PAGE FOUR Silent Barriers -Canadian Epic Have YOU a PIANO? A piano, to be kept in good condition 50 that it will please the musician and do Justice to the student, requires the attention of a piano tuner at least twice a year. For good tunine call George C. Walker Member Piano Tuners and Technlc'nns Association of British Columbia Phone Blue 389 212 4th St. THE SEAL ' QUALITY "totoci-r-'j GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Fines! Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll in Prince Rupert Hyde Transfer Phone 580 DRY WOOD JASPER COAL Furniture Moving Light Delivery 315 SECOND AVE. LEGION IS VICTORIOUS Defeated Navy by Score of Two To One in Football Last Evening The largest soccer crowd of the reason was on hand at the Acropolis Hill grounds despite showers ast night to see Canadian Legion defeat Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve two goals to one m the Gilhuly Cup series. As a re- ult of the victory the veterans went ahead in the standing for he season's second trophy. It was a keenly fought match and either team might have won, jlay being quite evenly divided. Within half a minute of the start. Henry Dickens opened the coring for the Legion. About half l minute before the half time whistle. Jim Bryant equalized for the Navy. Sonny Dickens scored the win-ilng goal for the Legion in the second half. At the opening of the game after :ne teams had taken their positions on the field, Referee George Dawes called for a one-minute silence in honor of the memory of the late . u. Macdonald who for many 'ears was identified In a promln- p,,onc 18 v. o. Box 575 VHJSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE Quality Groceries Low Prices Courteous Service Prompt Delivery Joat and out of town orders receive careful attention COAL TO PLEASE EVERYBODY Satisfaction Guaranteed FAMOUS EDSON ALBEKTA COAL nULKLEY VALLEY COAL VANCOUVER ISLAND COAL PRINCE RUPERT FEED COMPANY PnONE: 58 and 558 ;i Depicting one of the most important chapters in Canada's romantic early history, "Silent Barriers," film epic of tue construction of the Canadian Pacific Railway through the Rocky Mountains, had its world premirre under the patronage of Her Majesty the Queen Mother 'and Mrs. Stanley Baldwin in London. England, recently, and its Canadian premiere in Montreal. The picture is based on Alan Sullivan's book, "The Great Divide," and recalls the tremendous struggle waged against nature by the giants of pioneer railroading in Canada. The picture was made in the Canadian Rockies last summer. This Gaumont British production includes such stars as Richard Arlen, Barry MacKay, Antoinette CelLer, Lllll Palmer and J. Farrell MacDonald, who relive, the lives of pioneers who didn't know the meaning of the word "quit." The layout shows a scene from the picture, the arrival of a train at Moodyville. Inset Lilli Palmer, one of the beautiful stars of the picture. s j PLANS NEW ROYAL j ROAD TO ROMANCE ! CALGARV. June 16: (CP) Richard Halliburton, the youns man who among other things swam the Hellespont and bttast stroked down the Panama Canal a5 the "S.S. Richard Halliburton," hopes to be the first to sail the Pacific Ocean in a Chinese junk from Shanghai to San Francisco, he told an interviewer here. He plans to start this new adventure in June 1938. STEED UP CRICKET I NFW ROVAT I HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprltor -A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 OLD TRAFFORD, Eng., June 16: (CP) Asked by officials to "snap up" play. Lancashire, sometimes accused of dull batting; in Enellsh county cricket games, compiled 358 1 runs for six wickets against War-j wickshire. ent way with the football sport in Wince Rupert. The Gilhuly Cup standing toj date is as follows: j W. D. L. F. A. P.' Legion 2 0 0 5 3 4 Vandinks l o 1 4 3 2 Navy .0 0 2 1 4 0 Vienil These are example). l UK'I UUN Hires from many It. V.. roiilrc. To ilp.llna-tlons east of Winnipeg fnres liClill lower from interior poinln. Your ticket allows stopoters en route! Canadian National is the "Jasper Piirk" route. See this largest of Canada's mountain playground as you trutel rast. It eoMs no more! MUe a ehauge You ran sail 313 miles down the Creal Ules from Port Arthur to Old Ontario for approiinintrly f) more, meals and l.rrlh on steamer Included! Through sleeping ears to St. ' f ou go (o the U.S. Midwest. Oiick connections there wllh the new, last trains for Chicago and Kast. THE DAILY NEWS Wednesday. June u WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront C. N. It. steamer Prince Charles, Capt. James Watt, is now operating nn summer schedule between here and Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte Islands and is expected in port Thursday morning. She is scheduled to sail at 10 o'clock Saturday night on her return south over the same route. ! I The provincial police boat P. M. L. 8 made a trip yesterday to Port Essington having on board Ser- geant J. H. McClinton and Constable R. G. Johnstone. The latter recently arrived from Vancouver to be stationed at Essington for the summer. Making her first voyage of the season on the Alaska route, C. N. R. steamer Prince Rupert, Capt. Neil McLean, arrived in port at 9:45 this morning from Vancouver, Powell River and Ocear. Falls with a large list of tourist j passengers and sails at 1 p.m. for Skagway and other northern points whence she is due back here next ! Monday southbound. The capacity list of passengers on the Prince Rupert included a San Francisco I group of over fifty persons making tne round trip under leadership of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Langheldt. Kay, Militr, dependable starling. Heavy duty, tloulile disc clutches. Priced rijjlil itold right cem'ced right. Hotel Arrivals Central G. II. Mogden and Anden Mag-nusson, city; W. II. Crossweller, Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. C. Foster and J. Schultzik, C.N.R.; II. Clos-ter, Billmor; Bud Lambert, Edmonton. Prince - Kupcrt T. A. Wood, W. F. Ironside and G. O. Stratton, Vancouver; G. Woodall, C.N.R.; Mrs. M. E. Clark, Terrace. Iloru 1 Lionel Mitchell, O. Wagner, L Mitchell, E. Mitchell, W. L. Wash burn and J. B. Tinglcy, city; B. J. Kohne, Terrace; J. D. Rand, Wll Ham Alexander, Jack A. Tall and F. E. Hamilton, Vancouver; Mrs, Mary E. Hass. Glendale, Cal. Savoy A. F. Priestley, Vancouver; D Cronin and S. Manner, Billmor; John Barker. Smithers; Lee Adler and Fred Fulton, Hazelton; II. Sll verthorn, Houston. LIONS CONVENTION MOOSE JAW. Sask., June 16: (CP) The Fifth District Lions International convention opens here today for three days. It is expected nearly 400 Lions from all parts of the Fifth District, comprising Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Minnesota j and North and South Dakota will ' attend. "INTERNATIONAL" DIESEL INCREASES THE PAY-LOAD If your job in lumbering, mining, grading, farming, or any type of heavy hauling, the new IitiernHlional I)ieel Tractor, proven product of tlierM-orlri's largest tractor builder, will give you a greater pay-load per unit cost. One-pSeee mala frant. FIe-pd Irani mission. Positive acting iteer-ing brakes. lor complete information and literature nn traetori tatcmill machinery, hohtlng machinery, pump,. ' compretsort, etc., icrite direct to B. C. EQUIPMENT CO. LTD. 551 Howe Street Vancouver, 4.C. V " k. ON SALE NOW to OCTOBER 15 , . Coach I'otirht I Destination imosth month j CTUIIN LIMIT StTUDS L MIT , VIniilH-g tT.15 $."!. 8.1 MiniirnHilis HI. (Ml 57. 60 Saint Paul i.(K) 57.60 Chicago 57.33 M.BO Toronto 73.73 92.13 Ottawa JH.10 92.33 Montreal 87.73 96.35 Quclwc 93.10 106.70 Saint John 103.73 121.30 Halifax 109.03 131.15 Hoslnti 93.73 117.05 New York 89.7.3 119.30 OctroiuiaChirugo M.75 05.90 DelrolMlaTornnlo 73.73 . 92.13 OCT0ICII1 $62.70 72.00 72.00 86.00 108.20 112.15 117.00 .121.53 138.35 ItS.iO 137.50 131.50 102.10 ln. Jo PRINCE RUPERT - VANCOUVER - JASPER The Triangle Tout $37.65 From Any Point on the Triangle. For Information Call or Write: fJJTY TICKET OFFICE 528 3rd Ave. Prince Rupert, B.C. 1931 ilk v MHffli nmu wmmw?'s m l.NjT -tW & Of Tl VfVVaaLVHaMSHafl lilH Filmed at Revejstoke SPECIAL ADDED ATTRACTION Beautifully Done in Technicolor! "The Romance of Robert Hurns" A 16-mlnute story of Scotland's famous poet Also Latest News and Cartoon SPECIAL 4-DAY ENGAGEMENT TONIGHT, THURSDAY, I KID AY & SATURDAY I -J I I 2nd Show at 9 p.m. Book r -It I 'It Jil'l New s Inlcrcstiiiff books that you should read, recently added to our popular rental library. Join now only 75c for a month of the latest good reading. New books are being added every week. "The Late George Apley" Marquard "Together and Apart" Kennedy "Fire Over England" Mason "Heather of the High Hand" ....Stringer "In the Lives of Men" Hart "With the West in Her Eyes" . . . .Strange "Return to Malaya" Loekhart "We Are Not Alone" .' .Hilton "Thunder Dragon Gate" ........ . .Mundy "The White Crow" .Macdonald "The Affair at Flower Acres" Wells "The Dance Goes On" ..... .V. . : . .Golding "Honor Bright" Keyes "Bread and Wine" Silone "Honeyball Farm" Dell "By Night at Dinsmore" ..... Esteven "Graham of Claverhouse" ..... Dodge There is always a -good book for you in our Library Come in MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE Klrsch Atavlo SetColor Old Copper, Poly. ' and Tangier; price, set Swing Cranes For Archway and Window Price, set 200 Curtain Rods Extend 48 Inches,. CULll " k. .., Phone 775 $1.35 $1.75 15c