7JLDZ WZZ ' Dollar Day Saturday Fraser and Payne's We close at b p.m, Saturday All racrchandi; on ale guaranteed first quality. Curtains and Draper? Fabrics at a tremendous saving. Princess Slips EffiMcMii Yrvxxm Sops. Sac namA. wtea v& tea Ke. all sfaes; IVAar Day. 2 for Children's French Berets Pare Vwf. flMncfe BcwUk assort shades I4Br Bay. 3 Jor .. . l-PIy Knitting Wool 29 Hnad, 4-piy Knttttof Wool, extra n9 pnw w firs; D-xJar Day. It Ihk bails for Japanese Crepe Japantne Crepe. M inches wide, assort colon, best qvaNty made. Dollar Day. 2 yards tor . Kayon Urocade .Kayon Brocade. 10 shat?. be, quality made. fas; coiort, 27 Inches vide; Dollar Day. 4 yards few New Seawm's Prints SO Pieces Print. 34 inches vide. fast to light mi vashtnc all new patterns: Dollar Day. a yards for Curtain and Drapery Fabrics Home Spuns Past colors, V& inctw. wide, aborted new designs, reversible. Dollar Day Q-j ftft Ol.UU 2 yards for Silk Nets Seres pieces, all sUfc net, all fctrw desffss. all perfect merchandise to Iioneydcw shade, rt?- raises trp to We DoMar Day Ol.UU Q1 ftft 3 yard tor Silk Nets M & Inches wide. 6 pv a9 new designs, re, values up to SSc yard Q-f nn IVJUar Day 2 yd 5A,UU English Shadow Cloth iZ Ineat J. assorted patterns, fast color rtrerhibic Dollar Day P-l nn Ol.UU 2 yards for Scotch Madras 34 Inches wide Scotch Vtxl-ras curtair. fabric. a.v-fv.c destaxs. no beater wri: fabric at a low pri- I lar Day Oi.UU ftft 4 yards for Drapery Damank Fast colors, in shades of brfc. rost. rose, freen. btce c.u:-berry. 42 ins wide. 7Qp Dollar Day. yard ' Drapery Damask 52 laches wide, r.i shades, fast coor ez"..-: ; quality, ref . vaue S'i yc sr si.00 Damask Table Cloths Damasi: Table ChAtu. w.u: colored borders, fas "'..or.. 52x52 ins.. Dollar Q-f Art Ol.UU Day. 2 for Drapery Special letDuu. pun, 27 71 Inches Inches Kid wide, I Pieces Drapery Hornet fast Q-f A A, colors, assorted patterns: Dollar Day. 5 yards for Bleached Bed Sheets Oood quality white sheets, size 70x99 inches, hemmed ready for ute; Dollar Day, each Bart Wool Blankets White with assorted colored borders, size CZzZO Inches Dollar Day, each Silk and Linen Table Cloths Stlk and Linen Luncheon Cloths, assorted colorings ' 54x54 inches; Dollar Day lettered Tea or Glass Towels 25 Dozen, extra good quality, large size, 30x21 inches Dollar Day, 6 for I'antie and liloomern May Belle vlAcosuede Panties and Bloomer, all ize mcd and tailored styles Dollar Day, 2 pair for Silk Umbrellas All silk top, navy and brown, 12 ribs, strongly made Dollar Day, each . Fabric (J loves Ladles' Fabric Gloves, aborted styles and shades ' Dollar Day, 3 pair for each S1.00 $1.95 $1.00 $1.00 Ladies' and Children's Wear lace Uim- SL00 $1.50 $1.00 Taffeta Princess Slips 'Bias Cut Taffeta Blips, lace trimmed and fagotted finish 7Qj all sizes, In nurosc and white; Dollar Day, each l wv Ladies' Kaysuede Panties Novelty Trimmed Ilaysuedc Panties, assorted styles and shades; Dollar Day, pair Children's Laslex Ankle Socks ! Wc have 75 dozen Lastcx Ankle Socks for children from 5 to 10 year old, in silk and llMe mixture Q ftfi Extra Special for Dollar Day. 0 pairs for pJL.VU Ladies' and Misses' Sweaters Ladles' and Misses' Bramble Knit Pullover Sweaters, assorted shades and styles. Sizes 32 to 33 Q-fl ft A , Dollar Day, each . J1.VU Window Shades - Cream or Green, mounted on best nualltv snrlnir rollers, all com- "l pfctc ready U hang. 39c 30 Ins. by S feet (On 3G Ins. by 0 feet H(n TOWKLS AT LKSS THAN COST While and colored Turkish Towels, samples and run of the mill, at less than cost 1 $1.00 Z"UM 'Z"Z $1-00 , Tli Anjrlicaa Yoacr PeopI'V fAfcoociatwa entertaiited mns r of the Nippon Yoanr j I People's Association at a "Sear ' nrer ilairt" ol ITeResday o:aiit ; It was not a troop of lanatir j'et )oo bat aserely the combine' Itwt of the A. Y. F. A. and j.N". V. P. A. broken iatj g-roap travf-iTin? the eftyr from end lo j '"d in search of rotis. ears- j-mirty rank tins, rattit'. notes. 1'iar. v,iAntt. fish. nor-boe. 'afftr pinn. ete.. ?t. j Aft-r the variw team." hai re- urned to the Catbedmi Hall. fat.tan MilUr entertained ih ijyounjr xitle for n Hour with his 7ji -,r. pkture after wbeh op--r MrK-d. Thi- mtr'inf wa th- lajt ftctz sratherinjr of th A. V P. A. be 'rv the eloninir lianquet on May 7. The nervice conducted by the - i . P. A . on May 9 will hrinz '. i-ni,1 to an ond .'fn thf 'tivil'e to te resumed again in h autumn. Piano Theory Voice Production Pupils prepared for Toronto Conservatory examinations. Mrs. Bernard Lundahl A. J. C. SI. Waldron Apartments Phone Green IfOl COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EDSO.V ALI1EUTA COAL HULKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PMNCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY PHONE; 58 and 558 TEL 2ilT XS MINING AT 'Eagles' Bridge HAZELTON Series is Over Sfetr SlAit4 U Ur SU-y?sx tit Tr-Osi at Ffcca! Ert O" In Big War. H AcBced Ktdix2? Xijfcl Trrre i Wi2 DecaSeid Th IbsrtVns sic aS Tst series, x jmTaa&xuf ozxsfs a ptorytt of -"t ssaranc an; 'xyx awt it tlx dsttriel Wort isjarttes -sinrfi in bees csKaSnrted 'jnnHi-r,r stoaO? p iwing sjB J oM t Aaxrxz Bc7 suae to tfsai? Eagles' LaSee onew4rf Wedses-' ejoeenTi txaacaae a prior jdaj ai?M -siaeB iberr m a larr? w pfrr-r r ; i a-AMo s wart on iUtra-ot, suueaac SaaVafeas ti A passp b--E aisu23ed JxTt vmt i plajtes s cudk .-alU iie exsened socc srarai prise uawr i Six : . CfontErtf Kr- On aad Urt. I s V MM-r'jrm T su s s I -v-t 1 sundarc st-c prior !o kte sp of -.iii". prapmy ay the Tituday rht the seize -ateers rn. r: bdxs Mis. tnrsos. itrs. 5rrr.-i OorporaUnri Ut of wtaca i " . n-W H. (tat Ctk ad MTS. VT. E. GiTd- acneLiDc and otber s.&al eapraditTe to juiusluutetr a .i'jr. dtjCan This it at vl the aBtoe in tee to of a aafl- wfD to be a TTodnoer. At a recall of these and other -rtmties Hasettoa people are x-kic? Sor a bosy season with all 1 Anglican Youn( n 1 T T TP reopie riosts 10 Japanese Friends iter. aB 2 JohasaB. J. C. Tkr ect. Ctecse Hot aad J. D lie- Leod. Stnrfac of rrfinhiiiMiti ftOowed the piariBg of cards. Angelo Aftori was ssster eS cere-atooies for the earas 'and Eebert McKay Sor Jx dance. Frani n 2ta m teneral cfaalraas. WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront The Tt-: Waterhoose line freighter Sotthholci is expected ic port nezt Monday or Tuesday to load lire hundred teas of screenings from the Vocal eteralor for de- irery to VaneosTer. There U no word as yet as to when any export sbJpeienU of grain may be made froaa tins port. The Bsotor TesseJ Bamabj M piloted by 1L J. WOttains. arriTtd in port last night at 9:45 from Stidegate Mission bringing Mrs. Wllttaros to the Prince Ropert General Hospilai where she win recelTe treatoent until next Friday. An operation is not necessary. C. P. R. steamer Princess Ade- laide is due in port at 5 o'clock this afternoon from the south and will sail at 10 pjn. on her return to Vanewmr and waypoints. Capt Henry Anderson has taken orer eommarid of the Princess Adelaide in place of Capt. S. K. Gray who is transferring to the Princess Louise which will be here a week from to day going north on its first Alaska voyage of the season. NAAS RIVER The Naas Valley is having J Kood spring. There has been considerable warm son?hine and tbt grass and trees are now green. Capt, J. Adams recently brought a party of six .oil pros pector from the south up the river. Capt. Adams was at Mill Bay again this week to meet Bishop G. A. Kix and bring him up the river A twin-molored mail boat which sank in thp tie summer of 1917 and vtn coverwl ui with sand wan recov ered this spring. The engine waa n good condition. The owner was the late r. Drown. BLACKHEADS tSlarkhetilt flmplr JUMt am) dluitttf jf thli one olmplf, uf ni tun mcthofl. Oei two ovitet of proiln powder tmm nr in t1or, prinkl It on a htA, wt cloth, nb the f' c"tlr -er7 Uckh4 will U tcoLt. JUrt i llolljirobd conplexkia. u 5 Your Guess may WIN a genuine s Gongoleum Gold Seal Rug S See our windows! No oI)lit,'alion to buy No entry fee 1 GORDON'S HARDWARE J lMionc311 McHrideSt. JOE BROWN i 8 AND STARS Ptpslzr Cwsediax Twit ,VtrJ rrr in Weei-ead Picture Wbew Yor Birtkdayr - AttTtTJ. the sta4y f U ftzrs. is the .yicil butmM f Jc E. Brewa's aactsre -Wiesj's Yasr Mrlbdiyr wbicb" u tke wei-ed feature afferiss as the creex of Use Caratal tere. As the pirtare ofeac Brawn, simi- zsarry bis wtb-irt tecaae s3e a&d ber raatfcer baTe chaK'n as strscaJlT safaTaraUe date. The fasfly. is 4irart. rail tie w4aic off aJtoretber wbere-afii Brawn has Im for a job, iladtas see as aa aatralai- ral fortaae teller ia a midway coaecsM. Brvwa acsires forae aote as a forecaster af ?frtiar events bat enmptieatioas enrse wftb a climax that brizizs te otciare to a cKraax of riotioas hilarity after a swift sneeekB of laackaMe siteationj aad isei- Jeats. Sazsane Kaarea phys the par f Brown's first sweetheart. The vr iaportaEt rozuotic lead. However, is talen by Marian j Marib whom Brown meets in the: niBeroest rone; Fred Keating' nd Miaor Watson also have in-' ortart roles in the picture. I CORONATION AT HAZELTON Committee Appointed at Public Meeting Held Early in The Week HAZELTON. April 30:- Hazel- ton is to celebrate Coronation Day In fitting style. A public raeet-iag held early in the week at the Horticultural Hall elected offi cers and appointed committee, ome of which have already start ed work on a program which is lo include sports, a bafeball game, a smoker and a big community dance In the evenine. R. S. Sargent Is general chairman and will also be. marshal for the I rpnt. James TumbuII Is secret ary. The committees are as Decoration Wm. Grant, George Morrison, and Jasper SUnyer. Sports Ward Marshall. Tom Marshall and C. W. Dawson. Smoker W. Sargent, 0. E. P.utlerill and Constable Reg. Goodie. Dance Allen Renson. Cons- lable Andrew Grant and Miss Mary Sargent Children's Snorts Rev. W. Moore. Miss Hick, Messrs. Wear. Newman. Gilmour and Rice Jones. Ft YOUR PAST YOUR PRESENT YOUR FUTURE all rolled into one big howl! snwrj nanrnapsT IWtUfWda Official TIP TOP CLOTHES f HAVE EVERYTHING! BRITISH WOOLENS! Sturdy colorful newest patterns and colors. LATKST STVLFI Devel-ojied hy Tip Top designers from up-to-the-minute style flashes. TKRFKCT FIT! Every garment hand-cut and tailored to measurements by special its. SUI'KKIUK TAIIaJHLNG! Skilled Union Craftsmen. TOP VALUE! -Made possible ly iwpular acceptance. IT PAYS TO CO TIP TOP $25.95 SEE THE NEW WOOLENS-NOW! TIP TOP TAILORS LIM1TCB TOXIGBT aai Li. !-- i MARIAN MARSH FRED KEATING EDGAR KENNEDY ADDED TREATS Clred Msucalr "PRETTY PKETEXDEK XoTrttr: "Behind the IleadrJncV Pop-Ere Cartoon and World News Errat w a n. - 3 W1 i I nv m m m mi i a 9 if m m m . -. JUUYCllIIIiUgll of the Coronation I.. 4 I i i; ?t-j x- i f- . jusi jirnuti iimueu iumoer unij itkc Everj- home will yant an inuirate! L Ne, Special Coronation Number Order- v. - immediately to avoid' disappointment F make your resenntion. Will be rea; loth. Expected price S1.5o Clean Up Fix Up Decorate For the CorwiiS: We have everything you need in I i f. H. :e Streamers, Pennants, Flag Holders. S - In Decorative Paper, Etc. Framed Pictures of His Majeity the rog anii Their Majesties the King and Queen $1.50 and $2.25 BnlBBnMfei I I'hone Blue 118 P. CRAVETTO o:iyiiaiarxiBrainssintBiBtatBtBriiatiiii i Fourth Street