PACIE TWO MEN! We Specially Recommend You to HARTT SHOES If it be Street or Dress Oxfords or Adjus-Arch Boots there is no finer shoe made in Canada. With our expert foot fitting service we can guarantee the maximum in comfort, style and wear fli? OCJ Priced from, per pair pUCPtF We are agents for Penman's Hosiery "Musco," the Wonder Corn Cure Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. fltlNCE KUPEKT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avsnue II. P. PULL EN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION KATES City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid in advat.ce $5.0U For lesser periods, paid in advance, per week .10 DAILY EDITION Wednesday, June 16, 1937 EMPLOYMENT OF GIRLS Several cases have been reported to us during the past few days where local girls have been unable to secure employment while it is claimed that married women who do not need the money are holding the positions. It is a difficult condition. The girls have undergone the expense and work of training for positions which do not exist. On the other hand there are married women who have technical training which it takes in some cases years to acquire and the employers say they cannot afford to train the young people. We draw this to the earnest consideration of the people of the city. Those who can give these girls employment are asked to do so but it is very difficult for an outsider to decide who should work and why. There are often good reasons for the employment of certain people of which the public know nothing and cannot know. Evidently too many girls have taken up stenography as a possible means of livelihood. In most offices there is much more than stenography to be learned. Some girls would never make salesladies. They do not know how to meet the pub lic and cannot learn. To others it comes natural. DIFFERENT TRENDS People have different trends of thought. Some are al ways delving into the past and do not consider a person educated unless well posted in history. Others are always thinking of the future and would try all kinds of nostrums on the people with a view to improving the race. There are also the religious people who are anxious to save their own and other people's souls. There are the intensely selfish people who live for making money or for satisfying their own desires. As opposed to all these are the intensely unselfish people who allow others to impose upon their good nature. There are many people who think more of a dog or cat than they do of a human and there are the types who are cruel to both animals and men. All these types we try to fit into the same mesh in a community. It is the work of the world to fit them together and try to vuciw imu a ouiueiuiiig wiiicii we can mouern civiu zation. No matter what the system under which the country is governed we cannot make much progress until we elimi nate the selfishness and cruelty from the race or suppress it sufficiently to prevent it being objectionable. Also we have to eliminate intolerance. Probably intolerance is the worst foe to democracy. It arises from prejudice and is'largely a mental condition. It is found everywhere in all classes of society, high and low, rich and poor, young and old. Happily for us, people are daily taking lessons in tolerance and, as a result, the world is improving. UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T&&. CATALA KVERY TUESDAY, 1:30 Ml Due Vancouver, Thursday p.m. T.S.S. CAR DEN A FRIDAY, 10:30 PH. ' Due Vacsouver, Monday &sn. If convenient please purchase tickets at fflcc. Further Information regarding reservations and tickets from A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone 868 THE DAILY NEWS Wednesday, junc le 1837 CUBS MOVE 'Model Yachts To New INTO LEAD York Giants Toppled From Supremacy In National League CHICAGO, June 16: (CP) Chicago Cubs, by winning a close live to four decision over the Boston Bees at Wrigley Field here yesterday, moved Into the leadership of the National League with a half game margin over the New York Giants who were toppled from the supremacy by losing seven to five to the Pittsburg Pirates. In the American League the New York Yankees stayed on top by blanking the Cleveland Indians three to nil at Yankee Stadium. The Detroit Tigers bested the Washington Senators at the National Capital and moved Into second place ahead of the Chicago White Sox who were defeated by the Red Sox at Boston five to one. Yesterday's Big League scores: National League New York 5, Pittsburg 7. Brooklyn 3, Cincinnati 4. Boston 4, Chicago 5. Philadelphia 4, St. Louis 13. American League Cleveland 0, New York 3. Chicago 1, Boston 5. St. Louis 5, Philadelphia 1. Detroit 9, Washington 8 f 15 ins.) Baseball Standings (Including yesterday's games) National League W. L. Chicago 31 19 New York 31 20 St. Louis 27 20 Pittsburg 27 21 Brooklyn 21 25 Boston 20 28 Philadelphia 19 30 Cincinnati 18 31 American League New York 29 18 Detroit 30 20 Chicago ...........28 20 Cleveland 26 20 Boston 20 22 Washington 20 29 Philadelphia 18 28 St. Louis .16 30 Pet. .620 .608 .574 .563 .457 .417 2Sb .367 .61'. .600 .583 .565 .474 .40 .391 .348 Swimming Club Is Making Plans Further Improvements at Salt Lake This Season Are Being Contemplated At an executive meeting of the Prince Rupert Swimming Club last night, it was decided, providing uf finances are aillable, to instal three new diving board' ind make general repairs at the Salt Lake. Last year the club car led out extensive Improvements at ,, ..... 1 1 1 ne ijune uiciuamg nuuamg or a new dressing room, repairing of the uvmg tower and floats, cleaninz "ut of the lake and improvement of he children's beach. Orme Stuart he president, was in the chair at 'ast night's meeting. WAS LATE FOR GOLF SANDWICH, Eng., June 16: (CP) -Calgary-born Brlg.-Gen. A. C. Crltchley was scratched from the amateur golf championship here when he arrived two hours late. despite speedboat and plane travel liter docking from New York. LEEDS, Eng., June 16: (CP) Miss Rhoda Wright. 20, broke a 30-vear bicycle record when she pedalled from Leeds to Bridlington in three hours, 22 minutes, averaging nearly 20 miles an hour. PLYMOUTH, Eng., Jpune 16: (CP) Lester Stoefen, United States lawn tennis player with the touring Perry-Vines troupe, said he had made $100,000 "quite easily"' as a professional in two years. He Ls 26 years old. Compete Shortly Plans,Are Already Being Made For Annual Race For Prince j George's Cup Preliminary plans are being made for the holding some Sunday this summer of the annual model yacht race for the Prince George's Cup as well as other trophies. Al ready considerable interest is be- j ing taken, particularly since a number of new and. likely looking boats have made their appearance since last year. j SPORT CHAT Creighton Lowther, Carl and Frank Ripley, the Maritime provinces' most powerful forward line in junior hockey who played major roles with Amherst St. Pats during the past two seasons, are being sought by amateur moguls in Baltimore for the coming year. Gordon Drillon, Moncton, N.B., rookie who made an outstanding showing with the Toronto Maple Leafs of the National Hackey League last season, contacted the three Nova Scotlans for the United States team. Members of the team which fought its way to the semifinal round of the Canadian play-downs last spring, the three youths said they would give the matter further consideration before making a decision. Jamaica marksmen will return to Bisley this year after being out of :ompetition in the rifle rivalry for nearly 30 years. Two kings have oeen crowned since riflemen from this British island looked through their sights at Bisley in 1908, and assurance was given by a commit tee organizing the expedition to England that a capable team j would represent the colony in the :hoot this coronation year. The ;eam will sail for the Old Country lext month to participate in the ;hoot, which will occupy ten days from July 7 to july 17., Success attained by'TrlhliJad at-Bisley In re lent years has served to emphasize j the absence of Jamaica, it was! said, and the Coronation Bisley! Team Committee will make every effort to have a team that would rival the other West Indian colony n rifle efficiency. CHANNEL TOO COLD DUNKIRK, June 16: (CP) First swimmer this year to tackle the cngnsn channel, Fritz Werner of. Danzig was dragged out after 6V2 hours. Returning here starting ! point ne said the water was too cold. 6,300,000 Wise Decisions CANADIANS today own more than 6,300,000 Life Insurance policies . . . and each policy represents a wise decision on the part of some individual to "Save and Be Safe with Life Insurance". YOU are probably one of these thrifty, far-sighted Canadians. If so, your savings have helped to build up a combined Life . (Insurance estate of more than Six Billion ,i Dollars a great bulwark of financial protection against the uncertainties of the future. Each day, men and women from every walk in life entrust their little savings to Life Insurance. Each day, men and women from every walk in life receive Five Hundred Thousand Dollars from Life Insurance savings. Thus Life Insurance provides countless families with food, clothing, shelter and other necessities gives children a better start in life and assures men and women financial security in their old age. Such widespread. benefits of Life Insurance are the direct result of 6,300,000 wise decisions. LiiFE. Insurance. DE LUXE ICE CREAM The cream supreme, manufactured by Commodore Cafe fresh daily Ice Cream is Brain Food It also has all the nutritive values Why not treat your family and your friends to a gallon? Only $1.-15 Cheaper still in five gallon lots We pack It in ice and deliver it to your door all day up to 0 p m. You can use it at your convenience. Use it for your bridge party or any social .event. Don't forget only $1.15 per gallon Quart cylinders (0c Quart bricks 75c Pint cylinders 3()c Pint bricks -10c Surprise the folks today, call and take some home COMMODORE CAFE Phone 17 Don't forget our Special Sunday Chicken Dinner, with all the trimmings, 50c only. Treat your wife and family to a Sunday dinner these hot days. GUARDIAN iOFkC AN ADI AN The Central Hotel KOO.MS and CAFE Phone 51 For Dest Household Coal AIRS. C. E. IILACK 4lF HOMES Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DA1KY PHONE 637 They're Striking ! You'll be able to get in on the fun and bring 'cm in with our tested lures and tackle. Come on in and let us plan that fishing trip! LINES 15c to $5.95 RODS 85c to $14.50 REELS 25c to $4.95 KAIEN HARDWARE CO. Telephone 3