bombing- and machine gunning of Guernica,- sac red city of the Basques, allegedly by German planes. Possibility of relieving Bilbao 'are - still tinder consideration by Great Britain and France. Topographical Survey Being Arranged For To arrange for a topographical survey in the vicinity of Prince Ru-uert which will be conducted dur ing the coming summer, Major John E. Lyon of the staff of the Department of National Defence Ottawa, Is paying a brief visit to the cltv and expects to be here un til Monday when he will proceed I aboard the Princess Norah to Van-icouver enroute back to Ottawa Major Lyon arrived here Tuesday afternoon from Vancouver in a Royal Canadian Air Force seaplane piloted by Flight Lieutenant F. J. Mawdesley of Jericho Beach air station. The seaplane, having awaited favorable weather, left early this afternoon on Its return pT IT" T( AT1. I A VUl JLvMVll uborltc Eats Into Conservative Margin in British By-Klectlon i hyde, Cheshire. Eng., April 30: (miii. b. Trevor Cox, Conscrva- j Mivei defeated Rev. Gordon Lang,' Lah0r. by a majority of 334 in the staylbrldgc and Hyde by-clcction. In the general election In 1935. the rvintprvntlvc candidate , had a ma- iv.wh - Jorlty of five thousand. CHINA I.HAPS IIICII rnimNTf). At.Hl 'SO: 'CT) China today Ih partly with tin L. I n chair and wheelbarrow ago t nttim titlnir t mount the,alr- CI ne cr n olio leap. KugenA Harnett, t v -M'L M C ,A' A. official in1 hina for 20 eaw, eaid heie. Stalls NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE SURVEY LOCAL PROVINCIAL NOMINATIONS Albcrni-Nanaimo Conservative, Nicholas Wright. Liberal, Hon. George S. Pearson. Atlin Conservative, Ernest Love". Liberal, W. J. Asselstlne, C. C. F., C. II. Lake. Burnaby Liberal, William Grieve. SocU Credit, Herbert Hailing. Chilliwack Liberal, E. D. Barrow. Comox C. C. F., Colin Cameron. Cowichan-Newcastle Conservative, Clement Pembcr-ion Deykln. Delta Liberal. Arthur Lalng. C. C. F., Leonard Sheppard. Social Credit. S. A. Flatt. Dewdney Conservative, Dr. Frank Patterson. Esuuimalt Conservative E. V. Finland. I .Liberal. C E. Whitney-Griffiths. Fernie j Labor. Tom upmn. Grand Forks-Greenwood Liberal, E. C. Hennlger. Social Reconstructive, Anthony Whitehead. The Islands Conservative, Captain Macgregor Mackintosh. Kamloops Conservative, Dr. A. H. Bayne. , .Kaslo-Slocan Social (JrcdiCA? J. Harrison. Lillooct Conservative, Edward Carson. Mackenzie Conservative, Battleman Milton Mclntyre. C; C. F Herbert Gargrave. Nclson-Crcston Conservative, A. T. Horswlll. Social Credit, Herbert Howe. New Westminster Liberal, A. Wells Gray. -C. C. FM Stanley Blake. J. Communist. Rev. Edwin Baker. North Okanagan Conservative. Gordon Lindsay. Liberal, Hon. k. C. MacDonald. Omineca Liberal, M. M. Connelly. Kcvclstoke Liberal, Harry Johnston. Saanich Conservative, Leslie F. Osborne. Liberal, Norman W. Whlttaker. Social Credit, Major A. H. Jukes O.B.E. Salmon Arm Liberal, H. W. Birch. Independent, R. W. Bruhn. Similkameen Conservative, H. H. Boyle. Skecna Liberal. E. T. Kenncy. South Okanagan Conservative. T. O. Norrls, K.C. Liberal. Captain C. R. Bull. Vancouvcr-Burrard Conservatives, Alderman Halford Wilson and C. J. White. . Liberals. Mrs. Paul Smith and J. Howard Forrester. Social Credit, Peer V. Payntcr and W. R. Hamilton. Vancouver-Centre Conservatives, Adam Johnston Montague Caple. Liberals, Gordon S. Wlsmcr and Alderman Fred Crohc. C. C. F., Matthew Glenday and Frank Roberts. Social Credit, Dr. R. H. Smith and Paul McD. Kerr. Vancouver-East Liberals, Mrs. James Barclay and Charles A. Donovan. Social Credit, G. V. Towle and C. a. Powell; . Vancouver North Social Credit, A. Harvey Smith. Vancouver-Point Grev Conservatives, R. L. Maltland, Cyril O. Bcpston and A. J. Paton. Liberal Hon. O. M. Weir, S. S.l MeKcen, Robert Wilkinson. C. C. F William Offer, J Evans j arid E. Westmoreland. l Social Social Credit. Credit. A. A. D. D. Crcer Crcer (party' leader) leader) and and William William Savaee savage. I RUPERT, B.C., FRIDAY, APRIL 30, 1937 PATTULL0 PROPOSED Prince Rupert Liberal Association Favors Him Although Delegates Are Given Free Hand The Prince Rupert Liberal Association, at -a meeting last night, Is Favored i Premier Pattullo whom local Liberals would again have for their candidate passed a resolution favoring the indidaiure of Piemler i. D. Pat- luUoiforrenomfnatlon as tne. local i Liberal standard bearer in the j .orthcomlng provincial- election. Delegates were appointed to represent the association at the nominating convention to oe held May 7, the delegates being unln-structed. The delegates are: T. W. Brown, Robert Gordon, Robert Frizzell, M. P. McCaffery, Gus Anderson, Thomas McMeekln, G. W. Nickerson, G. W. Johnstone. W. M. Brown, J. A. Lindsay, John Currle, J. Judge, Tony Christian, George Mitchell, James Dick, B. M. Simpson, Victor Basso-Bert, W. O. Ful-toh, Arthur Brooksbank, L. W. Pat- more, Dr. J. H. Carson, Splro Gur-vlch, W. P. Armour. Nell McDonald, D. C. McRae, Murdoch McKenzle, ' W. J. Greer, A. J. Prudhomme, Harry Menzle, G. P. Lyons,. Murdoch McLeod and Peter Laporte. , w. m. urown. presiacni 01 me Prince Rupert Liberal Association, was In the chair and there were! speeches by 0. W. Nickerson, L. W. Patmorc, M. P. McCaffery, George Murray and Victor Basso-Bert. The certainty of the Pattullo government being returned to office was referred to and the importance of insuring that the Premier should b? re-elected In his own seat was emphasized. Halibut Sales American Nordic, 26.000 Cold Storage. 75c and 6c. Canadian Gony. 12,000, Pacific, C.Cc and 5c. Covenant, 20,000, and prosperity A., 9,000. Cold Storage, 6.7c and 5c. Joan W.. 12.000, Atlin. 6.8c and 5c. Kyrcllc. 5.C00, Booth, 6 6c and 5c. P. Dorrcen, . 11,000, Atlin, 6.6c and 5c. Grassholm, 4,500, Booth, O.Gc and 5c. Helen II, 13,000, Pacific. O.Gc and 5c. Today's Baseball National League Brooklyn 2, New York 11. Boston 10. Philadelphia 2. Chicago 7, Pittsburg 2. Cincinnati 1. St. Louis 7. American League Philadelphia 5, Boston 15. New .York 1, Washington 4. Detroit 4, Cleveland 2 (10 In.). St. Lduls-Chicago, postponed. Late Telegraphs BUSMEN TO STRIKE LONDON London busmen have voted to strike at midnight tonight The threatened walk-out by 145,000 men, which would paralyze the city's main public transport system, became a virtual certainty when union delegates decided today to instruct their men to quit. RESIGNATION ASKED EDMONTON Hon. W. N. Chant, minister of agriculture in Alberta's Social Credit government since 1935, said here today that he had been asked for his resignation by Premier Aberhart. No official announcement was made concerning reasons for the demand for the resignation and the Premier had no statement to make. YUKON COUNCIL OPPOSED DAWSON, Y.T The Yukon council has passed a resolution "firmly and" emphatically" protesting the proposed addition of this northern territory to British Columbia province. A plebiscite of the people of the Yukon should be taken, the council urges, before any action is taken. The council said it had knowledge that "sentiment in the territory was overwhelmingly opposed to any change." The governing body of the Yukon decided to send the Governor General-ln- Council a"- memorial 'scttiiig'forth' the' oppositfcm to placing the territory under administration of the province. The council in its first official comment "respectfully prays that no action be taken to carry out the proposal without approval of the majority of the people of the Yukon being given by a plebiscite." Flood Waters Of Ohio River Have Started Receding PITTSBURG, April 30: Flood waters coming down the Alleghany and Monongahela Rivers to swell the Ohio to a higher level than had been known for 130 years have commenced to recede after render-Ins thousands homeless and doing widespread damage. ALICE ARM j HAS FIRE I Three Residences Destroyed By Early .Morning Blaze At 1 Northern Camp (Special ti Uk Dally tJw ALICE ARM. April 30: Fire ori ginatlng in the residence of Mike Cranley at 3:30 yesterday morning spread to the residences of H. W. Butler and William . Burke. The I three buildings were a total loss. A small amount of the contents of the Butler and Burke houses was saved but Cranley lost everything. Local Girl Is Graduate Miss Joyce t'ollison Completes Nurses' Training Course at St. Paul's in Vancouver VANCOUVER, April 30: (CP) Miss Joyce Colllsonlof Prince Rupert graduated asua registered H nurse from St. Paul's Hospital here Wednesday ntsht. Her parents. Mr. J and Mrs. W. E. Colllsoji,'iind sister, .Miss Muriel Colllson, wcre'lnVan-icotiver for the graduatldii ejeercbes. Tom orrow s Tid es High Low: FISHER Will Continue Search Off Coast ot Alaska In Spite of Protest Alaskan and Canadian Waters to bo Ke-yisited Again In Course of Three-Year Plan Begun Last Year TOKYO, April 30: (CP) Japan will continue fishing surveys off the Alaskan coast in spite of qSpqsition by the Canadian and United States fishing interests; the ministry of agriculture and forestry has made it clear;. Fisheries and nautical experts are expected shortly torevisit Alaskan and Canadian waters in continuation of a search for new fishing grounds begun last year under a three-vear plan. Canadian fisheries companies havt protested that such experimentation indicated Japanese plans for encroachment of North American continental waters. TODAY'S STOCKS Uourtevy b. L) Johiitum Co.) Vancouver B. C. Nickel, .16. Big Missouri, .45. Bralorne, '6.fc0; B. R. Con., .04. , Aztec, .03, Cariboo Quartz,' 151. Dentonla, .15. Dunwell. .03 'A-Golconda, .092. , Minto, 23Vz : Meridian .03. . Falrvjew Amalg; .093C a Noble Five. .06. Pend Oreille, 2.90. Pioneer. 4.75. Porter Idaho, .05. Premier, 2.70. Reeves McDonald, 1.00. Reno, .90. Relief Arlington, .19. . Reward, .11. Salmon Gold, .09?i. Taylor Bridge, .07. Wayside, .03 Vi. ' Hedley Amalgamated, ..09. Premier Border. .03 Va. Silbak Premier. 2.50. Congress, .07. Silver Crest, .06'j. Home Gold. .02 Grandview. .16. Indian, .022. Qiiatslno Copper, .04'2. Oils A. P. Con., .38. ealmont. .66. C. ii E., 3.95.' Freehold, .09 '2. McDougal Segur, .21. Mercury, 22. Okalta, 1.55. Home Oil, 1.90. United. .23. Wcymarn, .20. Toronto Bcattic, 1.27. Central Patricia, 3.10. God's Lake, .54. Lcc Gold, .04. Little Long Lac. 5.65. McKenzle Red Lake, 1.35. Pickle Crow, 6.05. Red Lake Gold Shore, .50. San Antonio, 1.50. Sherrltt Gordon, 2.35. -.cltcr Gold, .04. M.I.Md Ouckxhult. 2.00. Oklend, .23. Mosher, .53. GUbcc, .03'5. Macljcn Red Ukc, .89. Stadacona, 1.53. Frontier Red Lake, .16. Francocur. 1.00. Manitoba it Eastern. .04. Moneta Porcupine, 1.35. Rubcc, .05V2. 4 Thompson Cadillac. .87. Bailor. .04 Vt. Bankfleld, .95. East Malartic, 1.13. Preston East Dome, 1.05. Hutchison Lake, .20, Dawson White, .16. McQualg Red Lake, .18. " Aldermac. 1.12. Kerr Addison, 2.04, Martin Bird, .88. 4:01 a.m. 185 ft. 17:26 p.m. 16.2 It. ...11:00 a.m. 5.4 ft. 23:10 pjn. 9.5 ft. PRICE: 5 CENTS I Cordova Safe At Ketchikan The Alaska Steamship Co.'s steamer Cordova, which had '. been afire with her steering ' gear broken dbwn in Hecate , Straits yesterday morning. i reached Ketchikan safely at midnight last night.- The ves- :L had. some fjre.djjjriage in No. 2 hold but tne incident turned out to be riot nearly as serious as was at first feared. Would Halt Gold Buying I Hamilton Fish, Republican Repre sentative, Moves Resolution In House WASHINGTON, D.C.. April 30:-Hamilton Fish, New York Repub llcan. has moved a resolution in' the House which would prohibit I the Treasury from purchasing gold from foreign sources. The gojd price would be further limited at ; $25 per ounce. Today's Weather lOovcrouietu 1'6r'!hs Triple Island Overcast, raim southeast wind, 15 milea p" hour; visibility, ten miles; cell ing. 1500 feet; sliah't chop. Lanyara Island-J'art cloudy, pleet sliowcra; sotitheaHt v.iml, 15 miles per hour; viHJilily, 'in miles; ceiling, 1000 feet; baio-meler, 2D.57; temperature, "5: light swell. Dead Tree Point--Part cloudy, light . westerly- wind; barometer, 120.71 ; temperature. 10; sea smooth. ! Hull Jiaibor Overcast, rulfi squalls; moderate, south soiilH-west wind; visiliilily. ." miles; ceiling, 500 feet; barometer. .2D.82; temperature, 10; ea mijtrli. I Alert Hay Overcast, ruin in?, cjilm: visibility, 8 miles, o'il'njr, 12500 feet; barometer, :$0.00; ten): jpersiture, 12; ea smooth. llitzellon- Cloudy, calm, :. Smithers Part cloudy, calm, milder. Burns fikc Rtllning, calm, M. Terrace Hnnl;;tri sduth wind, Aiyunsli CicJudy, calm, 41. Alice Aim Cloudy, calm, 11.! Anyux Cloudy, calm, 41. Stewart Haiti, calm, 11. Prince Ueorgi-Cloudy, south wind, 28 miles per hour; barometer, 20.7$. . Vancouver Raining, easterly wind,. 4 miles per hour; baro meter, S0.12.