Everyday Walking Sh ioes DAILY TION The new shoes are arriving and we have smart models for the lady who likes a good walking Oxford. These are made in either hlack or hrown with low or .medium heels and the prices are reasonable. Where Most People Trade WV F AMILY SHOE STORE LTD. .PIIONE-C57 (Estab. 1908) THIRD AVENUE THE DAILY NEWS. t'KINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally .News. Limited, Third Avsnue H. P. PULLEN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIF1I0N RATES City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid in advance $5.01 For lesser periods, paid in advance, per week . . ,u By mail to all other countries, per year . . . . g rjt By .mail to all parts of British .Columbia, the British Empire .and United States, yearly period, paid in advance ,3.01 ADVERTISING RATES Transient display advertising, per Inch, per insertion 1.0C Classified advertising, per word, per insertion .. .05 Local readers, per Jine, .per insertion .25 Advertislnr and Circulation Telephone 98 News Department Telephone 86 Member of Audit Bureau ot Circulations . Tuesday, February 23, 1937 Crew of Forty-Five There is a mine working just across the Straits on Por-cher Island with a permanent crew oi iorty-iive. There are also men employed in carrying the concentrates to the smelter. Prinze Rupert people have benefitted consider ably from the operations of the mine and will doubtless continue to do so. While we all regret that the transfer of the Surf Point mine, purchased recently by the Reward Mining Go. from the Timmins interests for $75,000 cash, has released the superintendent and possibly ,one or two others, we are glad to know that by the concentration of effort in that neighborhood the mining operations there should be carried on indefinitely to the advantage of this part of the country. We hope the recent transfer of the Ecstall River Iron Pyrites property to Texas Gulf Sulphur Inc., one of the largest sulphur companies in the world, will result in another mining activity in this neighborhood. This nronertv was prospected many years ago and has been optioned by different concerns, twice by the Granby Consolidated, but tne siicner seems to have been, what to do with the sul phur. Possibly the likelihood of a nuln mill bein? pstah Hshed here has expedited the selling of the mine to the big sulphur producing concern. Should operations com mence soon on this property they would employ a great many more men .than the Porcher Island mine. It is de velopments of ,this kind that will improve the position of 1 rineu nuperi. Peace to Prince Rupert While there is little likelihood that steps will be taken this year to commence the building of the railway from the Peace River country to connect with the Canadian National enroute to Prince Rupert, it is very necessary that the movement be kept to the fore and impressed upon wic auuiunucs, bu luui. next, year we may possiDiy see actual movement in that direction. The building of that road is vital ,to Prince Rupert. We sugcrest that when the members of the Vancouver Board of Trade visit Prince Rupert next .summer steps be take,n .to.secure their support for the railway. Vannmivpr .npnnlp shmilfl ennnnrt fVrio voiltifur Almf support. The Letter Box LOOKS AFTER INDIANS Editor, Dally .News: In view of the publication ot certain statements made by the United Church Presbytery at Prince Rupert as published In your issue of the 20th Inst. Concerning the work of the Department of Indian Affairs from which It would appear that the .native receive very little consideration In the way of relief and medical assistance It may be of interest to your readers to know that during the past fiscal year 1935-36, the following amounts were expended in medical and food relief alone in .the Skeena Agency: Relief (food) $ 3,789 .36 Medical supplies 1,186.42 Hospitalization (including necessary oases of confinement and complicated cases of tuberculosis) 16,240.00 $21,215.78 Needless to say, the Indian Department is quite competent to look after the best Interests of Vg wards both physically and mentally at -ths present time as it has done In the past, and must of necessity be permitted -to use Its own judgment in meeting an ever Increasing demand upon its resources. W. E. COLLISON Indian Agent Man in the Moon How thankful we all are to see the beautiful snow disappearing! Aberdeen Scotsmen , are still making jokes about themselves and selling them to gullible English men. One of the jokes is about a Scotsman who went Insane. He bought a. scorccard at a ball .game and neither team scored. The ministry of pensions made an error in their records entering a girl as a boy. They received a let ter from the fond .mother saying: "You have changed my little girl into a .boy. Will it make any dif ference?" The latest .definition of a mat- rfmnnlftl Vinrpnii Is that It l n Kt The jokes of tire ago may not be funny but the age of the Jokes ldiculous. , Twenty -Five Years Ago February 23, 1912 A meeting of the Prince .Rupert Liberal Association was held last night In the Knights of Pythias Hall to name delegates to the forthcoming provincial convention In Vancouver. Dr. W. T. Kergln, president, was In the chair and one of the .features of the .evening was an address by Duncan Ross. Delegates were named in the persons of Howard Campbell, John Piercy, J. J. Sloan, C. W. Peck, Dr. W. T. Kergln, G. J. Frlzzell, J. R. Morgan, G. R. Naden, Fred Stork, C. B. Lockbart, "Dan McKinnon, T. D. Pattullo, J. Y. Rochester and A. M. Manson. The sum of $20,000 $10,000 in grants each from the city and pro vincial government Is now available for the new extension to the Prince Rupert General Hospital. The construction work Is expected to commence shortly, D. O. Stewart, president of the hospital board, appeared before the city council last night to express for- . - j-'vi"" ,..v-.. Mt'l'ui w b.wu iutitmv, XillllUOb -I i . . . - .. everything1 we iuy comes from that city and when people here take a holiday thev usually goto Vancouver. The development of Prince Rupfcrt therefore means ,the fur- receiving congratulations uer , development of Vancouver. Doubtless the Peace Rivar committee of the. Chamber nf f!nmnwn pPT SIMPSON, .Feb. 53:-Mr, BASKETBALL IS RESUMED,: Lamliie & Stone Defeated 42 to 33 Grotto taking a short lead, only to have the Clothiers pull ahead lata never to be headed again. Half time score was 23 to 19 for Lambie &, Stone. The second half was much tlir same as the first with .both team, playing hard but the Clothiers ioai not be checked and won .out by nine points. Individual scores: Lambie & fitone Dominato (19! Campbell (4). Johnson 8), .Lindsay Uli, Hals; total, 42. Grotto Morgan (14), Stalker (.1), Letourneau (6), Montesano Z), Eby (3), A. Murray (1); total. 33. Ladies' League I In the Ladies' League fixture Annettes defeated Grottettes 16 to i 13. This game was close through-1 out with the .Groottettes leading' 8-6 at the rest period. After the breathsr Annette's pulled ahead but had to fight hard until the final whistle to squeeze put a win. Annette's Wilson (7), Eva Mor ris, Ratchford (5), Edna Dickens (2), P. Dickens (2); total, 16. Grottettes Croxford Menzies (2), McMeekln (2), Beale (3), Erik-son, Smith (6); total, 13. Intermediate Xearue Scythians" defeated a luckless! Regiment team-by a score of 48 to 14 in the intermediate tussle. Half time .score was 24 ,to 4. The S:yth-lans forward line were -shooting al will and won out easily. Scythians Murray (2) ,M. Mon- , , . , , : teeano (16), -Beynon (14), H. Mon of drawers, each packed full of I, . . ' women's fixings and with one man's collar and tie Jammed Into a1 corner. You have to hand it to the In come tax collector. He certainly jets the money about this time of year. tesano (10), Fitch, Letourneau Total, 48. (6) Regiment Miller (2), Nelwn 12), F. Comadlna (2), Eastman Storrie, Davies (2); Total, 14, CANADA AND ENGLAND WIN AGAIN IN HOCKEY LONDON. Feb. 23: (CP) Grotto' Canada defeated C?echo-Slo- vakia three o nothing .and 1 Eneland beat Switzerland.. After a lay-off of about three also by a jscore of three to .. . t 4 v. i MMntH ; WLW l weeks owing to tne aossnce oi t uuhuus, w icuwm uuw uhuc- t players from -town and talso on ac- ' leated after their fourth count of the influenza epidamlc j games In the world's hockey basketball again got under wa championship. Both Canada last niaht with the Grotto losing and Eneland won their fifth to the -Lambie & Stone squad who games today, .the .former 4e- became the leader in the stand- .featlng Germany five -to nil ins. Both teams were without the while Eneland won over Po- services of a few of their regular jand n,to nil. -Caecho-Slovakla players -but, nevertherfcw. the game . defeated France eight to one was good rou3nout. , .and Switzerland wpn over The game started last wun -ne Jiuneary four to two. Bowling Play LastEvening Rupert Motors Defeats Gyro ;Club In .Commercial League ,but letter Win .Over .Five Jokers ,ln Fiye Pin League . Rupert Motors defeated Gyro Club two games to one In the Commercial Bowling League last. nlht while Rupert Butchers set" totals of 745, 828 and 811 for Bal-lingers to bowl against. High average scorer for the evening was A. Ross of Rupert Butchers 169. In a postponed fixture In City :F1ve Pin League, Gyro Club won three games to nil over Five Jokers. Individual scoring was as .fol low: RUP. .MOTORS 1st 2nd 3rd Taylor ......462 ,148 164 Herman 455 135 138 Saunders 158 150 Houston 129 152 139 iRcbsrtson 109 121 145 Tetal fin 700 72ft junior League A. Astoria 141 Boy Scouts defeated the illgh Handicap 27 Sihool 16 to 13 In a, close checking Total ,745 game ,in tne Junior .League openc,r;l Hair time score as 10-7 for the Boy Scouts Montesano (7), Eastman (6), Storrie (2), Lund-quist (1), Grlmble, Llndscth; Total, 16. HlghSchool Fitch (4). J, (1), Hirano (4) .Bolton, B. (4); Total, 13. Referees F. Comadlna, Dcminato and Skinner. Scorer-Joe Antonelll. Reporter Mike Montesano. BASKETBALL STANDING Senior League .W.D.'.L. Moose 2 Lamb.e .& .stone Grotto 2 Intermediate League Moose 5 Scythians 2 Regiment v 0 Ben's News Stand 0 Ladies' League Grottettes 2 Annette's 2 High School 1 ' Junior League Boy Scouts 5 High School 5 Moose 1 Seal Sove 0 F. A.P SNAKE IN CHINA CLOSET 4 0 4 10 4 0 c 4 10 4 to ii't .that this matter is brought before the 'Vancouver p' SLr,:lce'of,Ppl:tiSl?,p" wprkers who thQeht.a foundation vhttm Ti will be a snlendul onnorfnnifv fn IlS IZZ .u. "I cpngratula Ions ,ob washing on, thieves made a ' . 1 11 J u.Hi? wlDinnoittnBiine hole In the brick wall of a bakeshop GYRO CLUB 1st 2nd Buljer . 144 .134 Morris -.113 t5 BrqckJ&iby ,114 110 Rcnf .128 131 Large 147 .144 Tptil ,646 ic.1,4 RUP. BUTCHERS 1st J. Jade J57 A. Ross .165 6), iMsLen 135 IL. Aster a .120 slows: 0, I SWAN HILL, Aust., Feb. 23: (CP) J Smashing nearly every dish in'-John ;Hucker's china cupboard in its tight a five-foot .black snake; which chased a mouse Indoors was finally overpowered and killed. . FOOLED ALL HANDS .CANTERBURY. ,Aust,, cpj-,withln iull ,vlew Peb. ,23: of many (Port Simpson General Hospital. and got away with $100 In cash. 2nd m ,170 146 147 138 27 828 (i.tn .1,111 ieai-iie ' ' W, L. 1 1 5 4 5 2 L. 11 7 8 7 .L. 0 Rupert Butchers 3 n Rupert Motors 2 l pyio Club 1 ,2 McMeekin's 0 3 plological fixation . .0 3 G0LDBL00M THE OLD RELIABLE pjur Buyer Wants Furs 3rd league stand(r2 are as fol-. Q5 Taxi ;..;;.5 Grotto 5 Moose 4 O'Ncil, printers 9 O'Neill j Armour Salvage L.r.j (Power Corporation l Husoy ! ... . . I l ive Pin League ,; W. Five Jokers .13 Gyro Club .. ,.ji Pioneer Laundry 7 Empress .2 Commercial 1 league W. Balllnsar's 2 and wants them badly Ship what you have to me and cash wjll lie wired ,or galled ypu imincrliately. We guarantee more than anybody else. Don't .delaymarket Is liable to chance. FINAL IN P 13 lit 2 r. 3 3 2 1 b 0 CUP PLAY Grotto and Ramblers to Meet This .Evening to Decide Tip Top Tailors Trophy .Grotto defeated Canadian Na tkmal -Recreation Association .last night by a score of 5 to 4 In semi-final of bridge lay for the Tip Top Tailors' Cup thus qualify ing to meet Ramblers tonight ,hi the final fbr the trophy. Playing of the postponed league .fixture between .Ramblers and .Musketeers on ,the outcome of which will be decided ,whlch of the Grotto, gamblers or Musketeers wins jsecqnd .lalf .honors lias ,been set for tomorrow evening. JU'SII FQlt TENNIS SEATS I LONDON, Feb. 23: 4CPJ-About $75,000 will; fee returned to appll-?ints who have .failed in the oar; lpt for reserved centre- court seats qt the British Lawn Tennis championships nt Wimbledon in June. HOCKEY JPORES Pacific Coast League Spokane- 2, Vancouver 4. Hockey Standings Pacific .Coast League Portland 17 with Vancouver ... .14 I Seattle 13 the Spokane ,11 5 .12 .8 11 4 16 7 .16 7S 100 .73 70 SPORT CHAT 63 39 79 36 .93 30 .86 ,29 Percy -Williams, 1928 double sprint -Olympic champion, equalled 141 J he Canadian Indoor 60-yard record of 62 seconds at the Toronto Coliseum eight years ago last night. The Vancouver flash defeated Johnny Fitzpatrick, Hamilton, Ont., jgj'iprint star. In the final of the 134 il30 197 138 752 3rd ;151. J Go 150 153 156 27 .811 event at the Canadian championships. National The 'two-referce system -was Inaugurated in the National Hockey League ;by President .Frnk Calder 14 years ago rtoday. jn h,Qse days he professional circuit was a four-team affair, composed of Toronto St. Patricks, (Montreal ;Canadlens, PHawa and Hamilton. Harvey ,Pul-fqrd and .Dr. Jerry Laflamme pair ed off In pne game ,he day after; the change was made. The other TODAY'S STOCKS McCualg Red Lake. .30. Rajah Red Lake. .38. Kerr Addison, 3.30. Aldermac, 20. i .Fed. Klrkland, J6. Upper Canada, 78. CllilEy FOR SALE FOR SALE ,Fumisiid hou. waterfroril Seal ,Oove Appij Mochlda's Store, Seal Cove, (tfi FOR SALE $100 cash 10-12 hp 2 cyl. 4 cycle gxs engine At water - ;Kent Ignition. ,ultah for trolling ,qr $111 netting jisj cash 6 h.p. Petters dlesel, pet. feet condition. Can be used stationary or .marine. Box 10, Dafly News. uj, FURNlTyRFJ Factory samples must go this werk. Guaranteed io- piece Chesterfield groups -tG9.50- 4Q-piece loose pillow arm groups - $72.50; 10-piece bedroom sulto (round .mirrors) -$74.50. .furnish yqur home .complete .ihre rooms, 59 pieces all for $155. Many other bargains. Terms 11 you .wish. Order today, Julius Shore Mall Order-House. 8th floor Beklas Building, Vancouver UJi WANTED WANTED Qlrl for general ,hou' work. Phone, a reen ,471 (i WANTED Immediately, femalt cook, must be good at bread iti pastry. Apply E. Forfar Hotel Fort St. James. (i WANTED TO BUY Deposit ot white China clay. Please state full details In first letter Box 11. Daily News. fttl PERSONAL GENTLEMEN'S Sanitary Supplies. highest .grade 15 for $1, Pacife Supply. 751 Granville, Vaneouts. aHKr ,wrlte.brmes Limited. II was in charge of Copper .Snieaton J F,brn:.rr. 1937. ana Percy Lesueur. MEN Get vigor at once. New Oi- trex Tonic Tablets contain ru oyster lnvlgorators and otixt stimulants. One dose peps upsr- ,gans, glands. If not deligbU aker refunds lew cents pai ,UI;iKTJtY ACT viiTifi: Ru: OerUriouLs of TlUe No. JOT-l to .Lit Twrnt-4wo (23) Bl( l Mi l. Vllli? of Strwart ' Moo 96 Whtccas satisfaoLory proa! ot bt ) ef th c.bct- Cerllfleale of T Ww in ths na-Tie cl Rom Mcore CsmpaV Limited his been filed hi W " t-'.tlcj u hsrcibv fflven tbal I 3t lv plrnt:cn of cw momb tm th aait (t the first publlcatlso at. Assikf a Provisional CertlU-tk a Tlte,ln lieu ci the rsW lost OtrUTlcttt. m u4 t n m fn iLTlilnff. Daded at the Land Relrt OtOd. Prince nuperi. B. C . this 12:a d5 A. THOMPSON, Deptity Rc;U!:iir UNION STEAMSHIPS SPECIAL WINTER EXCURSION .RATES TO VANCOUVER J'ROM 1'IUNCE .RUPERT ;FROM PORT SIMPSON $32.00 $35.35 RETI)tN. RirrilltN. All meal and Berth Included. Reduced Rates to Vancouver also apply from Intermediate points. Special 'Tickets on Sale .Between November 1st, lftffi and February ,28th, 1937,, Inclusive .Good, to Return up to March 31, 1937. Children 'Ialt Fare. Steamers: Leave Prince Rupert: Ar Vancpuver CATAJ4 Tuesday, a p.m. Thursday, p-"1, S.S. GARDEN A Friday, JOtfO p.m. Monday, a.m. Tickets and Reservations from Prince .Rupert Agent - A. W. rjEWJUAN r JChlrd Ave.. Phone 5 If Convenient Please Purchase Tickets jit Office niAKeyou very nor ettray Wfihfetfii PfttwVfiot VOWU LIKE .IHE.WAV I TuEVTREATyou) Treat Yourself tp a Ilappy New Year .by .having your Coal bin .full pf jthe best .coal jn town. PH1LP0TT-EVITT & Co. Ltd. llavcthc Coal to.Suit Xour Requirements 0!U mONB 652