October 16, 1637. uiic ix Ann xi I.U1W Gin P'" d,, th. aldneyt throUn W ! fl ffllMB 171 LADIES You Are Invited to Call and Inspect Our New Stock of COATS Just Arrived Today They are the very latest thing in furs smart and rich. Prices on these aha t r if mnrlhfof n something to suit every purse. There are Persian Lamb Krimmera, Bombay Lamb, Civet Cat and other varieties of fur. Try them on and see how fine they look. Good Discount for Cash liULUBLUUlYl THE OLD RELIABLE P. O. Boi 575 "i rr. mi ree but lokens We are still giving our Free Gift Tokens which entitle you to 3 wide range of Premiums. Come In and Look Them' Over MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE "- n" IT - - NEW ROYAL HOTEL J ZarelU, Propritor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Kate $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cc-ld Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 p.o. Box 196 i I I Hyde j Transfer Phone 580 DRY WOOD JASPER. COAL Furniture Moving Light Delivery 315 SECOND AVE. LARGE DEFENSE PROGRAM FOR CANADA (Continued from Page One) and this he managed to do, His only disappointment was that the men who really counted such as the prime ministers and other people's representatives, were kept in the background while the front positions were given to. men who were there through accident, of birth. He thought the premiers should have been given the most Important positions at the coron atlon. Thinks Back The speaker said he found him self thinking back to the time of William the Conqueror, the King who first brought order to Britain and then of the constant struggle which went on until Henry VIII finally created a parliament which unwittingly became supreme. He spoke of the position of King George VI and the wonderful way ln which he fitted into the picture. Although not trained for the King ship, he had taken over the Job like a man. Earlier he had been at the battle of Jutland and when Invalided home had Joined the air force. He also mentioned the activity of the king ln his earlier days in working out a plan of human relationship for young boys. Mr. Wayllng also told of a visit to Germany where he found the people very friendly and of an event when the war veterans were entertained at the famous Winter Garden where the whole audience cheered the King and closed with the hearty singing of the British National Anthem. One of the features of the German plan was the formation of Labor battalions from the unemployed with the result that there were today only a mil lion unemployed ln the country whereas there were six million only a few years ago. All the people looked well fed and happy. They gave him the idea of a people who wanted to be left alone. There was; a similar feeling about Italy which i he also visited. ! Before coming home Mr. Wayllng, said he visited Scotland and rode! age. She worsnippea tne memory of'W. EL Gladstone and was still a member of the national executive of the Liberal Party. In regard to the Duke of Windsor; Mr. Wayling said he felt with lhe foreword In the book" "We Shall1 Watch His Career with Affection ate Anxiety." Audience Appreciated Mrs. F. N. Good presided and a vote of thanks was moved by Mrs. A. E. Parlow seconded by Mrs; J. R. Morrison. The address lasted for . . . . l 1. n,,t'n Viotf nriH UUUUt Un UIIU o , . then the audience was reluctant to Der leave and crowded around the speaker to express appreciation., It i9; uric tup uitnpst ana one oi uic CHURCH C. C. F. Bazaar, October 23. Toe H Tea, October 27. Hill 60 Tea October 29. Gyro Hallowe'en Dancer October4. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Itev. W. D. Grant HolUngworth, B.A., Minister Mrs. E. J. Smith, Organist Masquer a d e Baptist Tea, November 3. Hyggas Bazaar, November 4. Presbyterian Bazaar, November 4. . Sonja S. 0. N. Bazaar, Novem- most interesting addresses ever de-( Cathedral Bazaar November 30. i llvered to the club, so the members say. ' A further organization meeting of the new, Women's Auxiliary to the Prince-Rupert General Hospital which was to have been- held fast nighti has been postponed' until next Tuesday evening. Moose. Carnival, November 17, 18, Mrs. Bernard Lundahl A.T.C.M. VOICE; PRODUCTION Piano and Theory 431 Fourth' Avenue , West Phone Green 994 NOTICES 11:00 a.m. Sermon Subject The Face In the Mirror" 7 30 D.m Sermon Subject "The Christian In The World" a frank discussion of a modern perplexing problem. In a society that rires little for Christian weais wuai is a mnsuan muur wnen in Rome do as the Romans ao. is uus a rcuuuuojc pumjautmy. ui me Good Singing Special music tveryuaay welcome FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Minister ltev. Edwin E. Brandt, B.A, B.D. W. Vaufhan.Davies, Organist 'll:00 a..m. MORNING' WORSHIP SubJecU-"l)rawn By the Cords of Love" (The second bf "a series "Ye Are My Witness" Solo-Miss Eileen Hamblln-"Breathe on Me, Breath of Ood" 12:15-SUNDAY SCHOOL SESSION 7:30 pjn. QOSPEL SERVICE Subject "The Prayer of a Patriot" Snlo-W. W. Davles "OIt Is wonderiui" THE DAILY NEWS PAOI THRZI,, LOCAL NEWS NOTES Cash for old gold. Bulger' (tf) A. Donald Balled Thursday night . , i on the Prince George for a trip to Just received new shipment of , Vancouver. blouses.! Mayfair. tf. I Tonight's train, due from the Mrs. James Krikevsky, who has. East at 11 o'clock, was reported been on a visit to Terrace, return-J this morning to be on time, ed to the city from the Interior, . TT" Critchiey of Inverness sailed on Thursday night's train. Thursday night -on the Prince Mrs. Oeorge Rorie ri returned to the' afre or Vancouver to spend the city on Thursday night's train from i wlnter ln the south" a two weeks' trip to the Omineca!. mlnlntr count Vfr pftH win h A meeting of the troop executive back tonight. Rev. and Mrs. C. D. Clarke and family sailed last night on the Princess Adelaide for Victoria where they will take up future residence. Mrs. Harry McCavour of Claxton Cannery was able to leave Prince Rupert General Hospital yesterday but it will not be possible for her to leave for her home on the Skeena River until next Wednesday or Thursday. E. Gibbon, well known mining man of the Omineca, country north of Fort St. James, and his sister, Miss M. Gibbon,. arrived In the city from the interior on Thursday night's train and expect to leave ln a week or so for a visit to their native home in Wales. They are guests at the Royal Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Oakes of Surf Point, who have been on a trip to Vancouver, arrived from the south Wednesday and left Thursday on their return to Porcher Island. Announcements All advertisements in this column -vlll be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Anglican Girls Tea, Mrs. Gib- with Lady Aberdean to her home, son s,October 21. This old ladv. who still called her- " self a Canadian, had recently writ-1. Parent Teachers telephone ten a book, "The Musings of a bridge, rnaay, uctooer 22 Scotch Granny" at eighty years of of the newly formed Prince Rupert thirty-one years, arrived In the city from the Interior on Thursday night's train and sailed on the Prince George for Victoria where they plan to take up residence. For many years Mr. Sharpe was with the Hudson Bay Co. but was latterly with the Forest Branch. They may make a trip to the Old Country later. NOTICE Junior Moose meeting tonight. Important. All members please attend. (241) Hotel Arrivals Royal Mr. and Mrs. G. Moore and daughters; Bella Bella; B. Petersen and J. Hansen, city. Prince Rupert Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Sinclair, In verness; R. Ratcllfle, Jack Balkln, C. H. Hoskln, H. T. Swaboda and H. Burnell, Vancouver. Knox F. W. Hughes and W. Hartman Vancouver. flisliEO FOR SALE FOR SALE A few large bundles of old newspapers, 2 for 25c. PIANO AND ELECTRIC RANGE for sale. Cheap for cash. $100. Apply 309 2nd Ave. West. (240) WANTED WANTED Home for two-year-old baby. Close to town. Call between 12 and 2 p.m. at 715 6th Ave. W. (243) WANTED Good home for male kitten. Phone Green 578. (243) FURNISHED Housekeeping Rooms. Apply 934 2nd Ave. West. (249) LOST LOST Bunch of keys on ring. Finder please return to Dally News. Reward. (241) MALE & FEMALE HELP WE HAVE HELPED HUNDREDS TO OBTAIN positions as Let ter Carriers, Tostal Clerks, Cus toms Examiners, Clerks, and Stenoeranhers. etc., and can help you. Write us for proof and free information. M.C.C. Schools Ltd., Winnipeg. Oldest in Canada. PERSONAL WOMEN YOU CAN BE FINAN CI ALLY Independent. We hae helped hundreds of Canadian women earn a living by opera ting kindergartens in the'r own homes. Illustrated booklet free. The Canadian Kindergar ten Institute. Winnipeg. t I.ANII ACT Notice of Intention to Apply to I,rnf I-ancl tn Prince Ruipnrt Land Recording District of British Columbia, and situate on White Band Wand. Take notice thwt Frank Waterman ol Prtnpe Rupert, oocupa.tlon miner. Intends to pply for a tauw of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted on one of the high clltfs on White Band Island and being 300 feet from the S. C. comer of White Band Island, and cm lit taut tide, ithence 600 feci B. W.; thence 800 feet N. W.: thence 800 fert N. K.; thence 800 fecit B. E. and con taining 12 acres, more or lees. FRANK WATERMAN Dated August 38, 1B37, BIRTHDAY OF CHURCH Anniversary of First United Church Observed with Congregational Dinner Last Evening The annual anniversary supper last night of the congregation of First United Church proved, as usual, a plerfsant affair. In spite of the inclemency of the weather, about one hundred were ln attendance. The social parlors and the tables were tastefully adorned with autmun flowers. There was an excellent spread and an ac ceptable program was presented. any ocout A&aucittiiuu was jieiui - . - , - JaCkSn' PaStr' Thursday night when plans for fu-fc,J' ' PrC sided. ture activities were further advanced. There will be ah investiture of six Scouts next 'Tuesday. Dr. Neal Carter, president of the Association, was In the chair at last night's meeting. Mr. and Mrs. H. Walton Sharpe; who have resided at Hazelton for The program, arranged by Mrs. F. M. Davis, Included piano solos by Miss Ruth Nelson, vocal solos by Miss Nina Hodgson and readings by Mrs. Allen. There were a few remarks of a farewell nature by the former pastor, Rev. C. D. Clarke, who is moving to Victoria Rev. W. H. Pierce was among those speaking appreciatively of Mr. Clarke's work. Mrs. Clavering was in general charge of the supper, receiving assistance from the members of the Ladies' Aid generally. Thomas Wayling Delights Pupils Prominent Canadian Newspaperman Tells Booth School and High School Students of His Travels Thomas Wayling of Ottawa, one oi Canada s best known news papermen, during his stay ln Prince Rupert yesterday in the course of a speaking tour, was heard in the morning by the pu-l pus or the upper grades of Booth t 1-1 ct. 1 1 I i . . I noon by the King Edward High School scholars. He spoke in his highly entertaining manner of the Coronation and of travels in Ca nada Including the Mackenzie Ri ver country. The pupils were de lighted. The speaker was briefly introduced at Booth School bv the principal. Miss E. A. Mercer, and at King Edward High School by Arthur Sutton. Rt. Rev. G. A. Rix DD., Bishop of Caledonia, announces the appointment of Rev. R. Foster, a graduate of Emmanuel College at Saskatoon and now in England, to succeed Rev. Roy Dunford as Anglican Church rector at Rolla in Peace River Block. Mr. Dunford "Is .going to England on furlough on December 1. "TTACAlfT, Synopsis of Land Act laadj mar ni-iHrriONt anreMrttd. surf?' Crvn prt-tmptM tj Britua ubleiU err II years of t. and Bt ! alleiu on dtcUrlnt tatestloD to btcomt . BrltKb subjects, conditional upon rsl- deoce, occupation and ImproTement PuU Information ooncernlnf Pro-emp- J tloni Is llren In Bulletin Ho. 1. Land Serlee. "How to Pre-empt Land," copies of which can be obtained free of chari by I eddrmlnf the Department of Landi, Victoria, B.C.! Bureau of Prolnclal Information.. Victoria, e any Government Aient. Records win be ' granted eoerlnf only land suitable for agricultural purposes within reasonable distance of road, school and marketing facilities and which Is not tlmberland, to..' carrying, om ,000 board feet per acre east of the Coast Range and 000 feet per acre west sf thst Range. Applications for pre-emptions are to be addressed to the Land Commissioner of the Land Recording Division In which the land applied for I sltusted. on printed forms obtained from the Commissioner. Pre-emptions must be occupied for fire years and Improremente made to ealuo of 110 per acre, Including clearing and cultivating at least flw acres, before a Crowa Orant can be received. Pre-emptions carrying pert time conditions of occupation are also granted. rVBCHAsi oa leasi Applications ara received for purchase of vacant and unreserved Crown lands, not being tlmberland. for agrlculturai purposes. Minimum prtoo of flrst-elacc (arablel land Is IS per acre, and second-class (grailngl land. M.H Further Information U given tn Bulletin No. 10. Land Series, "Purchases and Lease of Crown Lands." As a partial retarf measure, reverted r lands may be acquired by purchase aa Wo equal instalments, with the f lrst payment suspended for two years, provided Usee are paid when due and Improvements are mad. during the first two years of not less than 10 of the appraised valuo. Mill, factory or Industrial sites on timber land, not fln '"j' be purchased or leased, the conditions .wii.rfinv navment of ctumpago- Tnsurveyea areoa, aot eaeeedmg acres, may bo leased as homecltee, eondl-ttonai dwelling being rct upon a Vh. first year, title betnr obtained after rJ.lden" ind Improvement conditions arc fulfilled and land has been surveyed. por graslng and Industrial purpcc areas not exceeding Mc acres may e leased by one person cr a company. Under the Orulnl Jr"m districts aa e divided tnta graslng ran? adSlnUtercd r.def r..lng rla-lions- amended frees time to ttnse W meet varylnV coid.ttens. Annwl tracing por-mill arc Issued baaed eat eertala monthly stock. Priority ks tra.. rates r head of "J prTv'lef" - glv to owners. Stock-owners tlons for range management, rn fre. liable 1- era. partially pnwjtjava eaiayers and Uavaiisaa, asm saeaak With Winter Approaching Puretest MALT and COD LIVER OIL A pleasant tasting vitamin Food' medicine. Rich in natural A-B-D-G Vitamins so necessary for the health of children and adults. 1-Lb. jar ... . 60c 2-lb. jar .... $1. Highest Potency Halibut Liver Oil Capsules Per Vial of 50 Capsules Qffar Per box of 100 Q-fl ffft 5H' Capsules.,. Ormes Ltd. 7fifi Pioneer Drutigists The Kernll Store Phones: 81 & 82 Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 1 p.m, 7 n.m. till 9 p.m. BOOKS For Fall Reading These are the books that make book news wherever good books are read. Read these popular headllners ln our Rental Library. All the books you can read tor only 75c per monthone at a time or $1.25 per month 2 books at a time. Border Line ..; - Masterman Juan In China Llnklater ' Storm Girl : Lincoln How Sleeps the Beast Tracy Think of the Earth Brooker Sally Lunn Walmsley I Love You Again - Cohen Felicity Greene Brophy And No Quarter !. -U.' Walsh Ace of Knaves -V-r - Charterls Daphne Deane - Daniel Alrlle : Hlchens The Falcon Cuts In Drake And So Victoria Wllkins The Heart of the Furnace r.,-,. ... Williams The Citadel - ' Cronln John Cornelius - Walpole You Can't Have Everything Norrls Northwest Passage Roberts And More Also Carfrae John Baird Worth Wile Wren The Gods Arrive 4- Lewl Membership in our Library will five you more pleasure for your money. 75c per month LAMPS LAMPS We are now showing our new fnll stock of lamns of all varie ties, in the latest and most modern styles, at exceptionally low nrices. Droo in and see the new lamps. You'll be agreeably surprized at their style and price. TKILITP FLOOR LAMPS BRIDGE LAMPS TABLE LAMPS BOUDOIR LAMPS BED LAMPS Lamp Shades of all Descriptions GORDON'S HARDWARE n-T 1 0 i Phone 311 Kur,ueoh . ,.,,,...,,-..--ai"s,'i'i:,'irBrBi:!:ii::Li:::st'iB, jgggammmmmmuimmmmmwmmmmmm If ypu lose anythinjr, advertise for it.