day February 23, 1937 -TCT! .DAILY NZWd fctions Informed By King s Envoys, rsoii T' of Itojall hlouse Announce coronation ONDON, Feb. Z2: (CP)-After "vw. v.--..-- . 12 George stminster, iui's . - 1 r ht fnrrt not h i mvnvt nf tht Tflnff personal civj vo ti f 'KLc travprnn-iLont Els .point .was cleared up in ,1902 Ben Loru iuiiu'swi " iffd iinlnshlre, was commis- Hied I" HiV. f tci n r ttni frwmollt, Irl nre, Spain and Portugal. 'he peer, a close .friend of King Massage VapoRub briskly on the throat, chest and back (between and below the shoulder blades). Then spread it thick over the chest and cover with warmed cloth. Almost before you finish rubbing, VapoRub starts to bring relief two ways at once two direct ways: 1. Through the Skin. VapoRub acts direct through the skin like a poultice or plaster. 2. Medicated Vapors. At the same time, its medicated vapors, re-k-ased by body heat, are breathed in for hours about 18 times a minute direct to the irritated .air-passages or the nose, throat and chest. This combined poultice-and-vapor action loosens phlegm--relieves irritation- helps break congestion. 17 V- r?r-r-rc 1 BRITISU-JS.RAEL SOCIETY There .being .no -special srjeaker. a general discussion was engaged lin last night at the regular fort- .nightly meeting of the local Bri- iitish-Israel Society. President P. H. Jinzey was in the chair and there POUND IN MONTREAL ; MONTREAL, Feb. 22: The British pound sterling was trading at jS4.89 on the Montreal market on .Saturday, having dropped V8c from tFrlday. Edward, was a Liberal, however, find said he would not care to undeitake any work for a Tory government. He agreed to go only ;when assured he would represent the King psTsonally and not the government of the day. Here's the Modern Way to Help END A COLD Quicker During the night, VapoRub keeps right on working. Often, by morning the worst of the cold is over. Avoids Risk of Stomach Upsets This safe, external treatment cannot possibly upset the stomach, as constant internal "dosing" is so apt to do. It can be used freely, as often as needed, even on the youngest child. Now White Stainless Thanks to a new process, VapoRub now comes to you in white stainless form. Only the color is removed; it is the same VapoRub--the same formula and the same effective double action. VrcKS VAPORUB Come and see our New Wallpapers We have just received our new wallpaper stock. We invite you to drop In and inspect them. We have a large selection of smart and beautiful patterns at very reasonable prices. Gordon's Hardware Mcllride St. phone 311 THE WORLD'S GOOD NEWS will come to rour home every day through THE .CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR An International Daily Keviipaper It recorm for you't cln. conitructle dolniit. Ths Monitor don not exploit crime or lenmton: neither doei it Unore them, jut doal correctively with them. Feiturei lor buiy ,oien,nd Ul ra Umlly, Including the Weekly Migailin Section. The Christian Science PublUhlne 8oclety One, Norway Street, Boston, Massachusetts Please enter my subscription to Toe ChrUtlan Science Monitor tor TVeir 19 00 s months M.SO 3 months I1.2S 1 m,o.n'h "c Wednesday Issue, Including Maiaslne Section: 1 yeer.H.SO. Issues aao. Name -..........- -"- Address . SmpU Cfy Htqunt TheFxshwhichmade Prince RupertFamoiis "Rupert Brand" SMOKED BLACK COD Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE JRUPJERT. B.C. i . . . .... . LOCAL NEWS I "Demers" Winter Clearance, Sale ends Sat., Feb. 27. Don't miss our last minute bargains. (46) Mrs. Roy Becker arrived In the city on the Cardena this morning from Stewart to spend a month, here visiting with her father, A' O. Franks. j Through the courtesy of Rev. C. ID. Clark a program of cinema pic-J tures will be put ,on Wednesday in j the C. L. D. L. Hall, 8 p.m. Wel-.come, old and young. (45) I Rev. Dr. S. S. Qsterhout, super-. intendent of missions of the United I Church for British Columbia with ; headquarters in Vancouver, after I paying a visit to Port Simpson, left j on last evening's -train for Hazel- ton. Mrs. P. L. Peterson will leave on tomorrow evening's train for Ter- , race to attend the marriage there on Thursday afternoon of Miss Lorna Christy and Jack Wrathall. .She will return to the city Thursday night. Tonight's 'train, due from the east at 10:20, was reported this morning to be running one hour and twenty minutes late. Snow conditions' along the lower Skeena Co. from the Timmins Corporation. Will sail Thursday night on the Prince George for Vancouver. Mrs. Legg and family will be remaining at Surf Point for a while. Mrs. M. M. McLachlan returned to. the city on. Saturday night's train from Edmonton where she had been called several weeks ago on account of the Illness and subsequent death of her sister, Mrs. D. M. Ritchie. While away Mrs. McLachlan accompanied the two sons of Mrs. Ritchie from Edmonton to Nelson. Mrs. K. Pappadopulos, who has been spending the past year her wfth har san-in-lav and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. James Klllas, left by last evening's train on her return to her home in New York City Her son, Jchn Pappadopulos, wha came here to visit her, sailed by the Cardzna this afternoon on his return to Vancouver. HOTEL .ARRIVALS George N. 'Morgan's Royal Kirk and J. Stark Vancouver. Central P. Christ, city; E. Tergen, Oona River. Announcements Presbyterian Tea, Mrs. P. February 25. HILL SIXTY Miss Lorna Christy ! ANNUAL MEET And Jack Wrathall Mrs. II. L. Landry js Head O' J.O.D.E Chapter for Coming Year Lakle, High School play, Presbyterian Church, February 25 and 26. Baptist March ;lst Tea, ,Mrs. Bert St. Patrick's Tea and Entertain mcnt, March 17. . , University extension lectures,'! March 17, 18 and 19, City Hall- Dean Buchanan. Rebekah 18. Fashion Show, March junior Chamber Dance, Friday, April 2. COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EDSON ALBERTA COAL BULKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY PHONE: 58 and 558 At the regular monthly meeting of Hill 60 Chapter, Imperial Ordev Daughters of the Empire, held last evening at the home tof Mrs. J. II Macey, the following officers were elected for the year. Honorary President, Mrs. H. Rochester. Regent, Mrs. H. L. Landry. First Vice-Regent, Mrs. rH. Brocklesby. Second Viae-Regent, Mrs. H. Breen. Secretary, Mrs. J. A. Frew. Treasurer, Mrs. R: J. Keron. Educational Secretary, Mrs. E. Moore. Echoes Sacretary, Mrs. J. B N H Macey. Standard Bearer, Mrs. J. Forman Influenza On Naas Raging Epidemic Appears to be at Height New With at Least 350 Cases Influenza is raging now in the; Naas River Valley, the epidemic appearing to be at its height, ac- , River, while heavy, were said this ! cording to word received at the of- mornlng to be under control. Herbert Doolan, Hubert Doolan and Solomon Doolan and Billy 200 cases there alone. On account: of the epidemic church services i have been cancelled there andj other public gatherings called off.! The letter from Kincolith also suggests that a shortage of supplies is developing there. The Kincolith correspondent says that -the .epidemic, which has been in progress there for the past two weeks, is the first there has .ever been at Kin colith. DEAD AT SIMPSON Hand of Grim Reaper Felt At Neighboring: Village Several Times This Month PORT SIMPSON, Feb. 23: The Grim Reaper has been a rather frequent visitor at Port Simpson dur- Ing the month of February, having removed a number of well known native residents. On February 6 Mrs. Charles M. Ryan passed away in the Port Simpson General Hospital. While out camping at Pearl Harbor Joshua Wells died pn February 8. A memorial service was held in the hall of the Port Simpson Ath letic Club of which deceased was a member. The Port Simpson Concept Band attended the service as well as the funeral on the following day. Members of the Port Simpson Athletic Club .acted as pallbearers. On Wednesday of last .week Miss Grace Ross, daughter of Mrs. Wil liam Ross, passed away ,a't0the Port Simpson, General Hospital,. Rev. R Love, pastor of the United Church, officiated at the funeral service and members of the Young People's Educatlqnal Association acted as pallbearers. Last Friday the death occurred of Miss Myrtle Ross, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Ross of :Port Simpson, after a brief illness with qulnzy. Deceased was a pupil at the Crosby Girls' Home In Port Simpson for .a number of years, later being transferred to Coqua- leetza Institute t Sardis where she took up domestic science. Prior to her death she was a member of the staff of the Port Simpson General .Hospital. The funeral was held Sunday from the United Church with Rev. J. R. Love and Rev. Dr. S. S. Osterhout, superintendent of missions, officiating. The Port Simpson Concert Band was In AUSSIES SPEND MILLIONS CANBERRA, , Feb. 23: (CP) The report of the Commonwealth Bank shows Christmas spending In Aus-: tralla necessitated release of $20,-000,000 in notes In three weeks. I Although the King sits while he Is annolnted and crowned as the Queen Consort kneels, After the ceremony the Queen makes an ob eisance to the King and takes her itlnnn nAtlrlA Vi1m M To Marry Thursday Jack Wrathall, second son of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Wrathall of this city, will leave on tomorrow eve ning's fain for Terrace, where his marriage to Miss Lorna Christy,, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Christy, will take place at the United Church on Thursday afternoon. Miss Viyian Wrathall, also leaving tomorrow .evening for Terrace, will be one of two bridesmaids, the pther to be Miss Lillian Christy, sister of the bride. Stanley Brooks of Terrace will .be groomsman. The bride and groom plan to return here on Thursday night's train and sail aboard the Prince Geqrgs that night for a hwieymoon trip (p Vancouver and other points in ,the .south, later taking up .residence here. MUST REVIVE COAL EXPORT j CARDIFF, Wales, Feb, 23: (CP) Everywhere in theblackest of black depressed areas the investigating commission told the coal export trade must be revived before conditions can improve. HON. COMMODORE AT 9 ficeoftheIndian' LIVERPOOL, Feb. 23: (CP) Is reported that there are some 350 j Lord Runciman, 89-year old ship-cases of the malady among the na- owner, has been appointed honor-tives, a letter received today from : arv commodore of the Royal Naval ; Lincom lert at noon Monday on j Kincolith stating that there are j volunteer Supplementary Reserve. ji.iis.ii iciuwi ku xvuicuiuu unci ' paying a brief visit tp :the city ow- Ins to the illness of the mother of Herbert and Hubert Doolan. R. E. Legg, who is leaving Surf Point where he has bsen superintendent of the mine which has been taken over by the .Reward Mining LAID OFF FROM WORK BY CONSTIPATION "For four years I suffered from constipation. I had gotten so weak I had to lay off from work.' My doctor told me to use Kelloggs All-Bran. Since then, my grocery list has never been complete without it." Mr. A.'W. Murphy (address on request). This delicious cereal will give you the same, sure relief. Laboratory tests prove it's safe. . Within the igdy, its "bulk" absorbs moisture, forms a soft mass, gently cleanses the intestines. All-Bran also furnishes vitamin B which tones the intestines, and iron for the blood. Just eat two tablespoonfuls daily. Serve as a cereal or cook into appetizing recipes. Isn't this natural food better than pills and drugs? When you're at the grocery store today, get a package of Jvellogg's All-Bran. Try it a week, and see if you don't feel worlds better. Made and guaranteed by Kellogg in London. A TrySalada Orange Pekoe Blend' "SALADa TEA FEBRUARY FURNITURE SALE continues 6 Chesterfield Suites 1 Chesterfield, in splendid condition 2 A Priced at v Bedroom Suites, Dinette Suites Kitchen Suites MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE Phone 775 Prince Rupert, B.C. Break that Cold , .MMSSISSIISSMSiBi. WS ! DOMINION C. B. Q. TABLETS- redJbox used the world over per box -The little 25c JIEXALL BRONCIIIAL SYRUP A safe-healing preparation for the relief of .bronchitis, .coughs and colds, guaranteed JZHp by Rexall; per bottle .' For the Children ORMES HOREIIOUND & HONEY With .white pine, wild cherry and eucalyptus. Pleasant to take and soothing for old and Qp young; per bottle Ormesltd. Ztfi Pioneer Drjut2fsts The Rexall Store Phones: 81 & 82 Open Daily From 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 ,noqn .till Z ji.m, ' 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. ELIO'S FURNITURE Beds all sizes Chesterfield Suite Baby Carriages Baby Crib, Baby Swings USED FURNITURE Dining Room Table and Chairs fi-Piccc Dinette Suite Arm Rockers, Girl's Bicycle Singer Sewing Machine 8-Tubc Battery Radio Kitchen Ranges Blankets Suit Case and Trunks Folding Mef al Bridge Table !- - set .. .. Linoleum Rugs Congoleum Rugs Printed Linoleum by the yartd ELIO'S TRADE IN OLD FURNITURE FOR NEW D. Elio Exchange Phone Green 421 ' Prince Rupert, B.C. Store Open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.