fASS FOUR Pork and Beams Excellent Appearance and Flavor From years of experience in makins this popular canned food, Royal City offers the utmost in quality, combining selected beans and rich tomato sauce. Try Our SPECIAL SUNDAY NIGHT DINNER Soup Chicken with two Vegetables Dessert Tea or Coffee All For 50c KNOX HOTEL "Banquets a Specialty" A LENTEN SUGGESTION 0 - Gold Seal Salmon lit Fancy Red Sockeye Packed by tjie only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll ProprK6r "A IIO.ME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 Hyde Transfer Phone 580 DRY WOOD JASPER COAL Furniture Moving Light Delivery 315 SECOND AVE. KINCOLITII MAN DIES Peter Watt, one of the elder residents of the Naas River native village of Kincolith, passed away there last week from the effects of Influenza. listen to this - - j "In spite of all the virtues we can ! boast I "The woman that deliberates Is lost." This was not said about coal, but It might as well. Don't deliberate. You deserve the best! I For twenty years, Albert & Mc- Caffery's coal has been the best available. It is the best today. It gives you the most heat for the least money and that's what you; want. And besides giving' you the i most heat, it Is the most economical because it lasts! Next time you need coal, just phone 116 or 117 to Albert & Mc-Caffery and order Nanaimo-Wel- ilington for furnace and heater. For I the kitchen range, ask for Egg size (Balkan Minehead Alberta sooUess. It's trade name Is "Inferno" it's hot! And it lasts, too. You deserve the best! UNRESERVED AUCTION SALE Instructed by owner who Is leav- ine town. I will rp hv nnMInn fVio 'entire household furniture of the late W. B. Morgan at the Moose Hall Store. Third Ave., on Thursday, February 25 commencing at 2:30 p.m., consisting of: I Gourlay upright piano, oak din ing room suite, sectional book-case, Wilton rug, library table, '2 large beds, 1 single bed, dressers, chlf-foneers, chest of drawers, Monarch range, dinner waggon, camp bed and deck chairs, pictures, 3 Lino rugs and linoleum, etc. .Must be Sold Geo. J. Dawes AUCTIONEER. Phone: IMui? 171 "TILLIE THE TOILER" y Was at Has . HIS HEAD HfcAteT, cake or BUT His 7 v vvv HeM3 is STILL A"XMf FTZOZ.EM IM6 IN A PCJLAV HUT All She Dreaded Going Upstairs Woman's Fear of Rheumatic Pains One of the many troubles that afflict rheumatic sufferers Is the difficulty of getting up and down stairs. Such was the case with this .. woman, u.. but now she finds it trouble. Read what she says: 4. liafC Ul-tii lifting iVt UJLliCll I HUW now ivll for UVCI over 12 16 months, IUUIUI1S, a iX half-ithe nail-1 teaspoonful In hot water first thing , . . in n tha the mnrnln morning, Anrl and T I feel fool a n ryonr w. woman. I had very painful rheu- Itvll! -,, !! "A also my head was getting very h bad. T I ncal used to. r A dread r-oo A tifnllrlm walklne nnrf UDstalrs. n ( -o I I now I am very thankful to say it is no trouble at all and I scarcely : have any pains. I feel better In health than I have done for years." (Mrs.) G. M. Two of the ingredients of Krus chen Salts are notable for their ! work in dissolving uric acid. Other Ingredients of Kruschen assist Nature to expel the dissolved acid from the system. Mrs. Clara Ryan Of Simpson Dies Was Twenty-Five Years of Age And Was Born at Metlakatla Wife of Ambrose Uyan Mrs. Clara Ryan, wife of Ambrose Ryan, passed away yesterday at the Port Simpson General Hospital, according to word received at the office of the Indian Agent here this morning. Deceased was 25 years of age and the daughter of George Leighton of Metlakatla where she was born. There are also brothers and sister at Metlakatla WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Shipments of frozen halibut and salmon and mild-cured salmon have continued steadily from tfeti chlkan, Alaska, ;to rinc Rupert for . trans-sljlpmerit. Vast- ier Canadian National .Railways during the past winter. .The volume of this traffic has compared very favorably ;wlth, .previous .winters, This has been in spite of the mari time workers' strike which held up American Pacific Coast shipping for three months. Now that the strike Is over and the regular ships are moving again, the traffic is beginning to assume even larger proportions. The reduction plant of the Nelson Bros. Fisheries Ltd. at Tucks Inlet in Prince Rupert Harbor is again grinding fish. Herring are again being caught in the harbor for the plant although not in very substantial quantities. Passengers from the ill-fated freighter Zapora, which foundered on Rocky Point, 'fifteen miles south of Angoon, between Jilneau anJ Hoonah, Alaska, several days ago, were here yesterday bound for Seattle aboard the Northland Transportation Co.'s liner Northland which was in port for several nours discharging frozen fish for irans-snipmem east over Cana- dlan National Railways. Union steamer Cardcna, Capt. James Findlay, arrived in port at 7:45 this morning from Stewart, Anyox and other northern points and sailed at 1 o'clock this afternoon for Vancouver and waypolnts. the hospital 3REAT SCCSTT.' IM AMOTHETS ce 1 CAMT OMUbK-STAMD F HE WAS FfiOZEM in the FirasT H-ACE, VMHy WANT v,i I KEEP s r -C .' V T. A 1 HHAT WAV THE DAILY NWB PROTEST AT GRIEVANCES (Continued rrom Pi.ee IS lous teachings a large following, especially In the southern part of i the province nruM -u. i. nAnnAmtj(! tvin'Sure Death for Chians: Kai-Shek mc fnnrtw mmninAH with him Tne u.FJV. government, wisnmg to discredit Aberhart by Introduc- ! MIS tog i-'UUglilS, Douglas, WIV the founder lUUilUtl VII of the :Rnefcii Crprtit. rean .,; sysiem svstpm r (mm irom which wiuch .i.i.u nocrai Aberhart deviated, actually at- ....... tractea attention to ms Dejieis m other parts of the province as xt unaKected. It It was '&'&S on OH a a fpl!iiT thit thinr f!.: conceivably become better that the government & went into " ' Dual Personality Under the sobering influence of responsibility, a dual personality became iecuiue apparent apparent in in the uie new new gov- gov- ernment during its first six months . . In power, said Mr - Aberhart became at once the evangelist, stirred by human suf- ferlng to seek a Utopia, 'and a more"1 V1 ine airplanes ap-conservative personality determin-' Poached S!an-Fu, Chiang's life ed to balance a budget event If It would have been wiped out by meant that suffer increasing ui i j v c rame m; ouiiti ing. As a result the first budget was along orthodox lines, with!0' Chiang was engineered by a higher taxation and no sign of ; hot-headed clique who demanded acciai uremt". Mr. Imrie traced the steady dlv 'sion of the Aberhart cabinet into three groups; right wing, left wing, and in the centre Aberhart himself, and Manning. With the resignation In December and January of the two nrinclDal rleht-wini ministers, the left-wing group, chiefly represented by Maynard. a I young back-bencher, took the bal ance of power. The legislation of the govern ment to date, some 150 acts in all Mr. Imrie divided Into six groups The first group covered the actual introduction of Social Credit It self; the second, directed to what he termed "economic provlncial- sm." sought to make Alberta more ! relf-contalned and to nmvidp a I bitter balance of trade; the third aimed at the reduction of public and Drlvate debt: the fourth nf he control of trade and business through codes, tended to brin? both the Individual and groups In to closer contact with the govern ment; the fifth concerned with suDsutmes for currency, anong them the stamped scrip which had ndt' been successful, and the sixth cIWs .removed a certain amount of! teourt protection from the in dividual. 1 Elevcn-Point Plan ' i t Of the future. ' Mr. Imrie said that it was Impossible tb' forecast the development of the Social Credit scheme In Alberta eve-i over the next few weeks. The whole course of events at present depended on the reception at next weeks' caucus and at the session opening Thursday to an eleven-point plan for introduction of Social Credit. There was a suggestion in Al berta, said Mr. Imrie, that the Ab trhart government, idealists bv nature, were beginning to realize that Social Credit could not b put through, as they had ex pected, by co-operation alone, and 'hat Uiey were preparing to take neps to compel co-operation. Wlille Aberhart deprecated any bmilgeoning of the people, the re suit would not be known until the opening of the House. It Pays to liny From MUSSAIJ.F.M'S pur prices are always right with the markets and we sell for less Mail or phone your order and save FREE GIFT COUPONS for a Dinner Set and Rogers Silverware. Prince Rupert, B.C. MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE The Little Foot-Work Wanted I IT SOUMDS CRAZV TO . . . . IT - r- .A. r - NtVJi ABOUT MAC I TOLD ME F-OSTED THEV Td HM WAS SAVED BY STORM " Averted Wicn Airplanes Grounded j ' . nMnrrnK MON ,,. (CP) . 'Yf- fD' ... if)nlv 'Only a. a suridvn sudden storm storm " " sa saved the " vr" , . v. "v.. hme ot nuuig imu-oiick, wiuiw i oflnornHcctnift eenerallsslmo. u-hllA while ho he urn was e held hptH prisoner by the rebellious Chang HseU'Liane at Slan-Fu. it was as serted senea here nere by oy Dr. ur. Chen v.nen Han-Sengi nan-i-ng. 1 agrarian agent, a visitor. The ine eminent emincni Chinese wunose scholar. scnoiar, ! hi country's delegate to the Yose- mlte conference on Pacific af- ..... ...... fairs, said Is an interview that; during Chiang's enforced stay at personally benefitted from Interest Sian-Fu a pro.-Japanese group In' paid on government funds entrust-Nanking wo used their v.... .....v..v influence to - ed to his care, was followed by the launch a "punitive expedition" of .. 1 u U 11 11 Ilad not been for a sudden storm which interfered with bomb friends of Japan," Dr. Chen added iHe stated the daring kidnapping armed aotlon against Japanese in vasion. Dr. Chen, hemcward-bound after an extended tour of the United States and Canada, voiced the op-In'on a naorvallst movement with a -ifrong central government ovor a federation of autonomous provinces might be the combination tint would thwart Japanese am-i b'.Vcns on the mainland. He was enthusiastic about Edmonton's brisk, cold winter weather. "Ah, your weather here! The air is so dry and comfortable-much better than the chilly dampness or Shanghai or the moist heat of south China." Weather Forecast 'Furnished throug. ih courtesy o .1. Dominion McU-orologlcn) Bureau a Victoria and Prince Itucert Thi int. cast In compiled from oliHprvatlon ta ken at 5 a.m. today and cover th 3i hour period ending S p.m. tomorrow). Synopsis A storm is centred off Vancouver Island and has caused high winds and heavy rains on the coast. Snow has fallen in the Interior. Prince Rupert and Queen Charlotte Islands East to northeast gales with rain turning to show. BRITAIN'S PICS. 3,801.000 LONDON, Feb. 23: (CP) Britain's marketing scheme is given credit for the fact the country's pig population has Increased to 3,801,-000 or 38 more than a year ago. WANT HOLIDAYS PAID DERBY, Eng., Feb. 23; (CP) Pointing out 75 of railway employees already enjoyed the concession, the rallshop trade unionists are pressing their demand for 12 days annual holiday with pay. Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 TRAPPERS! Attention! Don't sell your furs until you sec Frank Lockwood Phone Blue 729 P.O. Box 200 ME- MAVBE IHEVRE r4lis it. TOUOHfeMlUa tliMti AM EWfcOIHOM HIS 1 iw mo iAjMtu QUEBEC PLANS GUARDING WORKER INVESTMENTS AT SESSION OF LEGISLATURE (Continued umn Page 1' t will pilot a bill of this nature at the i session, Promises Further Probe Unless there occurs a division between the government and Dr. Philllpe Hamel's "anti-trust" group, main attraction of the session will be the public accounts Inquiry, where, according to Premier Dup-lessis, further revelations will be , made made concerning concerning tl the 39-year Llb- eral administration. Evidence before the Inquiry in ?.,no loift Mint. Antnlne Tascher- UUb V..fc.w eau, brother of the former Premier resignation of Hon. L. A. Tascher- eau 'and his cabinet. The Interest amounting to more than $30,000 has been returned to the treasury Revision of Quebec statutes is another measure which will come before the House and money will be asked for this purpose. The Premier claims there is a large numbei of obsolete and ambiguous laws on the statute books at present. First budiret of the Union Na tional government will be brought down by Provincial Treasurer Martin B. Fisher. At the emergency ses sion the budget prepared by the defeated Liberal administration wa: voted, because, the Treasurer said, there was not sufficient time to prepare a new one. Further granU will be asked of the Legislature tc 'supplement the $100,000 voted last session to finance a survey of the province's natural resources. From Montreal, newly - elected Mayor J. Adhemer Raynault, Union Nationale member for L'Assomp-tlon, will seek wider powers for the chief magistrate of the metropolis and a greater share of nrovlncial I taxes to replace the city sales tax which he promised to abolish. Standing In the Legislature when the House convenes will be: Union Nationale, 75; Liberals, 14, Dr. Raou' Replenish Enliven Your Bookskelt -This Easy Way For 50 cents eachgood books withdrawn from our rental library In order to confine our Library space and to accommodate the latest books continually being added, books arc withdrawn after a few months. Many of them arc like new with original wrapper, all a" comparatively recent publications and the most popular authors and titles. Naturally there arc no duplicates at this low price. 50 cents each MAC BFTOKE "THE JCE, RIGHT fcAld WOMD&R:FUL, f bV VvlKnfal iMti :M'T UWT J 1 I 1 1 I TIMES Tftw-T Lastcomnlete The Green Pastas suited "iJh ford's novel "01' Man An- His Chl.i?". With REX INGRAM NOTE CAREFULLY For proper enjoyment t. urge you to see it from fo start (Starts at 7:00 & 95, till 5 Ray MUland, leather AnSd "Bulldog; Drunimond Eswpt,' (At 8:49 once onhi NEWS (At 8:33 only. Comlti; Wednesday Warner Baxter in "The Whit, Hunter" Plus "3 Wise fiuvj' i CLARK'S STORE Cut Flowers Fancy Work Wreaths made up PALMISTRY Evenings, Wallace Rlk. Suite 7 Phone Blue !)93 530 3rd An The Central Hold ROOMS and CAFf Phonic 51 1 For Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK oulin, Union Nationale n-.eibt .or Beauce county, resigned ht Jovcmber but no . by-clcctlon lis een called to 111J the yacamy The Liberal opposition win be H y T. D. Bouchard "St Hyacinths n the absence from the LegLuta jf Adelard Oodbout party ckld lr. Uodbout. who formed a gon? nent after Premier Tascherean igned, was defeated in his own u n L'Islct In the 1036 election a .s not a member of the house an d -By Wstover VfcA,iw4G JosT OAway MowJ A BOUT ViltiClLlWfa HIS EtT NCAOAWO C3fcT-l lMti BAtJKOW acti