pRovirfcjAL vcToniA, ac Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides (8 A.M.) She High 0:46 a.m. 203 ft. prince Rupert Raining, northeast 12:45 p.m. 21.5 ft. wind, 10 miles per hour; barometer, Low 6:50 a.m. 5.6 ft. 29.46; sea moderate. 19:15 p.m. 2.5 ft. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER 6 Ivol. XXVI.. No. 45. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1937 rRlCE: S CENTS FIRE i Government to Manufacture and Export Of Canadian Munitions I Some Liberals Vote Against Coast Agian Include Prince Rupert OTTAWA. Feb. 23: (CP) Greater control of export of munitions from Canada and an munitions in government-owneu plants were iorecast in the House of Commons last night by Hon. Ian Mackenzie, minister of national defence, as a series of attacks on the increased defence program were defeated on standing REPORTS CONFLICT Hoth Sides Claim victories In Spanish Civil War Madrid Still Holds Out WITH THE INSURGENTS OUT- SIDE MADRID, Feb. 23: (CP) In-i urgents rammed fiercely up Jar- ma River In the heaviest fighting an recent months In Spain and were reported, to have seized about Ilour and a half miles of Madrid s Ivital Valenclan road. Insurgent of ficers declared that Oeneral Fran-: cisco Franco's men were rapidly closing the door between Madrid land the remainder of government-Iheld Spain. The Insurgent officers further reported that counter- attacks by Madrid defenders had been r!Dulscd. Meanwhile from within the city reported Oeneral Jose Malja, chief of Madrid's defence forces, as saying that government troops had advanced In the Jarama River sec tion despite Insurgent reinforce- Iments and were still holding the vital Madrid-Valencia' road. Today's Fighting Madrid's defenders loosed a ter rific bombardment in a sudden sweeping attempt today to blast the Insurgents from their closely drawn siege lines after reports hadj been received that the rebels, near! (Aragon, had cut nearly through to the sea at Valencia. Reports from hea'dquarters at to the northwest said that IOlJon government troops had renewed attacks on San Esteban de la and Crlsto de la Cadenas ICruccs on the outskirts of Overdo and had met with desperate insurgent resistance. Meanwhile from Valencia it was reported that insurgent air fleets had dropped lncendlarv bombs on the port in two separate raids but naa caused only slight damage. Fliers Unhurt By Experience Two Alaska v.i UJIVII ft VI VJ Eight Hours on Isolated Lake CORDOVA, Alaska. Frh. 23: (CP) - Pilot Dcrt Lien and Co-Pllot Her- 5 "-u parson arc none the worse for "'wr experience of having had to i-pwiu two days and two nights on 150iau lake near here while a f irM. fww n i-..- i- uioragc. They left Cordoya r ng and. despite a search by I coastR"ai-d vessels for them in ZVJZ . and snow' nothing. was ncm unt11 theV tumed "P Iw4 !Srdaafyely 10 the,r Wn pla"C DES TROYS Control I Administration in Scries Of increasing manufacture of votes. inirteen LiiDerais were iisieu among those voting against the government on one or another of the motions to reduce defence appropriations to last year's level. Two committees had been con? ducting studies to acquire Information as to possible utilization of Canadian Industries in case of em1-ergenby, Capt. Mackenzie said. He Indicated that an $895,000 vote for engineering services will go to the protection of the Pacific Coast, providing the first stage of Instal- latlon of gun emplacements, power houses and other necessary facill- ties near Esquimau, Victoria, Van couver, off Johnston Straits and jff. Prince Rupert. Thunder Bay Has Severe Blizzard One of Heaviest Snow and Wind Storms In Years in Western Ontario Region FORT WILLIAM, Ont., Feb. 23: One of the most severe blizzards In years was raging yesterday In the Thunder Bay district of Ontario. HANDLING SNOW HERE Has Cost $1100 to Keep Streets Clear This Winter No Occupied Buildings Isolated Since the beginning of this year it has cost the city of Prince Rupert about $1100 to plough, shovel and truck snow which has fallen on trie city streets, it was stated this morning by City Engineer F. N. Good. About half of this cost has been in labor. Mr. Good added that there was cinoio hulldlne or house In' town which could not be reached niMinnirh the roads to some In the "v-0" I nnf Ivinir tin rts mav be none too .mod on account of the heavy fall of snow. The only roaas which have been completely blocked have kppn F.ipvpnth Avenue between Hale's residence and Alfred Street, where nobody lives, and the ceme tery road. It was expected to nave the cemetery road open this after noon. i Speaking of the unusual snow conditions this winter, Mr. Good says that it would cost about $15,-000 to purchase complete snow handling equipment which hardly seems Justified, he believes, on account of the little use that would be made of It In normal winters. The snow Is disappearing rapidly with a mild wind and rain today. AMERICAN MARKETS CLOSED NEW YORK, Feb. 23:-U being Washington's birthday and a national holiday, all American financial and stock markets were closed yesterday. Enumeration Of Voters In Progress Now I 1 Under direction of Govern- ment Agent Norman A. Watt as registrar of voters, an enu- meratlon of provincial voters in Prince Rupert riding Is now In progress with J. A. Allan as deputy registrar and Robert Lahlff and Malcolm McLeod as his assistants. This is in line with the government's undertaking that there would be full opportunity for all vot- ers to get on the list before an election is held. 'There is also a good deal of activity In the appointment of election com- mlssloners throughout the province, Indicating increased interest in political matters as the time when an election may be expected approaches. 4 SINGS FOR BLACK AREAS LONDON, Feb. 23: (CP) With Sir Jullen Cahn paying expenses Chaliapln, the Russian basso, will sing in several English, Welsh and Scottish cities In aid of the digressed areas of Wales. QUEBEC PLANS GUARDING WORKER INVESTMENTS AT SESSION OF LEGISLATURE Program of House Opening Wednesday Includes Considerable Measures Dealing With Wages and Capital QUEBEC. Feb. 23: (CP) Legislation modelled on the European corporative plan and seeking closer relations: between "honest capital" and labor will be brought down at the session of the Quebec Legislature opening tomorrow. New measures will be based oil recommendations con-tainediin recent papal encyclicals and their aim will be to . Kassure the worker reasonable wage? STANLEY DALBY IS i NAMED MAGISTRATE VICTORIA, Feb. 23: (CP) Thomas Stanley Dalby of Telegraph Creek has been ap-. pointed a stipendiary magistrate for Prince Rupert County, it was announced here Monday. .Formerly of Prince Rupert, Mr. Dalby Is now government agent at Telegraph Creek. Today's Weather (Oovcnununl THcgraplis) Triple Island Overcast, raining; easterly wind, 8 miles per hour; light swell. Langara Island Sleet, easterly wind. 10 miles per hour; baro meter, 29.12. Dead Tree Point Raining, fresh southeast wind; barometer, 29.79. Victoria Cloudy, northerly wind. 8 miles per hour; Barometer, 29.90. Vancouver Cloudy, easterly wind, 8 miles per hour; barometer, 29.90. Prince George Snowing, calm; barometer, 29.88. Terrace Snowing, northeast wind, 30. Alyansh Snowing, calm, 31. Alice Arm Light snow, northeast wind. 32. Anyox Snowing, calm. 30. Stewart Snowing, calm, 30. Hazelton Snowing," calm, 28. Smlthers Light . snow, calm, mild." , DOUGLAS, ALASKA Late Telegraphs "STORK DERBY" VALID . TORONTO The Ontario Court of Appeal ruled the "Stork Derby" clause of Charles Vance .Millar's will valid but held in a judgment delivered at Osgoode Hall that illegitimate children of mothers claiming the $500,000 estate should not be counted. ASK MORE PAY CHICAGO Delegates of sixteen "non-operating" railway brotherhoods representing 800,-000 United States railway workers voted to ask for a wage increase of about twenty percent. ARERHART ACT OUT EDMONTON The Alberta Securities Interest Act, under which the Aberhart government reduced' interest on provincial bonds and guaranteed securities, was declared unconstitutional by Mr. Justice Ives of the Alberta Supreme Court today, it being the second major enactment of the Alberta tovernment to be outlawed within a week. Vancouver Wheat VANCOUVER, Feb. 23: (CP) i measures, Jonn m. lmne. man-Wheat' was quoted at $126"2 on aglng-dlrector of The Edmonton the Vancouver market yesterday. 1 Journal. toM the Rotary Club at Today's price dropped to $1.24V2. and the Investor a fair return on his capital, according to predictions' by Labor Minister William Tremblay. Premier Maurice Du-nlessls has announced intention of the government to "smother the trusts and combines" but has not. Indicated In detail the nature of legislation he will Introduce. The forthcoming session, first regular sitting of the House since Premier Duplessls and his Union Nationale party ended the reign of the 39-year old Liberal administration In Quebec in the general election August 17. 1938, Is expected to last two months. An emergency session was held last. October, but only extremely urgent legislation was dealt with. 4 Application Is expected to be made by Mayor J. E. Gregoire of Quebec City for wider authorization to municipalize electricity. He will be supported by. Dr. Phllllpe Hamcl, Union Nationale member i j of what he terms the "electricity s trust." Mayor Oregoire is also Union Nationale member for Montmagny. Reorganization of the Quebec Liquor Commission and the manner J of sale and distribution of liquor In Quebec will be considered at the session. Co-ordination of the prov - lnclal police, liquor commission police and roads department high- way traffic officers will also be the subject of proposed legislation. Social legislation to provide pensions for widowed mothers, based Ion similar legislation In Ontario, has been promised by Labor Minister Trembley and It Is expected he (Continued on Page Four) Town Opposite Juneau Virtually Razed by Conflagration, Message From Coastguard Ship Declares PROTEST AT GRIEVANCES John M. Imric of Edmonton Gives The Inside Dope on Social Credit as Seen by A Newspaperman ' Future Unknown Aberhart May Use Big Stick To Force Co-operation of People Of Alberta Province VICTORIA, Feb. 23: "Social Credit Is a protest against griev ances, some real and some fancied . . . The course of statesmanship is to go below ithe surface and find what the real grievances arc. and take the necessary remedial I"5 luncheon here in the course c-t an aaaress on wnat is nappen-tag " ' lit Alberta." ' " A Wlth-hlS4anaVyi VflhSbclal Credit scheme, 'Mr Imrie put forward a pattern for Canadian gov eminent based not on pure reason but on a tolerant understanding of the widely different views and need3 of the Dominion's various parts. Such a formula, he said, was still to be found. Saying that his address was a factual and historical picture rather, than a statement of hU personal views, he outlined the background of Social Credit as applied in Alberta, an analysis of tne legislation the Aberhart government had enacted and a glimpse into the future. The present Alberta system of government, he said, had no present in history or textbook. It va's a poMUcal, economic and so--lal expsiimernt not partaking of "ommunlm. Socialism or Fascism, but combining elements irawn from these three sources nnd some from otters.. Called So cial Credit, It was disowned b the founder of that movement and by the leader of the British Socia: Credit party. Only a Philosophy The Aberhart government war Elected seventeen months ago hrcugh a .combination of clrcum- t4nces the hedvy incidence of ftoe dMre?'lon in that province -oupled with drought and unem p'oyment. heightening the effect if factors already present such' a debts, higrh interest rates, high frclchfc rates arid tariffs as well &s .he feeling left by the Rogers tar. Iff Investigation, the Stevens com- mirslon and the McPherson an Brcwnlee cases and at the time of ts elecMon it had no plan, only a philosophy. Because oi mat net tne con- option of Sochi Credit in Alberta the enl?mai the unpredl.t. labl!lty aild to wjne cxtcjlt the , dantrcr of the system. j In the Alberta situation one is 'dealing net alone with fact and : statistics ... but with hhman emotions, aspirations, hopes and ; psychoses." said Mr. Imrte. In 1921 (the people of Alberts decided by n hrge majority to do away with Ihe old-line parties and swept the U.F.A.. a class party, Into power. In 1926 and 1930 they again confirmed that opinion. Aberhart, with his Bible Instt. tuto in Calgary, had been In a position to build up for his rellg-(Contlnued on Page Pouiri HAD POPULATION OF SIX HUNDRED PEOPLE AND WAS CONNECTED BY BRIDGE WITH CAPITAL STRONG SOUTHEAST WIND DERED FLAMES UNCONTROLLABLE. SEATTLE, Feb. 23: (CP) The United States coastguard cutter Tallapoosa wirelessed here today that fire broke out early in the day and virtually destroyed the city of Douglas, Alaska, as a strong southeast wind whipped the flames over the town. The cause of the fire is undetermined. Douglas is on the island of the same name opposite Juneau at the north end of Alexander Archipelago. It had a population of six hundred and had become somewhat of a residential annex to Juneau following the construction of a bridge not long ago to connect the two towns. Today's Stocks Counm a. u. jotuuum co.i Vancouver B. C. Nickel, .35. Big Missouri, .70. Bralorne, 8.55. B. R. X.. .11. . ' Cariboo Quartz, 1.60. -DentoniaT-,26 Y2r s w -Golconda, .23. Mlnto, .22. , Meridian. .05. Noble Five, ,15'4. Porter Idaho, .12 (ask). Pioneer, 5.75. Premier, 3.80. Reeves McDonald, 1.70. Reno, 1.18. Relief Arlington, .29. . Reward, .19. Salmon, .ll't. Taylor Bridge, .09. Wayside, .06. Hedley Amalgamated, .55. Premier Border, MV. Sllbak Premier, 3.70. Congress, .10. Silver Crest, .12. Home Gold, .04. Grandvlew. .24V2. Indian, .05. Quatslno Copper, .12 Vz. Quesnel Quartz, .16'. Oils A. P. Con., .80. Calmont. 1.40. C. & E., 5.00. Freehold, 32. Hargal. .34. McDougai-Segur, .56. Mercury, .63 v Merland, .28. Okalta. 3.25. Pacalta, .35. Ranchmens, .90. Toronto Beattie. 1.41. Central Pat., 4.60. God's Lake, .80. Lee Gold. .05. Little Long Lac, 7.20. McKenzie Red Lake,. 1.95. Pickle Crow. 8.00. Red Lake Gold Shore, 1.25. San Antonio, 2.05. Sherritt Gordon. 3.75. Smelter Gold, .08. McLeod Cockshutt, 2.11. Oklend, .40. Mosher, .29. ' GUbec. .05V2. Madsen Red Lake, 1.24. Stadacona, 1.65. Frontier Red Lake, .17. , Francoeur, 1.25. Manitoba St Eastern, .10 Vi. Moneta Porcupine, 1.72. Rubec, .14. Bailor. .07. Bankfleld, 1.29. East Malarttc. 1.79. Preston East Dome. 1.33. Hutchison Lake, .30. . Dawson White, .44. REN- IS AFRAID OFRUSSJA Japan Moderates Us Policy To-, wards China and Gives Attention to Soviet 'TOKYO, Feb.' ""23? (CP) The Japanese government, which Is reported to be ready to mend strained relations with China, turned its attention today to Russian armament in Siberia and told Parlia ment that that was the reason for increased military expenditure. General Suglyama, minister of war, told the House of Representa tives that Japanese forces were decidedly Inferior to those of the Soviet's Far Eastern army which he said now totalled fifteen divisions. The spokesman Indicated that the government had modified Chinese policy and was willing to shelve demands for simultaneous, settlement of all Sino-Japanese incidents and negotiate separate settlements for each. This modification policy In regard to China Is believed to be partly due to the I steadily growing strength of the Nanking central government. The government is putting on double police guards and taking other precautions against the possibility of demonstrations on the occasion of the anniversary of the armv revolt of February 26 last year. PIONEER IS DEAD A. J. Ruttimer of Balmoral Passes Away Early Today After Lengthy Illness Almon James Buttimer, veteran Skeena River canneryman, for 'some years manager of Balmoral on the Skeena River and in charge jof the property there since It clos-. ed down some years ago for canning purposes, passed away early this morning In the Prince Rupert General Hospital after a lengthy Illness. He was upwards of seventy years of age and a widower. Mrs. Carter of Port Esslngton is a daughter. Deceased was a member of Tslriipsean Lodge, A. F. & A. M., as well as. of Kaien Chapter, Royal Arch Masons; Kincolith Prcccp-tory. Knights Templar, and. of the Shrine. NEW YORK. CP)-Bar silver was unchanged at 443,ic per ounce on the New York ; metal market today, 1 K Ik J 3 I