LLM AAALAC WEATHER. hours ending 5 a.m.,, THE =| THE DAILY NEW Formerly jThe|Prince Rupert Optimist —— vA wa Bags 485 NEXT MAI Gc, For sout ‘s Prince Répeth,...F vy Prey Ma Princess May, YL. UU, NO. 260 [| i ————__. PRINCE Rupert, B.C., TUESDAY, NovemBeEr 14, 1911. N CHINESE WARSHIPS HO ST REBEL FLAG ON ITS MOUNTAIN SECTION eel is Due at Athabasca Landing This Week—Will be rhrough to the Coast by the Fall of 1913 graders on the main line of the Ca-| ill the supplies on on | Northen | North- vest of the Yellow} monton and on the the Canadian nadian railway west of Ed- Peace River taken in by way ind the North Thomp-| vork of moving sup-| in connec-| branch north of Onoway unable to do any work on account of | | frost being in the ground The will be Hrazeau line west of|°T¥St that forms on top of the grade/the tenders appeared on the|Place is following the course| night, although it may not be | ¢ouncil table there was one also|of history of every placer! the from the local Bi-weekly which} minin Bids were as hard as ever it can,” says he remarked. Frank Mobley, who has just/#g Six or ‘returned from a summer/4ollars into a 70e |Spent up there looking after|Want to see what I am get- | every Peace River line A. R. Mann, pres-| very thick, makes it hard for Northern Construction | horses to hau! the scraper and means 1 has the contract in| a greater wear and tear on the ma- 5 the Athabasca Land-/} chinery The Canadian Northern i ympleted this fall| determined to have the line to Atha- grade will be; basca finished this fall, and the rail tween Stony Creek| way company have given orders to sent head of steel,| the contractors to use dynamite if November 10. It| necessary to remove the frozen earth} month to lay the! on the grade There still consid ‘ e stretch of grade! erable work to be done on the and the north-| stretch of the lain line grade the main line of| twee s Albert and the Pembina thern railway will! river sugh to the coast/ west as Lac Ste more the) « ILL SEWER MENACE SANITARY CONDITIONS temporary outlet H Creek Trunk Sewer rom tide water does Ald. Morrissey as He declared at last City Solicitor Peters Says meeting that the so, So There’s No Doubt veek or BOTTLE LICENSES ARE BEAUTIFUL ted would in avery) of It become a source of —— City Engineer de- Some time ago as a special that so much/|courtesy the Mayor in his cupa- be the volume of | city as chairman of the License ; the sewer to that) Commission allowed the city several years_to| council to make a request to the be no/City Solicitor for a report the ingineer’s plans | two bottle licenses in this city vas finally approv- those of J A. Smith and Mr. Maynrrd, in view of the fac the application of Mr. for a bottle license had been re-} u ' fused. Mr. Peters reported the Handasyde, Jr., granting of the said licenses per- to the light com- fectly in order and repeated that letter last night/the refusal of Sutherland’s ap- should purchase plication was equally so No alorimeter for test-| discussion was permitted. re would on Sutherland Test City Coal ilues at the light ildren’s ‘*Monarch and Chi Wallace's Ladies Knit’’ Sweaters HIRT Y-FIVE RE SNOWBOUND NO INQUEST Whole Blame of Fatality at Mile 44 Rests With the Dead Man C. Berger Party of Surveyors anc |imber Cruisers May be 5 uffering Privations. : — There will be no inquest on the ra Week now noth-| pody of Charles Berger who was en heard of a par-| instantly killed by the explosion it 85 surveyors and | yesterday at Mile 44, He was uisers which was) clearing out the shot hole with if if 31) stalin and as he was himse Hue at Mill Bay on the Naas| metal rod, and as he | mi ' in charge of the work no biame launch sent up to back, The party snowbound and| : ‘tof isi ; Councilmen ort of provisions by John Scorns C (he party has ~been| . ‘o> On What might k for Chief Kelly| the letters stand for’ Jeon idsto make a search scorns councilmen, was oe men unless they ar-|bright reply from a young he Cetriana on her|member of the Baptist rip. Brotherhood in the guessing BAND sriperpin contest at their social last SUBSCRIPTION evening in Melntyre Hall. Financ ; Amid games, music and the refreshments which follow- ed every one had a most en- The commit- arge lattaches to anyone else retur Committee Will Con ‘der Suggestion of $500 Contribution. The Fin; : : | joyable time. the (ir, wtnee Committee of tee were C. Rogers, L. Han- “Y Vouneil will consid-| son, A. Gray, G. Johnson, R. Green. ‘“ request for $500 to- B establishing a City ee Ward and im CY ft} | Aviation Caps—Wallace’s follows: CITY PRINTING PAP. ! bid- Local Dailies for Daily Advertising of Local Improvement Schedule-- Peculiar Business The Prince Rupert Journal was last night awarded the con- tract for advertising the local Improvement Schedules to be published by the City according have been|to law in a local paper issued | daily. The two local daily pap- ers were asked to bid, but when gets the work. Prince Rupert Publishing Co., for the first con- tract, per line For the Second contract per line 70c Empire Publishing Co., | NR. IS RUSHING WORK "7%". “ATLIN’S GLORY DEPARTIN | Business. | Over the once busy placer Which is now complete and gold camp of Atlin the word Waiting for superstructure, may well be writ-) Frank Mobley remarked that ten for the glory of old time he had ordered construction |Atlin is departed. | “‘Techabod” his Yet that business of Mr.| Who have to live in the costlier “juice-producer’’ than Mobley’s has not yet started | house. business. |Once Thriving Placer Gold | Till Spring. | Centre is Rapidly Falling Off in Population and idence on Fourth Ave., the “The g camp—going back as|ing to go on in my absence,” | tled down yet. COUNCIL STILL UNDECIDED — OVER THE COAL CONTRACT Manager Love Says the Cheaper Coal is the Dearer and in the Interests of Economy Wants Dearer Coal Although the City Council|by the Superintendent. These wrangled for nearly an hour over | Calculations on the motion of the awarding of the contract for Srila oe eee the Light Plant Coal, and even toy ‘ir. ueasat neede aiuaiatiaat Gat council before anything further ean be done. Meanwhile Mr. Kelly is fulfilling his coal con- tract. MOBLEY RESIDENCE Work Will Not ‘Proceed on This Handsome Building = | | | | Talking about his new re- ‘solid conerete foundation of | held a special meeting after the to cease when he went away | aidermen had gone to the wharf to Atlin this summer, —=—_jand examined the coal, the situ- “I didn’t want the build-|ation has not by any means set- “If lam put-|} The contract has been awarded | : seven thousand |(verbally) to the Union Transfer | Bid Par Value building [ | Company whose bid of $8.15 per Messrs. Lynch Bros. and : long ton was lowest, but accord-|Olier Besner made offer to |ing to the report of E. A. Love, Council last night of par Plant Manager Kelley’s coal is a value for the issue of deben- Now that the wint-/ that supplied by Rogers & Black. [tures ~ en the cost of the [| He said it would cost 16 1-2c p. | proposed sidewalk on Second ting, especially since it is I weather has | Time, the Place and the Girl” contract number one, to go back with the district) TY set in, per line 9¢ - | for Mr. Mobley in summing | £Uess I’ll leave the house to Contract number two, 4 | up the accounts of the firm) be finished in March when there for the past season|! can rush it to completion found that some $60,000|2Nd keep an eye on the worth of business had been building. Meanwhile the done there—‘‘Not so bad for Concrete basement is having a little pea-nut stand,” as he|# Pretty thorough test, and | remarked. | proving itself the first class Next year, however, the/Dit of work I intended it to ‘chances are that unless some- | Pe-” | thing happens in Atlin Frank | Mobley’s business will be) :close down to enable him to| +, iconecentrate on Prince |Gtowart geow at ithe is Rupert indivending he pont Rae fae = Snes - © |\choose between a jump into as fast as Atlin is decaying, 67 1-2c Journal, one, 70¢ per line Rupert number Prince contract per line Contract number two, per line. ..50e China's Black Outlook Peking, Nov. 14—Intervention the European Powers is being Famine is threaten- people of China this by talked of, ing the winter. Broke His Leg While unloading Warships Joins Rebel Shanghai, Nov. 14—Thirteen Chinese Warships have hoisted the white ensign of the rebel for Pri R i ithe sea or a blow from a ‘aval or Prince . na Latieies : movement, it cae a oi nth of Ow inging load of lumber. He Be lity ends o pecan, ; iy cepends on the weaith of| chose the latter and and lies Ottawa, Nov. 14—A. S. Good-' whole tracts of country, not in the hospital with a broken eve has been appointed assistant | the mining, however rich, of | chief Conservative whip. la mere districix leg. ph cae Was a Fine Show MISSING MAN | Choicest liquors and cigars at The perfmorance of ‘‘The eae | the Savoy Wife Seeks H. Harman) Once Foreman For Foley Welch & Stewart Mr. Mann was last night ap- {pointed to the city engineers |staff as extra stenographer and rod-man at a salary of $80 month at the Empress last night was one of the best shows ever put on in Rupert. To- night it is ‘‘The Follies of 1911.” From Dover, England, through the Agent General for British Pe ea ah ee Columbia enquiry comes to Chief Owen for H. Harman who was M jonce foreman for Messrs. Foley, |, Welch & Stewart, here, but left |in December, 1909, for Vancouy- ler. He was last-heard of there ‘in February, 1910. Any news of |him is welcomed. Lay Out Cemetery It was reported last night that r. F. S. Clements is engaged to {lay out the cemetery lots as Chief Kelly is Hurt Chief Kelly has come in from Moresby Island with a poisoned foot. He came in the schooner Princess Vic- toria for treatment. ANOTHER CANADIAN: WHO “MADE GOOD” IN THE BRITISH HOUSE OF COMMON Sir Thos. J. Macnamara, Secretary to the Admiralty, a Soldier's Son, Ex-Schoolmaster and Ex-Editor Who Has Risen to the Top of the Political Ladder in England. lines is completed. Another shipment Northway's Ladies’ | Suits, $25 to $35—Wallace’s. stood for Deptford—which he lost |} in 1895, and more successfully for | Camberwell North in 1900, he had | the thousands of Lon- the recent recipients of} edited the “‘Schoolmaster,’’ the organ | Coronation honors was Sir Thos, J,| of the union When Dr, Macnamara Macnamara, Bart, parliamentary sec- Among support o! retary to the Admiralty, who first} saw the light in Montreal in 1861,| | don's teachers In parliamentary but only remained there long enough| | life he suon displayed the fact that | he was not a man of one idea only, }and his knowledge of social condi- | tions fitted him for the parliament- | ary secretaryship of the Local Govy- | ernment With the re-shul- | fling of the cards last elections, Dr Admii- away with him Canadian in- and first impressions, for his father, Who was in the old 47th Reg- iment (now Loyal North Lancashire) returned to the.old country when the was two years old, to carry stinct Board Macnamara was sent to the Macnamara, after being educated . aity at Exeter, went to a teachers’ train- ‘John’ Detained The ss. Prince John which college in London, and taught in Bristol and Huddersfield, an elementary schoo! teach ink school He wa é ae o . er. and threw himself with great en- was to have sailed for Van- rey into the forward policy out- couver last night is detained lined by the National Union of waiting the arrival of the eachers, Which today represents 60,- 000 primary school teachers, Of this body, he was resident in 1896 Journalism called ‘‘Mac’’ from the schoolroom, and tor several years he Prince Albert, which is de- layed by stress of weather. -SIR THOS. MACNAMARA Meet me at the Savoy. |soon as his work on the township §- k.w. hr. at the plant. Juice is) Avenue to the junction. supplied at 12 1-2c p.k.w. in the city. These figures were sub-| warm Bed Coverings—all stantiated by calculations noted | Wallace’s. ALDERMEN MUZZLED BY MAYOR'S BY-LAW A little billet-doux from|vexatiously to the mayor: the Mayor to each alderman | Well, Mr. Mayor, it just \reminding council members|means that I must remain kinds— lumber | of the provisions of the Pro-|silent from now to the end om the Foley, Welch and cedure By-law against im-|of the session if you enforce tie promptu enquiries, was laid/this closure upon the right on the table last night when| of free discussions of ques- the council sat. | tions. Ald. Newton protested the | Later, when Ald. Douglas enforcement of theclause re-| began to expostulate over quiring enquiries to be given the City solicitor’s report on in in writing two days ahead | the bottle licences, Ald. New- of the council meeting un-/ton reminded the redoubt- able Douglas with savage emphasis that it wasno good ‘attempting to open discus- sion on the matter. Later on Ald. duly restricted liberty of in- vestigation. The Mayor, however, maintained that the council ‘ought to be home and in bed | Newton before 12 p.m. these cold|@8ked the Mayor to excuse nights. He closed own him from public attendance sharply on Ald. Douglas jat Council. The Mayor re- Sho. sven : to sane ’\gretted he could not give who was about to ask a/any such permission. question, | eae Ald. Newton remarked | Tom and Jerry at the Savoy. | THE FATAL INSTANT Rapid Progress Now Being | Made With Building | The new fire hall begins now to take more snbstantial | proportions. A roomy tower for storing the hose and as belfry is being roofed and the hall for the housing of the ‘‘Red Devil” is being ‘warmly lined. The present housing for the auto hose waggon is bitterly cold in |spite of stoves this weather, ‘and this is neither good for ‘man nor machine. | In the basement of the ‘Fire Hall the spacious ac- ‘commodation for the City 'tools, and the machinery for ‘the Public Works Depart- ment is making fast pro- gress, and may be complete ‘and ready for occupation be- ‘fore the rest of the fire hall. NEW FIRE HALL Dead Man’s Watch Gives Exact Moment of Mile 44 Explosion. At exactly twenty - five ‘minutes and forty-seven se- iconds past ten yesterday morning by his own watch, Berger was blown into eter- nity by the explosion of dy- inamite at Mile 44. ~ Chief | Owen of the Provincial* Pol- lice has the watch which is ‘battered by the force of the ‘blast, Geo. Mackenzie Appointed George Mackenzie was ap- pointed Second Engireer at the Electric Light Plant last night. Mr. Mackenzie is an old-timer, a property nolder and married man with fam- ily in Rupert, as well as be- ing the engineer who erect- ed the plant. | The fureral of the late Ludger | Roy will take | 10 a.m. from the Catholic church. place tomorrow at : Mrs. D. C, McRae will not re- ceive Lefore the third Friday in Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners, Phone 4, | January. A eg i at ET ape es Spe eee gmemmsnges Shisha rapicl . simatic abet mk